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Created April 17, 2023 00:09
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Detect whether the remote MSMQ service on 1801/tcp is enabled or not by sending a valid message to the target
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# detect whether the remote MSMQ service on 1801/tcp is enabled or not
# by sending a valid message to the target
# resources:
from struct import pack
from datetime import datetime
from binascii import unhexlify
import uuid
import hexdump
import argparse
import socket
class bcolors:
CYAN = '\033[96m'
GREEN = '\033[32m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Query target whether the MSMQ service on 1801/tcp is enabled or not")
parser.add_argument('host', metavar='HOST', type=str, nargs=1, help='target host to query')
parser.add_argument('-d', action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
HOST =[0]
PORT = 1801
# BaseHeader
p = b"\x10" # VersionNumber (MUST be set to 0x10)
p += b"\x00" # Reserved (arbitrary value)
p += b"\x00\x00" # Flags (2-bytes) 0x0300
p += b"LIOR" # Signature
p += pack("<I", 0x100) # PacketSize
p += pack("<I", 4*24*60*60) # TimeToReachQueue
# UserHeader
p += uuid.uuid4().bytes # SourceQueueManager GUID
p += b"\x00"*16 # QueueManagerAddress GUID
p += b"\xff\xff\xff\xff" # TimeToBeRecevied
p += pack("<I", int( # SentTime
p += pack("<I", 0x1) # MessageID
bits = "00000" + "00" + "0" + "0" + "0"
bits += format(0x3, "03b") # DQ type (0x3 = private)
bits += format(0x4, "03b") # AQ type
bits += format(0x1, "03b") # RQ type
bits += "0"*13
p += unhexlify('{:0{}x}'.format(int(bits, 2), len(bits)//4)) # Flags
dq = "OS:{}\\private$\\queue\x00".format(HOST).encode("utf-16le") # DestinationQueue
p += pack("<H", len(dq)) + dq
p += b"\x00" * ((4 - len(p) % 4) % 4) # padding
# MessagePropertiesHeader
messagebody = b'<?xml version="1.0"?>\r\n<string>Demo Message</string>'
p += b"\x00" # Flags
p += b"\x00" # LabelLength
p += pack("<H", 0x0) # MessageClass
p += b"\x00"*20 # CorrelationID
p += pack("<I", 0x0) # BodyType
p += pack("<I", 0x0) # ApplicationTag
p += pack("<I", len(messagebody)) # MessageSize
p += pack("<I", len(messagebody)) # AllocationBodySize
p += pack("<I", 0x0) # PrivacyLevel (NO ENCRYPTION)
p += pack("<I", 0x800e) # HashAlgorithm (SHA512)
p += pack("<I", 0x6801) # EncryptionAlgorithm (RC4)
p += pack("<I", 0x0) # ExtensionSize
p += messagebody + b"\x00" # MessageBody
# fix size
p = bytearray(p)
p[8:12] = pack("<I", len(p))
p = bytes(p)
if args.d:
print(bcolors.CYAN + "[*] SENDING:")
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((HOST, PORT))
resp = s.recv(512)
if args.d:
print("[*] RESPONSE:")
if len(resp) == 0:
print("[-] No response received from {}:1801".format(HOST))
elif resp[4:8] == b"LIOR":
print(bcolors.GREEN + "[+] Signature has been found in response: MSMQ on {}:1801 seems to be running".format(HOST) + bcolors.ENDC)
print("[?] Response received from {}:1801 but signature is invalid".format(HOST))
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