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Created November 23, 2011 21:07
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Plotting a tri-trophic system in PyX
from pyx import *
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
def null_bernoulli(top,bot,nint):
tint = top*bot
zeroes = tint-nint
## We only return a matrix with no non-interacting species
hasNull = True
trials = 0
while hasNull:
trials += 1
mat = np.concatenate((np.ones(nint),np.zeros(zeroes)),1)
mat = mat.reshape((top,bot))
NI0 = 0
NI1 = 0
for ms0 in mat.sum(axis=0):
if ms0 == 0:
NI0 = NI0 + 1
for ms1 in mat.sum(axis=1):
if ms1 == 0:
NI1 = NI1 + 1
if (NI0 == 0)&(NI1 == 0):
hasNull = False
return mat
Nr = 2
Nc = 4
Np = 3
A = null_bernoulli(Np,Nc,np.floor(Np*Nc*0.8))
C = null_bernoulli(Nc,Nr,np.floor(Nr*Nc*0.5))
def rank(V):
# Returns the rank of a vector
# with no ties
rn = np.zeros(len(V),dtype=np.int32)
crnk = 0
while crnk < len(V):
for j in range(0,len(V)):
cMax = max(V)
if V[j] == cMax:
rn[j] = crnk
crnk += 1
V[j] = min(V)-1
return rn
def findXpos(n,rad):
if n == 1:
pos = [0]
if n == 2:
pos = [-2*rad,2*rad]
if n > 2:
pos = np.linspace(0-n*2*rad,0+n*2*rad,n)
return pos
def shortenLine(x1,y1,x2,y2,d):
a = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)
b = y1-a*x2
od = np.sqrt(np.power((x2-x1),2)+np.power((y2-y1),2))
R = (od-d)/float(od)
x1b = R*(x2-x1)+x1
x2b = R*(x1-x2)+x2
y1b = R*(y2-y1)+y1
y2b = R*(y1-y2)+y2
return [x1b,y1b,x2b,y2b]
def plotTr(A,C,file='tritrophic',suppl=[],sprad=0.5,elevfac=5,shfac=1.2):
# Get the cumulative degrees, ranks, and number of species
Dm = np.sum(C,axis=1)+np.sum(A,axis=0)
Dl = np.sum(C,axis=0)
Dt = np.sum(A,axis=1)
Rm = rank(Dm)
Rl = rank(Dl)
Rt = rank(Dt)
Nm = len(Dm)
Nl = len(Dl)
Nt = len(Dt)
## Begin plot
c = canvas.canvas()
# If there are any supplementary arguments
if len(suppl)>0:
for suarg in suppl:
# End of supplementary arguments
## General arguments
Yl = 0
Ym = Yl + sprad * elevfac
Yt = Ym + sprad * elevfac
Xl = findXpos(Nl,sprad)
Xm = findXpos(Nm,sprad)
Xt = findXpos(Nt,sprad)
## Plot arrows R -> C
for ls in range(len(Dl)):
for ms in range(len(Dm)):
if C[ms,ls] == 1:
co = shortenLine(Xl[Rl[ls]], Yl, Xm[Rm[ms]], Ym, sprad*shfac)
## Plot arrows C -> P
for ms in range(len(Dm)):
for ts in range(len(Dt)):
if A[ts,ms] == 1:
co = shortenLine(Xm[Rm[ms]], Ym, Xt[Rt[ts]], Yt, sprad*shfac)
## Plot lower trophic level
for xl in Xl:
c.fill(, Yl, sprad),[deco.filled([color.cmyk.ForestGreen])])
## Plot middle trophic level
for xl in Xm:
c.fill(, Ym, sprad),[deco.filled([color.cmyk.NavyBlue])])
## Plot upper trophic level
for xl in Xt:
c.fill(, Yt, sprad),[deco.filled([color.cmyk.BurntOrange])])
## End plot
return 0
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