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Last active October 1, 2022 14:21
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Generate every combination of prompt parts, encode all of the prompts in batches to avoid running out of memory. Alternatively only keep the min/max channel values and min/max token norms and randomly generate prompts with randn noise. Intended for Stable Diffusion but can be used for anything with CLIP by just swapping out the model.get_learned…
import itertools
def prompt_combinations(prompt_parts):
Provide a list of lists of prompt parts, like:
[ ["A ","An "], ["anteater","feather duster"] ]
opt_prompt = list(itertools.product(*prompt_parts, repeat=1))
opt_prompt = [''.join(opt_prompt[b]) for b in range(len(opt_prompt))]
return opt_prompt
def encode_all_prompts(opt_prompt):
with torch.no_grad():
with torch.autocast("cuda", cache_enabled=True):
with model.ema_scope():
c_all = []
for b in range(math.ceil(len(opt_prompt)/64)):
c_all =
return c_all
def encode_all_prompts_stats(opt_prompt):
with torch.no_grad():
with torch.autocast("cuda", cache_enabled=True):
with model.ema_scope():
max_ch = None
min_ch = None
max_norm = None
min_norm = None
for b in range(math.ceil(len(opt_prompt)/64)):
x = model.get_learned_conditioning(opt_prompt[b*64:(b+1)*64])
if max_ch != None:
x =[x,max_ch,min_ch],0)
max_ch = x.max(0,keepdim=True).values
min_ch = x.min(0,keepdim=True).values
norm_token = x.norm(2,-1,keepdim=True)
if max_norm != None:
norm_token =[norm_token,max_norm,min_norm],0)
max_norm = norm_token.max(0,keepdim=True).values
min_norm = norm_token.min(0,keepdim=True).values
return max_ch, min_ch, max_norm, min_norm
def token_stats(x):
max_ch = x.max(0,keepdim=True).values
min_ch = x.min(0,keepdim=True).values
norm_token = x.norm(2,-1,keepdim=True)
max_norm = norm_token.max(0,keepdim=True).values
min_norm = norm_token.min(0,keepdim=True).values
return max_ch, min_ch, max_norm, min_norm
def match_token_stats(x, max_ch, min_ch, max_norm, min_norm, eps=1e-6):
ch_out = torch.lerp(min_ch,max_ch, x)
ch_out_norm = ch_out.norm(2,-1,keepdim=True)
ch_out = ch_out / ch_out_norm.add(eps)
ch_out_norm = torch.rand([x.shape[0],x.shape[1],1],device=x.device).to(x.dtype)
ch_out_norm = torch.lerp(min_norm,max_norm,ch_out_norm)
ch_out = ch_out * ch_out_norm
return ch_out
def match_token_stats_simple(x):
return match_token_stats(torch.rand([1,77,768],device=x[0].device,dtype=x[0].dtype), *x)
#Example: match_token_stats(torch.rand([4,3,6]), *token_stats(torch.randn([4,3,6])))
#Example: match_token_stats_simple(token_stats)
import clip
tokenizer = clip.simple_tokenizer.SimpleTokenizer()
def token_check(x):
word_tokens = tokenizer.encode(x)
if len(word_tokens) > 1:
print(list(str(i) + " " + tokenizer.decode([word_tokens[i]]) for i in range(len(word_tokens))))
#Example: token_check("john carpenter, David Cronenberg, David Lynch, Clive Barker")
opt_prompt = prompt_combinations([
["eldritch creature, practical effects, imdb"],
[", iso "],
[", danny devito, body horror, metamorphosis carapace cocoon"],
[", john carpenter",", Cronenberg",", David Lynch",", Clive Barker"],
c_all = encode_all_prompts(opt_prompt)
c_stats = token_stats(c_all)
c = match_token_stats_simple(c_stats)
# Or to avoid encoding all the prompts and keeping them all in memory, just keep the stats from the prompts
c_stats = encode_all_prompts_stats(opt_prompt)
c = match_token_stats_simple(c_stats)
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