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Last active December 30, 2021 00:42
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TheBrometheus and Lyndon James McLeod (Roman McClay)

The list below includes 91 tweets (86 deleted) by Adam Lane Smith about Denver mass shooter Lyndon James McLeod (Roman McClay).

This report was generated by ✨cancel-culture✨, an open source project by Travis Brown. Please note that all tweets quoted here are sourced from the Wayback Machine and were not directly accessed through the Twitter API or any Twitter client.

  • 1 July 2021: Sanction (Sanction The Book Book 1)
  • 1 July 2021: It’s recommending I watch this in the Youtube Kids app because the algorithm knows Sanction is for the next gen.
  • 25 April 2021: This but they’re all Sanction.
  • 3 March 2021: This is why I've got paperbacks of Sanction I II and III. The words aren't mean to be read off a tiny screen.
  • 6 December 2020: This argument is one of the core premises of Sanction 👍
  • 23 November 2020: Been trying to take the hint and give him space. Don’t know what he wants right now, figure he’d say when he’s ready to reengage the world at large On the other hand, been thinking about Sanction even more lately but no one here to discuss it with
  • 30 August (live): I’ve had her blocked since she went after Roman. She betrayed him and deserves zero respect. I recommend you block anyone you see block you so they can’t lurk. Especially her.
  • 27 August 2020: My copy of Sanction III arrived today. Took a team of mules to haul it up the driveway. Each of these beasts clocks in at 400,000 words and over 3 pounds.
  • 11 August 2020: Not yet. But I’ve heard very good things. Sanction covers this in massive depth.
  • 7 August 2020: Or as my friend Roman says, “Pain demands a response.”
  • 16 July 2020: Sanction III is here. Grab your copy and support the vision.
  • 16 June 2020: Roman McClay is my friend. Period. Everyone can remember that and take it how they like. He knows exactly how I feel, and I won’t explain myself to anyone. Whatever folks are fighting over, Roman is my friend.
  • 16 June 2020: I hope this means my friend Roman is safe and well.
  • 29 May 2020: Read about it in Sanction. @mcclay_roman
  • 27 May 2020: Need @roman_mcclay to sell me some of those engraved bear skulls he’s been saving for his throne.
  • 27 May 2020: Now that’s @mcclay_roman ’s domain. Need to get his compound up and running with investors.
  • 19 May 2020: Plot to... @mcclay_roman
  • 16 May 2020: When @roman_mcclay hops online from his mountain to see what the rest of us are doing now
  • 12 May 2020: Top three I want to fight right now are @mcclay_roman @HunterDrewTFA and @Rugged_Legacy . It’d be a hell of a time and I ain’t trying to die pretty.
  • 12 May 2020: This is actually Sanction III. @mcclay_roman
  • 6 May 2020: Probably quoted from Sanction. @roman_mcclay
  • 6 May 2020: This is exactly what sanction does. 🤣 @roman_mcclay
  • 4 May 2020: I’m not even mad in this picture, my face was totally relaxed. 🤣 @roman_mcclay
  • 4 May 2020: @roman_mcclay When you’re Scottish and you try to look up.
  • 2 May 2020: Stolen from Sanction. As were passages from my new book burrito avenger 2. 🤣
  • 2 May 2020 (live): Yankee isn’t an insult because it’s bad to be from the North. Yankee is an insult because the North abandoned the honor codes in favor of legalism. Southern states were seeded with Scottish genetics which struggle powerfully to shift away from honor codes. Two different cultures.
  • 2 May 2020: I was planting raspberries on my property today and actually wondered what edible plants @roman_mcclay has growing up there. Hard to imagine him with a pocket full of dandelions unless he found them growing out of his enemy’s grave and wanted to decorate his table.
  • 23 April 2020: To paraphrase @roman_mcclay : I’m a working-class man writing for working-class folks, and all the literary types are gonna say working-class men aren’t allowed to write because literature is art for its own pure sake and not for the enjoyment of working-class folks.
  • 23 April 2020: Love Sanction? Help make the audiobook a reality. I’d guess you’re also buying ammunition for the author, so as you pledge your money to build the auditory monument, imagine him firing a machine gun into the air for pure freedom.
