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Last active January 7, 2022 11:46
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Deleted tweets for Marjorie Taylor Greene

Deleted tweets for RepMTG

The list below includes 7 deleted tweets by RepMTG.

This report was generated by ✨cancel-culture✨, an open source project by Travis Brown. Please note that all tweets quoted here are sourced from the Wayback Machine and were not directly accessed through the Twitter API or any Twitter client.

Deleted tweets for mtgreenee

The list below includes 10668 deleted tweets by mtgreenee.

Note: GitHub's rendered view of the Gist truncates the list. You can see the full content here, or by cloning the Gist locally.

This report was generated by ✨cancel-culture✨, an open source project by Travis Brown. Please note that all tweets quoted here are sourced from the Wayback Machine and were not directly accessed through the Twitter API or any Twitter client.

  • 2 January 2022: Democrats would love to do this in America. It’s called communism.
  • 1 January 2022: 19. Before Covid, We were free. After Covid, We are no longer free. The question is will the people break free from covid psychosis before it’s too late.
  • 1 January 2022: 18. Before Covid, We were all equal. After Covid, If you are unvaccinated, you’re no longer equal and the President of the United States thinks unvaccinated Americans are more dangerous than China, open borders, and high crime.
  • 1 January 2022: 17. Before Covid, Discriminating on the basis of color was wrong. After Covid, If you are white, you are likely last to receive life saving monoclonal antibodies.
  • 1 January 2022: 16. Before Covid, Ivermectin was widely available and a long trusted cheap life saving medicine. After Covid, Even with studies showing Ivermectin safety and effectiveness against covid, the FDA is blocking the use of Ivermectin for covid.
  • 1 January 2022: 15. Before Covid, When it came to virus/disease the focus was to save lives not the method. After Covid, The government chosen method (vaccines) and the chosen pharmaceutical companies are the focus instead of life saving treatments.
  • 1 January 2022: 14. Before Covid, Treatment for virus/disease used facts/data to treat & protect the vulnerable. After Covid, Government mandates unnecessary vaccines for low risk people. Knowing 90% of deaths are 50+ and w/ obesity, diabetes, and heart conditions, the Gov ignores treatments.
  • 1 January 2022: 13. Before Covid, Reported deaths from vaccines were taken seriously and dangerous vaccines were stopped. After Covid, Extremely high amounts of covid vaccine deaths are ignored and government forced vaccine mandates increase.
  • 1 January 2022: 12. Before Covid, If a vaccine worked, it protected the vaccinated people from virus/disease. Only 1-2 shots were needed and boosters weren’t needed until years later. After Covid, Covid Vaccinated people still get covid & some die, even 2 shots & 1-2 boosters are not enough.
  • 1 January 2022: 11. Before Covid, People understood how viruses spread and said they wouldn’t comply to tyrannical governments. After Covid, People go along with fictitious rules about how viruses spread and comply with tyrannical government agencies silly rules.
  • 1 January 2022: 10. Before Covid, Criminals wore masks to hide their identity and face coverings were frowned upon by law enforcement. After Covid, People are considered criminals if they don’t wear masks and are held accountable by law enforcement.
  • 1 January 2022: 9. Before Covid, Masking healthy children from a virus that hardly is a risk to any child was unheard of and would never happen. After Covid, Masking healthy children is the norm ruining their natural learning & causing illness by repeated use of dirty mask filled with germs.
  • 1 January 2022: 8. Before Covid, Tiny % of high risk people took personal responsibility from dangers to their health and the high % of low risk people kept life going. After Covid, Government forced high % of low risk healthy people to stop life, ruining our economy & children’s education.
  • 1 January 2022: 7. Before Covid, Doctors saved lives and never discriminated against sick or injured people based on vaccine record. After Covid, Doctors are refusing to treat sick or injured people if they aren’t Covid vaxxed violating their Hippocratic Oath.
  • 1 January 2022: 6. Before Covid, Well people were welcomed everywhere and there was no discrimination based on vaccine status and no one ever asked. After Covid, Unvaccinated healthy people are a subclass being fired and denied services, even though they have natural immunity & aren’t sick.
  • 1 January 2022: 5. Before Covid, Employers didn’t demand employees vaccine records and firing employees based on their private medical info would have been discrimination & grounds for lawsuits. After Covid, Healthy employees are fired, not based on job performance, but on vax status.
  • 1 January 2022: 4. Before Covid, Well people would have scoffed at long lines of people testing to find out if they are sick or not. After Covid, Well people are required to covid test to be allowed to work or in hopes they test positive in order to get out of work.
  • 1 January 2022: 3. Before Covid, Employers were angered by employees that faked being sick to get out of work. After Covid, Employers demand Covid testing weekly of UV employees displaying zero symptoms and send them home from work if they are positive but not even sick, killing productivity.
  • 1 January 2022: 2. Before Covid, People didn’t go to the doctor for medical tests unless you were sick. After Covid, Covid testing has become required for whether you are sick or not. The only people winning are the companies who sell Covid test kits bc the government mandates it.
  • 1 January 2022: 1. It’ 2022. After 2020, we crossed into a new time dating method. BC and AC. Before Covid. After Covid. We are moving into the third year AC.
  • 1 January 2022: Happy New Year!
  • 1 January 2022: Feeling happy about New Year’s Eve!
  • 31 December 2021: Your Twitter meltdown and conceited tweets are absolutely hilarious 😂😂😂 You’re vacationing in the FREE Republican state of FLA while in your home Democrat state of NY they are suffering under mask & vax covid mandates. Buy her another round of Hypocrite flavored martinis!
  • 31 December 2021: 2. The divisions created will be wedged further to build seathing hate, animosity, and blame on certain identities of Americans for the upcoming rising interest rates, out of control inflation, and tightening economy in ‘22. Those who stand for freedom will be blamed for it all.
  • 31 December 2021: 1. 2021 has been a year of Great Deceptions, but you haven’t seen anything yet until we get through 2022. The lies weaved through ‘20 and ‘21 will be built upon and cemented in ‘22. They can’t convince free people to give up their freedoms without convincing them of cause.
  • 30 December 2021: There are only two genders. Having to explain there are only two genders is like explaining to the Flat Earthers that the Earth is actually round. Science is hard for some people.
  • 30 December 2021: 9. Lastly, the people who never compromise away our freedoms. For our freedoms are only ours to protect for a short time before we hand them over to the next generation. They aren’t ours to squander or destroy.
  • 30 December 2021: 8. The people who make the hard decisions to walk away. From toxic people and toxic situations. Drugs, alcohol, addictions of all kinds that turn people into someone their not or maybe even monsters they see in the mirror. The people who break the chains and free themselves.❤️
  • 30 December 2021: 7. The Sheep Dog, Watchman on the wall, Protectors, of the innocent and vulnerable, especially children.❤️ Those that sacrifice to save another. Whether through military service, law enforcement, emergencies from car wrecks to brave linemen in the storms, God bless them.
  • 30 December 2021: 6. The people who love to go to work and are satisfied by by the good outcome of their dedicated hard labor.❤️ Everyone knows idle hands are the Devil’s playground. And those businesses who keep politics out and put customers first are the most wise.
  • 30 December 2021: 5. The people who don’t judge their self worth by the world’s standards of style and beauty, but happily live in their own skin❤️ The world’s standard of Nips/Tucks/Implants, perfect hair, perfect face, perfect body only tear you down. You are so perfect just the way you are.❤️
  • 30 December 2021: 4. The people who refuse to believe the lies even through criticism, judgement, and persecution, they choose truth and fight with every ounce of them for the truth. ❤️ Because the liars prowl around and seek to destroy it and all who belong to truth.
  • 30 December 2021: 3. People who are never picked bc they aren’t pretty/handsome enough, articulate enough, or don’t fit the physical requirements but who’s souls are beyond beautiful.❤️
  • 30 December 2021: 2. The people who always show up to work or pitch in, never complain, smile anyway, and lift up others because they know what it means to share joy and love with others.❤️ The eternal optimist who in every circumstance have faith, love, and always hope.❤️
  • 30 December 2021: 1. My favorite people are: The unplanned mothers and fathers of unplanned children, who gave up everything to be parents❤️ You are heroes against all odds choosing the road the world tells you is difficult, but is really the most beautiful journey of your life.
  • 30 December 2021: 7. I don’t want a National Divorce, but I not will tolerate is Democratic Communism. Leave your blue votes in your blue states. If you move to a red state, learn from your blue state experience that your Democrat ways failed. Then we welcome you.
  • 30 December 2021: 6. If you are so offended by my comments about #NationalDivorce then take a real hard look inward and ask yourself why it’s sadly such a popular idea with Republicans. We are serious about our freedoms and we feel very threatened by Democrats that constantly tread on them.
  • 30 December 2021: 5. For your information, we Republicans don’t want your blue votes ruining our red home states! We don’t want high taxes, high crime, high amounts of perverse school curriculums, loss of freedoms, & AUTHORITARIAN big government in our red states! That’s what you Dems vote for!
  • 30 December 2021: 4. So I will NOT apologize when I muse or discuss ideas that stop Democrat voters and donors, who are moving out of the shitholes they created with their Democrat votes and donations, from ruining GREAT red states by bringing your disastrous ideas and destructive votes with you.
  • 30 December 2021: 3. But the state of our union is currently far from happy, and I really don’t care how many Democrats I offend by calling it out. For your information, you like our red states BECAUSE of our politics and it’s OUR Republican politics that create the very environments you like.
  • 30 December 2021: 2. Divorces happen in court or perhaps for a country can happen in Congress. I’ve been married 26 years, clearly I’m not in favor of divorce. Happy marriages are the result of 2 committed people working together resolving differences and changing behavior that hurts the other.
  • 30 December 2021: 1. You know what is necessary about threatening a divorce? It’s a wake up call to the one offending the other that they’ve had enough. And if the other party cares at all, they look at what they are doing wrong and care to fix it. National Divorce is not civil war. Cont’d
  • 30 December 2021: If only everyone would listen to Bannon. Oh wait. Most Republicans do. I remember that episode. Isn’t it interesting what we are now finding out about the Whitmer kidnapping case and the similarities of J6? And Steve does warn about the dangers of the CCP. #DownWithTheCCP
  • 29 December 2021: Jeffrey Epstein’s entire network should be made public and his fortune should go to his victims. If the fake J6 committee can subpoena innocent people’s cell phone data and bank records then Jeffrey Epstein’s whole network should be publicized.
  • 29 December 2021: Has Ray Epps and Scaffold Commander been arrested yet? Did the FBI raid their homes? Are they in solitary confinement 23 hours a day? Has their cell phone data and bank records been subpoenaed? They seriously did organize people to go in the Capitol. It’s all on video.
  • 29 December 2021: You know what we won’t be ignoring @RepSwalwell ? Your sexual relationship with a CCP spy and your committee assignments. @GOPLeader , @HouseGOP , none of us forgot. Didn’t she do fundraising for you? How many times was she in your Congressional offices? What did you tell her?
  • 29 December 2021: My #FireFauci Act would reduce his pay to zero and put his 80 year old self in permanent retirement, and launch an investigation. But Dr Frankenstein doesn’t deserve the highest paid pension in federal history either. Going to have to work on that. Adding to the list.
  • 29 December 2021: 10. I know what hard work is and I thrive in it. I do not fear solving problems, the swamp, or haters. There is truly nothing to fear. But the commies have many fears, and you can smell them. Losing the power they clinch in their old wrinkled fists is their greatest fear.
  • 29 December 2021: 9. Our country is at a tipping point and it can be saved with intentional leadership and actions that preserve our freedoms, save our economy, protect our children, and reinstate our borders. I’m committed to the hard work of building a GOP Conference that is unified and strong.
  • 29 December 2021: 8. I will not sit by watching my country complacently be controlled by tyrants. There are well over 100 million Americans that feel the same way, they just don’t know what to do. And there are millions and millions more who just don’t understand or know what to believe.
  • 29 December 2021: 7. I’ve organized activism in the past and I’m going to organize it again. Whether I march alone or with 10, or with 1,000, or with 1,000,000, I’ll help freedom loving Americans peacefully use their First Amendment against the Communist Regime. I will not tolerate bad actors.
  • 29 December 2021: 6. Our Founders understood more than anyone these important freedoms and put them first for all of us to use when the time came. The time has come, and the People have yet to start. The People must get comfortable with being uncomfortable in order to protect what belongs to us.
  • 29 December 2021: 5. ..but their lies and tyranny are failing them. And I intend to do what I’ve always done my entire life to do my part to STOP Communism from destroying our GREAT Constitution. Action. It’s what we do that counts not what we say. And the First Amendment is a powerful weapon.
  • 29 December 2021: 4. The Constitution. We still have it. Yes our foundation is infested with freedom killing termites, our agencies are running a regime change on our own soil like they’ve done in foreign countries for decades, and the all powerful propaganda machine is serving the regime,
  • 29 December 2021: 3. ..they are looking for a new Comrade in their ranks or maybe an old one to run as the failed bumbling old man’s replacement. But they fail to see their stumbling stones. Arrogance, pride, the truth that can’t be hidden any longer from the People… And more.
  • 29 December 2021: 2. The Communist regime currently controlling America are Post-Constitutionalists. Every single one of them. As they come to terms with the screaming fact that propping senile Joe Biden up to do their bidding is coming to career ending coalitions with voters, Cont’d
  • 29 December 2021: 1. Words that aren’t backed by action are nothing but infuriating puffs of air. I’ve been successful all my life bc I live a life of action, and I entered politics bc most Republican politicians were void of it. The Communist Democrats will eventually do this to Americans. 1/0
  • 29 December 2021: Wonderful! Very happy for you and your family! My husband also took Ivermectin and monoclonal antibodies! He was well literally the next day! Everyone deserves a chance. Politicizing covid must end. The media must tell the truth! Life saving treatments is the way out!
  • 29 December 2021: I’m so happy you were able to get monoclonal antibodies, stay out of the hospital, & get well! You have a doctor who cared about saving your life & not about following the governments science. I know MANY people who had the same experience as you. The media must tell the truth!
  • 29 December 2021: Monoclonal antibodies are life saving treatments against #Covid . Ivermectin, HCQ, and other protocols work. It is purely criminal to limit or deny use of these treatments against Covid. The government should be making these treatments widely available instead of test kits.
  • 29 December 2021: Disgusting. End all mask mandates. Masking has not stopped the spread of covid anyways.
  • 28 December 2021: “Greene’s GOP reelection support is at 71% in head-to-head matchups.” “She has an amazing 68-10 favorable rating — up from 48-12 in July — despite the addition of Democratic parts of Cobb County in recent redistricting,” said the memo.
  • 28 December 2021: Notice I’m not defending his crime like you’re judging Chris Quaglin for what he did on J6. I’m just saying torture and solitary confinement is WRONG for anyone and calling it out. How many books did you write condemning BLM rioters? Is there a manhunt for Antifa? 90%+ got off.
  • 28 December 2021: If anyone cares at all about equal and fair treatment of all rioters and pretrial defendants awaiting trial please call the mainline at the jail: 804-333-6419 Ask that Chris Quaglin be given medical treatment and given a special diet for real celiac disease, no gluten.
  • 28 December 2021: Again this man in being held PRETRIAL in solitary confinement with serious medical conditions and no treatment. He didn’t kill or rape anyone, hurt children, run over people in a Christmas parade, or illegally invade our border. He rioted on J6 and deserves justice not torture.
