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Created October 27, 2021 07:30
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  • Save torbiak/c73ef9f5d004f2a3512ba453ad73dc4e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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set -eu
sync() {
local host=${1:?No host given}; shift
local src=${1:?No src dir given}; shift
local dst=${1:?No dst dir given}; shift
local bytes=${1:?No byte capacity given}; shift
local tmpdir
tmpdir=$(mktemp -dt rsync-newest.XXXXXX) || return 1
trap 'rm -rf "$tmpdir"' RETURN
ssh "$host" 'bash -s' "$src" >"$tmpdir/metadata" <<'EOF' || return 1
find "$1" -type f -printf '%Ts\t%s\t%P\n'
sort -k 1nr -k 2n "$tmpdir/metadata" | awk -F $'\t' -v cap="$bytes" '{
total_size += $2
if (total_size > cap) {
exit 0
print $3
}' | sort >"$tmpdir/new" &&
find "$dst" -type f -printf "%P\n" | sort >"$tmpdir/existing" &&
comm -13 "$tmpdir/new" "$tmpdir/existing" >"$tmpdir/remove" &&
comm -23 "$tmpdir/new" "$tmpdir/existing" >"$tmpdir/copy" ||
return 1
sed 's/^/x /' "$tmpdir/remove"
sed 's/^/> /' "$tmpdir/copy"
} | less
read -p "Continue? [yN] "
[[ "$REPLY" == y ]] || exit 0
cd "$dst"
xargs -d $'\n' rm <"$tmpdir/remove"
find . -type d -empty -exec rm -d {} +
rsync -tiz --files-from="$tmpdir/copy" -R "$host:$src" "$dst"
usage: rsync-newest <host:src> <dst> <capacity>
capacity is parsed by numfmt, so can use SI or IEC suffixes like K, M, G, Ki,
Mi, Gi, etc.
while getopts "h" opt; do
case "$opt" in
h) echo "$usage"; exit 0;;
*) exit 1;;
shift $((OPTIND-1))
[[ $# -eq 3 ]] || {
echo "$usage" >&2
exit 1
raw_src=$1; shift
dst=$1; shift
raw_capacity=$1; shift
capacity=$(numfmt --from=auto "$raw_capacity")
sync "$host" "$src" "$dst" "$capacity"
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