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Created October 17, 2014 19:52
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Save torque/25c8380e198daa22e00c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
fuckWindows = ( logString ) ->
ffi.cdef [[int WideCharToMultiByte( unsigned int, unsigned int, const char*, int, char*, int, void*, void* );]]
CP_UTF8 = 65001
logLength = math.ceil #logString/2
buffSize = 1 + ffi.C.WideCharToMultiByte CP_UTF8, 0, logString, logLength, nil, 0, nil, nil
if 0 == buffSize
error "Shit's fucked i aint helping."
utf8String = "char[?]", buffSize
status = ffi.C.WideCharToMultiByte CP_UTF8, 0, logString, logLength, utf8String, buffSize, nil, nil
if 0 == status
error "Shit's fucked bye."
return ffi.string utf8String, buffSize
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