tmux new -s <name> create a new session with <name>
tmux attach -s <name> attach to a session with <name>
ctrl + a = prefix key
prefix | = split window vertically
prefix _ = split window horizontally
prefix [ = select previous pane
prefix ] = select next pane
v = select
y = copy (yank)
c = change
d = delete
a = around
i = inside
w = word
p = paragraph
s = sentence
q = quotes
b = brackets
i = indentation level
W = white space
vaq = select around a current word
yiW = copy between last and next white space
ciq = change inside quotes
dii = delete inside indentation
f<char> = find next character, stop on it
t<char> = find next character, stop before it
J = bring the line below up to the current line
ct" = change from cursor to next " leaving "
df| = delete from cursor to next | including |
gg=G = fix indentation
q<char> = record macro into the <char> register
@<char> = replay macro from the <char> register
"<char>yy = yank the current line into the <char> register
"<char>p = paste from the <char> register