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Created January 9, 2018 07:53
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Meta for citext Postgres type.

Ok, so to map CITEXT, which is not a standard type JDBC knows about, we need a wrapper class and need to move the value back and forth via the generic PGobject data type.

import org.postgresql.util.PGobject

case class CIText(s: String)

object CIText {
  implicit val CITextMeta: Meta[CIText] = 
      o => CIText(o.getValue),
      a => {
        val o = new PGobject


It works both as a parameter and return type.

@ sql"select cit from test where cit = ${CIText("foo")}".query[CIText].quick.unsafeRunSync 

And statement checking works now.

@ sql"select cit from test where cit = ${CIText("foo")}".query[CIText].check.unsafeRunSync 

  select cit from test where cit = ?

   SQL Compiles and Typechecks
   P01 CIText    OTHER (citext)
   C01 cit OTHER (citext) NOT NULL    CIText

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