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Created December 29, 2021 13:07
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Ed Latimore quoing Lyndon James McLeod

The list below includes 50 tweets (47 deleted) by Ed Latimore (who keynoted LambdaConf in 2017; see this post for details) quoting Denver mass shooter Lyndon James McLeod (Roman McClay).

This report was generated by ✨cancel-culture✨, an open source project by Travis Brown. Please note that all tweets quoted here are sourced from the Wayback Machine and were not directly accessed through the Twitter API or any Twitter client.

  • 18 July 2020: "But he thought of God, and how He didn’t give a fuck if man could handle His storms. God just hammered the fuck out of man and the strong survived and the weak died." - @mcclay_roman
  • 7 July 2020: “The Truth ought to be capitalized, like God, but, we treat it like we treat everything in a capitalist society: as fungible, replaceable, for sale. And eventually, for the trash heap.” - @mcclay_roman , "Sanction"
  • 29 June 2020: "Normal men argue of how to get what they each want. Artists want things no man would argue over; no man would think to desire." -Isiah, "Sanction" by @mcclay_roman
  • 25 June 2020: “Alone we are each great men; but together? We’re going to surprise even ourselves.” -Blax, Sanction, @mcclay_roman
  • 11 June 2020: "The prow of the ship always takes the most wind resistance, the tip of the spear the most blood and guts and is dented most against the bone." - @roman_mcclay , Sanction
  • 6 June 2020: “But if the artist is too self-aware, if he quote, 'knows what he is doing', then it is propaganda and not art." - @mcclay_roman , Sanction
  • 29 May 2020: The problem is that people are different and we hate difference. We, as a species are attracted to sameness at every level and there is no getting around this; except by lying. And so lying is exactly what the liberal reformers are doing. - @mcclay_roman
  • 21 May 2020: But one of the truths we have arrived at is that like follows like; that homogeneity or self-similarity or fractal phenomenon are scale invariant. In a heterogenous society, the bigger it gets the more fragile it is. -Blax, "Sanction", @mcclay_roman
  • 16 May 2020: Got both these big ass books. I'm really enjoying reading through book 1, but at the rate I'm going I MIGHT finish this book by winter. Great story so far though. Hella interesting writing style. Nice work @roman_mcclay
  • 15 May 2020: It seems to me that truth is a product, a result, but honesty is a process, an attempt. And sometimes when you’re honest you get the truth and sometimes you don’t; honesty is no guarantee of veracity. -Jack Four, - @mcclay_roman , Sanction
  • 9 May 2020: "I do not expect nor demand perfection. I don’t demand competence or unbroken eggs; I only demand self-awareness and honesty and from those two things, excellence and success and competency and even omelets will emerge.” -Blax, "Sanction", @mcclay_roman
  • 8 May 2020: "History sure is more interesting when a leader rebels against the swamp of the system, and also when a man ignores his own personal cowardice and decides to act like a free man and override his fears of being an outcast." - @mcclay_roman , Sanction
  • 3 May 2020: "Feelings of guilt and shame and anxiety attend to being a social outcast, which is the guaranteed result of being too honest or straight." - @roman_mcclay , "Sanction" You read some lines in this book and you're just like "Wow, this MF'er spittin'!"
  • 28 April 2020: "This gasoline powered motor and the road noise were almost anachronisms; they were increasingly rare among this strata of the population with their ultra-modern electric cars; but they were not extinct yet." - @roman_mcclay predicting the future
  • 24 April 2020: "At a certain point, at a certain threshold, self-awareness renders a man almost paralytic. One becomes aware of just how much they are a battered ship tossed about by the sea and the crew inside as well." - @mcclay_roman
  • 19 April 2020: “Worth noting that maybe one of the traits, maybe even the trait--the sine qua non--of a competent rival, Governor, is their desire and ability to remain opaque to you; camouflage is very adaptive." -Nathan, Sanction by @roman_mcclay
  • 17 April 2020: "Some things were just better not known; suspected but left alone." - @roman_mcclay , Sanction
  • 25 February 2020: "And men are simple. Systems may be complex, however, men seek simplicity; the world may be chaotic but man desires order. At heart we are simple creatures looking for simple ways to navigate the world." - @mcclay_roman Great history lesson here!
  • 14 February 2020 (live): Ah, there's a word for this. Nothing feels quite like home to me than being near water.
  • 9 February 2020: "The modern citizen - the square - the civilian, is cavalier and lazy because he can be. He has no grand passion because he has no acute pain." - @mcclay_roman
  • 25 January 2020: "Truth, wisdom, came from not facts, but gleaning enemies from the clutter, the camouflage of facts." -Isaiah, Sanction; - @mcclay_roman
  • 17 January 2020: "Men are systems oriented & women are relationship biased. Men take shit apart and women mend them. Each is necessary for life on this planet and anyone who declares one mode superior to the other is cleaved and rent and deformed." -Blax, @mcclay_roman
  • 10 January 2020: "You didn’t let them win one battle, and so you lost the goddamn war... See, a man can never learn -a man will never learn- if he always wins; or thinks he wins." - @mcclay_roman
  • 4 January 2020: "Your enemies will teach you lessons if you listen." - @mcclay_roman
  • 4 January 2020: "This is why most men speak in cliché, it makes communication easier. The pragmatic man never says anything new; for new takes extra effort; the efficient man must speak in bromides, for anything novel takes time, precious time." - @mcclay_roman
