These articles have been picked by the creator of Kat's Bookshelf to help provide some guidance to those who are new to self-guided learning.
- You Are NOT Dumb, You Just Lack the Prerequisites
- You Are NOT Lazy, You Just Lack a Habit
- Your Mathematical Potential Has a Limit, but it’s Likely Higher Than You Think
- Play the Long Game
- "It is human nature to want immediate results. We are impatient creatures. When the snowball doesn’t start rolling immediately, we give up. This is dangerous, because anything great in life takes time. Any outsized results is the culmination of extraordinary action for a long period of time. There is no hack. There is no magic."
- Which Cognitive Psychology Findings are Solid, That Can Be Used to Help Students Learn Better?
- Deliberate Practice: The Most Effective Form of Active Learning
- Spaced Repetition vs Spiraling
- Cognitive Science of Learning: The Testing Effect (Retrieval Practice)
- Cognitive Science of Learning: Interleaving (Mixed Practice)
- If You Want to Learn Algebra, You Need to Have Automaticity on Basic Arithmetic
- What’s the Best Way to Teach Math: Explicit Instruction or Less Guided Learning?
- Why It’s So Important to Actively Work Out Problems, Not Just Consume Content, During the Learning Process
- Writing
- Layering: Building Structural Integrity in Knowledge
- Liquid vs Illiquid Careers
- Intelligence Killed Genius
- "The first requirement to do genius-level work is to not be afraid to do things only geniuses can do, i.e. to have the internal feeling of being better than everyone else in the world. The concept of intelligence kills this feeling. However smart you are, there is someone who is smarter than you. And if there’s someone smarter than you are, it doesn’t make sense to work on the hardest possible problems and to try to change the world - it’s the smartest person’s job. You don’t need need to be the smartest person in the world..."
- "Genius is being extremely good at a couple of things that really matter. Genius is having a vision. Genius is not the highest g... Genius is like synesthesia. It’s the stray connections between parts of the brain that were not supposed to be connected that make your picture completely different, but might leave you just 2-4 sd to the right in g, orthogonal to intelligence. Genius is not being perfect, it’s being unbalanced."
- How to be More Agentic