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Topher Hunt topherhunt

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Whisper transcription from audio of Roger Hallam "So, Trump won. What's next?":

Hello everybody. We're all thinking about Trump winning the US election. It's easy, isn't it, to go into panic mode. It's all terrible. It all feels so hopeless. What I want to suggest in this talk is that all of this is very far from being true. In fact, Trump winning the election again could well be the trigger for people to finally get their act together and create the new world we all want.

Of course, there's no guarantees. I could be talking rubbish. It could well be terrible and hopeless. But what I'm saying is, is at the same time, there is a massive potential for it to do the opposite. As ever, it's up to us, us on this call, and especially our willingness to work together on what works best and to act according to the spirit of being the humans that we are.

So what's the plan? The first thing we need to get our heads around is that the whole way we see how the world has t

topherhunt / auth_plugs.ex
Created October 18, 2019 15:24
Auth plug load_current_user using cond vs. with
# These aren't 100% parallel (they're from different apps with slightly different auth rules)
# but they're close enough to demonstrate what `with` can do, I think.
# Version 1: using `cond`
# Pro: very linear. just go down the list and pick the first truthy result.
# Con: Using `cond` maybe doesn't sufficiently emphasize how important the ordering is
# here. If you naively swapped the order of two conditions, it could wreck the security.
# Basically, in this version, I'm relying on the dev's caution and willingness to read
# through my extensive comments.
def load_current_user(conn, _opts) do
topherhunt / four_approaches.ex
Last active October 18, 2019 06:58
Four approaches to expressing nested logic
defmodule Sample do
# The naive approach: just nest the if/else statements. Pretty readable.
def custom_block(project, label) do
# ... validations ...
if project do
if block = Enum.find(project.custom_blocks, & &1.label == label) do
# Rid your codebase of haml templates.
# Requires Calliope as a dependency in your Mix project.
# Usage: `mix run haml.exs path/to/my/haml/file.html.haml
# It will spit out the produced eex, which you can copy & paste into place.
path = System.argv() |>
{:ok, haml} =
IO.puts ""
IO.puts Calliope.render(haml)
topherhunt / git-log-hoc.rb
Last active February 2, 2017 03:33
Display counts of changed files and inserted / deleted lines in Git log
# Parse and condense `git log` output to include the hash, date, author, message,
# and change statistics all on one line. Run the script with the following command
# (ie. alias this to `gl` or something short):
# git log --pretty=format:"%h %ai (%an) | %s" --shortstat | ruby ~/path/to/git-log-hoc.rb | less -RS
# Sample output (real output is colorized so you can tell the stat numbers apart):
# df79691 2016-11-18 (Topher Hunt) | Add Category and its assoc. to Video [14 111 21]
# 4f2bf68 2016-11-04 (Topher Hunt) | Video actions scoped to logged-in user [3 27 15]
# d6d0ee6 2016-11-04 (Topher Hunt) | Reorganize & refactor auth for Videos [8 64 32]
# 5733dc3 2016-11-03 (Topher Hunt) | Authenticate current user [3 36]