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How To Work With Multiple Github Accounts on your PC

How to Work with Multiple GitHub Accounts on a Single Machine

Let’s assume you have two GitHub accounts:


You want to configure your Mac to manage both accounts.

Note: This guide can be extended for more than two accounts. :)

You can set it up in 5 simple steps:


  • Step 1: Create SSH keys for each account
  • Step 2: Add SSH keys to the SSH Agent
  • Step 3: Add the SSH public keys to GitHub
  • Step 4: Create a config file for SSH host entries
  • Step 5: Clone GitHub repositories using different accounts

Step 1: Create SSH Keys for Each Account

First, navigate to your .ssh directory:

cd ~/.ssh

Generate unique SSH keys for each account:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your-email-address" -f "github-username"
  • -C adds a comment to identify your SSH key.
  • -f specifies the filename for saving the key.

For example:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "[email protected]" -f "github-work-account"
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "[email protected]" -f "github-personal-account"

This creates private and public key pairs (.pub for public), named based on the value you passed with -f:

  • {github-work-account} — the private key.
  • {github-work-account}.pub — the public key.


  • {github-personal-account} — the private key.
  • {github-personal-account}.pub — the public key.

Step 2: Add SSH Keys to the SSH Agent

To enable the keys for use, add them to the SSH agent:

ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/github-work-account
ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/github-personal-account

For more details on adding keys to the SSH agent, see this guide.

Step 3: Add SSH Public Keys to GitHub

Now, add the public keys to their respective GitHub accounts.

  1. Copy the public key:
pbcopy < ~/.ssh/
pbcopy < ~/.ssh/

Add the public key to GitHub:

  • Go to Settings > SSH and GPG keys > New SSH Key.
  • Paste your key and give it a descriptive title.
  • Alternatively, visit GitHub's SSH keys settings and click New SSH Key.

Step 4: Create a Config File for SSH Host Entries

The ~/.ssh/config file lets you specify multiple SSH configurations.

If the config file doesn’t exist, create one:

touch ~/.ssh/config
open ~/.ssh/config

Add the following entries for each GitHub account:

# Work GitHub account
    User git
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github-work-account

# Personal GitHub account
    User git
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github-personal-account

Step 5: Clone GitHub Repositories Using Different Accounts

With the setup complete, you can now clone repositories using specific accounts.


git clone [email protected]:personal-account/TestRepo.git

Final Configuration: Set Git User Details per Repository

To ensure the correct GitHub user is used for each repository, configure the and settings within each repository:

git config "[email protected]"
git config "Your Name"

git config "[email protected]"
git config "Your Name"

Add the remote origin:

git remote add origin [email protected]:personal-account
git remote add origin [email protected]:work-account

Now you can push and pull with the correct account:

git push
git pull


Start the SSH agent

To allow git to use your SSH key, an SSH agent needs to be running on your device.

To start the agent, run:

$ eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
> Agent pid 59566

Check the SSH agent running

To check if it is already running, run the ps command. If the ssh-agent is already running, it should appear in the output, such as:

$ ps aux | grep ssh-agent

24630 ??         0:00.00 ssh-agent -s
24660 ttys001    0:00.00 grep --color=auto --exclude-dir=.bzr --exclude-dir=CVS --exclude-dir=.git --exclude-dir=.hg --exclude-dir=.svn --exclude-dir=.idea --exclude-dir=.tox ssh-agent

// OR

$ ps -ax | grep ssh-agent

19998 ??         0:00.20 /usr/bin/ssh-agent -l

Alternatively, you can use this command to check if the SSH agent is running and properly set up:

$ echo "$SSH_AGENT_PID"

To add the SSH key to your SSH agent (ssh-agent):

Run the following command, replacing the {ssh-key-name} with the name of the private key:

ssh-add ~/{ssh-key-name}

For MacOS:

ssh-add --apple-use-keychain ~/.ssh/{ssh-key-name}

To ensure the correct SSH key is used when connecting to Bitbucket, update or create your SSH configuration file (~/.ssh/config) with the following settings:

  AddKeysToAgent yes
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/{ssh-key-name}

Check if the key already added

$ ssh-add -l

256 SHA256:<fingerprint here> [email protected] (ED25519)
$ ssh -T [email protected]

Hi xxx! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.

You don't login to Git.

You do login to a Git repository hosting server, which requests an authentication, but Git itself has no authentication nor authorization.

As an example of a Git repository hosting service offering login:

  • GitHub: gh auth login
  • GitLab: glab auth login

Git itself does not log you in, as mentioned in my answer above.

A third-party CLI tool, GitHub CLI gh), can connect to a repository hosting service ( and trigger the authentication.

With GitHub:

  1. create first through the Web UI a Personal access tokens (classic), with minimum required scopes: repo, read:org, and gist. Its token prefix will be ghp_....
  2. Then authenticate yourself from the command-line, after installing gh, using gh auth login.


$ gh auth login  

? What account do you want to log into?
? What is your preferred protocol for Git operations on this host? SSH
? Upload your SSH public key to your GitHub account? /Users/xxx/.ssh/
? Title for your SSH key: your-ssh-key
? How would you like to authenticate GitHub CLI? Login with a web browser

! First copy your one-time code: xxxx-xxxx
Press Enter to open in your browser... 
✓ Authentication complete.
- gh config set -h git_protocol ssh
✓ Configured git protocol
  1. Then, a gh auth status would give you:
$ gh auth status
  ✓ Logged in to account gh-acc-1 (keyring)
  - Active account: true
  - Git operations protocol: ssh
  - Token: gho_************************************
  - Token scopes: 'admin:public_key', 'gist', 'read:org', 'repo'

  ✓ Logged in to account gh-acc-2 (/Users/xxx/.config/gh/hosts.yml)
  - Active account: false
  - Git operations protocol: ssh
  - Token: gho_************************************
  - Token scopes: 'admin:public_key', 'gist', 'read:org', 'repo'

Then, to switch between accounts:

$ gh auth switch

✓ Switched active account for to `gh-acc-2`


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