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Last active March 16, 2021 05:43
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Migration tests for optuna/optuna#2030


This document explains how to test migrated schema of Optuna's RDBStorage. The test consists of following two parts:

  1. Test for values
  2. Test for schema

Each section describes the test instruction for each database.


The following software is required:

  • docker
  • Python 3.6+

Then, please in stall DB drivers:

$ pip install PyMySQL psycopg2-binary



Test for values

Install the current version of optuna and create tables:

$ pip uninstall optuna  # if necessary
$ pip install optuna
$ python sqlite:///example.db

Upgrade optuna to the patched version

$ pip uninstall optuna
$ pip install git+

Check if RuntimeError occurs due to the incompatibility of the schema.

$ python sqlite:///example.db
optuna version: 2.3.0
RuntimeError: The runtime optuna version 2.3.0 is no longer compatible with the table schema (set up by optuna 2.3.0). Please execute `$ optuna storage upgrade --storage $STORAGE_URL` for upgrading the storage.

Upgrade the schema

$ optuna storage upgrade --storage sqlite:///example.db

Check the migration results

$ python sqlite:///example.db

Test for schema

Please run following two scripts. The first one execute with optuna@master while the second one execute it with optuna v2.3.0 and upgrade the DB.

rm -f example.db
pip install -U git+
python sqlite:///example.db
echo ".dump" | sqlite3 example.db > master.sqlite
rm -f example.db
pip install -U optuna
python sqlite:///example.db
pip install -U git+
optuna storage upgrade --storage sqlite:///example.db
echo ".dump" | sqlite3 example.db > upgrade.sqlite

The schema of these two should be identical except for trials' result. Please check the diff of the dump files, for example, as follows:

python master.sqlite > master-create.sqlite
python upgrade.sqlite > upgrade-create.sqlite
diff master-create.sqlite upgrade-create.sqlite | less -S


Test for values

Install the current version of optuna, launch a DB server, and create tables:

$ pip uninstall optuna  # if necessary
$ pip install optuna
$ docker run --name some-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=test -p 3306:3306 -p 33060:33060 -d mysql:5.7
$ docker run --network host -it --rm mysql:5.7  mysql -h -uroot -p -e "create database optunatest;"
$ python mysql+pymysql://root:test@localhost/optunatest

Upgrade optuna to the patched version

$ pip uninstall optuna
$ pip install git+

Check if RuntimeError occurs due to the incompatibility of the schema.

$ python mysql+pymysql://root:test@localhost/optunatest
optuna version: 2.3.0
RuntimeError: The runtime optuna version 2.3.0 is no longer compatible with the table schema (set up by optuna 2.3.0). Please execute `$ optuna storage upgrade --storage $STORAGE_URL` for upgrading the storage.

Upgrade the schema

$ optuna storage upgrade --storage mysql+pymysql://root:test@localhost/optunatest

Check the migration results

$ python mysql+pymysql://root:test@localhost/optunatest

Test for schema

Please run following two scripts. The first one execute with optuna@master while the second one execute it with optuna v2.3.0 and upgrade the DB.

docker rm -f some-mysql
docker run --name some-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=test -p 3306:3306 -p 33060:33060 -d mysql:5.7
sleep 20
docker run --network host -it --rm mysql:5.7  mysql -h -uroot -p -e "create database optunatest;"
pip install git+
python mysql+pymysql://root:test@localhost/optunatest
mysqldump --skip-column-statistics -u root -p -h optunatest > master.mysql
docker rm -f some-mysql
docker run --name some-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=test -p 3306:3306 -p 33060:33060 -d mysql:5.7
sleep 20
docker run --network host -it --rm mysql:5.7  mysql -h -uroot -p -e "create database optunatest;"
pip install optuna
python mysql+pymysql://root:test@localhost/optunatest
pip install git+
optuna storage upgrade --storage mysql+pymysql://root:test@localhost/optunatest
echo "test" | mysqldump --skip-column-statistics -u root -p -h optunatest > upgrade.mysql

The schema of these two should be identical except for trials' result. Please check the diff of the dump files, for example, as follows:

diff master.mysql upgrade.mysql | less -S


Test for values

Install the current version of optuna and create tables:

$ pip uninstall optuna  # if necessary
$ pip install optuna
$ docker run -it --rm --name postgres-test -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=test -p 15432:5432 -d postgres
$ python postgresql+psycopg2://postgres:test@localhost:15432/postgres

Upgrade optuna to the patched version

$ pip uninstall optuna
$ pip install git+

Check if RuntimeError occurs due to the incompatibility of the schema.