  • 28 December 2021: His attorney @McBrideLawNYC and his wife are very concerned that he could die because he is being denied medical treatment and has not had a diet without gluten since he’s been in jail since April. Chris Quaglin is 2x vaccinated & covid positive & now in Solitary Confinement.
  • 28 December 2021: His attorney says they retaliated against him for being in the pic on the cover of my J6 Jail report and for the meeting he had with me when I toured the jail, even though his face was blurred out of pic. He was transferred to Northern Neck after my visit to the DC Jail. Cont’d
  • 28 December 2021: Pretrial J6 defendant Chris Quaglin lost 10 pounds in 10 days in Northern Neck & is in solitary confinement. He has celiac disease & is given a gluten laden diet daily. He’s being denied medical treatment and is gravely ill. He also tested covid+ today. Call Jail: 804-333-6419
  • 27 December 2021: 15. I also told President Trump that the people are tired of investigations that do nothing and hold no one accountable. They want a plan and they want action that saves our country and puts Americans first! Enough of the talk. He totally agrees with that too. 😊
  • 27 December 2021: 14. I told President Trump that RINO’s like Mitch McConnell are to blame for all of our problems. He agrees. RINO’s are the worst! I told him Republicans in the Senate are approving all of Biden’s picks in record speed and it’s nauseating. They fought Trump’s picks nonstop.
  • 27 December 2021: 13. For what I told President Trump, I’ll tell you all just a few things I said. I told him I’m sick and tired of weak pathetic Republicans who won’t fight hard against the Democrats Communist agenda. I told him I need strong courageous people to help me in Congress. Cont’d
  • 27 December 2021: 12. President Trump is very concerned about the border and the future of America. He says tens of millions are going to be in our country who don’t belong because of the Democrats, and some of them will be very bad people who will do horrible things. He said it must be stopped!
  • 27 December 2021: 11. We discussed Georgia, my beautiful home state that I love so much. Fulton county is one of the most corrupt counties in the country. Everyone knows it. Makes me sick. Everyone knows widespread cheating occurred, even Democrat voters. Biden voters have buyers remorse!
  • 27 December 2021: 10. We discussed the J6 Unselect Committee, as he rightly calls it, because it’s nothing but a committee of Pelosi Democrats and Republican picks were rejected. It’s just another scam and political witch hunt with no credibility just like the Russia hoax. Cont’d
  • 27 December 2021: 9. And there are ways to deal with China. But unfortunately, the guy they kept in the basement, who supposedly got more black votes than Obama and more than any other presidential candidate, won’t do the job because he and Hunter have special friends and connections in China.
  • 27 December 2021: 8. We discussed China. President Trump put tariffs on China against many people’s criticism and it was working! Now Biden is handing Americans over to full dependency on the very enemy who sent us the deadly virus that’s now politicized to control us all. There are reasons…
  • 27 December 2021: 7. Iran was ready to sign a deal and now they aren’t afraid of Biden. No one is. Russia would not be advancing and remember it was Pres Trump who shut down Russia’s pipeline, but Biden shuts down America’s pipeline. Disgraceful! North Korea was no longer a threat. Cont’d
  • 27 December 2021: 6. I told Pres Trump that it makes me sick how America is no longer respected in the world because of the weakness occupying the White House. He told me: He would have NEVER abandoned Americans in Afghanistan, allowed 13 service members needlessly die, or armed the Taliban.
  • 27 December 2021: 5. President Trump also said that you wouldn’t be paying ridiculous high prices at the gas pump with him in charge. Keystone pipeline would be under construction, we would be drilling for oil, and NOT begging OPEC to drill oil for us. What a pathetic disgrace Joe Biden is.
  • 27 December 2021: 4. For everyone that criticizes Pres Trump about when covid started with shoulda’s coulda’s and woulda’s, I think he and his administration did the best they could. The virus was brand new and we’d never seen anything like it. Biden deserves the criticism. He has no excuses.
  • 27 December 2021: 3. The key thing to remember is where #COVID19 came from. China! We should be holding those who made the virus accountable, not fighting one another. And protecting our freedoms while promoting life saving treatments, and giving the vaccines to those who want it. Not forced.
  • 27 December 2021: 2. I have President Trump’s permission to tell you all that he is 100% AGAINST the mandates, but he still encourages everyone to get the vaccine and booster. That is his position. He also said if he was President he would never mandate the vaccines, and no one would be fired.
  • 27 December 2021: 1. I just got off the phone with my favorite President of all time, Donald J. Trump. We discussed many issues, people, races in ‘22 as well as vaccines and mandates. We discussed #COVID19 , how awful the virus from China has been, and how horribly it’s been politicized. 1/15
  • 27 December 2021: If you supported BLM riots, but are for persecution of pretrial J6 defendants, you are IRRELEVANT!!! I demand FAIR and EQUAL justice for ALL rioters!! @FBI @DOJPH @CivilRights charge ALL previous Antifa/BLM/J6 rioters EQUALLY! NO MORE hypocritical two tiered justice bullshit!
  • 27 December 2021: Fauci is a failure. Nothing he has done or said has stopped #COVID19 . #FauciFailed Pass it on.
  • 27 December 2021: Absolutely true. The vaccines are failing and the Democrats are tyrants. The entire effort should be focused on life saving treatments and returning life to normal. Wide open. No masks. No mandates. No discrimination. And life saving treatments widely available!
  • 26 December 2021: Something tells me he’s a gun owner and he’ll be just fine. But rightfully annoyed by the ever loving hypocritical left. It was still a gift on Christmas! 😄
  • 26 December 2021: Yes J6 scam committee has weaponized its powers against its political enemies. Now how do voters feel about pretrial J6 defendants being held in solitary confinement over Christmas for absolutely no reason at all? Do they think Deputy Warden Kathleen Landerkin should be fired?
  • 26 December 2021: 20. the danger also lies in the 23 seats that Democrats are retiring in. Will they flip to Republicans or will they be won by even more radical Communist Democrats who will continue to wage the America Last war to satisfy the globalist elites? And will the people wake up?
  • 26 December 2021: 19. The failure of the Swamp comes from the control of the Uniparty which never ends a failed government programs, but instead keeps funding and funding them to the detriment of the people. In '22, the People have an opportunity to hurt the Uniparty by winning primaries. But,
  • 26 December 2021: 18. The danger ahead is that the BBB bill will likely be reshaped into some malleable form of the Green New Deal and Government healthcare. All the Democrats want is to just start these programs so that they come up for funding votes again making them impossible to kill.
  • 26 December 2021: 17. Environmental justice voters are lulled by Progressive talking points and fall for Progressive scams that don't help the environment but really only help big corporate interests that widen the gap between rich & poor. Just uninformed voters with little real world experience.
  • 26 December 2021: 16. The truth is mining for rare earth minerals is extremely toxic and very bad for the environment and human health. With China's dominance & America's inability to compete, why are people who claim they care about climate change & the Earth willing to go along with this plan?
  • 26 December 2021: 15. If the average Democrat voter truly understood the lies of the Green New Deal and how it only benefits the top 1% while punishing everyone else and doing nothing to stop climate change, they would rapidly abandon voting for Democrats. Republicans playing along allow it.
  • 26 December 2021: 14. Carbon Tax Credits are the same as buying forgiveness for sins from a priest through indulgences. Carbon Tax Credits don't reduce carbon emissions, it's a purchased pass to continue to produce carbon over the governments regulated amount. Just another profit based scam.
  • 26 December 2021: 13. More America last Democrat scams are plans to force businesses to net zero carbon emissions. This will literally destroy small businesses and propel the large corporations to dominate. The Paris Climate Treaty is another globalist trap that only rewards the elites.
  • 26 December 2021: 12. America can NOT compete with less than 5% control of rare earth mineral mines and even less of battery production. The US government forced plan to make Americans drive EV by 2035 is a failure from the start and Americans must stop seeing it through political lenses.
  • 26 December 2021: 11. I have been warning about the Green New Deal and the dangers ahead for America by forcing American's to depend on Communist China to drive ever since I have been in Congress. China dominates the battery market and controls over 85% of the world's rare earth minerals.
  • 26 December 2021: 10. it's completely the opposite. The government is forcing Americans to make the switch all in the name of the irrational claims of the Green New Deal religion. Americans are NOT demanding mass production of EV & charging stations built at every corner. Globalist elites are.
  • 26 December 2021: 9. Now that Biden has signed the $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure bill into law, $7.5 billion tax payer dollars will be spent to build 500,000 EV charging stations across the US. Not that supply and demand is screaming for EV charging stations propelling this drastic action, no
  • 26 December 2021: 8. The Democrat Pro-China policy moves could have been stopped by Republicans if they had even tried. But Mitch McConnell led 19 R Senators to vote for the Infrastructure bill and 13 R House Reps sold out right along with them. Hence passing phase 1 of the Green New Deal.
  • 26 December 2021: 7. While economy & job killing decisions have been intentionally made to purposely inflate the price of gas for Americans at the pump, Democrats went into policy super drive to falsely deflate the price of buying and driving Electric Vehicles. Pro-China bc the US can't compete.
  • 26 December 2021: 6. None of these are the bumbling blunders of an old senile President. Even the foolish move to sell off 50 billion barrels of US Strategic Oil Reserves to temporarily slightly lower gas prices are nothing but a fake attempt to appease critics and ease bad polling numbers.
  • 26 December 2021: 5. Democrats are intentionally killing America's oil and gas industry and energy independence to intentionally drive up gas prices at the pump. *Killing Keystone Pipeline *Stopping oil & gas leasing on federal land *Banning drilling off shore *Biden begs OPEC to drill oil
  • 26 December 2021: 4. Democrats are purposely over inflating the price of gas and purposely deflating the price of Electric Vehicles, in order to force Americans to gradually switch over to EV's. Americans are sound asleep to the government's controlled forced changes to how we drive.
  • 26 December 2021: 3. High gas prices are intentional. You see in order to move a clueless population of people to do something they don't want to do, you have to slowly force it to happen without them realizing it. Americans don't want to rely on China to drive, regardless of how they vote.
  • 26 December 2021: 2. The Democrats in charge don't care about high gas prices. As Republicans cry high gas prices are a tax on everyone, they are missing the point. And Democrat voters are lulled by fake promises & fantasies of the Green New Deal and how morally superior green energy makes them.
  • 26 December 2021: 1. The Democrats #BuildBackBetter bill may be currently dead, but the policies it promotes aren't going away, especially when it comes to crippling Americans and forcing us all to rely on Communist China to drive. No one is paying attention. You are all being scammed. 1/20
  • 26 December 2021: When will the madness end?
  • 26 December 2021: Americans should be doing this! Stop taking your freedoms for granted.
  • 26 December 2021: Nice! Deadlifts and Squats make you live longer!
  • 26 December 2021: Are they vaccinated?
  • 26 December 2021: Ha! Actually, I might be down for that. Scaled to each persons ability of course. Way better than vaccine passports!! And since obesity is the number one risk factor for dying from covid, it would save lives. Shouldn’t saving lives be the goal?
  • 25 December 2021: Merry Christmas! For to us a child is born To us a son is given..
  • 25 December 2021: On Christmas Eve, I always think of Mary and Joseph. If anyone thinks life has to be perfect to start a family, God showed us that’s just not true with the birth of His son. Mary showed us having faith that He will provide when we trust His plans is part of the Christmas story.
  • 24 December 2021: Where are the protests? Where are the BLM riots? Why aren’t they demanding everyone say her name? Why do only certain Black Lives Matter when it’s politically useful? This poor woman. Her poor children. Right here at Christmas. Will her killers be let out on bond?
  • 24 December 2021: Oh boy 😂 #LetsGoBrandon
  • 24 December 2021: Run down a mountain, walk the beach, swim in the ocean, and climb back up I highly recommend it. Take time to thank God for His creation, the good things and bad things that have made you who you are, say you’re sorry for the wrongs you’ve done, and talk to those you miss.
  • 24 December 2021: 13. The People must stand boldly in the face of tyrants and demand life saving treatments for all and the maddening irrational mandates stop. Or Obedience to the Great Deception will allow the Great Reset to occur and freedom will be lost. Sickness of mind & body will prevail.
  • 24 December 2021: 12. The governments tyrannical vaccine mandates are going to destroy our country and divide our people. Firing unvaccinated people, crippling businesses bc of vaccine mandates, and carrying on this great deception is pure communism and will lead us all to a place we don’t want.
  • 24 December 2021: 11. Everyone that I know who has had #COVID19 and given life saving treatments has lived. Everyone that I know, who has never shutdown and never been vaccinated, either got covid once and now has natural immunity or been treated or has still not had it. Treatments are the way.
  • 24 December 2021: 10. Too many people died and were never even given the chance with life saving covid treatments. Too many of our elderly loved ones languished or died alone bc of our governments refusal to heavily pursue life saving treatments but instead pursue vaccines only, at all costs.
  • 24 December 2021: 9. Many people I know, some who fall in the highest risk groups, obesity & older age, beat covid. Most without even being hospitalized by receiving care from doctors who treat their patients with these life saving treatments. Even Pres Trump did before he took the vaccine.
  • 24 December 2021: 8. Masking & vaccines aren’t working. If they worked the data would show it and it doesn’t. People and especially children are being forced to live miserable lives when they shouldn’t have to because the life saving treatments work.
  • 24 December 2021: 7. Many people I know are not vaccinated but some very close to me are. I don’t judge people about the vaccines, and I think it’s a dangerous place we are in by doing so. I have traveled and never stopped during covid and I’ve seen every scenario.
  • 24 December 2021: 6. The problem for everyone is that depending on where you live, everyone has had a different experience since Covid started. Also depending on the news you watch, people are biased by the biased information they have been fed. Life saving treatments should be our unified goal.
  • 24 December 2021: 5. It’s not about the vaccines. We have to stop the division and discrimination between Vaccinated and Unvaccinated. With vaccinated people still catching Covid and unvaccinated people being fired and treated like second class citizens, the entire world has gone mad.
  • 24 December 2021: 4. Vaccines are only necessary when there is no treatment for a disease. But there are life saving treatments for covid and the variants now are hardly killing anyone. The public should DEMAND the treatments. To go along blindly with tyranny & deception is pure insanity.
  • 24 December 2021: 3. I feel so badly for people who lost loved ones needlessly because life saving treatments were kept from them. The government controlled flow of information forced the public to believe vaccines are the only way. But it’s a lie and it’s wrong.
  • 24 December 2021: 2. Being told covid can only be stopped by mass public vaccinations and forcing people to take covid vaccines that most of them don’t need, especially children, is morally and ethically wrong. There are proven safe treatments that have saved lives and natural immunity is best.
  • 24 December 2021: 1. Most of our focus should be on #COVID19 TREATMENTS not vaccine and mask mandates. I have great sadness for our country and people across the world that are being forced to live under tyranny and a great deception. 1/13 Cont’d
  • 24 December 2021: I witnessed firsthand the degrading and awful condition of the J6 defendants in the DC Jail. The two tiered justice system that is blatantly obvious in the treatment of pretrial J6 defendants must end. Deputy Warden Kathleen Landerkin of the DC Jail must be fired.
  • 23 December 2021: Expose the Democrat corruption. Fight for the truth. Stop the J6 Fix!
  • 23 December 2021: WE WILL NOT COMPLY with tyrannical vaccine mandates imposed on the American People by Communist Democrats!
