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tpowell01 /
Created December 8, 2016 22:38 — forked from renatolfc/
Script to generate an OpenVPN client configuration file in the unified format
server=${1?"The server address is required"}
cacert=${2?"The path to the ca certificate file is required"}
client_cert=${3?"The path to the client certificate file is required"}
client_key=${4?"The path to the client private key file is required"}
tpowell01 / transferHangUp
Created June 15, 2012 19:36
Transfer Hangs Up
00447 7ef3 7:34:37 PM Processing events: continue
00448 7ef3 7:34:37 PM Sending TropoML Payload on Tropo-Thread-393fcf3b7a1f6b094926e1f9b00cc4cc [url=]: {"result":{"sessionId":"393fcf3b7a1f6b094926e1f9b00cc4cc","callId":"23f9f563434dbbde6ab20b76dc56a896","state":"ANSWERED","sessionDuration":9,"sequence":1,"complete":true,"error":null,"actions":{"name":"start","attempts":1,"disposition":"SUCCESS","confidence":100,"interpretation":"2","utterance":"2","value":"2","xml":"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\r\n<result grammar=\"[email protected]\">\r\n <interpretation grammar=\"[email protected]\" confidence=\"100\">\r\n \r\n <input mode=\"dtmf\">dtmf-2<\/input>\r\n <\/interpretation>\r\n<\/result>\r\n"}}}
00449 7ef3 7:34:37 PM Received new TropoML document on Tropo-Thread-393fcf3b7a1f6b094926e1f9b00cc4cc: {"tropo":[{"say":[{"value":"Please hold while I transfer you to member support","voice":"veronica"}]},{"transfer":{"to":"+18135973730"}}]}
tpowell01 / transfer-hangup
Created June 14, 2012 22:46
Transfer Hangs up?
00019 187f 10:44:12 PM Received new TropoML document on Tropo-Thread-354a3da65b5ddcdc6411a4b1b88296b9: {"tropo":[{"transfer":{"to":"8135973730"}}]}
00020 187f 10:44:12 PM Processing document for instance 354a3da65b5ddcdc6411a4b1b88296b9 callFactory for instance 354a3da65b5ddcdc6411a4b1b88296b9
00021 187f 10:44:12 PM SimpleIncomingCall[>9996200587/990009369996200587]->transfer([8135973730]) [from:null,timeout:30000,ttsOrUrl:null,grammar:null,termChar:null,repeat:1,answerOnMedia:false,interdigitTimeout:0,allowSignals:*]
00022 187f 10:44:12 PM transferWithoutMedia on answered incoming call.
00023 187f 10:44:12 PM SimpleIncomingCall[>9996200587/990009369996200587] : termChar with no grammar. Setting grammar to equal termChar: dtmf-a
00024 187f 10:44:12 PM Starting listener thread Tropo-Thread-354a3da65b5ddcdc6411a4b1b88296b9-MrcpHotWordListener@6cb287c6
tpowell01 / success.txt
Created May 7, 2012 17:56
Allow worked, no code changes between the earlier (6 min.) calls that failed
294 0000 5:35:49 PM Set logging context for udp/ to accountID=139446 host=null sessionGUID=0 sessionNumber=0 callID=0
00295 0000 5:35:49 PM Application[] ver(origin/11.0 - 9a40b1ddd500aa023ed5a3776844c64514839938) has been created.
00296 0000 5:35:49 PM Found hosted Application[] ver(origin/11.0 - 9a40b1ddd500aa023ed5a3776844c64514839938) [endpoint=7274569029]
00297 0000 5:35:49 PM Set logging context for udp/ to accountID=139446 host=null sessionGUID=0 sessionNumber=0 callID=0
00298 0000 5:35:49 PM Application[] ver(origin/11.0 - 9a40b1ddd500aa023ed5a3776844c64514839938) has been found.
00299 c902 5:35:49 PM Set logging context for udp/ to accountID=139446 host=null sessionGUID=3f42028e66a4cb079e00f030fcd4c902 sessionNumber=5
tpowell01 / No_input.txt
Created May 7, 2012 17:45
Failures - No input between
000 0000 5:25:17 PM Set logging context for udp/ to accountID=139446 host=null sessionGUID=0 sessionNumber=0 callID=0
00001 0000 5:25:17 PM Application[] ver(origin/11.0 - 9a40b1ddd500aa023ed5a3776844c64514839938) has been created.
00002 0000 5:25:17 PM Found hosted Application[] ver(origin/11.0 - 9a40b1ddd500aa023ed5a3776844c64514839938) [endpoint=7274569029]
00003 0000 5:25:17 PM Set logging context for udp/ to accountID=139446 host=null sessionGUID=0 sessionNumber=0 callID=0
00004 0000 5:25:17 PM Application[] ver(origin/11.0 - 9a40b1ddd500aa023ed5a3776844c64514839938) has been found.
00005 3719 5:25:17 PM Set logging context for udp/ to accountID=139446 host=null sessionGUID=c602afbfbc20e01abdc4761cf7cd3719 sessionNumber=6