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Created July 23, 2015 16:06
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[TestCase("Projects Topside", "Projects Systems")]
[TestCase("Topside", "Systems")]
public void ProjectsTopsides_vs_ProjectsSystems(string one, string another)
// Act
var fuzzyMatchValue = one.FuzzyMatch(another);
var diceCoefficient = one.DiceCoefficient(another);
var levenshteinDistance = one.LevenshteinDistance(another);
var lcs = one.LongestCommonSubsequence(another);
// Assert
Console.WriteLine("Fuzzy Match Value: {0}", fuzzyMatchValue);
Console.WriteLine("Dice Coefficient: {0}", diceCoefficient);
Console.WriteLine("Levenshtein Distance: {0}", levenshteinDistance);
Console.WriteLine("Longest Common Subsequence: {0}", lcs);
Console.WriteLine("Double Metaphone for T: {0} and S: {1}", one.ToDoubleMetaphone(), another.ToDoubleMetaphone());
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