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Created October 16, 2011 05:04
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Increment keywords with speeddating.vim
" Place in ~/.vim/after/plugin/speeddating.vim
" In Vim, -4 % 3 == -1. Let's return 2 instead.
function! s:mod(a,b)
if (a:a < 0 && a:b > 0 || a:a > 0 && a:b < 0) && a:a % a:b != 0
return (a:a % a:b) + a:b
return a:a % a:b
let s:cycles = [
\ ['true', 'false'],
\ ['TRUE', 'FALSE'],
\ ['True', 'False'],
\ ['on', 'off'],
\ ['ON', 'OFF'],
\ ['On', 'Off'],
\ ['yes', 'no'],
\ ['YES', 'NO'],
\ ['Yes', 'No']]
function! KeywordIncrement(word, offset, increment)
for set in s:cycles
let index = index(set, a:word)
if index >= 0
let index = s:mod(index + a:increment, len(set))
return [set[index], -1]
let s:handler = {'regexp': '\<\%('.join(map(copy(s:cycles),'join(v:val,"\\|")'),'\|').'\)\>', 'increment': function("KeywordIncrement")}
let g:speeddating_handlers += [s:handler]
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jceb commented Oct 16, 2011

Thanks a lot. That's a really nice addon to the speeddating plugin.

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tpope commented Oct 16, 2011

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bronson commented Jun 16, 2014

Love this. Really hoping it gets into speeddating one day.

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