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Last active June 20, 2022 13:20
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# Script to migrate from obsidian readwise to logseq readwise
# 1. Create a new logseq vault and sync your readwise content into it. Script assumes you are in this new folder.
# 2. Merge obsidian readwise content into new vault using this ruby file
# 3. Delete Readwise folder from obsidian vault
# 4. copy the pages files into your obsidian pages folder
# map of url => new filename
logseq_url_map = Dir["pages/*"].map do |page|
[[/^\s*url:: (.*)$/, 1], page]
# map of full title => new filename
logseq_full_title_map = Dir["pages/*"].map do |page|
[[/^\s*full-title:: (.*)$/, 1], page]
# map of new file name => title
logseq_new_title_map = Dir["pages/*"].map do |page|
[page,[/^\s*title:: (.*)$/, 1]]
# iterate over old obsidian readwise files
Dir.glob("../Notes2.0/Readwise/**/*.md").each do |page|
content =
url = content[/^\s*URL:: (.*)$/, 1]
full_title = content[/^\s*full title:: (.*)$/, 1]
title = content[/^\s*title:: (.*)$/, 1]
filename = nil
# did we find a url? try to match by url
if !url.nil?
filename = logseq_url_map[url]
# url didnt work? did we find a title? try that
if filename.nil? && !full_title.nil?
filename = logseq_full_title_map[full_title]
if filename.nil?
print "warn #{page} no match\n"
# replace title with new title format
content[title] = logseq_new_title_map[filename]
# write obsidian readwise content onto new filename
File.write(filename, content)
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