  • 23 December 2021: This is Ray Epps. He organized and told people to go in the Capitol and they called him a “Fed.” I did not meet Ray Epps in the DC Jail. He was not there under the abusive detention of Trump hater Deputy Warden Kathleen Landerkin. FBI hasn’t arrested him Why not? He should be.
  • 22 December 2021: Just another reason to bring all of our manufacturing back home and never allow the government to force us to rely on China’s electric vehicle batteries to drive. China dominates at over 85% & America is less than 5%. They will destroy our economy in the name of covid shutdowns.
  • 22 December 2021: So it’s a cold. Got it.
  • 22 December 2021: . @MayorBowser you’ve really set yourself up for serious lawsuits. Your unwarranted authoritarian abuse of power will devastate businesses, cause people to be fired, deny people the right to gather for church & more! Omicron is mild, people aren’t stupid. And Virginia is open.
  • 22 December 2021: You are choosing the path of tyrants and you’re wrong. Not only do you protect the abuse of pretrial defendants in the DC Jail, but now you are persecuting people bc of their health decisions. Congress has power over DC. You will be reminded when we take it back.
  • 22 December 2021: The Commies shouldn’t have mandated all doctors, nurses, and healthcare workers who aren’t vaccinated be fired. With their strong natural immunity from being on the frontlines when the Fauci/Wuhan bio weapon first hit makes them perfect to work in hospitals now for mild Omicron.
  • 22 December 2021: One of our family’s friends 18 yr old son is fighting for his life after a routine shoulder surgery bc the anesthesia caused problems. We are praying he makes it.🙏 My Dad died from cancer earlier this year, the most devastating loss of my life.💔 Not everything is about Covid.
  • 22 December 2021: This is the brutal reality that every American is facing bc of the Democrats aggressive control over the economy. Out of control inflation that hurts the middle class and the poor the most. There just aren’t enough tax credits or stimulus checks from @SpeakerPelosi to fix this.
  • 21 December 2021: I know many Hispanics. I am astounded at the loss of support Biden has in the Hispanic community. Not just Biden. Democrats in general. They see Democrats molding from Socialism to Communism. And it terrifies them. They left their homes to get away from this, not for it.
  • 21 December 2021: 11 more months Marc. With out of control inflation hurting families, national security crisis from Democrats open borders, and constant growing authoritarian control from your clients, this is clear desperation going into ‘22. Here’s our short list.
  • 21 December 2021: Democrats who are responsible for devastating rising inflation, terrible crime, invasion at our border are now trying to incriminate healthy unvaccinated Americans as the cause of #COVID19 . There is only one person to blame. Dr Anthony Fauci. Dr Frankenstein’s science did it.
  • 21 December 2021: Excellent point @mattgaetz and @RepThomasMassie When there is no money to be made from natural immunity, the swamp has zero interest in protecting it.
  • 21 December 2021: 💯
  • 21 December 2021: If Joe Biden cares at all about saving lives then he’ll mass produce monoclonal antibodies & Ivermectin. His 1,000 federal doctors he is sending should treat patients with these life saving treatments. Anything less is a continued failure. Again how many have died of Omicron?
  • 21 December 2021: How many children went missing this year? How many children are being trafficked at the border? How many children never returned to school after shutdowns? How many children are being taught they are trans or being transitioned? How many children are being aborted?
  • 21 December 2021: How many Americans are still stranded in Afghanistan? How many Americans have been killed by the Taliban? How did they feel when they were left behind? How are the families of the 13 service members doing now right before Christmas?
  • 21 December 2021: As Biden releases his new vaccine enforcement plan today, how many people have died of the mild variant Omicron? None, I hear. How many healthy unvaccinated people are getting fired or forced to quit right before Christmas? Will we ever really know?
  • 21 December 2021: How’s Ray Epps doing? Been raided by the FBI yet? No? Not locked up in the DC Jail in solitary confinement? Gee that’s odd. Subpoenaed by the J6 committee? No not yet? Huh? Wonder why? Where is Ray Epps?
  • 21 December 2021: Uh huh. Exactly.
  • 21 December 2021: 9. Those who ignore it, refuse to stop it, and continue to enable it will be remembered by the people, but more importantly they will be remembered by God. We always are. Mat 25:35-46
  • 21 December 2021: 8. What the DC bubble, establishment elites, corporate media, know it all political consultants, most Members of Congress, Senators, FBI, DOJ, and Court Justices don’t realize is that Americans are watching and they care deeply about the horrific political abuse of J6 defendants.
  • 21 December 2021: 7. Shouldn’t all lawlessness be punished and all inhumane mistreatment of detainees in jail or prison be unjust? Our Justice system should be fair, not partial to cause or politics. The two tiered justice system in America is proof that we are no longer considered equal.
  • 21 December 2021: 6. In cities all over America, BLM violence raged but over 90% of the charges have been dropped. Why is violence, rioting, and lawlessness a just cause when it comes to BLM but the same actions are unjust when it comes to elections and President Trump?
  • 21 December 2021: 5. If violent rioters are a threat to society then why were BLM rioters constantly bailed out over & over by organized groups and funded by elected Democrats so they could go right back out and violently riot again attacking police and federal courthouses and burning businesses?
  • 21 December 2021: 4. Is it really about the awful violent words they threatened against politicians? Bc if violent threats against those serving in government were so atrocious that people that utter them should be locked away & treated like animals, what about these?
  • 21 December 2021: 3. Nichols had to show up in court looking like Tom Hanks in Castaway according to his lawyer bc the DC Jail is violating basic human rights. These J6 defendants are completely stripped of their dignity and no one in the DC justice system has any compassion whatsoever for them.
  • 21 December 2021: 2. The pretrial J6 defendants are enduring unbelievable abuse and inhumane treatment under the supervision of Deputy Warden Kathleen Landerkin and under the authority of @MayorBowser . Even when J6 defendants like Ryan Nichols get vaxxed, they are denied haircuts & shaving.
  • 21 December 2021: All over the country there’s different groups and people that do prison ministry and they are doing good work. They minister to murderers, rapists, thieves, and all kinds of criminals who are in prison serving time. But no one ministers to the pretrial J6 defendants. 1/9
  • 20 December 2021: . @MichaelRapaport is obsessively tweeting his mental breakdown about me while he sits poolside on vacation somewhere. Just to be clear Michael. You’re never invited to come near me let alone touch me. Go for a swim pool boy and put your phone down.
  • 20 December 2021: Back to my original Articles of Impeachment. Where’s Hunter?
  • 20 December 2021: Biden’s communist dictatorship is forcing private companies to fire healthy employees right before Christmas for not complying with his unnecessary vaccine mandates. Meanwhile Vaxxed & Boosted people get sick when they get jabbed and continue to get sick with covid. Insanity.
  • 20 December 2021: Thank you. There has been very little coverage of the horrific abuse pretrial J6 defendants are undergoing under the supervision of Deputy Warden Kathleen Landerkin. She is also being sued by the @ACLU by an employee at the jail. She should be fired.
  • 20 December 2021: . @kyledcheney , senior legal affairs reporter for @politico , as I’m pointing out the abuse of pretrial J6 defendants that are detained in the DC Jail, why retweet me defending the detainment decision? I’m not defending Ryan’s J6 actions, I’m horrified by abuse in jail. Are you?
  • 20 December 2021: How many breakthrough cases of polio are there?
  • 20 December 2021: Isn’t everyone vaccinated at @CNN ?
  • 19 December 2021: 5. @HouseGOP @freedomcaucus @GOPLeader All of us are against the riot at the Capitol on J6 and had nothing to do with it. Let us stand up against this political torture that violates due process rights of pretrial defendants! Our base demands it! Why am I practically alone?
  • 19 December 2021: 4. J6 Committee Members of Congress swore an oath to our Constitution. @SpeakerPelosi @RepLizCheney @AdamSchiff @BennieGThompson @RepRaskin @AdamKinzinger @RepZoeLofgren @PeteAguilar & others. Why don’t you care about due process & human rights abuse of pretrial defendants?
  • 19 December 2021: 3. No showers for an entire week, 23-1 solitary confinement, and harassed by guards under Deputy Warden Kathleen Landerkin who openly hates Trump and his supporters. PRETRIAL. Is this how pretrial defendants are treated in your jail @MayorBowser ?
  • 19 December 2021: 2. The pretrial J6 defendants awaiting trial are sharing only 1 tablet between over 40 men. Held again in 23 hr/day solitary confinement. Screaming in mental and emotional torture. Why? @ACLU do you care?
  • 19 December 2021: 1. The PRETRIAL Jan 6th defendants are back on lockdown in the jail in DC. Some are charged with non-violent misdemeanors and are veterans with no previous criminal record. Did you ever think this could happen here? Where are the cries of human rights abuse & the loving left?
  • 19 December 2021: I’m unvaccinated and they’re going to have a hell of a time if they try to hold me down and give me a vaccine! #AMFEST2021
  • 19 December 2021: There’s a Communist Revolution in America. #AMFEST2021
  • 19 December 2021: Congress is the most pathetic institution I’ve ever seen in my life. #AMFEST2021
  • 19 December 2021: I take the stage in one hour at #AMFEST2021 ! Tune in at 12PM ET / 10AM MT
  • 19 December 2021: While Americans still have free speech and the right to peacefully assemble ZERO Americans are protesting in the streets about the #CommunistRevolution in America. They’ve never seen it before so they don’t realize it’s happening here.
  • 19 December 2021: Omicron is virtually as threatening as a cold and J6 could have been started by a #fedsurrection . Communists punish their political enemies when anyone threatens their authoritarian power and beat them down to try to force them to submit. Fire #DeputyWarden Kathleen Landerkin!!
  • 18 December 2021: IMPEACH @JoeBiden !!!!!!!!!!! @CBP only has 19,000 agents for the entire border and this is how they are being treated while the Communist Democrats bring in UNVAXXED illegals. This is UNACCEPTABLE!!!!! 😡
  • 18 December 2021: This is amazing! Monoclonal antibodies are life saving treatments. When there are treatments for a disease, then there is absolutely no reason to mandate vaccines. There is no reason to force people to lose their jobs bc they won’t get the #vaccine . #impeachBiden
  • 18 December 2021: It’s absolutely disgusting that @SenateGOP allows this to happen. Republicans in the Senate could stop decades of Marxist judicial tyranny but instead either don’t bother to show up and vote or actually vote to confirm Biden’s noms. R Senators are clueless about the R base!!!
  • 18 December 2021: Who is Ray Epps? @SpeakerPelosi @AdamSchiff @RepLizCheney Why hasn’t Epps been charged? Video evidence shows him planning and coordinating J6. I did NOT see Ray Epps in the DC Gulag. Why not? @FBI @DOJPH I didn’t like what happened on J6. Who planned it?
  • 18 December 2021: What happened in the Senate last night was an abomination. If the Republican Senators had simply stayed at work, they would have beaten every nomination after about 3pm. Half the conference left. Pathetic. No excuses for this. But what do you expect with failed leadership?
  • 18 December 2021: Biden ruins everything, even showers. What an idiot. #LetsGoBrandon
  • 18 December 2021: Totally agree. High inflation under Biden can’t be our only issue for ‘22. Republican voters are fed up with the typical political pendulum swing on issues that only appeal to the swing voters. Our base wants a plan and we will add more voters by being strong on all the issues
  • 18 December 2021: The Patriot purge has begun in the military. Joe Biden is responsible for firing healthy military men and women right before Christmas for choosing to trust their natural immunity. President Trump would have never treated our military this way. He loves and supports our troops.
  • 18 December 2021: It’s RINOs like @LeaderMcConnell that are helping Joe Biden and the Democrats destroy America. The Uniparty serves itself and puts America last.
  • 17 December 2021: I met Morss on my tour in the DC jail. He told me of this abusive strip search by the guards who work under the abusive oversight of Trump hating radical leftist Deputy Warden Kathleen Landerkin. Morss has been through absolutely horrific pretrial punishment. All of them have.
  • 17 December 2021: Biden gave us Gun Free #schools leaving our children like sitting ducks for any evil person to do them harm. The best way to protect our kids when they are away from our protection is by good guys with guns. I know plenty who would volunteer. Oh and get rid of racist #CRT
  • 17 December 2021: 3. The real issue is that the Capitol was left unprotected by those in charge of protecting it. Denying President Trump’s pre-J6 requests of bringing in the National Guard put everyone in danger. And the bad actors incited the riot. The American people aren’t buying the lies.
  • 17 December 2021: 2. If a group of elected officials, who support the second amendment, actually organized an insurrection with the people who own guns, then they would have brought guns to the so called “planned insurrection.” There was no planning and we ALL denounced the riot.
  • 17 December 2021: 1. One of the biggest holes in the lie about J6 being a planned insurrection is that all the people there were unarmed. Anyone with half a brain knows that gun owners only leave their firearms at home when they don’t feel the need to carry a gun or are obeying the law.
  • 17 December 2021: When the government violates its constitutional role, becomes authoritarian, and treads on the people’s freedoms of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, national divorce might eventually be successful. The popularity of the idea should wake everyone up. #NoToCommunism
  • 16 December 2021: Two-tiered justice system.
  • 16 December 2021: Thank you to @LouieGohmertTX1 @mattgaetz @DrPaulGosar @GoodForCongress @RepAndyHarrisMD @RalphNorman @Miller_Congress @RepBarryMoore @TomTiffanyWI @andybiggs4az @laurenboebert @RepScottPerry & @MichaelJCloud for signing on to my letter demanding the termination of DW Landerkin!
  • 16 December 2021: “We strongly implore you to remove Landerkin…Her biased comments over the better part of the last decade would evoke serious concerns from the American people, who are watching the treatment of inmate…who are presumed innocent until proven guilty.”
  • 16 December 2021: Joe Biden and all the Democrats have created a national security crisis with their open border policies. #ImpeachBiden
  • 16 December 2021: The world is filled with evil demonic monsters. Home and abroad. Until our last breath, we must do everything we can to protect children from those monsters.
  • 16 December 2021: Thank you to @LouieGohmertTX1 @mattgaetz @DrPaulGosar @GoodForCongress @RepAndyHarrisMD @RalphNorman @Miller_Congress @RepBarryMoore @TomTiffanyWI @andybiggs4az @laurenboebert & @MichaelJCloud for signing on to my letter demanding the immediate termination of Kathleen Landerkin!
  • 16 December 2021: The “conspiracy theories” and horrors we have seen in other countries are now happening in our country. My bill, We Will Not Comply Act, ends this communist nightmare that has only just begun. Stand Up To Tyranny! Crackdown on skyrocketing crime NOT the healthy un-vaxxed.
  • 16 December 2021: 1. I was the first Republican to call Democrats exactly what they really are, Communists. When communism begins in a country, the people don’t recognize it at first bc it’s not bad at the beginning. But if we don’t stop it, then we will all be sorry.
  • 16 December 2021: Kathleen Landerkin must be FIRED. Read my letter to @MayorBowser , signed by 13 colleagues, demanding the Deputy Warden in charge of the pre-trial J6 detainees be terminated. They are subjected to horrific conditions & abuse at the hands of an unhinged leftist. She must go!
  • 16 December 2021: The most telling sign that our American media is controlled by the regime is that they are not defending Julian Assange. Every member of the press should be outraged at how governments are persecuting him for exposing the truth. #FreeAssange #JulianAssange
  • 15 December 2021: Let me correct my typo and reiterate. @AdamSchiff is a communist. And a BIG liar. He lies so much it’s absolutely disgusting. He’s the jester of the #KangarooCourt and @RepLizCheney is the fool.
