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Forked from deepfates/
Created December 3, 2024 10:20
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Convert your twitter archive into a training dataset and markdown files
import argparse
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, as_completed
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple
# Logging setup
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MediaFile:
id: str
content_type: str
path: str
metadata: Dict[str, Any]
class Content:
id: str
text: str
metadata: Dict[str, Any]
timestamp: str
parent_id: Optional[str]
media_files: List[Dict[str, Any]]
content_source: str
class Thread:
id: str
contents: List[Content]
class Message:
role: Literal["assistant", "user"]
content: str
# Data extraction functions
def clean_json_string(json_string: str) -> str:
return re.sub(r'^window\.[^=]+=\s*', '', json_string.strip()).rstrip(';')
def process_file(file_path: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
data = clean_json_string(
results = json.loads(data)
return results
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f"Error processing file {file_path}: {e}")
return []
def extract_manifest(file_path: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
content = clean_json_string(
return json.loads(content)
except json.JSONDecodeError:
match ='window\.__THAR_CONFIG\s*=\s*({.*})', content, re.DOTALL)
if match:
return json.loads(
logger.error(f"Could not parse __THAR_CONFIG in manifest file: {file_path}")
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error extracting manifest from {file_path}: {e}")
def get_media_files(tweet_id: str, media_folder: str) -> List[str]:
all_files = os.listdir(media_folder)
media_files = [
f for f in all_files
if f.startswith(f"{tweet_id}-") and os.path.getsize(os.path.join(media_folder, f)) > 0
return media_files
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error getting media files for tweet_id {tweet_id}: {e}")
return []
def get_media_type(filename: str) -> str:
ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower()
if ext in ('.mp4', '.mov'):
return 'video'
elif ext in ('.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.gif'):
return 'photo'
return 'unknown'
def extract_content(item: Dict[str, Any], content_source: str, media_folder: str) -> List[Content]:
content_id = item.get('id') or item.get('tweetId')
text = item.get('text') or item.get('fullText') or item.get('full_text')
media_files = get_media_files(content_id, media_folder)
media_file_objects = [{
'id': f"{content_id}_{os.path.splitext(media_file)[0]}",
'content_type': get_media_type(media_file),
'path': os.path.join(media_folder, media_file),
'metadata': {
'parent_tweet': item,
'media_info': item.get('extended_entities', {}).get('media', [])
} for media_file in media_files]
return [Content(
timestamp=item.get('created_at', ''),
parent_id=item.get('in_reply_to_status_id', None),
def process_file_wrapper(args: Tuple[str, Dict[str, Any], str, str]) -> List[Content]:
archive_path, file_info, extractor_name, media_folder = args
file_path = os.path.join(archive_path, file_info['fileName'])
file_data = process_file(file_path)
extractor = globals()[extractor_name] # Get the extractor function by name
return extractor(file_data, media_folder)
def extract_content_data(archive_path: str, file_info: Dict[str, Any], extractor: Callable, media_folder: str) -> List[Content]:
return extractor(file_info['data'], media_folder)
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error extracting data with {extractor.__name__}: {e}")
return []
def extract_data(archive_path: str, type_info: Dict[str, Any], extractor: Callable) -> List[Content]:
media_folder = os.path.join(archive_path, 'data', 'tweets_media')
contents = []
extractor_name = extractor.__name__
with ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
args_list = [
(archive_path, file_info, extractor_name, media_folder)
for file_info in type_info.get('files', [])
futures = [executor.submit(process_file_wrapper, args) for args in args_list]
total_futures = len(futures)"Processing {total_futures} files with {extractor_name}")
completed_count = 0
for future in as_completed(futures):
result = future.result()
if result:
completed_count += 1
if completed_count % 10 == 0 or completed_count == total_futures:"Processed {completed_count}/{total_futures} files")"Total {extractor_name} extracted: {len(contents)} from {len(type_info.get('files', []))} files")
return contents
def extract_tweets(file_data: List[Dict[str, Any]], media_folder: str) -> List[Content]:"Extracting tweets from {len(file_data)} items")
contents = [
for tweet in file_data if 'tweet' in tweet
for content in extract_content(tweet['tweet'], 'tweet', media_folder)
