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  • Save torian257x/aac316d9115b04981a4dbf7f4fbc920b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# $1 - file name
# $2 - string to find
# $3 - string to replace
git filter-branch -f --tree-filter "if [ -f $1 ];then sed -i s/$2/$3/g $1;fi"
# $1 - string to find
# $2 - branch name or nothing (current branch in that case)
git log -S "$1" $2 --name-only --pretty=format: -- | sort -u
# $1 - branch
# $2 - string to find
# $3 - string to replace with
git checkout $1
for file in $(~/ "$2"); do
echo " Filtering file $file:"
~/ "$file" "$2" "$3"
# $1 - string to find
# $2 - string to replace with
for branch in $(git branch | cut -c 3-); do
echo ""
echo ">>> Replacing strings in branch $branch:"
echo ""
~/ "$branch" "$1" "$2"
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