The long and stupid way is listed below, but hoping that someone has a way quicker and nicer solution. (Didn't have time to come up with a proper Node or Deno solution, so I spent better part of the day on this abomination.quote)
"Install" GitHub CLI and Pandoc
nix-shell -p gh pandoc
Export GitHub issues in JSON
The minimum GitHub issue properties required in the JavaScript snippet below:
gh issue list --json title,body,url,number
Use this to see all available issue properties:
gh issue list --json
One can filter the issues too if needed:
gh issue list --state open --label "for_stakeholders" --json title,body,url,number
Copy the terminal output from the previous step to the JavaScript console in Chrome Dev Tools:
> issues = ...copy here...
On the same JavaScript console, copy and execute the following lines too:
// async function loadScript(url) { let response = await fetch(url); let script = await response.text(); eval(script); } // Doesn't seem to work on the console without a top-level `await` await loadScript(''); // Needed to convert Markdown to HTML; see const mdConverter = new showdown.Converter(); function issuesJSONToHTML(issues) { let h1 = document.createElement('h1'); h1.textContent = "Lynx issues"; let newBody = document.createElement('body'); // Convert `issues` array JSON and put into `newBody` issues. // `gh` outputs issues in reverse chronological order reverse(). map( (iss) => { let section = document.createElement('section'); let title = document.createElement('h2'); title.innerHTML = `<a href="${iss.url}">#${iss.number} ${iss.title}</a>`; let body = document.createElement('p'); body.innerHTML = mdConverter.makeHtml(iss.body); section.appendChild(title); section.appendChild(body); return section; }). forEach( (iss) => { newBody.appendChild(iss); }) // Replace the site where the console is open // (this is mostly for instant testing) document.head.innerHTML = '<meta charset="utf-8" /><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" /><title>Lynx issues</title>'; document.body.innerHTML = newBody.outerHTML; return document.documentElement.outerHTML; }
Copy the HTML document to the system clipboard from the JavaScript console
Paste it into a text file (e.g.,
) -
Convert the saved HTML file to a Word document on the terminal
pandoc issues.html -o issues.docx