  • 21 April 2020: So, one volume of Sanction. @mcclay_roman
  • 18 April 2020: Roman already wrote every possible sentence and the rest of us are plagiarizing him. We have to pay him royalties on each book we publish now.
  • 16 April 2020: History textbooks will just be Sanction I, II, and III.
  • 15 April 2020: I bet @roman_mcclay is doing this up on his mountain.
  • 7 April 2020: NEW BLOG POST: Maximize your productivity during the pandemic, or, Roman McClay was right. #writingcommunity #amwriting
  • 7 April 2020: I also would like to hug @roman_mcclay
  • 6 April 2020: Trying to imagine Roman doing celebratory jazz hands at people instead.
  • 6 April 2020: I think we can all agree the person hit hardest by this quarantine is @roman_mcclay who now has to second-guess using his handshake emoji.
  • 4 April 2020: Looking for reading material at a low price? Grab the massive 400,000-word first volume of the great American novel Sanction, the series that anticipated exactly what we’re going through. Jump in now and experience the @mcclay_roman phenomenon.
  • 4 April 2020: Waiting for @roman_mcclay to pop in with “Plot to...”
  • 3 April 2020: @mcclay_roman Plot to...
  • 13 March 2020: Alphas may rule but sigmas don’t get plague. @roman_mcclay
  • 13 March 2020: The nice thing about reading Sanction is that you stay up to date on current events.
  • 13 March 2020: Meanwhile @roman_mcclay is up there on his mountain sitting on his antler throne eating a bear steak and watching the rest of us act like morons.
  • 13 March 2020: I’d choose @PraetorianSwift and @mcclay_roman because I’d sleep soundly and eat like a king in the safest shelter in the world.
  • 25 February 2020: I need to check the Sanction covers to see if Sanction predicted this...
  • 25 February 2020: This is exactly how @roman_mcclay would order. 🤣
  • 24 February 2020: Isn’t this basically Sanction? @roman_mcclay
  • 23 February 2020: Look at that dude’s brow ridge. @roman_mcclay
  • 22 February 2020: “Pain demands a back brace.” - @roman_mcclay in Sanction III
  • 19 February 2020: “Remember when Sanction predicted this” volume 75.
  • 10 February 2020: My life gets a lot funnier when you learn my 5’2” Italian father towered over his dwarf family but has a thing for tall women and married my 5’9” Scottish mother. And that’s how Hadrian’s Wall finally came tumbling down. @roman_mcclay
  • 1 February 2020: Dang it @roman_mcclay , I reached the part in Sanction where Jack talks about how he can’t look up without seeing his Scottish shelf brow. Now I can’t stop looking up and seeing mine.
  • 24 January 2020 (live): I’m actually not sure. I’ve only know Roman a few months and I’m unclear on his writing timeline.
  • 10 January 2020: You savor Sanction as it educates whichever side of your brain is weakest.
  • 10 January 2020: Sound off, Sanction crew. @mcclay_roman
  • 10 January 2020: Sanction by @mcclay_roman
  • 5 January 2020: When you’ve slept 2 hours and you’re running on fumes, you’ve got a long flight and just enough brainpower to read, but all you’ve got loaded up is Sanction. @mcclay_roman
  • 31 December 2019: Such a system cannot hold for long. You’ll punish and jail all those men who uphold what is right versus what is legal. Good men will face punishment as sociopaths get rewarded. Such a system cannot hold. For more on this theme, read Sanction by @mcclay_roman .
  • 21 December 2019: This is essentially Sanction by @mcclay_roman . A staggeringly brilliant novel.
  • 14 December 2019: If you enjoy Paradise Lost, have you read Sanction?
  • 2 December 2019: Reading Sanction is making me so much more pro-dueling it isn't even funny.
  • 2 December 2019: New heroes are being made. I write heavy metal Christian fiction with extremely masculine heroes. @DeclanFinnBooks does the same (and better than I). And @mcclay_roman wrote 1.2million words in his monolithic novel Sanction about the importance of honor in our biology.
  • 2 December 2019: You need to follow @mcclay_roman and @MasculineDesign and @SamuelSThorp . Honor is only forgotten where men keep no fire.