  • 15 December 2021: Democrats shut down schools, businesses, and churches. They abandoned Americans in Afghanistan and opened our border to the world. They stop life saving covid treatments and are forcing you to get fired if you don’t comply with medical tyranny. Democrats don’t care about you.
  • 15 December 2021: . @AdamSchiff lied to America about Trump Russia collusion and now he’s lying again about Republicans. Schiff is a known proven liar who abuses power and Congressional committees to attack the Democrat’s political enemies. This is what Communists countries do. Not America.
  • 15 December 2021: Many people will be making a stand in the coming days just like Marc Lobliner. The companies that choose to support freedom by the way they respect their employees and customer’s medical freedom will be the ones who prosper later. Discrimination against the Un-Vaxxed is WRONG.
  • 15 December 2021: Many people will be making a stand in the coming days just like Mark Lobliner. The companies that choose to support freedom by the way they respect their employees and customer’s medical freedom will be the ones who prosper later. Discrimination against the Un-Vaxxed is WRONG.
  • 15 December 2021: 3. Letting Cheney and Kinzinger off the hook as they slip away out of office by quitting and defeat in ‘22 is not enough. They should be made as examples to all Republicans to never join the liars and communists, abusing the power of Congress and violating our Constitution.
  • 15 December 2021: 2. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger must be kicked out of the House GOP conference. They are actively participating in a huge lying witch hunt and engaged in an effort aligned with Communists Democrats, violating the House of Representatives very institution, to attack Republicans.
  • 15 December 2021: 1. We must remove Adam Schiff from Congress. It’s not enough to take him off committees. He has heinously abused power & LIED repeatedly to the American people to weaponize the government to attack his political enemies. He’s a Communists. All Communists must be expelled.
  • 15 December 2021: Last night House Democrats signed Israel’s death warrant by voting for Ilhan Omar’s Islamophobia bill. It launches an envoy from the State Department to “monitor and combat” anyone in foreign countries that attacks Islam in any way. @SenateGOP must stop this bill.
  • 15 December 2021: While Democrats and two traitor Republicans are trying everything they can to take him down, @MarkMeadows is out fighting to grow the Conservative movement. There’s nobody better! The hate America Left will NOT stop us! The American People don’t let them!
  • 15 December 2021: Part 2
  • 15 December 2021: DC Jail Deputy Warden Kathleen Landerkin has a deep hatred for President Trump and his supporters. It’s an atrocity that she’s in charge of the J6 pre-trial detainees. She must be fired. Immediately.
  • 15 December 2021: Tune in to @TuckerCarlson on @FoxNews now!
  • 15 December 2021: The DC Jail is a disgrace and January 6th defendants are being treated like political prisoners inside. I’m joining @TuckerCarlson at 8PM to call for the immediate termination of the person in charge, Trump-hating Deputy Warden Kathleen Landerkin. Tune in!
  • 15 December 2021: The DC Jail is a disgrace and January 6th defendants are being treated like political prisoners inside. I’m joining @TuckerCarlson at 8PM to call for the immediate termination the person in charge, Trump-hating Deputy Warden Kathleen Landerkin. Tune in!
  • 14 December 2021: Democrats on the J6 committee are so offended that @MarkMeadows wrote a book. Apparently they’re jealous he sold more copies than theirs. 😂 Pathetic Kangaroo Court! Meanwhile Americans don’t care about J6. They care about HIGH gas prices, crime, and a wide open border.
  • 14 December 2021: Mocking Americans. Equating America with terrorists. Downplaying 9/11: “Some people did something” And now she wants to condemn others? Do they want you to forget? Who are the real bigots? The Jihad Squad. And we will NEVER forget.
  • 14 December 2021: J6 committee thinks Members & others texting Mark Meadows to tell President Trump to tell people to stop rioting at the Capitol is a bad thing. What a joke! How many Democrats told BLM rioters to stop rioting? NONE, they encouraged, incited, and bailed them out to riot more!
  • 14 December 2021: 4. Congress should not even be considering, much less voting today, on this bill targeting criticism of Islam. This is Ilhan Omar’s latest effort to force the entire world to submit to Islam.
  • 14 December 2021: 3. What if Israel is attacked by a Muslim terrorist group or country? What if a European country enacts immigration restrictions bc rapes by Muslim “migrants” have skyrocketed? Will this mean the US must take action on them?
  • 14 December 2021: 2. The State Department’s monitoring and “combating” acts of Islamophobia is completely undefined. Would the State Department declare Jihad on any foreign country that does not submit to Islam?
  • 14 December 2021: 1. I will be voting NO on @IlhanMN ’s Submission Bill. Phobia is an extreme or irrational fear. It’s not irrational to fear Islamic terrorism or a religion that states it’s goal is world domination and the death of infidels.
  • 14 December 2021: I strongly endorse @BoHines for Congress!! Help support Bo by donating to his campaign and sending this unwavering America First conservative to Congress! 👇👇👇
  • 14 December 2021: Have you read my DC Jail report, Unusually Cruel? J6 defendants are being harshly punished pretrial violating their human rights. All lives matter in jail. @AyannaPressley @hakeemjeffries @CoriBush @BennieGThompson
  • 14 December 2021: 3. The Democrats hate the strongest Patriots and are abusing their power in a corrupt manner that will forever be a stain on this institution with the political theatre and witch hunt J6 committee. Every Republican should be there in person to defend Mark Meadows. No proxies.
  • 14 December 2021: 2. Mark Meadows served as a Member of Congress protecting our great freedoms and Constitution while conducting oversight into injustice and wrong doings in our government. As Chief of Staff to President Trump, he loyally served our country, our President, and our people.
  • 14 December 2021: 1. Pelosi is calling us back in session again when we aren’t scheduled to be there so Dems can continue their nasty political war on their most feared enemies. The vote to hold @MarkMeadows in contempt of congress appalling. Mark is a good man who never did anything wrong.
  • 14 December 2021: The DC Jail is an absolute disgrace and Deputy Warden Kathleen Landerkin in charge. It’s time to hold her responsible for the horrific treatment of the J6 detainees. Watch me tonight at 7:40PM on @newsmax with @gregkellyusa !
  • 13 December 2021: 20. I was shocked and upset by the riot on J6 and will never defend the violence of that day. But I will stand up in the face of authoritarian political warfare and the two tiered justice system being weld against Trump supporters. We ALL should! And never allow it again.
  • 13 December 2021: 19. The unconstitutional abuse of Americans charged for the J6 riot at the Capitol must end immediately in the DC Jail, in the court systems, & other prisons & jails other J6 defendants are being held in across the country. They should be released & home until their court date.
  • 13 December 2021: 18. In sharing the tweets of Deputy Warden Kathleen Landerkin of the DC Jail, and after my tour of the jail, it is more than obvious that J6 defendants are being abused because of her extreme hateful political beliefs. Kathleen Landerkin MUST BE FIRED!!! Cont’d
  • 13 December 2021: 17. DW Landerkin, thinks Members of Congress should go through metal detectors for “conspiring in the insurrection” that wasn’t an insurrection. We only objected, but Fed agents might have conspired before the riot. And yes, I’m all for ending Biden’s Gun Free School Zones.
  • 13 December 2021: 16. Deputy Warden Kathleen Landerkin who is abusing pretrial J6 defendants & not treating them “presumed innocent until proven guilty” thinks convicted felons should vote & recommends pocket constitutions. And she wants President Trump in jail. She hates him and J6 defendants.
  • 13 December 2021: 15. Christian pretrial J6 defendants held in the DC Jail are also denied chapel and communion under Deputy Warden Kathleen Landerkin. According to her tweets she doesn’t like seeing Bible verses in her timeline and wants white people to be extinct. And she’s white.
  • 13 December 2021: 14. There’s more. Imagine being held in solitary confinement 23 hours/day by Deputy Warden Landerkin, who doesn’t want a border wall to keep out people breaking our laws & illegally invading with human trafficking & drugs. To her, the worst criminals are Trump supporters.
  • 13 December 2021: 13. I didn’t even see a TV in the “MAGA wing” of the DC Jail when I was there. Deputy Warden Kathleen Landerkin tweets “no @FoxNews ” shown on the TV’s in her jail. But I did see men who were serving time for murder enjoying watching a Pro football game.
  • 13 December 2021: 12. On my visit to the DC Jail, we saw a lot of CRT emphasis, many Nation of Islam publications, and J6 defendants told us they are constantly beaten & called white supremacists and told to denounce Trump. Deputy Warden Landerkin certainly agrees with brainwashing.
  • 13 December 2021: 11. Not only does Kathleen Landerkin, Deputy Warden of the DC Jail abuse pretrial J6 defendants and thinks me and my Republican colleagues who objected on J6 should be punished as traitors, she also thinks the electoral college should be abolished. That’s ironic.
  • 13 December 2021: 10. In the past 20 years, Congressional Democrats objected 3 times to Republican Presidential elections, Deputy Warden Kathleen Landerkin retweeted that me and my colleagues who objected on J6 should be punished as traitors for simply objecting just like Democrats did.
  • 13 December 2021: 9. Yet there is so much irony in Deputy Warden Kathleen Landerkin’s tweets and belief system. Just like many Democrats, she complained about a “stolen election” and wanted President Trump locked up, but now tortures people who rioted at the Capitol over a stolen election.
  • 13 December 2021: 8. How about that? Deputy Warden Kathleen Landerkin, who said “Fuck everyone who supports Trump” and who abuses pretrial J6 defendants would love to have me in her disgusting jail where she wants to abuse me like the pretrial J6 defendants she has tortured in her DC Jail.
  • 13 December 2021: 7. Deputy Warden Kathleen Landerkin clearly has a particular disdain for me. Like many, she wrongly thinks J6 was an #insurrection even though NO ONE has been charged with Insurrection. And all I did was legally object to electoral college votes. Does she want to abuse me too?
  • 13 December 2021: 6. Not only did Deputy Warden Landerkin lock me & a few of my colleagues out of the jail calling us trespassers, hiding the abuse & conditions J6 defendants were in, she bragged about it and tweeted her extreme views on her now deleted Twitter page for the world to see.
  • 13 December 2021: 5. The the extreme hateful views held by the very woman, Deputy Warden Kathleen Landerkin, who controls every aspect of pretrial J6 defendant’s lives in the DC Jail are so intense she has made sure J6’ers have been treated Unusually Cruel. Read here👇
  • 13 December 2021: 4. The FBI has targeted and arrested Americans who were at the Capitol on J6 and the Biden DOJ charged them. And it’s been nearly a year for pretrial J6 defendants under abuse by the Deputy Warden of the DC Jail, Kathleen Landerkin, who agrees w/ riots. But only BLM riots.
  • 13 December 2021: 3. Only that didn’t happen. At all. #BLM protestors and violent rioters had over 90% of their charges dropped and NONE of them are languishing pre-trial in jail enduring hateful abuse under an entire system that hates them. But Pre-trial J6 defendants are being abused.
  • 13 December 2021: 2. They would win Pulitzer Prizes for courageous journalism. Every single civil rights groups & civil rights giants would be protesting outside the jail and suing the entire Gov demanding release of the abused #BLM pre-trial defendants and the Deputy Warden’s head on a platter.
  • 13 December 2021: 1. Imagine you protested for #BLM and when the protests turned violent you were arrested and held for nearly a year, abused harshly pre-trial in jail, under the hateful oversight of a Deputy Warden that is a white rabid Trump supporter. The media stories would be NON-STOP.
  • 12 December 2021: . @AyannaPressley killing babies is NOT health care. That is the most repulsive statement. Literally sickening. Health care saves lives. Abortion kills lives. Innocent lives. Every single time. Democrats obsession with killing babies is beyond evil. #EndAbortion
  • 12 December 2021: This is all he has. Blame Qanon at all cost, but Qanon isn’t President. Joe Biden owns all of this. The high inflation draining people’s bank accounts, invasion at the border, abandoned Americans in Afghanistan, & never ending tyrannical masks & vaccine mandates. It’s all you Joe
  • 12 December 2021: This is what Americans should be doing every single weekend.
  • 12 December 2021: Mike Flynn is a great American Patriot. We both agree that communism has no place in America. Unfortunately it’s been allowed to grow here and it must be rooted out.
  • 12 December 2021: Congratulations! You earned it!
  • 12 December 2021: Honored that Democrats wasted money on this billboard in Frisco, TX. We had a HUGE turnout and local police kept your nasty activists out. Keep donating! You can’t cancel me, freedom, or the great people that support me! Don’t mess with Texas!
  • 11 December 2021: There is no amount of taxes and government policies that will stop tornadoes. The climate just changes. It’s been changing since the beginning of time.
  • 11 December 2021: Well I just don’t understand why Deputy Warden Kathleen Landerkin of the DC Jail would delete her Twitter when she had such STRONG feelings about President Trump and his supporters. Ah too bad I already took screen shots of many of her passionate tweets. She will be fired.
  • 11 December 2021: Our country is being invaded and the press is told they aren’t allowed to film it and show it to the American people!!! The ‘migrants’ who break the law are helped into the country, not vaccinated, and shipped to your state for you to pay for them. Let’s Go Brandon!!
  • 11 December 2021: #PrayersforMayfield 💔
  • 11 December 2021: We are all praying for the families affected by the tremendous loss of life from the tornadoes. Truly heartbreaking. 🙏
  • 11 December 2021: Are you awake yet?
  • 11 December 2021: Good morning Deputy Warden @awkathyjo, How’s the DC Gulag this morning? You are responsible for human rights violations in the DC Jail and torture and abuse of pre-trial defendants. It’s clearly bc of your extreme political views. But you’re not alone, many are guilty too.
  • 10 December 2021: I #StandWithMaryMiller Vaccine mandates are 100% authoritarian abuse by Joe Biden. OSHA shouldn’t be used to punish companies who don’t punish their employees and force vaccines. #FireFauci and #ImpeachBiden
  • 10 December 2021: 2. and has been refused medical treatment all these months. His letter states that he and 2 others were transferred to USP Lewisburg after my visit. ALL J6 defendants should be in a pre-trial facility or allowed out on bail until their trial. This abuse is WRONG!
  • 10 December 2021: 1. I received a letter from a J6 PRE-TRIAL defendant who says he has been transferred to a maximum security prison and is now in 24 hour a day confinement & only gets to shower 3 days per week. Andrew Takke is the defendant I met on my DC Jail visit that has a mangled finger,
  • 10 December 2021: First they said, the shutdowns & masks were temporary until they found a vaccine. Then they mandated the vaccines & say you need more boosters in order to buy & sell in New York. Now they say you have to wear the mask or pay steep fines. It’s not about covid. It’s communism.
  • 10 December 2021: 2. The CCP uses business to move into America. The only businesses that should ever matter to Georgia and America are American owned & operated businesses. While job growth and tax revenue are important, we must create policies that accomplish this by America owned businesses.
  • 10 December 2021: 1. My beloved home state of Georgia is the key to the south. With the third largest port in the US, international airport, connecting corridors, rich agriculture, and filled with wonderful people, a key focus of our governor & leaders must be keeping Communist China out of GA.
  • 10 December 2021: The #JussieSmollett case is a textbook example of a page out of the left’s playbook that got caught. Reminds me of the Speaker of the House refusing the President’s request for the National Guard at the Capitol on J6. Now she refuses to release the videos showing the truth.
