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Created May 30, 2021 21:42
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Access to XML based textAppearance styles from Jetpack Compose
* Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.test.myapplicationkotlin.components
import android.annotation.SuppressLint
import android.content.Context
import android.content.res.Resources
import android.content.res.TypedArray
import android.os.Build
import android.util.TypedValue
import androidx.annotation.AttrRes
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi
import androidx.annotation.StyleRes
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalContext
import androidx.compose.ui.text.TextStyle
import androidx.compose.ui.text.font.Font
import androidx.compose.ui.text.font.FontFamily
import androidx.compose.ui.text.font.FontStyle
import androidx.compose.ui.text.font.FontWeight
import androidx.compose.ui.text.font.toFontFamily
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Density
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.LayoutDirection
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.TextUnit
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.em
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.sp
import androidx.core.content.res.FontResourcesParserCompat
import androidx.core.content.res.getColorOrThrow
import androidx.core.content.res.use
import kotlin.concurrent.getOrSet
fun textStyleFromAttribute(
@AttrRes attr: Int,
density: Density = Density(LocalContext.current),
setTextColors: Boolean = true
): TextStyle {
return textStyleFromTextAppearance(getResourceFromAttr(LocalContext.current, attr), density, setTextColors)
fun textStyleFromTextAppearance(
@StyleRes id: Int,
density: Density = Density(LocalContext.current),
setTextColors: Boolean = true
): TextStyle {
return LocalContext.current.obtainStyledAttributes(id, R.styleable.ComposeThemeAdapterTextAppearance).use { a ->
val textStyle = a.getInt(R.styleable.ComposeThemeAdapterTextAppearance_android_textStyle, -1)
val textFontWeight = a.getInt(R.styleable.ComposeThemeAdapterTextAppearance_android_textFontWeight, -1)
val typeface = a.getInt(R.styleable.ComposeThemeAdapterTextAppearance_android_typeface, -1)
// TODO read and expand android:fontVariationSettings.
// Variable fonts are not supported in Compose yet
// FYI, this only works with static font files in assets
val fontFamily: FontFamilyWithWeight? = a.getFontFamilyOrNull(
) ?: a.getFontFamilyOrNull(R.styleable.ComposeThemeAdapterTextAppearance_android_fontFamily)
color = when {
setTextColors -> {
else -> Color.Unspecified
fontSize = a.getTextUnit(R.styleable.ComposeThemeAdapterTextAppearance_android_textSize, density),
lineHeight = run {
a.getTextUnitOrNull(R.styleable.ComposeThemeAdapterTextAppearance_lineHeight, density)
?: a.getTextUnitOrNull(R.styleable.ComposeThemeAdapterTextAppearance_android_lineHeight, density)
?: TextUnit.Unspecified
fontFamily = when {
fontFamily != null -> fontFamily.fontFamily
// Values below are from frameworks/base attrs.xml
typeface == 1 -> FontFamily.SansSerif
typeface == 2 -> FontFamily.Serif
typeface == 3 -> FontFamily.Monospace
else -> null
fontStyle = when {
(textStyle and Typeface.ITALIC) != 0 -> FontStyle.Italic
else -> FontStyle.Normal
fontWeight = when {
textFontWeight in 0..149 -> FontWeight.W100
textFontWeight in 150..249 -> FontWeight.W200
textFontWeight in 250..349 -> FontWeight.W300
textFontWeight in 350..449 -> FontWeight.W400
textFontWeight in 450..549 -> FontWeight.W500
textFontWeight in 550..649 -> FontWeight.W600
textFontWeight in 650..749 -> FontWeight.W700
textFontWeight in 750..849 -> FontWeight.W800
textFontWeight in 850..999 -> FontWeight.W900
// Else, check the text style for bold
(textStyle and Typeface.BOLD) != 0 -> FontWeight.Bold
// Else, the font family might have an implicit weight (san-serif-light, etc)
fontFamily != null -> fontFamily.weight
else -> null
fontFeatureSettings = a.getString(R.styleable.ComposeThemeAdapterTextAppearance_android_fontFeatureSettings),
shadow = run {
val shadowColor = a.getComposeColor(R.styleable.ComposeThemeAdapterTextAppearance_android_shadowColor)