$ python postgresql+psycopg2://postgres:test@localhost:15432/postgres
optuna version: 2.3.0
RuntimeError: The runtime optuna version 2.3.0 is no longer compatible with the table schema (set up by optuna 2.3.0). Please execute `$ optuna storage upgrade --storage $STORAGE_URL` for upgrading the storage.

Upgrade the schema

$ optuna storage upgrade --storage postgresql+psycopg2://postgres:test@localhost:15432/postgres

Check the migration results

$ python postgresql+psycopg2://postgres:test@localhost:15432/postgres

Test for schema

Please run following two scripts. The first one execute with optuna@master while the second one execute it with optuna v2.3.0 and upgrade the DB.

docker rm -f postgres-test
docker run -it --rm --name postgres-test -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=test -p 15432:5432 -d postgres
sleep 10
pip install git+
python postgresql+psycopg2://postgres:test@localhost:15432/postgres
pg_dump -h localhost -p 15432 -U postgres -d postgres > master.psql
docker rm -f postgres-test
docker run -it --rm --name postgres-test -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=test -p 15432:5432 -d postgres
sleep 10
pip install optuna
python postgresql+psycopg2://postgres:test@localhost:15432/postgres
pip install git+
optuna storage upgrade --storage postgres+psycopg2://postgres:test@localhost:15432/postgres
pg_dump -h localhost -p 15432 -U postgres -d postgres > upgrade.psql

The schema of these two should be identical except for trials' result. Please check the diff of the dump files, for example, as follows:

diff master.psql upgrade.psql | less -S
import sys
import optuna
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(f"optuna version: {optuna.__version__}")
study = optuna.load_study(study_name="test", storage=sys.argv[1])
assert study.user_attrs["study_user_key"] == "study_user_value"
assert study.system_attrs["study_system_key"] == "study_system_value"
for i, trial in enumerate(study.trials):
assert trial.user_attrs["user_key"] == "user_value"
assert trial.system_attrs["system_key"] == "system_value"
assert trial.number == i
assert -100 <= trial.params["u"] < 100
assert 1 <= trial.params["lu"] < 100
assert -100 <= trial.params["du"] <= 100
assert trial.params["du"] %2 == 0
assert -100 <= trial.params["i"] <= 100
assert 1 <= trial.params["li"] <= 100
assert -100 <= trial.params["si"] <= 100
assert trial.params["si"] %2 == 0
assert trial.params["c"] in [-1, 0, 1]
assert trial.intermediate_values == {i:2*i for i in range(10)}
import sys
import optuna
def objective(trial):
u = trial.suggest_float("u", -100, 100)
lu = trial.suggest_float("lu", 1, 100, log=True)
du = trial.suggest_float("du", -100, 100, step=2)
i = trial.suggest_int("i", -100, 100)
li = trial.suggest_int("li", 1, 100, log=True)
si = trial.suggest_int("si", -100, 100, step=2)
c = trial.suggest_categorical("c", [-1, 0, 1])
for epoch in range(10): * 2, epoch)
trial.set_user_attr("user_key", "user_value")
trial.set_system_attr("system_key", "system_value")
return sum([u, lu, du, i, li, si, c])
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(f"optuna version: {optuna.__version__}")
study = optuna.create_study(study_name="test", storage=sys.argv[1])
study.set_user_attr("study_user_key", "study_user_value")
study.set_system_attr("study_system_key", "study_system_value")
study.optimize(objective, n_trials=20)
print(f"Best value: {study.best_value} (params: {study.best_params})\n")
import sys
tables = []
lines = ""
for line in open(sys.argv[1]):
lines += line
if line.endswith(";\n"):
if lines.startswith("CREATE"):
lines = ""
def sortkey(sql):
# sql is a string such as
# CREATE TABLE trials (
if "(" in sql:
table_name = sql.split("(")[0].split()[-1]
table_name = sql.split()[2]
if table_name.startswith('"'):
return table_name[1:-1]
return table_name
for table in sorted(tables, key=sortkey):
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