  • 9 December 2021: Yes @DrPaulGosar 🔥🔥🔥
  • 9 December 2021: . @AdamSchiff just told more lies on the House floor carrying on his #BigLie about Trump and Russian collusion. Slimy Schiff has always known that the Steel Dossier that @HillaryClinton paid for was pure lies. Transcripts proved it. Adam Schiff should be expelled!
  • 9 December 2021: This legislation is unconstitutional and we shouldn’t even be voting on it. It’s just another step in the Democrats’ Communist takeover of America. IT MUST BE STOPPED!
  • 9 December 2021: This legislation is unconstitutional and we should t even be voting on it. It’s just another step in the Democrats’ Communist takeover of America. IT MUST BE STOPPED!
  • 9 December 2021: All of this is designed to continue the years long Russian collusion witch hunt on President Trump and his White House, which have failed and proven false over and over again. And the bill hasn’t a single hearing in any of the 9 committees it was referred to. Cont’d
  • 9 December 2021: - Limits the ability of a President to fire an Inspector General, reducing it to 9 specific reasons. Restricting a POTUS from exercising their authority. Cont’d
  • 9 December 2021: - Destroys the Constitutionally authorized President pardon process by allowing Congress to conduct politically-motivated reviews of privileged Executive communication. Cont’d
  • 9 December 2021: This 174-page bill is designed to weaken the office of POTUS and empower the Deep State. This unconstitutional bill: -Directs the unelected GSA administrator to determine the outcome of a Presidential election & begin a transition even if All VOTES HAVEN’T COUNTED! Cont’d
  • 9 December 2021: Today, Democrats, led by Russia-hoaxer @AdamSchiff plan to continue their witch hunt against President Trump and his supporters. We will be voting on the “Protecting Our Democracy Act,” which should be called “Destroying Our Republic Act” THIS BILL MUST BE DEFEATED! Cont’d
  • 9 December 2021: Excited to join THOUSANDS of America First Patriots at @TPUSA ’s #AMFEST2021 next weekend! Get your tickets here: See you in Phoenix!
  • 8 December 2021: I don’t serve the military industrial complex. I don’t serve small arms dealers looking for paychecks. I don’t support forever never-ending wars. I’m sure as hell not interested in a nuclear war with Russia. The Washington D.C. Uniparty is insane!
  • 8 December 2021: Nah. Communist Democrat controlled committees are a waste of time, I’ve gotten way more done without them. But I’m glad our friends @mattgaetz is lighting it up. We’ve got lots of good things we can do @DrPaulGosar 😊🇺🇸
  • 8 December 2021: 3. Recent attacks from our conference on the @freedomcaucus not only misses the mark, it tells more about the guy shooting with blanks. It’s a lot better for him to move to the right than disappoint his audience he performs for.
  • 8 December 2021: 2. I can guarantee you that Republican voters support Conservative America First policies that don’t make trades with the Communists Democrats who want America on its knees to the global economy, woke climate religion, and never ending manufactured crisis covid.
  • 8 December 2021: 1. The @GOP is battling for what our identity is, & I’m here for it. While publicly it might look ugly, when we take back the House in ‘22, we’ll be a force to be reckoned with. Taking our issues to the mat and working it out will unite us to be stronger to defeat our enemies.
  • 8 December 2021: A man pretending to be a woman who beats real women in their sport is not breaking records or winning. He’s cheating and everyone is allowing him to do it. Men beating women is the end of women’s sports. This is just news celebrating it.
  • 8 December 2021: 4. We should fund an NDAA to fully prepare our military to be the most powerful and deadly fighting force in the world. Not the field experiment for Dr Fauci.
  • 8 December 2021: 3. With no accountability of the military leaders who armed the Taliban Islamic terrorist nation of Afghanistan, abandoned Americans, and killed 13 soldiers needlessly, funding the NDAA would be providing money to leaders who failed and left our military demoralized.
  • 8 December 2021: 2. The NDAA doesn’t stop the Biden mandated covid vaccination of our military members, but funds gender reassignment surgeries & provides woke CRT training. With 250,563 active duty military choosing natural immunity at risk of being fired the NDAA should’ve provided exemptions.
  • 8 December 2021: 1. On the 80th anniversary of Pearl Harbor, the House passed an NDAA that is more concerned with funding a Green New Deal compliant military w/ zero carbon emissions and more afraid of extreme weather than Nuclear China and Russia.
  • 7 December 2021: TUNE IN AT 1:00PM!
  • 7 December 2021: A day the will live in infamy. Never forget the attack on Pearl Harbor that awoke a sleeping giant. Let us remember the bravery and character of the generation of that day. May we strive to be like the Greatest Generation. #PearlHarbor80
  • 7 December 2021: We are now living in a time where in New York City, people ages 5 and up will be denied the ability to buy food simply because they are not vaccinated. Even though they don’t have a single symptom and are not sick, and may have natural immunity. The love of most will grow cold.
  • 7 December 2021: Joe Biden already proved to the world his lack of prowess in Afghanistan leaving America with no respect. They always turn to war when their polling numbers are in an unstoppable nosedive. Feeds war lovers, kills troops, and leads to missing limbs and families in mourning. 👎
  • 7 December 2021: AT&T complying with Democrat’s Communist style invasion of privacy by handing over peoples personal cell phone data to the fake J6 committee is the absolute worst unconstitutional mistake!!! Democrats MUST pay a steep price and I will work with my colleagues to make it happen.
  • 7 December 2021: That’s just for the calendar year! Through Q3, 200,000 Patriots have donated $7.6 million for my re-election since Nov 4 2020. Plus an additional $500,000 to my Save America Stop Socialism leadership PAC. The people stand with MTG because I stand with them! #gapol
  • 6 December 2021: Around 6,000+ people in Sweden have gotten a microchip inserted into their hand. The chip contains their vaccine passport, train passes, keyless entry, ID’s and more. They can buy and sell with it. Sign of the times…
  • 6 December 2021: 5. 👆These are very big issues that will resonate with our base, and I would love to see House and Senate Republicans bring in a W. Especially when it’s very possible.
  • 6 December 2021: 4. With 250,000+ military members not yet vaccinated, removing the Vax mandate is HUGE. All Vietnam Veterans can tell you how bad the draft was, adding our daughters is terrible move. Republican voters are sick of being targeted, stopping Office of Extremism is a must.
  • 6 December 2021: 3. With a razor thin vote margin in the House and 50/50 plus the filibuster in the Senate, Republicans have useful power, when we all stand solidly together and refuse to negotiate away or vote away key issues that will only help Biden and the Democrats. Opportunity to win here.
  • 6 December 2021: 2. NDAA negotiations must involve stopping the covid vaccine mandates and drafting our daughters. Ending the draft makes more sense and reduces the cost of the NDAA. And NO funding for the Office of Extremism, aka funding to target & throw out Trump supporters in the military.
  • 6 December 2021: 1.Hearing talk of raising the debt ceiling & NDAA being coupled. Republicans must keep them separate & vote NO especially if MIRV rule comes to play. Don’t allow passing the NDAA help raise the debt ceiling for Biden’s agenda BIF & BBB funding - once passed. BIG TRAP FOR R’s!
  • 6 December 2021: This is why I introduced articles of impeachment against Joe Biden. #ImpeachBiden
  • 6 December 2021: I believe in preserving, protecting, and teaching our history. Not tearing it down and erasing it. Whether you like or dislike our history isn’t the issue. Continue to teach it because our history is filled with valuable lessons for our children and reminders for all of us.
  • 6 December 2021: 🔥🔥🔥
  • 6 December 2021: 8. That single digit vote percentage for the Libertarian governor’s candidate @ShaneTHazel combined with too many unsafe absentee ballots and still angry R voters not voting will be deciding factors that give Stacey Abrams what she doesn’t deserve. It’s a game of inches.
  • 6 December 2021: 7. …the GA Republican state party’s sharp elbows to outsiders create 3rd party candidates that can cost our state everything. You better learn to listen to the libertarians and independents more and find a way to be friends. Otherwise…
  • 6 December 2021: 6. I’m hoping the Republican establishment in my state has learned it’s lesson. Pay attention to your voters bc they matter more than donors, lobbyist, lawyers, political consultant’s paychecks. People over Politicians always. And…
  • 6 December 2021: 5. After the Nov 2020 Presidential election, between state leaders not taking GA Rep voters serious about their cries of election fraud and Lin Wood holding rallies in GA telling people not to vote saying their vote will be stolen, enough angry R voters stayed home.
  • 6 December 2021: 4. The disaster in the Senate run off on Jan 5th gave our GA Senate seat to John Ossoff who had previously lost his bid for Congress by Karen Handel, and in GA that’s not saying much. And there is a whole lot to that story that may play in our very important 2022 GA Gov race.
  • 6 December 2021: 3. Shane Hazel ran for Congress in 2018 in GA-07 in the Republican primary pulling 28%. Then ran again for Senate in 2020 as a Libertarian candidate against David Purdue. Hazel’s 115,039 votes, combined w/ some unresolved voter fraud issues were just enough to force a runoff.
  • 6 December 2021: 2. Georgia’s governors seat may turn blue for a similar reason with some other factors bc of our razor thin margins. A libertarian candidate in the race may pull enough votes to hand over our state to Stacey Abrams in 2022. His name is Shane Hazel and he’s running. Again.
  • 6 December 2021: 1. Remember Ross Perot? He was great & relatable to a lot of people because he spoke common sense & wasn’t part of the political establishment. He got nearly 19% of the vote in the 1992 presidential election as an independent, pulling Republican votes away and Bill Clinton won.
  • 6 December 2021: No Patriot group I’ve ever seen wears khakis, Stormtrooper knee pads, and covers their faces like they’re scared. Just more movie characters.
  • 6 December 2021: No Patriot group I’ve ever seen wears khakis, Stormtrooper knee pads, and covers their faces like their scared. Just more movie characters.
  • 5 December 2021: On behalf of myself and my family we send condolences to the Dole’s, as they grieve the passing of their loved one. May Senator Bob Dole Rest In Peace.
  • 5 December 2021: 5. The Gov #COVID19 response hasn’t stopped covid & isn’t about saving lives, it’s about control. If the hypocrites in charge wanted to save lives, they would destroy all Gov funded bio weapons & fund covid treatments like Ivermectin. Also, fyi👇
  • 5 December 2021: 3. How much money is made in the #Cancer industry? How much money is being made in the new #COVID19 industry? Is one more profitable than the other? If the goal is saving lives at all costs, then why do those who worship Science think they can’t cure cancer? Asking for my Dad
  • 5 December 2021: 2. It’s interesting how triggered the blue check mark lefties were when I pointed out there has never been such a massive government response to ending cancer yet over 600,000 people die every year from cancer. But the world stopped for a Gov funded bio weapon called #COVID19 .
  • 5 December 2021: The same blue check marks that worship Science so much they think high taxes & Gov control will actually stop the Earth’s climate from changing, lost their minds over this tweet bc I pointed out that #COVID19 tyrannical Gov control isn’t saving lives. It’s about Communism.
  • 4 December 2021: 💯
  • 4 December 2021: GO DAWGS!!!
  • 4 December 2021: Fast tracking vaccines for Omicron covid variant makes absolutely zero sense. For a virus that is reportedly basically the same as a cold. Irrational fear that makes money all in the name of the false god “Science.”
  • 4 December 2021: 4. To care about others & save lives, our response to #COVID19 should be working towards ending obesity, promote covid treatments that are proven to work, & stop the politically driven mass hysteria. Allow people to choose natural immunity or vaccines, w/o discrimination.
  • 4 December 2021: 3. It’s time to take a different approach based on the facts. Covid predominately targets obese & older people. Shutdowns, masking, and vaccines are not stopping covid, that is just government control. Ivermectin, monoclonal antibodies, & other treatments are saving lives.
  • 4 December 2021: 2. Since #COVID19 tracking has started, 780,000+ people have died in 22 mo in the US, but more than 1 million still died of cancer. More have died in 2021 from covid than 2020 in spite of Gov mandated widespread vaccines, mass public masking, & trillions spent.
  • 4 December 2021: 1. Every single year more than 600,000 people in the US die from cancer. The country has never once shut down. Not a single school has closed. And every year, over 600,000 people, of all ages and all races will continue to die from cancer.
  • 4 December 2021: There are so many verified reports of myocarditis and other heart issues after mRNA vaccinations and covid, there must be more studies done and the vaccine mandates must be stopped. While so much is still unknown, the obvious solution is let people make their own decisions.
  • 4 December 2021: Study found here:
  • 4 December 2021: The obvious intentional effort of hiding very important health information from Twitter users from a credible association such as the American Heart Association is engaging in life threatening censorship. All to continue Vaccine enforcement for a virus with 99%+ survival rate.
  • 4 December 2021: . @Twitter put this label on the link to the American Heart Association Journal report that published the newsletter study findings about Mrna COVID Vaccines dramatically increasing endothelial Inflammatory markers and ACS risk as measured by the PULS Cardiac Test.
  • 4 December 2021: American Heart Association: We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination
  • 3 December 2021: The Democrats FAIL again.
  • 3 December 2021: #KenzieStrong ❤️
  • 3 December 2021: This will be America if people don’t grow courage and refuse to allow the madness to continue. Look at the insanity already over Omicron, which they all admit is very mild, basically like a weird cold. Save America! Stop Communism!
  • 3 December 2021: . @staceyabrams doesn’t represent women in Georgia. We ALL know how awful our lives & kids lives would be if she was Governer during Covid. Tyrannical shutdowns, never ending masks mandates, & high unemployment would be our existence. I’ll be leading GA Women to defeat Stacey.
  • 3 December 2021: Joe Biden: FAUCI IS PRESIDENT!
  • 3 December 2021: He’s a standard witness for the Democrats.
  • 2 December 2021: God bless him, and continued prayers for all of the students and families affected by this tragedy in Michigan. 🙏💔
  • 2 December 2021: SHUT IT DOWN!
  • 2 December 2021: . @LeaderMcConnell is dead wrong. When the government is reigning unconstitutional mandates over the people, it is absolutely the time to shut down the government! And it’s Senator McConnell’s responsibility to do it. Not loan the government more money while the people suffer.
  • 2 December 2021: Get ready Georgia, Stacey Abrams wants to be Governor of our state and will be depending on her friend like Linda Sarsour, who organized the Women’s March and raises money for Islamic terrorists. These women do NOT represent our Georgia values! #gapol
  • 2 December 2021: Ahh the never ending hypocrisy of Linda Sarsour, who raises money for Islamic terrorists. Pro-woman, please😂 The terrorists you support consider your value the same as dogs & definitely don’t think you are equal to men. You’re not even Pro-America.
  • 2 December 2021: Never give in to this insane tyranny!
  • 2 December 2021: Brett Kavanaugh was falsely accused by nasty women who were supported by nasty women. I was there I saw them. And now these same nasty women will do anything to keep killing their innocent unborn babies and keep funding the industry of murder.
  • 2 December 2021: Never forget @AOC & @IlhanMN ’s great friend Linda Sarsour’s speech when she declared fighting Trump is Jihad. All of these women are alike. They hate President Trump and they hate men. They lie and play victim to get their way. To them it’s Jihad.
  • 2 December 2021: AOC’s buddy, Linda Sarsour went inside a group before me. She is linked with Islamic terror groups like Hamas & hates Israel just like AOC and the rest of the Jihad Squad. All the hate-America activists and Soros funded radicals were there.
  • 2 December 2021: I attended Kavanaugh’s hearing when he was being confirmed. The paid organized leftist groups had women outside and were cycling them through to sit in. They would plan their fits and screams to make it look like a real outrage. It was all fake, just like his accusers.
