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Created January 5, 2025 04:45
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from itertools import combinations
from collections import namedtuple
Card = namedtuple("Card", ["color", "shape", "shade", "number"])
cards = [
Card("red", "diamond", "hollow", 1),
Card("green", "squiggle", "solid", 3),
Card("red", "oval", "striped", 3),
Card("red", "oval", "hollow", 2),
Card("purple", "oval", "hollow", 1),
Card("purple", "diamond", "solid", 1),
Card("purple", "squiggle", "solid", 3),
Card("red", "diamond", "solid", 3),
Card("green", "oval", "hollow", 3),
Card("red", "diamond", "hollow", 2),
Card("green", "oval", "striped", 3),
Card("red", "oval", "hollow", 1),
match = None
for potential in combinations(cards, 3):
if len(set(card.color for card in potential)) in (1, 3) and \
len(set(card.shape for card in potential)) in (1, 3) and \
len(set(card.shade for card in potential)) in (1, 3) and \
len(set(card.number for card in potential)) in (1, 3):
match = potential
if not match:
print("No set found")
print("Set found: ")
for card in match:
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