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Last active February 3, 2025 23:59
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Ant's pedantic Python Copilot instructions

Python Rules

  • Where possible, prefer duck-typing tests than isinstance, e.g. hasattr(x, attr) not isinstance(x, SpecificClass)
  • Use modern Python 3.9+ syntax
  • Prefer f-strings for formatting strings rather than .format or % formatting
  • When creating log statements, never use runtime string formatting. Use the extra argument and % placeholders in the log message
  • When generating union types, use the union operator, | , not the typing.Union type
  • When merging dictionaries, use the union operator
  • When writing type hints for standard generics like dict, list, tuple, use the PEP-585 spec, not typing.Dict, typing.List, etc.
  • Use type annotations in function and method signatures, unless the rest of the code base does not have type signatures
  • Do not add inline type annotations for local variables when they are declared and assigned in the same statement.
  • Prefer pathlib over os.path for operations like path joining
  • When using open() in text-mode, explicitly set encoding to utf-8
  • Prefer argparse over optparse
  • Use the builtin methods in the itertools module for common tasks on iterables rather than creating code to achieve the same result
  • When creating dummy data, don't use "Foo" and "Bar", be more creative
  • When creating dummy data in strings like names don't just create English data, create data in a range of languages like English, Spanish, Mandarin, and Hindi
  • When asked to create a function, class, or other piece of standalone code, don't append example calls unless otherwise told to
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