  • 1 December 2021: Protecting elections and stopping election fraud is the number one issue to the Republican base. Inflation is in the top 5. Vaccine Mandates, Border, Afghanistan, CRT, Stopping Communism, Defeating the CCP, Supply Chain, and Putting America First are all top issues.
  • 1 December 2021: How much money is @staceyabrams getting paid on the board of Bill Gates ‘Secretive’ Solar Company Heleogen while she is running for the Governor of Georgia? Full transparency Stacey. What do you even know about solar? Nothing, but corrupt connections funding your campaign.
  • 1 December 2021: I’m on the House floor asking for recorded votes to stop Congress from passing bills by voice vote (saying yes or no) with only a handful of Members present. There are 435 Members of Congress. We should all vote.
  • 1 December 2021: LIVE from the #SCOTUS ! #PrayForLife
  • 1 December 2021: This is a MUST WATCH!
  • 1 December 2021: The depth of depravity of Dr Fauci is far beyond his excuse of ‘science.’ Fauci does not represent science, he represents evil. At what point will Democrats and the media stop worshipping this monster? #FireFauci
  • 1 December 2021: The greatest thing we can do is to end abortion. Praying for #SCOTUS hearing today that the court chooses #life .
  • 30 November 2021: Everything wrong with @NancyMace . She lies. She flips and flops depending on who she is talking to. #TwoFacedMace
  • 30 November 2021: Live with @toddstarnes now!
  • 30 November 2021: LIVE in the War Room with Steve Bannon! It’s going to be a busy week. TUNE IN:
  • 30 November 2021: 3. Because he appeals to the common man and woman. You can’t fool them, they see through the bull-shitters. When Republicans learn how to truly represent the workers, traditional families, & restore rural America with #AmericaFirst policies then the party will earn their vote.
  • 30 November 2021: 2. All the so called political experts always push Republicans to the middle to get the “swing voters.” All that has done is create the Uniparty, which has led us to this disaster. Do you want to know why Trump is the most popular Republican in history?
  • 30 November 2021: 1. There are a lot of people that need to hear this. We Conservatives in the @HouseGOP aren’t the fringe. We actually represent the base of Republican voters, which is approximately 70%. And when the party learns to represent Conservative Americans, we will never lose again.
  • 30 November 2021: So trashy not worth a spelling correction.
  • 30 November 2021: . @SpeakerPelosi forces everyone to wear masks while she breaks her own mask rule. This week I join @RepThomasMassie and @RepRalphNorman in a lawsuit against Nancy Pelosi to end the unconstitutional mask rule that does not prevent the spread of covid.
  • 30 November 2021: A group of people discussing mass murder. White genocide. Is the FBI investigating? Have these people been kicked off Twitter?
  • 30 November 2021: Join me in demanding the #GhislaineMaxwellTrial be public. Jeffrey Epstein was a monster. Just because he and his disgusting cohorts trafficked his sexual abuse victims to elite powerful people, they don’t get a pass. And neither does our government.
  • 30 November 2021: Earlier this year, I introduced the #FireFauci Act and the #WeWillNotComply Act. Together both bills would end vaccine & masks mandates and fire Fauci. Covid is treatable with safe medicines that save people’s lives. It’s time to stop the insanity.
  • 29 November 2021: Can you imagine your young teenage daughter being the victim of an evil man’s perverted sexual desires, and her being groomed by other women, then used by that nasty man’s friends/business men while he collects blackmail material on them for our government? #GhislaineMaxwell
  • 29 November 2021: 7. Pelosi’s absurd committee assignments and punishments can’t really be taken serious. Instead Members who vote with her deranged abuses of power, clearly don’t care about America’s security or sensibility. Rest assured 🐘’s don’t forget.
  • 29 November 2021: 6. With Islamic Terrorist sympathizer Israel hating Ilhan Omar on Foreign Affairs, the biggest proven liar in Congress Adam Schiff leading the J6 Clown Committee, & CCP spy lover Eric Swalwell on Intelligence, the whole country can see that…
  • 29 November 2021: 5. Well you know how Democrats are. They are #AmericaLast and #ChinaFirst and Hunter Biden has proven that all too well in his business dealings. Pelosi probably told Swalwell to take Hunter’s racist advice & be careful who he sleeps with to protect our country’s secrets.
  • 29 November 2021: 4. Pelosi’s defense of @ericswalwell is the one that should cause every single American serious concern. Swalwell was so dumb that he was easily enticed into a sexual relationship with a Communist Chinese spy. Shamefully, Pelosi protects his seat on the Intelligence Committee.
  • 29 November 2021: 3. Instead, Pelosi is on her last destroy America stint in power, she’s still abusing her Speakership with another fake committee just to spread more propaganda & lies against Republicans about J6. And it’s laughable Schiff is on that witch hunt too. The Committee of Clowns.
  • 29 November 2021: 2. @SpeakerPelosi has already proven that she uses her position of power to attack her enemies. The Russian collusion investigation led by top liar @RepAdamSchiff has already been proven to be the real #BigLie , but Nancy won’t apologize for wasting the People’s time & money.
  • 29 November 2021: 1. If Democrats move against @laurenboebert , who apologized, they’ll only help Lauren and reveal their true nature. @IlhanMN committed immigration fraud by repulsively marrying her brother, revers Al-Qaeda, & refers to 9/11 Islamic terror attack as ‘some people did something.’
  • 29 November 2021: The media won’t cover the Waukesha killer Darrell Brooks because saying his name means a man can be responsible for mass murder without a gun. In the Rittenhouse trial the gun and the right to self defense was really on trial. For the left, it’s always to get gun control.
  • 29 November 2021: When Republicans take back the House in ‘22 and the White House in ‘24, we will lead our country putting our faith, families, and freedoms first. We will put policies in place to restore the forgotten men and women of America and rebuild our great nation. Hold the line! 5/5
  • 29 November 2021: Funding the Infrastructure, BBB bill if it passes, and funding Biden’s Communist vaccine mandates will RUIN America. This is a tracked vote. The list will be made. The People will know. I’ll make sure of it. It’s not personal, our country is depending on you. 4/5
  • 29 November 2021: Every single Republican MUST vote NO to funding the government which will fund Biden’s agenda. It’s not about popularity, who you like & don’t like, or what brand Republican you are, no Republican should vote to fund this. Not a one. 3/5
  • 29 November 2021: Any Republican that votes to fund the government will be voting to fund the Green New Deal and will be funding the government forcing Americans to be fully dependent on Communist China for batteries to drive their cars. Funding the Infrastructure & BBB bill is America Last. 2/5
  • 29 November 2021: The federal government runs out of money Dec 3rd. Every single elected Republican MUST vote NO to funding the government. If any Republican votes to fund the Government, they will be funding Biden’s vaccine mandates that will cause millions to be fired & destroy freedom. 1/5
  • 28 November 2021: Every media outlet that smeared @mattgaetz should spend equal time apologizing to Matt & his family for lying. It’s been obvious from the start it was all a lie, & an attempt to take down one of the strongest fighters in Congress. Truth wins.
  • 28 November 2021: The most important thing Republicans can do is to stop the funding of vaccine mandates. Republicans voting for funding of OSHA will be voting to fund communist tactics used against the American people. Vaccine mandates are unconstitutional, no matter your stance on vaccines.
  • 28 November 2021: Jessalyn is 11 yrs old and fighting for her life, as a victim of the intentional mass murder tragedy in Waukesha, WI. This family needs help. Jessalyn’s Mom, Amber is a single mom of 5 children. Please consider pitching in for this sweet family.
  • 28 November 2021: Unbelievably sad. Democrats and the media cheered on lawlessness for all of 2020. Where are they now?
  • 28 November 2021: Happy Birthday @DrPaulGosar ! A true Patriot and GREAT American! 🇺🇸 Now that we both don’t have useless committees, together we can do so much more to Save America! Starting next week 😎
  • 28 November 2021: Over & over people have proven serious election integrity problems in Georgia. In GA, we all know. “These irregularities indicated a ballot scanning error rate of about 21 percent,” That’s WAY past the error rate of 0.0008% allowed by law. It’s fraud.
  • 28 November 2021:
  • 27 November 2021: Huge win for @UAW ! Workers rights should allow all workers/employees the right to choose to be vaccinated or not. Vaccination status was never a requirement of employment. No one should lose the ability to earn a living & feed their family bc of an unconstitutional mandate.
  • 27 November 2021: 7. With all that is know about #Covid and all the covid studies and the known miracle of low deaths in Africa with very little vaccinations, it’s no wonder the Tyrants announce a new #covidvariant from Africa and apply travel restrictions. They control you with irrational fear.
  • 27 November 2021: 6. If you had a loved one die from Covid, and they were not allowed to take Ivermectin or monoclonal antibodies, you might have a wrongful death suit in your hands. Treatment & healthy living is the way out of this nightmare, NOT vaccine mandates, masks, & shutdowns.
  • 27 November 2021: 5. With Africa’s amazingly low death rate from Covid, combined with the lowest vaccine rate in the world & very little masking, the “civilized” leaders of the world should immediately stop their tyrannical forced shutdowns, vaccine mandates, & absurd masking policies.
  • 27 November 2021: 4. Ivermectin, the ‘Wonder drug’ from Japan, has a long safe history of saving lives especially among the poor all over the world. Any doctor refusing to prescribe Ivermectin for Covid is participating in politics that is killing people.
  • 27 November 2021: 3. Along with low obesity rates & higher Vit D & Zinc, Africans have safely taken Ivermectin for decades and many clinical trials have proven Ivermectin to be a very effective safe & cheap treatment against #Covid .
  • 27 November 2021: 2. Obesity is the highest risk factor for hospitalization & deaths from #COVID19 . For many reasons, good & bad, obesity is not at all high in Africa like it is in America. Being outdoors a lot also gives Africans higher healthy levels of Vit D & Zinc.
  • 27 November 2021: 1. Africa has the lowest vaccine rates in the world at 6%, and the lowest recorded deaths by drastic numbers. Africa’s covid response of not masking & not getting vaccinated is proof that vaccines & masks aren’t stopping covid.
  • 27 November 2021: Dec 3rd the government runs out of money & the big push will be funding the Dems Communist agenda. The Senate can STOP the vaccine mandates by NOT funding OSHA The Senate can STOP the Destroy America BBB bill by NOT funding the government. All Republicans must stand strong.
  • 27 November 2021: How do prosecutors like this keep their licenses? He shouldn’t. And shame on the corporate media for not covering this.
  • 27 November 2021: 3. Before I ran for Congress, I was a small business owner and Mom who saw our federal government completely out of control and wanted accountability to force Congress to work for the People. I still feel that way today. I became an activist and I hope the People do the same.
  • 27 November 2021: 2. I’ve always supported People over Politicians and I always will.
  • 27 November 2021: 1. Feb 2019, I organized a march to support Pres Trump’s plan to #BuildTheWall bc Congress had failed to fund & build us a border wall to secure our border. Before I was a Member of Congress, I took action bc I believe in the People of America, our freedoms & our Constitution.
  • 26 November 2021: 12. Our GOP Conference needs strong leadership that will stop traitors in our conference, protect our country from the Democrat’s America Last agenda & lead for America First. I don’t hold grudges & don’t care who it is, I just want the job done. That’s who will get my vote.
  • 26 November 2021: 11. Republican voters know exactly what Democrats are all about, but it’s the RINOs and Republican traitors that hurt us the most. They talk like a Republican then vote like a Democrat. But the Republicans that openly help Biden & openly attack Republicans are real enemies.
  • 26 November 2021: 10. This type of sadistic behavior can NOT be tolerated. They must be held accountable for their reprehensible actions. @RepLizCheney & @AdamKinzinger must be kicked out of @HouseGOP ! @RepJohnKatko must be stripped of his ranking title on the Homeland Security Committee!
  • 26 November 2021: 9. Republican traitors Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, & John Katko are openly and diligently working with Pelosi and Democrats completely against Republican voters and hurting our country. They still have ALL their committees & hold their ranking positions with no consequences.
  • 26 November 2021: 8. Not only is President Trump, innocent former members of his admin, innocent people, & Members of Congress targets of Pelosi’s fake J6 committee, so is our leader Kevin McCarthy. “Republicans” Cheney & Kinzinger (still members of our conference) work to hurt us all.
  • 26 November 2021: 7. All the while, the 2 worst members of our @HouseGOP conference take their marching orders from Nancy Pelosi on her witch hunt J6 committee. @RepLizCheney & @AdamKinzinger scheme with Democrats on how to destroy Trump & his allies, while still being members of our conference.
  • 26 November 2021: 6. Remember, the Progressives said the Infrastructure & BBB bill were tied together, “lock and key.” 13 Republican House members handed Pelosi the key. On a silver platter. Katko voted 1st then 12 more R turncoats, & they unlocked the door to the BBB bill, Biden’s agenda.
  • 26 November 2021: 5. McCarthy, Scalise, & our entire conference worked to get everyone to vote NO to the Infrastructure bill bc we all knew that bill was tied to the BBB bill, which is full passage of Biden’s agenda & the Green New Deal. 6 Dems bravely voted NO, but Katko led 12 R’s to vote YES.
  • 26 November 2021: 4. The worst of the unlucky 13 is @RepJohnKatko . He lied to @GOPLeader & voted right away for the Infrastructure bill just as soon as the vote started, opening the door for the other 12 turncoats to help Pelosi beat the Squad & pass Biden’s agenda. I don’t like liars like Katko.
  • 26 November 2021: 3. Committees are useless in the minority & everyone knows it bc Republicans have stopped nothing. I’ve been far more effective without them. But Republican traitors have hurt us. Without 19 R Sen & 13 R House Members, there would be no Infrastructure or BBB bill right now.
  • 26 November 2021: 2. Remember, 11 “R’s” voted with D’s to kick me off committees supposedly for social media post well before I even ran for Congress, and I was publicly chastised by @GOPLeader several times for my words. But I don’t back down & always keep fighting, & have the People’s support.
  • 26 November 2021: 1. I waited a week to see if action would be taken, after 13 Republican traitors voted to pass Biden’s agenda before speaking publicly. Nothing happened. Well not exactly. @DrPaulGosar got kicked off committees for a cartoon, and @RepLizCheney & @AdamKinzinger voted for it.
  • 26 November 2021: This is everything wrong with our schools & EXACTLY what drove Virginia to flip red. Lesson: 1. Parents pay the taxes that fund schools & DON’T mess with Mama Bears. 2. @GaRepublicans & @GwinnettGOP should be rallying to support parents fighting masks & CRT! And register voters!
  • 26 November 2021: This is the question everyone should be asking. It also reveals the real moral dilemma with the current government mandated covid vaccines. And why is the government forcing a vaccine for a virus over 99% of people survive? Especially when we know who the high risk groups are.
  • 25 November 2021: It’s Turkey time! This year my Mom, my daughters, my aunt, and I made my Nana’s stuffing with the Turkey. It’s my favorite! Happy Thanksgiving to you all! Dinner is served!
  • 25 November 2021: Pelosi kicks @DrPaulGosar & I off committees for social media posts, & mine were before I ever ran for Congress, but R’s who vote to pass Biden’s agenda keep ranking committee positions. We aren’t the problem, it’s the R’s that vote like D’s & only talk like Republicans on TV.
  • 25 November 2021:
  • 25 November 2021: Happy Thanksgiving! Let us be thankful for our history and all of its lessons. May we restore our nation to principles and policies that enable American success, restore the forgotten men and women of America, and guarantee a productive future for the next generation.
