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Last active April 12, 2021 09:31
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Fast AUC and ROC calculations in R
fastROC <- function(probs, class) {
class_sorted <- class[order(probs, decreasing=T)]
TPR <- cumsum(class_sorted) / sum(class)
FPR <- cumsum(class_sorted == 0) / sum(class == 0)
return(list(tpr=TPR, fpr=FPR))
# Helpful function adapted from:
fastAUC <- function(probs, class) {
x <- probs
y <- class
x1 = x[y==1]; n1 = length(x1);
x2 = x[y==0]; n2 = length(x2);
r = rank(c(x1,x2))
auc = (sum(r[1:n1]) - n1*(n1+1)/2) / n1 / n2
### Some tests on random datasets
#small test dataset
probs <- runif(50000)
class <- sample(c(1,0), 50000, replace=T)
system.time(pROC_auc_results <- pROC::auc(pROC::roc(class, probs)))
#Elapsed: 17.906s
system.time(fast_auc_results <- fastAUC(probs, class))
#Elapsed: 0.022s
system.time(ROCR_auc_results <- ROCR::performance(ROCR::prediction(probs,class), measure="auc"))
#Elapsed: 0.208s
#Check that the results are the same -- True up to some float precision
abs(as.numeric(pROC_auc_results) - fast_auc_results) < 1e-12
abs([email protected][[1]] - fast_auc_results) < 1e-12
#Larger test dataset
probs <- runif(5e6)
class <- sample(c(1,0), 5e6, replace=T)
probs <- ifelse(class==1, probs+0.01, probs-0.01)
system.time(fast_auc_results <- fastAUC(probs, class))
#Elapsed: 3.687s
system.time(ROCR_auc_results <- ROCR::performance(ROCR::prediction(probs,class), measure="auc"))
#Elapsed: 16.006
#Check that the results are the same -- True up to some float precision
abs([email protected][[1]] - fast_auc_results) < 1e-12
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