  • 29 December 2019: "The smart man thinks intelligence is most important, but the strong man thinks the smart man -if he’s smart- better watch out." -Boyd Sou, Sanction @mcclay_roman
  • 23 December 2019: Definitely should grab his book. I'm really enjoying the arguments made through the characters. Sanction will make you think hard about the world. Well done @mcclay_roman
  • 23 December 2019: "Reason--rationality--allows us to justify any act of murder, malice and perfidy against an enemy. As soon as a man is our enemy, empathy retreats, and the brain modules that inhibit aggression are denuded chemically." I can't quote everything by @roman_mcclay , but you...
  • 22 December 2019: "People have rational ways to survive, and irrational desires to make manifest the behaviors that get them what they need. Survival is rational. The methods we use to survive are often insanely immoral." - @mcclay_roman
  • 20 December 2019: We lie because it works and we are not irrational enough to tell the truth and suffer the consequences. This was the argument. That man was too savvy to be good. Being good was doom, it led to death; or at the very least, to unpopularity. - @mcclay_roman
  • 19 December 2019: Man was so corrupt, so limited and so unwise, that any true solution to mankind’s problems, would be counterintuitive to man himself. This seemed axiomatic. Why would the right answer seem right to us?" -Blax, @mcclay_roman
  • 16 December 2019: "Blax was not saying to ignore money or the material life. No, it was the over-focus on it, on money -to the blindness of all else- that was so insane to him." - @mcclay_roman
  • 14 December 2019: The average man can not conceive of men who take huge risks not for money and fame, as if all men are motivated by such low things. Some men are motivated by the higher callings to Art and Love and Knowledge. - @mcclay_roman
  • 12 December 2019: "Thinking cannot be taboo; or man will cease to think; and thus cease to be a moral animal. And from there, society quickly falls apart.” -Isaiah, Sanction, @mcclay_roman
  • 12 December 2019: "Take the cigarette and booze from the body and the body can heal itself. Take the criminal mindset out of the individual and the streets heal themselves." -Boyd Sou, Sanction, @mcclay_roman
  • 12 December 2019: "The right answer to the wrong question was as dangerous as the wrong answer to the right question." -Blax, Sanction by @mcclay_roman
  • 10 December 2019: a need for some gadget that will make his life more efficient as he goes to the widget factory to churn out more crap that nobody needs,” - @mcclay_roman
  • 8 December 2019: "By definition, a man in the tribe is of value to the tribe; freeloaders do not exist; not for long." - @mcclay_roman
  • 7 December 2019: To the modern man, the man who takes his enemies’ lands and goods is a thief, right? But to ancient man, it was more noble to take from one’s enemies -and distribute fairly to one’s own- and never engage among one’s peers in tawdry commerce - @mcclay_roman
  • 5 December 2019: There is no way to skip ahead, no way to read it in a book, no way to test out of and move one-grade ahead. A man must live it A man must be attacked and left for dead by the Empire herself before he can rise to be a more complete beast. - @mcclay_roman
  • 4 December 2019: "The working man is expendable, no different than the whale men of yore. In an economy--as opposed to a tribe--a man is nothing but calories and a fungible commodity. He ain’t no man at all. Homo-Economicus is all that he is." - @mcclay_roman
  • 4 December 2019: But just like that guy with an 18-bravo MOS is killing bad guys for you so you ain’t got to, well, there is some derrick man racking back drill-pipe so you don’t have to either." - @mcclay_roman
  • 4 December 2019: "Anyone who tells you that telling the world how you truly feel will win you friends is not merely wrong, they are your enemy." - @mcclay_roman
  • 2 December 2019: Man... "Sanction The Book" is an amazing read. I wanna quote every other line from this book haha Well done @mcclay_roman
  • 2 December 2019: "Great men tend to say aloud what is unpopular to the crowd. Frankly, you’ll tell the truth regardless of "homme moyen’s" ability to understand it, appreciate it, tolerate it, or shoulder it." - @mcclay_roman
  • 2 December 2019: "One study done shows that average men can only be effectively led by someone with no more than an IQ 1.2 standard deviations from the mean. The best leaders have a 120-125 IQ; as the mean is always 100." - @mcclay_roman Smart enough to make good decisions. Dumb enough to fit in
  • 2 December 2019: "The pragmatic man, is weak and cannot handle resistance. He is pragmatic because he is weak; if he were strong he could handle art. He could peer into the unknown. No, he ignores art precisely because he is frightened of Truth." - @mcclay_roman
  • 1 December 2019: "Almost anyone can survive in the modern world, but how many of you are actually human? How many of you know how to be a citizen, tribesman, with depth of character and heart and soul; know how to treat people and how to treat yourself?" - @mcclay_roman
  • 1 December 2019: "Metaphor is more than cute language, or tricks, or legerdemains. Metaphor is information processed by the other half of your brain; the right hemisphere. It’s like info coded in another language, and it’s a language you ought to learn." - @mcclay_roman
  • 30 November 2019 (live): The strong man could never live the easy life of the weak man; it would kill him... He is the inverse of the weak man; The weak man who would suffer too much and fail as a human if required to live the noble, savage life of the strong. -@mcclay_roman
  • 29 November 2019 (live): "The human brain just isn’t designed to perceive the truth. I don’t say that with malice; I say it because until you get that you won’t get an
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