if (shadowColor != Color.Unspecified) {
val dx = a.getFloat(R.styleable.ComposeThemeAdapterTextAppearance_android_shadowDx, 0f)
val dy = a.getFloat(R.styleable.ComposeThemeAdapterTextAppearance_android_shadowDy, 0f)
val rad = a.getFloat(R.styleable.ComposeThemeAdapterTextAppearance_android_shadowRadius, 0f)
Shadow(color = shadowColor, offset = Offset(dx, dy), blurRadius = rad)
} else null
letterSpacing = when {
a.hasValue(R.styleable.ComposeThemeAdapterTextAppearance_android_letterSpacing) -> {
a.getFloat(R.styleable.ComposeThemeAdapterTextAppearance_android_letterSpacing, 0f).em
// FIXME: Normally we'd use TextUnit.Unspecified,
// but this can cause a crash due to mismatched Sp and Em TextUnits
else -> 0.em
internal fun parseShapeAppearance(
context: Context,
@StyleRes id: Int,
fallbackShape: CornerBasedShape,
layoutDirection: LayoutDirection
): CornerBasedShape {
return context.obtainStyledAttributes(id, R.styleable.ComposeThemeAdapterShapeAppearance).use { a ->
val defaultCornerSize = a.getCornerSizeOrNull(
val cornerSizeTL = a.getCornerSizeOrNull(
val cornerSizeTR = a.getCornerSizeOrNull(
val cornerSizeBL = a.getCornerSizeOrNull(
val cornerSizeBR = a.getCornerSizeOrNull(
val isRtl = layoutDirection == LayoutDirection.Rtl
val cornerSizeTS = if (isRtl) cornerSizeTR else cornerSizeTL
val cornerSizeTE = if (isRtl) cornerSizeTL else cornerSizeTR
val cornerSizeBS = if (isRtl) cornerSizeBR else cornerSizeBL
val cornerSizeBE = if (isRtl) cornerSizeBL else cornerSizeBR
* We do not support the individual `cornerFamilyTopLeft`, etc, since Compose only supports
* one corner type per shape. Therefore we only read the `cornerFamily` attribute.
when (a.getInt(R.styleable.ComposeThemeAdapterShapeAppearance_cornerFamily, 0)) {
0 -> {
topStart = cornerSizeTS ?: defaultCornerSize ?: fallbackShape.topStart,
topEnd = cornerSizeTE ?: defaultCornerSize ?: fallbackShape.topEnd,
bottomEnd = cornerSizeBE ?: defaultCornerSize ?: fallbackShape.bottomEnd,
bottomStart = cornerSizeBS ?: defaultCornerSize ?: fallbackShape.bottomStart
1 -> {
topStart = cornerSizeTS ?: defaultCornerSize ?: fallbackShape.topStart,
topEnd = cornerSizeTE ?: defaultCornerSize ?: fallbackShape.topEnd,
bottomEnd = cornerSizeBE ?: defaultCornerSize ?: fallbackShape.bottomEnd,
bottomStart = cornerSizeBS ?: defaultCornerSize ?: fallbackShape.bottomStart
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown cornerFamily set in ShapeAppearance")
private fun getResourceFromAttr(context: Context, @AttrRes attr: Int): Int {
val typedValue = TypedValue()
context.theme.resolveAttribute(attr, typedValue, true)
private val tempTypedValue = ThreadLocal<TypedValue>()
internal fun TypedArray.getComposeColor(
index: Int,
fallbackColor: Color = Color.Unspecified
): Color = if (hasValue(index)) Color(getColorOrThrow(index)) else fallbackColor
* Returns the given index as a [FontFamily] and [FontWeight],
* or `null` if the value can not be coerced to a [FontFamily].
* @param index index of attribute to retrieve.
internal fun TypedArray.getFontFamilyOrNull(index: Int): FontFamilyWithWeight? {
val tv = tempTypedValue.getOrSet(::TypedValue)
if (getValue(index, tv) && tv.type == TypedValue.TYPE_STRING) {
return when (tv.string) {
"sans-serif" -> FontFamilyWithWeight(FontFamily.SansSerif)
"sans-serif-thin" -> FontFamilyWithWeight(FontFamily.SansSerif, FontWeight.Thin)
"sans-serif-light" -> FontFamilyWithWeight(FontFamily.SansSerif, FontWeight.Light)
"sans-serif-medium" -> FontFamilyWithWeight(FontFamily.SansSerif, FontWeight.Medium)
"sans-serif-black" -> FontFamilyWithWeight(FontFamily.SansSerif, FontWeight.Black)
"serif" -> FontFamilyWithWeight(FontFamily.Serif)
"cursive" -> FontFamilyWithWeight(FontFamily.Cursive)
"monospace" -> FontFamilyWithWeight(FontFamily.Monospace)
// TODO: Compose does not expose a FontFamily for all strings yet
else -> {
// If there's a resource ID and the string starts with res/,
// it's probably a @font resource
if (tv.resourceId != 0 && tv.string.startsWith("res/")) {
// If we're running on API 23+ and the resource is an XML, we can parse
// the fonts into a full FontFamily.