  • 25 November 2021: All lives matter.. Love Everybody❤️
  • 24 November 2021: Thanksgiving cooking has begun and Waylon is pumped about some banana bread!
  • 24 November 2021: I’ll add we are heavily recruiting #AmericaFirst candidates. And we have already found some really good ones!
  • 24 November 2021: . @JoeBiden never was the most popular President. It always has been and will always be President Trump. He’s my absolute favorite.
  • 24 November 2021: That’s why I am excited to announce my endorsement of @BoHines for Congress! With Bo standing among the new Republican majority, we’ll fight for America First and defeat the Communists who want to tear down our great country! I look forward to working with him in Congress.
  • 24 November 2021: Republicans must take back the House and FIRE Nancy Pelosi in 2022. But a Republican majority isn’t enough. We must elect real America First fighters who stand for President Trump’s agenda!
  • 24 November 2021: 3. We’ve turned a corner in this country. EVERYONE I talk to has absolutely had it with the left. Democrats and your mouthpiece, the mainstream media, ALL OF YOU better take a hard look in the mirror because WE ALL see you and you are NOT looking good. We’re sick of your hate.
  • 24 November 2021: 2. The Democrats, the mainstream media, and the President of the United States should be held accountable for their racist inflammatory rhetoric that VERY LIKELY caused Darrell Brooks to murder so many innocent Americans walking in a Christmas parade. The People are furious.😡
  • 24 November 2021: 1. On the eve of Thanksgiving, 6 people are DEAD from a mass murder that occurred WITHOUT the use of a gun, 2 days after the entire radical left dog whistled for racial justice after the Kyle Rittenhouse Not Guilty verdict that involved all white people.
  • 24 November 2021: Why is this man naked and holding a baby pretending to be a woman? This is not ok and NOT safe for this child? This is an abomination and nothing to be promoting. It’s sick and disturbing.
  • 24 November 2021: No matter how much perfume they spray on a pile of 💩. It still smells like a pile of 💩.
  • 23 November 2021: 7. All under the guise of Climate Change as the “greatest threat” to America, the Communist Revolution is raging and everyday Americans can’t grasp it because they haven’t felt it’s sting just yet. The greatest threat to America is the communist federal government.
  • 23 November 2021: 6. America founded on a revolution against over taxation by a tyrannical king, now the Democrats are working to get the BBB bill signed into the law that will bring crushing new taxes virtually stealing American’s wealth & stopping the transfer of wealth to the next generation.
  • 23 November 2021: 5. The rich elites will thrive and become even wealthier and it will absolutely collapse the middle class, growing poverty all over America. Biden’s new weaponized IRS will target conservative Americans and small business owners finding any little mistake to enforce penalties.
  • 23 November 2021: 4. Forcing America into dependency on the global economy weakens Americans & takes our economic independence away. It will strengthen our foreign enemies. It will kill independent US small businesses & makes large corporations unstoppable.
  • 23 November 2021: 3. Many call Biden & the Democrats stupid or think Biden is making mistakes because he’s old & senile. None of this is on accident. It’s all part of the Communist Revolution in America. They are intentionally crashing our economy & forcing us to be dependent on Gov to survive.
  • 23 November 2021: 2. Last year, America was energy independent under the leadership of President Trump & his administration. Now, we are controlled by Communists & Biden, who begs OPEC & Russia to drill more oil and is selling our own Strategic Oil Preserves to artificially lower gas prices.
  • 23 November 2021: 1. The Democrat Party is using the full force of the federal government to change American’s ability to drive to be completely dependent on foreign countries like China, which dominates the EV battery market by forcing us to Electric Vehicles. We’ll lose all energy independence.
  • 23 November 2021: Obviously she isn’t concerned about rising sea levels from climate change as the “greatest threat we are facing.”🙄 But she clearly sees the real threat of the new astronomical taxes she rammed through in the BBB bill as a good reason to hide wealth in Florida. And FLA is free.
  • 23 November 2021: We must DEFEAT THE DEMOCRATS in 2022! Save America! Stop Communism!
  • 23 November 2021: Don’t need leadership to lead. The J6 Committee lied on subpoena. Lying on Congressional record is a very big problem for them. These Members are abusing power and abusing Congressional Committee power. They are in trouble and the J6 Committee should be dismantled immediately.
  • 23 November 2021: 11. Democrats are waging a war on Pres Trump & allies, & abusing their majority power all in order to punish their political opponents & it's absolutely disgusting. Abuse of Power are grounds for impeachment and removal from office for all office holders. And the case is clear.
  • 23 November 2021: 10. Do the Democrats believe that only their political causes and goals are covered by the First Amendment and that extends to complete anarchy in the streets of America? Looting, assault, mayhem, arson, domestic terrorism, & lawlessness are all ok as long as it's for Democrats.
  • 23 November 2021: 9. If the Members of Congress on the J6 Com care so much about riots and domestic terror groups, why don't any of them ever address the riots of 2020? Why don't they ever launch an investigation into Antifa & BLM? Are some riots just and others unjust depending on who riots?
  • 23 November 2021: 8. If the J6 Com cared about revealing the truth, then why don't we ever hear about them trying to find the person that planted pipe bombs at the RNC and DNC? Why haven't they been found, charged, arrested, and subpoenaed to the J6 Com? Was it even real?
  • 23 November 2021: 7. If the @SpeakerPelosi cared at all about the Capitol Police then she would have never put them in the position they were in on January 6th when she denied the request for NG. No help, no back up, & set up for failure. Now the J6 Com hunts innocent people to cover her sins.
  • 23 November 2021: 6. If the J6 Committee cared about truth then they would expose the death of Roseann Boyland. I've seen the full video. I saw it all. I saw the man trying to save her life, giving her CPR, & I spoke to him inside the DC Jail where he is detained. Her family deserves to know.
  • 23 November 2021: 5. If the J6 Committee cared about representing the American People, then they would open an investigation into the likelihood of federal agencies involvement in any planning of J6, incitement of violence in the crowd, & encouraging people to go inside. Why would they do that?
  • 23 November 2021: 4. If the J6 Committee wanted to be even remotely legitimate, then it would be making the over 14,000 hours of tape available for the public to view. It would address the real crime as to why President Trump's request for the National Guard was denied and who denied it.
  • 23 November 2021: 3. I simply cannot imagine taking care of a family member through the worst time in life, at their bedside while they fight cancer, then to be accused of being somewhere I wasn't accused of planning a so called "insurrection" that no one planned and no one is charged for. Sick.
  • 23 November 2021: 2. The J6 Select Committee is an embarrassment to our country. Not only is the committee completely illegitimate, but it is Witch Hunt 2.0 by the mentally ill Democrats who suffer with late stages of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Congress only cares about itself and its agenda.
  • 23 November 2021: 1. Subpoenaing @BernardKerik claiming he was at the Willard, when he was with a family member receiving cancer treatment is a whole new level of witch hunt & lies to the American people. The Democrats, complicit media, & participating agencies will be held accountable one day.
  • 23 November 2021: President Trump was right. Again!
  • 23 November 2021: Lin should go to jail for what he did to Kyle. I also fully blame him for why Georgia lost our Senate seats. He’s from Georgia and we know him as a life long Democrat not a Republican. He grifted off of Trump & told people not to vote on Jan 5th saying their vote would be stolen.
  • 23 November 2021: I’ve told everyone what a horrible person Lin Wood is and if you watched @TuckerCarlson tonight then you heard from Kyle Rittenhouse one of the reasons why I think so. Lin keeping Kyle in jail instead of bailing him out with ALL that money donated FOR Kyle is absolutely evil.
  • 22 November 2021: 💯
  • 22 November 2021: He funds everything destructive to faith, families, and freedom. He hates America. George Soros should have his citizenship revoked and we should block his money from poisoning our great country forever more. It’s simple. If you don’t like our Constitution, we throw you out.
  • 22 November 2021: 💯 It’s all about the Communist Democrats building a full scale war on gun owners. Especially white male gun owners.
  • 22 November 2021: Our prayers are with the victims and families of the horrific attack in Waukesha, Wisconsin killing 5 innocent people and injuring more than 40. I can’t comprehend why anyone would do such a thing. A man out on bail with a long criminal history & a registered sex offender..
  • 22 November 2021: Here’s a word the Republican Party needs to get comfortable using: Communism. That’s the Democrat agenda and Republicans must have a plan to stop it. Watch my full interview with @ElijahSchaffer :
  • 22 November 2021: Pray for Waukesha, Wisconsin! 🙏🙏🙏
  • 22 November 2021: This is a must watch. All of you who judged Kyle Rittenhouse will find out how wrong you are.
  • 21 November 2021: Mother’s pray for your sons. The evil left wants to destroy them. They hate how God made them. They hate their masculine strength that makes them guard, protect, and defend the innocent. While they are young protect their bodies, mind, & souls. Raise them to be men of God.
  • 21 November 2021: 6. They want a race war in a country where we aren’t racist. Protect yourself with the full armor of God. Follow the commands of Jesus and love one another, pray for your enemies, and forgive those who have hurt you as God forgives you. Steady yourself under Him. God wins!!
  • 21 November 2021: 5. The radical Marxists are going to do everything they possibly can to try to cause you to stumble. Do NOT allow them. Give them nothing. Because if you do, they will take everything, starting with our guns first. During this time of testing, men must be the strongest.
  • 21 November 2021: 4. All of us who believe know that none of us are racist or believe in white supremacy, we believe ALL are equal. All of us who believe know that our American gun rights are the only thing holding back the Communist Revolution the Democrats are waging with the help of the media.
  • 21 November 2021: 3. All lawful gun owners & freedom loving God fearing Americans DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT fall into this trap. This is a time of great testing. You have a duty and responsibility to our future to not be baited into the awful lies and insults that are being hurled in your face.
  • 21 November 2021: 2. Their fake outrage and lies about Kyle Rittenhouse is their vehicle on the road to disarming America. Communist Democrats will call for “gun control now to protect peaceful BLM protestors first amendment rights.” The media will glamorize BLM and “victims of white supremacy.”
  • 21 November 2021: 1. The radical Marxists in this country are currently building their attack to dismantle our #SecondAmendment . They will stay on their lying message constantly about “angry white men are a threat to black lives.” Building fear & propaganda into the mainstream is their tactic.
  • 21 November 2021: I told you all. It’s a Communist Revolution. The Democrats are making it happen and these are their foot soldiers. They come out when the Dems and the media dog whistle.
  • 21 November 2021: Americans need to be this brave and outspoken while you still can! I’m not vaccinated. I’m opposed to the mandates. I already support you, more will when you take a stand! Courage is contagious!
  • 20 November 2021: Using government power to force and punish healthy people to get a vaccine that supposedly protects them from a virus that is very unlikely to hospitalize or even kill them is communism. No Vax for me. I’ll always fight for People’s freedom. Save America, Stop Communism!
  • 20 November 2021: That is awful. The mandates will never stop. Parents, don’t hand your healthy children over to the left.
  • 20 November 2021: Communist Joe loves peaceful bonfires inside of private businesses. He encourages all to grab a brick and cans of soup to spread the peace. Obviously, you can’t #BuildBackBetter if you don’t burn it down first.
  • 20 November 2021: Dear lying left, We are NOT white supremacist & REFUSE to be baited into your hate & racism. We believe ALL Americans are equal, and will stand firmly defending Faith in God, Families, & Freedoms! All your ways are evil & we pray for you. WE WILL WIN! Signed, We The People
  • 20 November 2021: I thought this was parody but it’s not. @JoyAnnReid hates white people, white men the most. Except she defends a child rapist & a woman beater, both convicted, both white, both men, who tried to kill a 17 yr old. But Joy is mad the 17 yr old is found NOT GUILTY bc he’s white.
  • 20 November 2021: It’s not about Kyle Rittenhouse, it’s about our guns. They hate your right to defend yourself bc that means you’re independent & don’t need the government for your most important right. The right to defend yourself. Dems are sending the DOJ, to make the case against our 2A.
  • 19 November 2021: . @RepJerryNadler is showing the real reason they are all feigning outrage. It’s not about Kyle Rittenhouse being found NOT GUILTY or white supremacy. The Democrat Communist Party is preparing to attack our great #SecondAmendment by using the DOJ to find a way to take your guns.
  • 19 November 2021: . @JoeBiden is angry & concerned that the jury found Kyle Rittenhouse NOT GUILTY after being shown mountains of evidence proving his innocence. Biden calling for “peaceful protest” now against the verdict. We all know what it means when the left calls for“peaceful” protest..
  • 19 November 2021: . @RashidaTlaib there’s NO white supremacy when EVERYONE involved is white. Self defense has nothing to do with skin color, it’s a God given right to ALL of us. Justice was upheld today when Kyle was found NOT GUILTY. You’re support of violent BLM riots is an injustice.
  • 19 November 2021: You’re a disgusting racist. All you do is cry racism even when the trial had 1 defendant & 3 others that were ALL white. If you want to see racial injustice, go with me to visit the pre-trial J6 defendants, whom are being mistreated bc they’re white Trump supporters. Let’s go?
  • 19 November 2021: SHAME ON YOU, APOLOGIZE! Kyle was found INNOCENT! Rosenbaum spent 15 yrs in prison for child molestation & sexual abuse of 5 pre-teen boys. Huber served time for 2 felony counts of strangulation and suffocation, & false imprisonment. Kyle defended his life from them.
  • 19 November 2021: Big Tech must be reigned in & held accountable for the role they play in smearing people’s character & spreading propaganda about all pre-trial defendants like Kyle Rittenhouse and J6 defendants. The social media users who are canceled suffer injury & Big Tech is liable to all.
  • 19 November 2021: Freedom of Press is NOT permission to LIE about pre-trial defendants like Kyle Rittenhouse & J6 defendants. Today, Kyle Rittenhouse has been found NOT GUILTY. The media must apologize NOW! The media must be held accountable for the lies & labels they paint on people. Enough!
  • 19 November 2021: . @IlhanMN apologize to Kyle Rittenhouse & @TuckerCarlson NOW. Kyle Rittenhouse has been found NOT GUILTY on ALL charges. Tucker bravely reports truth unlike the state controlled media lies, who cheered on the real domestic terrorists that you financially supported w/bail bond.
  • 19 November 2021: America is a sum total of the decisions Congress has made. Today our constitution no longer holds authority. Democrats always boldly tell us what they will do, but the slow death of America is because of Republicans compromising away our freedoms. Never compromise.
  • 19 November 2021: I’m incredibly proud of my staff for their dedicated work and care in helping me produce the report about our recent tour of the #DCJail where some of the #J6 defendants are being held. Tonight we are finishing the report we will soon be releasing.
  • 19 November 2021: . @AOC you’re absolutely nothing but a typical Neo-Marxist, educated by your communist college professor & now worshiping old white communist running your party & jumping to their every command. You’ve never created a single job or a decent drink. You’re just a perpetual victim.
  • 18 November 2021: . @RepLizCheney and @AdamKinzinger should kicked out of the @HouseGOP . In the minority, committees don’t matter anyway and the Democrats are ramming their agenda through no matter R’s say. And make an example @RepJohnKatko , the leader of the “Infrastructure” insurrection.
  • 18 November 2021: You’re the only member of Congress that broke federal immigration law & married your brother. And you are too stupid to know when you should just be quiet. Clearly you weren’t raised right.