]"Extracted {len(contents)} tweet contents")
return contents
def extract_likes(file_data: List[Dict[str, Any]], media_folder: str) -> List[Content]:"Extracting likes from {len(file_data)} items")
contents = [
for like in file_data if 'like' in like
for content in extract_content(like['like'], 'like', media_folder)
]"Extracted {len(contents)} like contents")
return contents
def extract_archive_data(archive_path: str) -> Dict[str, List[Content]]:
manifest_path = os.path.join(archive_path, 'data', 'manifest.js')
manifest = extract_manifest(manifest_path)
data_types = manifest.get('dataTypes', {})
extractors = {
'tweets': extract_tweets,
'like': extract_likes,
# Add more extractors as needed
response = {}
for data_type, extractor in extractors.items():
if data_type in data_types:
response[data_type] = extract_data(archive_path, data_types[data_type], extractor)
return response
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error occurred during data extraction: {e}")
return {}
# Data transformation functions
def clean_text(text: str, entities: Optional[Dict] = None) -> str:
if entities:
for url in entities.get('urls', []):
short_url = url.get('url', '')
expanded_url = url.get('expanded_url', '')
if short_url and expanded_url:
text = text.replace(short_url, expanded_url)
text = re.sub(r'\w+', '', text)
text = re.sub(r'@\w+', '', text)
text = re.sub(r'#\w+', '', text)
text = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', text)
return text.strip()
def get_all_tweets(data: Dict[str, List[Content]]) -> Dict[str, Content]:"Combining tweets and likes into all_tweets")
all_tweets = { tweet for tweet in data.get('tweets', []) if}"Added {len(data.get('tweets', []))} tweets to all_tweets")
likes = data.get('like', [])
for like in likes:
all_tweets[] = like
logger.warning("Like without id encountered and skipped.")"Added {len(likes)} likes to all_tweets")"Total {len(all_tweets)} tweets/likes in all_tweets")
return all_tweets
def get_conversation_texts(conversation: List[Content]) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
return [
(tweet.text, "assistant" if 'full_text' in tweet.metadata else "user")
for tweet in conversation
if tweet.text
def trim_conversation_to_last_assistant(conversation_data: List[Message]) -> List[Message]:
for i in range(len(conversation_data) - 1, -1, -1):
if conversation_data[i].role == "assistant":
return conversation_data[:i+1]
return []
def get_conversation_data(conversation: List[Content]) -> List[Message]:
conversation_data = []
current_role = None
current_content = []
for text, role in get_conversation_texts(conversation):
cleaned_text = clean_text(text)
if cleaned_text:
if role != current_role and current_role is not None:
conversation_data.append(format_message(current_content, current_role))
current_content = []
current_role = role
if current_content:
conversation_data.append(format_message(current_content, current_role))
return trim_conversation_to_last_assistant(conversation_data)
def extract_threads_and_conversations(all_tweets: Dict[str, Content]) -> Tuple[List[Thread], List[List[Content]]]:
"""Extract threads and conversations from all tweets."""
threads = []
conversations = []
# Keep track of processed tweet IDs to avoid duplicates
processed_ids = set()
for tweet in all_tweets.values():
if in processed_ids:
if tweet.content_source == 'tweet' and tweet.parent_id and tweet.parent_id in all_tweets and not tweet.text.startswith('RT'):
# Initialize the chain
chain = [tweet]
current_tweet = tweet
# Walk up the chain of replies
while current_tweet.parent_id and current_tweet.parent_id in all_tweets:
parent_tweet = all_tweets[current_tweet.parent_id]
current_tweet = parent_tweet
if in processed_ids:
break # Avoid cycles
# Mark tweets as processed
for t in chain:
# Determine if it's a thread or conversation
if all(t.content_source == 'tweet' for t in chain):
# This is a thread (user replying to themselves)
threads.append(Thread(, contents=list(reversed(chain))))
# This is a conversation (user replying to others)
return threads, conversations
# Data export functions
def process_media_files(media_files: List[Dict[str, Any]], images_folder: str) -> List[str]:
media_links = []
for media_file in media_files:
media_path = media_file.get('path')
if media_path and os.path.isfile(media_path):
orig_filename = os.path.basename(media_path)
new_filename = f"_{orig_filename}"
dest_path = os.path.join(images_folder, new_filename)
shutil.copy(media_path, dest_path)
logger.warning(f"Invalid or missing media path: {media_path}")
return media_links
def save_thread_markdown(thread: Thread, output_dir: str, media_folder: str, images_folder: str):
if not thread.contents:
logger.warning("Attempted to save an empty thread.")
