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Last active May 23, 2017 11:51
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Laravel 5 Cheat Sheet

Laravel 5 Cheat Sheet


// Added in 5.1.11:
php artisan make:policy PostPolicy

// Displays help for a given command
php artisan --help OR -h

// Do not output any message
php artisan --quiet OR -q

// Display this application version
php artisan --version OR -V

// Do not ask any interactive question
php artisan --no-interaction OR -n

// Force ANSI output
php artisan --ansi

// Disable ANSI output
php artisan --no-ansi

// The environment the command should run under
php artisan --env

// -v|vv|vvv Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug
php artisan --verbose

// Remove the compiled class file
php artisan clear-compiled

// Display the current framework environment
php artisan env

// Displays help for a command
php artisan help

// Lists commands
php artisan list

// Interact with your application
php artisan tinker

// Put the application into maintenance mode
php artisan down

// Bring the application out of maintenance mode
php artisan up

// Optimize the framework for better performance
// --force    Force the compiled class file to be written.
// --psr      Do not optimize Composer dump-autoload.
php artisan optimize [--force] [--psr]

// Serve the application on the PHP development server
php artisan serve

// Change the default port
php artisan serve --port 8080

// Get it to work outside localhost
php artisan serve --host

// Set the application namespace
php artisan app:name namespace

// Flush expired password reset tokens
php artisan auth:clear-resets

// Flush the application cache
php artisan cache:clear

// Create a migration for the cache database table
php artisan cache:table

// Create a cache file for faster configuration loading
php artisan config:cache

// Remove the configuration cache file
php artisan config:clear

// In program
$exitCode = Artisan::call('config:cache');

// Seed the database with records
// --class      The class name of the root seeder (default: "DatabaseSeeder")
// --database   The database connection to seed
// --force      Force the operation to run when in production.
php artisan db:seed [--class[="..."]] [--database[="..."]] [--force]

// Generate the missing events and handlers based on registration
php artisan event:generate

// Create a new command handler class
// --command      The command class the handler handles.
php artisan handler:command [--command="..."] name

// Create a new event handler class
// --event        The event class the handler handles.
// --queued       Indicates the event handler should be queued.
php artisan handler:event [--event="..."] [--queued] name

// Set the application key
php artisan key:generate

// By default, this creates a self-handling command that isn't pushed to the queue.
// Pass this the --handler flag to generate a handler, and the --queued flag to make it queued.
php artisan make:command [--handler] [--queued] name

// Create a new Artisan command
//  --command     The terminal command that should be assigned. (default: "command:name")
make:console [--command[="..."]] name

// Create a new resourceful controller
// --plain      Generate an empty controller class.
php artisan make:controller [--plain] name
php artisan make:controller App\\Admin\\Http\\Controllers\\DashboardController

// Create a new event class
php artisan make:event name

// Create a new middleware class
php artisan make:middleware name

// Create a new migration file
// --create     The table to be created.
// --table      The table to migrate.
php artisan make:migration [--create[="..."]] [--table[="..."]] name

// Create a new Eloquent model class
php artisan make:model name

// Create a new service provider class
php artisan make:provider name

// Create a new form request class
php artisan make:request name

// Database migrations
// --database   The database connection to use.
// --force      Force the operation to run when in production.
// --path       The path of migrations files to be executed.
// --pretend    Dump the SQL queries that would be run.
// --seed       Indicates if the seed task should be re-run.
php artisan migrate [--database[="..."]] [--force] [--path[="..."]] [--pretend] [--seed]

// Create the migration repository
php artisan migrate:install [--database[="..."]]

// Create a new migration file
// --seeder     The class name of the root seeder.
php artisan migrate:refresh [--database[="..."]] [--force] [--seed] [--seeder[="..."]]

// Rollback all database migrations
// --pretend    Dump the SQL queries that would be run.
php artisan migrate:reset [--database[="..."]] [--force] [--pretend]

// Rollback the last database migration
php artisan migrate:rollback [--database[="..."]] [--force] [--pretend]

// Show a list of migrations up/down
php artisan migrate:status

// Create a migration for the queue jobs database table
php artisan queue:table

// Listen to a given queue
// --queue      The queue to listen on
// --delay      Amount of time to delay failed jobs (default: 0)
// --memory     The memory limit in megabytes (default: 128)
// --timeout    Seconds a job may run before timing out (default: 60)
// --sleep      Seconds to wait before checking queue for jobs (default: 3)
// --tries      Number of times to attempt a job before logging it failed (default: 0)
php artisan queue:listen [--queue[="..."]] [--delay[="..."]] [--memory[="..."]] [--timeout[="..."]] [--sleep[="..."]] [--tries[="..."]] [connection]

// List all of the failed queue jobs
php artisan queue:failed

// Create a migration for the failed queue jobs database table
php artisan queue:failed-table

// Flush all of the failed queue jobs
php artisan queue:flush

// Delete a failed queue job
php artisan queue:forget

// Restart queue worker daemons after their current job
php artisan queue:restart

// Retry a failed queue job(id: The ID of the failed job)
php artisan queue:retry id

// Subscribe a URL to an push queue
// queue: The name of queue.
// url: The URL to be subscribed.
// --type       The push type for the queue.
php artisan queue:subscribe [--type[="..."]] queue url

// Process the next job on a queue
// --queue      The queue to listen on
// --daemon     Run the worker in daemon mode
// --delay      Amount of time to delay failed jobs (default: 0)
// --force      Force the worker to run even in maintenance mode
// --memory     The memory limit in megabytes (default: 128)
// --sleep      Number of seconds to sleep when no job is available (default: 3)
// --tries      Number of times to attempt a job before logging it failed (default: 0)
php artisan queue:work [--queue[="..."]] [--daemon] [--delay[="..."]] [--force] [--memory[="..."]] [--sleep[="..."]] [--tries[="..."]] [connection]

// Create a route cache file for faster route registration
php artisan route:cache

// Remove the route cache file
php artisan route:clear

// List all registered routes
php artisan route:list

// Run the scheduled commands
php artisan schedule:run

// Create a migration for the session database table
php artisan session:table

// Publish any publishable assets from vendor packages
// --force        Overwrite any existing files.
// --provider     The service provider that has assets you want to publish.
// --tag          The tag that has assets you want to publish.
php artisan vendor:publish [--force] [--provider[="..."]] [--tag[="..."]]
php artisan tail [--path[="..."]] [--lines[="..."]] [connection]


composer create-project laravel/laravel folder_name
composer install
composer update
composer dump-autoload [--optimize]
composer self-update
composer require [options] [--] [vender/packages]...


//get with Default value
 Config::get('app.timezone', 'UTC');
//set Configuration
 Config::set('database.default', 'sqlite');


$environment = app()->environment();
$environment = App::environment();
$environment = $app->environment();
// The environment is local
 if ($app->environment('local')){}
// The environment is either local OR staging...
 if ($app->environment('local', 'staging')){}


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