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Created September 24, 2018 12:51
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#!/usr/bin/env julia
# Overwrite REQUIRE using dependency information from Project.toml.
# Call from the root of the package repository.
# Has some basic sanity checks, but **use at your own risk**, `REQUIRE`
# will be overwritten.
# The purpose of this script is to appease attobot, until
# is fixed.
@assert VERSION ≥ v"0.7"
import Pkg
const PT = Pkg.Types
Pkg.activate(pwd()) # current directory as the project
ctx = PT.Context()
pkg = ctx.env.pkg
if pkg ≡ nothing
@error "Not in a package, I won't generate REQUIRE."
@info "found package" pkg = pkg
deps = PT.get_deps(ctx)
non_std_deps = sort(collect(setdiff(keys(deps), values(ctx.stdlibs))))
open("REQUIRE", "w") do io
println(io, "julia 0.7")
for d in non_std_deps
println(io, d)
@info "listing $d"
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