date_str = thread.contents[0].timestamp
date = datetime.strptime(date_str, '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %z %Y').date()
except ValueError:
logger.warning(f"Invalid date format: {date_str}")
date =
frontmatter = f"---\nDate: {date.isoformat()}\n---\n"
thread_text = []
for tweet in thread.contents:
media_links = process_media_files(tweet.media_files, images_folder)
cleaned_text = clean_text(tweet.text, tweet.metadata.get('entities'))
combined_text = f"{cleaned_text}\n\n" + '\n\n'.join(media_links)
first_words = ' '.join(thread_text[0].split()[:5])
sanitized_filename = re.sub(r'[^\w\-_ ]', '', first_words).strip().replace(' ', '_')[:50]
filename = f"{sanitized_filename}.md"
file_path = os.path.join(output_dir, filename)
top_tweet_id = thread.contents[0].id
top_tweet_link = f"{top_tweet_id}"
with open(file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
f.write(f"{frontmatter}\n\n" + '\n\n'.join(thread_text) + f"\n\n[View on Twitter]({top_tweet_link})")
def save_tweets_by_date(all_tweets: Dict[str, Content], threads: List[Thread], output_dir: str, images_folder: str):
thread_ids = { for thread in threads for tweet in thread.contents}
non_thread_tweets = [
tweet for tweet_id, tweet in all_tweets.items()
if tweet_id not in thread_ids
and not tweet.parent_id
and tweet.content_source == 'tweet'
and not tweet.text.startswith('RT')
tweets_by_date: Dict[, List[Content]] = {}
for tweet in non_thread_tweets:
date_str = tweet.timestamp
if not date_str:
logger.warning(f"Tweet missing date information: {tweet}")
date = datetime.strptime(date_str, '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %z %Y').date()
tweets_by_date.setdefault(date, []).append(tweet)
except ValueError:
logger.warning(f"Invalid date format: {date_str}")
for date, tweets_on_date in tweets_by_date.items():
filename = f"{date.isoformat()}.md"
file_path = os.path.join(output_dir, filename)
tweets_on_date.sort(key=lambda x: x.timestamp)
content = '\n\n---\n\n'.join(
f"*{datetime.strptime(tweet.timestamp, '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %z %Y').strftime('%I:%M %p')}* \n{clean_text(tweet.text, tweet.metadata.get('entities'))}" +
''.join(process_media_files(tweet.media_files, images_folder))
for tweet in tweets_on_date
with open(file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
def format_message(content: List[str], role: Literal['assistant', 'user']) -> Message:
return Message(role=role, content="\n\n".join(content))
def format_conversation(conversation_data: List[Message], system_message: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
messages = [{"role": "system", "content": system_message}]
messages.extend([message.__dict__ for message in conversation_data])
return {"messages": messages}
def save_conversations_to_jsonl(threads: List[Thread], conversations: List[List[Content]], output_path: str, system_message: str = "You have been uploaded to the internet"):"Saving {len(conversations) + len(threads)} conversations to {output_path} in oai format")
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_path), exist_ok=True)
with open(output_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
for thread in threads:
formatted_thread = get_conversation_data(thread.contents)
if not formatted_thread:
formatted_thread = format_conversation(formatted_thread, system_message)
f.write(json.dumps(formatted_thread) + '\n')
for conversation in conversations:
formatted_conv = get_conversation_data(conversation)
if not formatted_conv:
formatted_conv = format_conversation(formatted_conv, system_message)
f.write(json.dumps(formatted_conv) + '\n')
def main(archive_path: str, output_dir: str, output_formats: List[str], system_message: str):
data = extract_archive_data(archive_path)
all_tweets = get_all_tweets(data)
threads, conversations = extract_threads_and_conversations(all_tweets)
if 'markdown' in output_formats:
threads_output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'threads')
images_folder = os.path.join(output_dir, 'images')
non_thread_output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'tweets_by_date')
os.makedirs(threads_output_dir, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(images_folder, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(non_thread_output_dir, exist_ok=True)"Saving {len(threads)} threads")
for i, thread in enumerate(threads, start=1):
os.path.join(archive_path, 'data', 'tweets_media'),
if i % 10 == 0 or i == len(threads):"Saved {i}/{len(threads)} threads")
save_tweets_by_date(all_tweets, threads, non_thread_output_dir, images_folder)
if 'oai' in output_formats:
output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, 'conversations_oai.jsonl')
save_conversations_to_jsonl(threads, conversations, output_path, system_message)
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Process Twitter archive")
parser.add_argument("--archive-path", default="test", help="Path to the Twitter archive directory")
parser.add_argument("--output-dir", default="output", help="Directory where outputs will be saved")
parser.add_argument("--output-formats", nargs='+', default=['markdown', 'oai'],
help="Output formats to generate (markdown, oai)")
parser.add_argument("--system-message", default="You have been uploaded to the internet",
help="System message for the conversation")
args = parser.parse_args()
main(args.archive_path, args.output_dir, args.output_formats, args.system_message)
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