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Created June 3, 2020 18:18
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IpV6 - socket connect - assembly 64bits
$ cat > connect.asm << EOF
global _start
xor rax, rax ; init 0
xor rdx, rdx ; init 0
xor rsi, rsi ; init 0
xor rdi, rdi ; init 0
mov rdi, 0x0A ; family AF_INET6
mov rsi, 0x01 ; type SOCK_STREAM
mov rdx, 0x06 ; protocol TCP
mov rax, 0x29 ; create socket
mov rdi, rax ; save the file descriptor (the socket) in rdi
xor rax, rax ; reset rax
push rax ; push the scope ID (0)
push dword 0x01 ; start to push the localhost address ::1
push rax ; pushing
push rax ; pushing
push rax ; pushing
push rax ; push the flow control (0)
push word 0x32 ; port 12800
push word 0x0A ; family AF_INET6
mov rsi, rsp ; move address of stack pointer into ecx
mov rdx, 0x1c ; get the length of the address: family - port - ip
mov rax, 42 ; syscall for connect
xor rax, rax ; reset rax
mov rbx, rax ; store 0 in rbx
mov rax, 60 ; call exit
$ nasm -f elf64 connect.asm
$ ld -o ./connect ./connect.o
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