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Last active February 28, 2017 11:38
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Reading-in SRT Data
import scipy
import scipy.signal
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#%matplotlib inline
import astropy
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, ICRS, EarthLocation, AltAz, GCRS
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.time import Time'ggplot')
#import vlsr
import otter
import otter.bootstrap as bs
import otter.plot as ml
import jplephem
from jplephem.spk import SPK
kernel ='/home/daniel/data/de430.bsp')
import astropy
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, ICRS, FK5, EarthLocation, AltAz
from astropy.time import Time
import astropy.units as u
import astropy.constants as con
import math
import numpy as np
@u.quantity_input(canon_velocity=(u.meter / u.second))
def v_sun(source, apex = "18h03m50.29s +30d00m16.8s",
canon_velocity = 20.0 * 1000 * u.meter / u.second):
Calculate the velocity of the sun relative to a point in the sky.
source : `astropy.coordinate.SkyCoord` object
The point on the sky which the Earth's projected velocity should be
calculated for.
apex : str, optional
The point in the sky which the Sun is travelling towards. This should
be given as a string in the format "ra dec". The default value is
18h03m50.29s +30d00m16.8s.
canon_velocity : float
The velocity at which the sun is travelling towards `apex`. This
defaults to 20 000 m/s. The value must be specified using astropy
v_sun : `astropy.quantity`
The velocity of the sun, relative to the source, with correct units.
The Sun is moving towards a point in the sky close to Vega at a velocity
of around 20 km/s. In order to calculate the velocity of the Earth towards
any other point in the sky we need to project the velocity vector onto
the position vector of that point in the sky, using a dot product.
if isinstance(source.obstime.value, str):
equinox = source.obstime
equinox = source.obstime[0]
c = SkyCoord(apex, equinox="J2000", frame=FK5)
c = c.transform_to(FK5(equinox=equinox, representation='cartesian'))
c = c.cartesian
source = source.cartesian
v = canon_velocity *
return canon_velocity*,
def v_obs(source, observer):
Calculate the velocity of the observatory due to its rotation about the
Earth's barycentre in the direction of a point on the sky.
source : `astropy.coordinate.SkyCoord` object
The point on the sky which the Earth's projected velocity should be
calculated for.
observer : `astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation` object
The location on the Earth of the observatory.
v_obs : `astropy.quantity` object
The velocity of the observer relative to the source.
pos = [observer.x.value, observer.y.value, observer.z.value] * u.meter
vel = [0, 0, (2*np.pi)/(24.*3600.)] / u.second # 459
source = source.transform_to(AltAz(location=observer))
return, vel),*u.meter/u.second
def v_earth(source):
Calculate the velocity of the Earth relative to some point on the sky.
source : `astropy.coordinate.SkyCoord`
The point on the sky which the Earth's projected velocity should be
calculated for.
v_earth : `astropy.quantity` object
The velocity of the Earth relative to the source.
time = source.obstime.jd
position, velocity = kernel[0,3].compute_and_differentiate(time)
position2, velocity2 = kernel[3,399].compute_and_differentiate(time)
velocity = velocity - velocity2
source = source.cartesian
return * 1000 * u.meter / / u.second)).T,
def v_lsr(source, observer):
Calculate the velocity of the local standard of rest for an observatory in
the direction of a source on the sky.
source : `astropy.coordinate.SkyCoord` object
The point on the sky which the Earth's projected velocity should be
calculated for.
observer : `astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation` object
The location on the Earth of the observatory.
v_lsr : `astropy.quantity` object
The velocity of the observer relative to the local standard of rest.
v = v_sun(source) + (v_earth(source) + v_obs(source, observer))
return v
def doppler_fraction(v):
return 1 + v / con.c
def produce_v(start, duration, rate, ra, dec):
time_range = np.linspace(0, duration, duration/float(rate))*rate*u.second
times = start + time_range
source = SkyCoord(ra*, dec*, frame=FK5, obstime=times)
def find_nearest(array,value):
idx = (np.abs(array-value)).argmin()
return array[idx], idx
report = otter.Otter('/home/daniel/www/data/radio/srt2017/index.html',
title = "SRT HI Observations",
subtitle = '2017 Honours Lab')
import glob
import re
# Form the calibration curve
calibration = scipy.fromfile('/home/daniel/data/radio/srt2017/', dtype=np.float32)
calibration = (np.reshape(calibration, [-1,256]))
cal = [np.abs(cal/np.max(cal)) for cal in calibration]
calc = np.mean(cal[6:-1], axis=0)
files = glob.glob('/home/daniel/data/radio/srt2017/*.dat')
a = re.compile("ra(.*)dec(.*)time(.*).dat")
counter = 0
for datafile in files:
#counter+= 1
#if counter>5: break
print datafile
data = scipy.fromfile(datafile, dtype=np.float32)
bandwidth = 4e6
centre = 1420.4e6
filepath = datafile.split('/')
s_ra = float([-1]).group(1))
s_dec = float([-1]).group(2))
s_time =[-1]).group(3)
frequencies = np.linspace(centre - bandwidth/2, centre + bandwidth/2, 256)/1e6
data = np.reshape(data, [-1,256])
# Average and normalise the data
flatten = np.mean(data[8500:9000, :], axis=0)
data = data/calc
# Correct for the variation in the observations using the calibration line
# This is probably a bit naiive, but here's a shot at it
data /= data.max()
start_time = Time(s_time, format='isot', scale='utc')
time_range = np.linspace(0, (np.shape(data)[0])*5, np.shape(data)[0])*u.second
times = start_time + time_range
acre_road = EarthLocation(lat=55.9024278*u.deg, lon=-4.307582*u.deg, height=61*u.m)
start = SkyCoord(s_ra*u.deg, s_dec*u.deg, frame=ICRS)
start = start.transform_to(AltAz(obstime=times,location=acre_road))
positions = SkyCoord([0], start.alt[0], frame = AltAz(obstime=times,location=acre_road), unit='deg')
positions = positions.transform_to(ICRS)
# v = v_lsr(positions[::10], acre_road)
# output = []
# print "Outputting VLSR"
# with open(datafile+'.vlsr', 'w') as f:
# for i in range(len(times)):
# print>>f, times[::10][i].value, v[i].value
decl = positions.dec[0]
rollamount = find_nearest(positions.ra.value, 0)[1]
newend = find_nearest(positions.ra.value[-1000:-1], positions.ra.value[0])[1]
data = np.roll(data[:-(1000 - newend)], -rollamount, axis=0)
positions_r = np.roll(positions.ra[:-(1000 - newend)], -rollamount)
f, ax = plt.subplots(2,1, figsize=(7.5, 2.5), sharey=True)
#ax.set_title('Drift scan at $\delta=${}'.format(decl))
ax[0].plot(positions_r, np.sum(np.fliplr(data), axis=1))
ax[1].imshow(np.fliplr((data)[:,20:236].T), aspect=20, cmap='inferno',extent = (positions_r[-1].value, positions_r[0].value,frequencies.min(), frequencies.max(), ), vmax = np.max(data))
ax[1].set_ylabel('Frequency (MHz)')
ax[1].set_xlabel('Right Ascension (deg)')
row = report + bs.Row(1)
row[0] += "#Declination = {}".format(decl)
row[0] += ml.Figure(report, f, dpi=100)
row[0] += "<a href='{}'>VLSR Values</a>".format(datafile.split('/')[-1]+'.vlsr')
row[0] += "<p>Observation start time: {} </p>".format(s_time)
row[0] += "<p>Declination: {} </p>".format(decl)
# pass
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