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23 && tv.string.endsWith(".xml")) {
} else {
// Otherwise we just load it as a single font
} else null
return null
@SuppressLint("RestrictedApi") // FontResourcesParserCompat.*
@RequiresApi(23) // XML font families with >1 fonts are only supported on API 23+
private fun Resources.parseXmlFontFamily(resourceId: Int): FontFamily? {
val parser = getXml(resourceId)
// Can't use {} since XmlResourceParser is AutoCloseable, not Closeable
try {
val result = FontResourcesParserCompat.parse(parser, this)
if (result is FontResourcesParserCompat.FontFamilyFilesResourceEntry) {
val fonts = { font ->
resId = font.resourceId,
weight = fontWeightOf(font.weight),
style = if (font.isItalic) FontStyle.Italic else FontStyle.Normal
return FontFamily(fonts)
} finally {
return null
private fun fontWeightOf(weight: Int): FontWeight = when (weight) {
in 0..149 -> FontWeight.W100
in 150..249 -> FontWeight.W200
in 250..349 -> FontWeight.W300
in 350..449 -> FontWeight.W400
in 450..549 -> FontWeight.W500
in 550..649 -> FontWeight.W600
in 650..749 -> FontWeight.W700
in 750..849 -> FontWeight.W800
in 850..999 -> FontWeight.W900
// Else, we use the 'normal' weight
else -> FontWeight.W400
internal data class FontFamilyWithWeight(
val fontFamily: FontFamily,
val weight: FontWeight = FontWeight.Normal
* Returns the given index as a [TextUnit], or [fallback] if the value can not be coerced to
* a [TextUnit].
* @param index index of attribute to retrieve.
* @param density the current display density.
* @param fallback Value to return if the attribute is not defined or cannot be coerced to
* a [TextUnit].
internal fun TypedArray.getTextUnit(
index: Int,
density: Density,
fallback: TextUnit = TextUnit.Unspecified
): TextUnit = getTextUnitOrNull(index, density) ?: fallback
* Returns the given index as a [TextUnit], or `null` if the value can not be coerced to
* a [TextUnit].
* @param index index of attribute to retrieve.
* @param density the current display density.
internal fun TypedArray.getTextUnitOrNull(
index: Int,
density: Density
): TextUnit? {
val tv = tempTypedValue.getOrSet { TypedValue() }
if (getValue(index, tv) && tv.type == TypedValue.TYPE_DIMENSION) {
return when (tv.complexUnitCompat) {
// For SP values, we convert the value directly to an TextUnit.Sp
TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP -> TypedValue.complexToFloat(
// For DIP values, we convert the value to an TextUnit.Em (roughly equivalent)
TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP -> TypedValue.complexToFloat(
// For another other types, we let the TypedArray flatten to a px value, and
// we convert it to an Sp based on the current density
else -> with(density) { getDimension(index, 0f).toSp() }
return null
* Returns the given index as a [CornerSize], or `null` if the value can not be coerced
* to a [CornerSize].
* @param index index of attribute to retrieve.
internal fun TypedArray.getCornerSizeOrNull(index: Int): CornerSize? {
val tv = tempTypedValue.getOrSet { TypedValue() }
if (getValue(index, tv)) {
return when (tv.type) {
TypedValue.TYPE_DIMENSION -> {
when (tv.complexUnitCompat) {
// For DIP and PX values, we convert the value to the equivalent
TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP -> CornerSize(TypedValue.complexToFloat(
TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX -> CornerSize(TypedValue.complexToFloat(
// For another other dim types, we let the TypedArray flatten to a px value
else -> CornerSize(getDimensionPixelSize(index, 0))
TypedValue.TYPE_FRACTION -> CornerSize(tv.getFraction(1f, 1f))
else -> null
return null
* A workaround since [TypedValue.getComplexUnit] is API 22+
private inline val TypedValue.complexUnitCompat
get() = when {
Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 22 -> complexUnit
else -> TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_MASK and (data shr TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SHIFT)
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