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Last active December 19, 2024 06:55
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use both Tor and Privoxy on Mac OS

1. install

brew install tor
brew install privoxy

2. copy and modify config file

# x86
cp /usr/local/etc/privoxy/config /usr/local/opt/privoxy/sbin/
# arm64
cp /opt/homebrew/etc/privoxy/config /opt/homebrew/opt/privoxy/sbin/
# add the following line into config file, it means forward filtered data to Tor.
forward-socks4a / .

3. launch

# x86
# arm64

4. check if listen

netstat -an | grep 9050 LISTEN

netstat -an | grep 8118 LISTEN

5. web browser settings

Manually set your proxy configuration, fill HTTP and SSL Proxy column up with "".

6. try

Ref: Use both Tor and Privoxy

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Agree with @Zettt
I Followed followed commands
brew install tor
brew install privoxy
cp /usr/local/etc/privoxy/config /usr/local/opt/privoxy/sbin/

open /usr/local/opt/privoxy/sbin/config
add this following line into config file in the end, it means forward filtered data to Tor.
forward-socks4a / .

cp /usr/local/opt/privoxy/sbin/config $HOME
open /usr/local/opt/tor/bin/tor
open /usr/local/opt/privoxy/sbin/privoxy

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I'm also wondering where to place the forward-socks4a /

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byaruhaf commented Oct 9, 2017

You uncomment the line you don't need to add a line

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To modify the steps for your Apple Silicon Mac, it needs some path changes, i.e. use /opt/homebrew rather than /usr/local.

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