  • 1 December 2019: I submit that Isaiah is not only the best character in #Sanction but also the second best character, because there’s normal Isaiah, and there’s Isaiah IN A MOOD. @mcclay_roman
  • 1 December 2019: With every chapter, Isaiah just becomes more the hero of the story. #Sanction @mcclay_roman
  • 1 December 2019: This thread is basically one core theme of Sanction by @mcclay_roman . Go read it.
  • 26 November 2019: One does not chug Sanction.
  • 26 November 2019: I struggle with more than one at a time. Sanction is an exception because I read a chapter, pause to binge an entire pulp novel, back to read another chapter... it’s an enjoyable leapfrog system.
  • 26 November 2019: I used to be before I had to read each of my own books 5 times for editing and proofreading. 🤣 right now I’m reading Sanction by @mcclay_roman and it’s blowing my mind, but otherwise I’m a pulp fiction kind of guy. Especially Japanese light novels or American action novels.
  • 25 November 2019: Literary snobs said there would never be another great American novel. They were wrong. Sanction is on sale right now. Grab a copy and immerse yourself in the phenomenon.
  • 20 November 2019: Plot to Sanction. @mcclay_roman
  • 20 November 2019: If you don’t think Isaiah is the hero of Sanction, we can’t share a fallout bunker.
  • 18 November 2019: We call these men “beta males.” They have no conscience. They’re a sliver of the population who also tend to rape and molest. Check out Chimpanzee Politics of Sanction for more info. @mcclay_roman
  • 11 November 2019: Every time I pass another 10% completion mark in Sanction I feel like a little fanfare should play. This book is MEATY.
  • 10 November 2019: Sanction is starting to rhyme and I’m not ready for this. Either I’m having a stroke or I’ve achieved some kind of symbiosis with the tome. @mcclay_roman
  • 10 November 2019: Shout out to @mcclay_roman and @Rugged_Legacy who helped me through an enormous crisis yesterday. When my world was on fire, these two men stepped up and helped me seize the wheel. When the waves of blood and storms of steel cash against your hull, do you know your brothers?
  • 9 November 2019 (live): Roman would be an excellent choice.
  • 9 November 2019: @mcclay_roman to discuss his masterpiece Sanction, or @BrianNiemeier to discuss using storytelling to foster a healthy culture.
  • 5 November 2019: You can’t even imagine what kind of door has just opened here. Sanction is going to brutalize you in the best possible way.
  • 5 November 2019: So, @mcclay_roman ’s book Sanction?
  • 1 November 2019: Or I’ll convince @mcclay_roman to write a gaslamp mermaid romance after Sanction. She’s an underwater princess yearning for love in the sunlight. He’s a whaler who doesn’t have time for love. He really doesn’t. He ignores her to kill more whales. Blubber demands a response.
  • 30 October 2019: That’d be like marrying Theodore Roosevelt. Roman doesn’t even wear eyeshadow, for crying out loud.
  • 30 October 2019: Yeah but who would want to marry Roman, he just owns his own mountain cabin which he made by hand, can disappear into the woods and protect/feed a family no matter the disaster or hardship, and he writes like a poet without punching like one. 🤣
  • 29 October 2019: Paging @mcclay_roman . 🤣
  • 27 October 2019: This is what happens when you finish reading Sanction. @mcclay_roman
  • 21 October 2019 (live): After camping for a week near the underground dungeon river, Barbarian @mcclay_roman picks his teeth with a splintered bone and surveys the picked-over corpse of a young dragon. “Next,” he growls thoughtfully, “I need to find me a Minotaur and a couple of giant bread monsters.”
  • 21 October 2019: New story idea: a fantasy dungeon crawler starring @mcclay_roman as himself.
  • 21 October 2019: This is @mcclay_roman ’s ideal world.
  • 16 October 2019: There is one whom no one talks about. @mcclay_roman wrote Sanction, one of the most erudite books to be released in recent decades. It’s mostly been hush-hush because folks aren’t sure what to make of it yet or how safe it is to talk about.
  • 21 September 2019: Too urban for @mcclay_roman
  • 3 September 2019: Neighbors spotted 2 bears on their property today. Someone call @mcclay_roman
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