  • 18 November 2021: I will solidly fight alongside any member of the any state National Guard that is refusing to comply with the unconstitutional vaccine mandate. So effectively these National Guard become state militias?
  • 17 November 2021: I love this man.
  • 17 November 2021: In case the media clips my comments, here’s what I think about my conference’s lack of defense for members like me and @DrPaulGosar and the lack of action against the unlucky 13 who handed over their voting card to Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden.
  • 17 November 2021: The leadership in the @HouseGOP wouldn’t fight to keep me on committees, won’t fight for @RepGosar , but sure as hell protects 13 Republican traitors who help pass Biden’s communist agenda. Unbelievable.
  • 17 November 2021: LIVE NOW!
  • 17 November 2021: LIVE on the War Room with Steve Bannon! TUNE IN NOW:
  • 17 November 2021: The love of most will grow cold.
  • 17 November 2021: I’m not vaccinated and not going to be. I feel good, fantastic actually, about celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas with my family and close friends.
  • 17 November 2021: Parents, who pay taxes paying for schools & salaries, are being targeted by the FBI using Counterterrorism tools. Communist regimes use government intimidation & force against political enemies & citizens when they try to stop bad things. Democrats are communists.
  • 17 November 2021: If there is any chance America is still the country that our founders created, then Kyle Rittenhouse will be found innocent.
  • 16 November 2021: 3. The American People are purely disgusted by elitists who think they are so smart and above the common American. The media companies and all who knowingly played along with this great deception should be prosecuted. Knowing this, no one should strive for a Pulitzer.
  • 16 November 2021: 2. Wasting over $35 MILLION in a witch hunt investigation, dividing our great nation with a political smear campaign, broadcasted by big media companies, who used their platforms to lie about the President of the United States. It’s such an embarrassing disgrace. Cont’d
  • 16 November 2021: 1. The @PulitzerPrizes who give awards in excellence in journalism and the arts awarded the @nytimes and @washingtonpost both Pulitzer Prizes in 2018 for lying to the American People repeatedly about the Russia Hoax. Cont’d
  • 16 November 2021: At the House GOP Conference meeting this morning, there was a motion to remove Republican traitor Congressman Katko from his ranking position on Homeland Security Committee. It was moved to the Steering Committee, where Katko is a participating member. This is why we fail.
  • 16 November 2021: When I ran for Congress, I thought the Democrats were Socialists. I was wrong. They are Communists.
  • 16 November 2021: No matter how many times Democrats lie about Trump & Republicans & no matter how many propaganda news stories the mainstream media pumps out, there’s one thing for sure. People aren’t buying it anymore. They see the truth at the gas pump & checkout counter. And they’re fed up.
  • 16 November 2021: Wyoming GOP voted to no longer recognize @RepLizCheney as a Republican. Reaffirming a fact we already know.
  • 15 November 2021: He has no knowledge about firearms and he doesn’t even lift. Pitiful.
  • 15 November 2021: Poor trigger control 🤦‍♀️
  • 15 November 2021: Disgraced @RepLizCheney is now BFF’s with one of the biggest liars in Congress, @AdamSchiff . Liz knows how to pick ‘em. But no one lies more than the fake news! Now @washingtonpost is trying to cover the lies they told on behalf of Schiff and @HillaryClinton ’s #SteeleDossier .
  • 15 November 2021: This trial is really about setting up an attack on our 2A, but they can’t convict a gun. They all know Kyle Rittenhouse is not guilty. The gun was a tool Kyle used to protect himself from the violent people trying to kill him. That’s it. The end.
  • 15 November 2021: Communists always hide the truth to punish their enemies.
  • 15 November 2021: Impeach China Joe.
  • 15 November 2021: Hero
  • 15 November 2021: Steve Bannon is a true Patriot!🇺🇸 He’s going to show everyone how it’s done. God bless him!
  • 15 November 2021: . @AdamSchiff first you lied to America about Trump Russia collusion and wasted millions of taxpayer’s hard earned dollars on the witch hunt investigation based on the fake #SteeleDossier paid for by @HillaryClinton . Are you now a CCP apologist? Commies cover for each other…
  • 15 November 2021: 2. The only time I wear a mask is when I have to fly. I have $60,500 in mask fines from Nancy Pelosi, who is a hypocrite because she does not wear a mask at times. Here she is during the vote on Infrastructure bill, with her mask down. I’m also suing her.
  • 15 November 2021: 1. I am not vaccinated. I choose to trust my own body’s immune system against #COVID19 and do not fall into any risk groups. I solidly stand against the unconstitutional vaccine mandates, and I will be fighting alongside those persecuted for choosing not to take the jab.
  • 15 November 2021: 7. #SaveAmerica •End Gun Free Zones. •End Gun Control laws. •End Section 230. •End Censorship. •End Vaccine & Masks Mandates. •Protect ALL Freedoms. Save America! Stop Communism! Make America Great Again!
  • 15 November 2021: 6. #SaveAmerica •Budget must create a profit. •Pay off the National Debt. •End useless wasteful government programs. •Fire useless, unproductive, & #resist government employees. •Reduce the size of the Federal government. •Defund Communist States.
  • 15 November 2021: 5. #SaveAmerica •Enact America First economic policy promoting American companies, small businesses, & workers. •Cut Taxes & Regulations. •Reward Made in America, buy American products. •Make critical supplies in America. •End dependence on foreign energy & supplies.
  • 15 November 2021: 4. #SaveAmerica •Promote traditional families Strong marriages & strong families create strong stable responsible kids. •Strengthen & promote Judeo-Christian values. •End abortion. •Support Foster Care & Adoption. •Train people on Gov assistance to live independently.
  • 15 November 2021: 3. #SaveAmerica •Completely defund all colleges/universities/schools that promote, teach, or use curriculums with CRT, Marxism, communism, socialism, globalism, climate change lies, & gender/sexual immorality. •Reward people based on character & performance not identify.
  • 15 November 2021: 2. #SaveAmerica •Strengthen Law Enforcement to end lawlessness in America’s communities. •Care for our Veterans. •Root out Marxism in every agency, the Military, and police departments. •End all funding for any entity promoting woke ideologies. •Deport CCP loyalists.
  • 15 November 2021: 1. #SaveAmerica •Close the border & enact minimum 4 year moratorium, finish the wall, strengthen security, ICE, & double the size of CBP, & complete waiting cases. •Deport all criminal illegals immediately. •Stop drug & human trafficking & harshly punish offenders.
  • 14 November 2021: The AR-15 is one of the best guns ever made. It’s easy to hold, especially for women. Guns don’t get up and kill people by themselves. People kill people, with all kinds of tools. That’s why I always want the best tool to protect myself & my family. Buy a gun, try an AR-15.
  • 14 November 2021: #TeamBannon all the way.
  • 14 November 2021: 4. Brave doctors, nurses, and healthcare professionals have the ability to refuse to play along with the unconstitutional vaccine mandates and develop a new medical industry that operates in a real free market. The opportunities are endless. Demand is high. The time is now.
  • 14 November 2021: 3. There is a very real movement already underway that may flourish bc of mandates. A new wave of doctors practices, clinics, and even hospitals that refuse to take health insurance, but instead practice lifesaving medicine for the good of all patients.
  • 14 November 2021: 2. Their protest carries more weight than most others because walkouts will affect healthcare, an industry already suffering from personnel shortage. The truth this group needs to remember is that they need you more than you need them. And healthcare workers truly hold power.
  • 14 November 2021: 1. While the vaccine mandate deadline looms, doctors, nurses, and healthcare workers are organizing against the unconstitutional mandates. They, of all people, know the truth about #COVID19 and #vaccines more than anyone. This is the one industry no one can lie to.
  • 13 November 2021: . @RepLizCheney & @AdamKinzinger bow to your Queen, the Speaker of the #HouseofHypocrites . Remember her words as you persecute Patriots like Steve Bannon, Mark Meadows, and Gen Mike Flynn, courageous men who have done nothing wrong. How much did they pay you to sell your souls.
  • 13 November 2021: 4. While the Democrat Communist Party is wielding it’s authoritarian power over the Great People of America, I will continue to lead the People to hold Republicans accountable until they figure out how to actually unite and put into action the America First words they say on TV.
  • 13 November 2021: 3. The “Infrastructure” bill was only made possible by 19 Republican Sell-Out Senators, then it was only passed because the unlucky 13 Republicans in the House voted FOR it. 6 brave Democrats voted NO, and if the traitorous 13 had voted NO the bill would have failed. Cont’d
  • 13 November 2021: 2. However, the calls will continue and primaries will ensue. Republicans in the House and the Senate need to learn a lesson. Stop helping Democrats destroy our economy, take away our freedoms, enslave us in crippling debt, and corrupt our society with immoral policies. Cont’d
  • 13 November 2021: 1. My office, my staff, and I receive nasty calls, death threats & wishes all the time, but the difference is they are from the deranged left, not Republicans. I get great calls from Republicans. But all death threats should be investigated. Cont’d
  • 13 November 2021: Powerful.
  • 13 November 2021: My daily bread.. It took years for me to read this book, but that time was the greatest investment I’ve ever made. It led me to Him. ❤️
  • 13 November 2021: My friend from Texas ladies and gentlemen… 😎
  • 12 November 2021: 3. The Democrat Communist Party & the America-Last Media are guilty of crimes against the American People. In 2020, they incited violence against the innocent American People. Calling domestic terrorist “peaceful protestors” and funding their organization. We won’t forget.
  • 12 November 2021: 2. Steve Bannon is a Patriot and informs Americans daily about the communist revolution in America. Commies always go after the strongest first. The J6 committee is a fake committee full of liars, traitors, and communist.
  • 12 November 2021: 1. They are going after Steve Bannon bc he is so effective in guiding Americans through the enormous amount of lies the media and the Dems force down the People’s throats everyday. War Room is one of the most watched shows by Trump supporters. #SteveBannon is innocent.
  • 12 November 2021: Black Lives Matters threatening riots and bloodshed, if the NYC Mayor moves to implement law and order, is domestic terrorism. @FBI @NewYorkFBI
  • 12 November 2021: That is the most dangerous gun in America.
  • 12 November 2021: Twitter has disabled the RT button on #KyleRittenhouse ’s mother’s tweet telling about extreme censorship. Communism in America is real. If we don’t fit their narrative, the left works together to make us disappear. You can’t erase us, we out number you. And I won’t back down.
  • 12 November 2021: . @SpeakerPelosi also agrees that cloth masks are clearly pointless except to be worn as a chin warmer, drool cloth, or accent to an outfit. Here she is in the House chamber where she has the Sergeant at Arms fine any member $2,500 for wearing their mask like this. Except her.
  • 11 November 2021: The @USMarshalsHQ must investigate this immediately. This abuse of Americans must END NOW! @MayorBowser @dcmayorsoffice must shut down this jail. Enough! These detainees are pre-trial and this is a violation of their constitutional rights.
  • 11 November 2021: #FreeKyleRittennhouse #KyleIsInnocent Self defense is a human right.
  • 11 November 2021: My heart is filled with gratitude to our great Veterans for your service and your sacrifice to defend our freedoms. Also thank you to all the family members of Veterans, your service and sacrifice is appreciated as well. Happy Veterans Day!
  • 11 November 2021: No one has argued in defense of the Capitol riot, and I’ve always openly said I was very upset by it, but after seeing these men myself in the DC Jail, I can attest this abuse is true. J6 defendants are political prisoners of war.
  • 10 November 2021: The prosecutor differentiates the two guns because the intent is to prove the need for gun control laws. Dems want gun control more than anything. They know Kyle acted in self defense. They don’t care. Now they have to vilify the AR-15 so the Democrats can take them away.
  • 10 November 2021: Thank God Kyle Rittenhouse had a gun to defend himself. I will always defend our 2A rights.
  • 10 November 2021: I love my home state of Georgia and in 2022, I will be taking the fight to the Democrats to keep Georgia RED!
  • 10 November 2021: J6 defendants are receiving a high security threat designation. Quad S - SSSS Biden flew unvetted Afghans by the tens of thousands into America and they don’t have a Quad S. J6 defendants are treated worse than unvetted Afghans.
  • 10 November 2021: Hey @washingtonpost , you left out the phone numbers: Rep. Fred Upton 202-225-3761 House Switchboard 202-224-3121
  • 9 November 2021: Just found out I’m blocked by Pfizer. How incredibly childish. If Pfizer can block people then we can block their vaccines. 🙅‍♀️
  • 9 November 2021: Vaccine mandates causing Americans to be fired is communism in America today. Republicans should vote NO to the CR Dec 3 to fund the government. I won’t vote to fund communism. I won’t vote to fund climate scams or socialist programs. Shut down the government. #ShutItDown
  • 9 November 2021: 6. While the #BuildBackBetter plan lulls Americans with Biden’s pide piping with promises of free childcare, healthcare, and “climate change” cures, the Democrats are really luring all Americans to our demise. Nothing in life is free. And the price is more than you can afford.
  • 9 November 2021: 5. So now instead of our cars being powered by American made muscle fueled by American drilled oil, our cars will be powered by foreign countries batteries mined by labor in environmental hazardous rare earth mineral mines. Which by the way, China owns over 80% of mining rights.
  • 9 November 2021: 4. For example, Ford Motor Company literally joined with a South Korean battery company called SK so that Ford can sell EVs. The US can’t compete in the EV battery market, making it impossible for our American auto companies to remain 100% American made.
  • 9 November 2021: 3. If only Americans realized that the BIF & Budget, aka Green New Deal, will force them & American auto companies to rely on foreign country’s EV batteries, all in order for us to drive & US auto companies to sell cars. Our governments role is not to change our supply & demand.
  • 9 November 2021: 2. Allowing ourselves to be divided by identity and ideology arguments only blinds Americans to the serious damage being done to every single one of us as lawmakers force changes to our economy through legislation, manipulation of processes, and majority control.
  • 9 November 2021: 1. #BuildBackBetter means Build Back Broke and that America falls into the global economy and very dependent on foreign countries for our supplies and survival. This plan makes us weak and reliant on the world. It also weakens our dollar, which takes our power.
  • 9 November 2021: They should have never been abandoned in the first place!! 😡 #ImpeachBiden
  • 9 November 2021: The treatment of the J6 defendants at the DC Jail is appalling. I joined @TuckerCarlson tonight with details from my visit and to tell their story.
  • 9 November 2021: Is it true that @GavinNewsom has suffered a serious side effect from taking a #COVID19 booster shot? If so, California must stop the unconstitutional vaccine mandates for adults and especially kids! So many injuries & deaths reported on VAERS. Scary stuff! Hope he’s ok.
  • 8 November 2021: You won’t be missed.
  • 8 November 2021: This is the kind of 💩 that 13 Republicans voted for when they voted with Pelosi for the Infrastructure bill. $1 Billion to rebuild highways because they are racist. I hope every Republican voter actually reads the literal lies and crap in that bill bc 13 R’s helped it pass.
  • 8 November 2021: Clearly you can’t read Jemele, as I don’t align myself with Islam. Why aren’t you asking why the DC Jail has Nation of Islam papers all in the jail? Why don’t you care that they are against the jab & don’t want kids vaxxed? Those issues aren’t your cleared talking points?
  • 8 November 2021: #FreeKyle
  • 8 November 2021: China’s ultimate weapon against the world is to crush its enemies economically & the very bioweapon it created funded by grants from US government makes it easy. Dems & the unlucky 13 Rep passing the Infrastructure bill forces us to be dependent on China & foreign countries.
  • 8 November 2021: 17. My staff & I are still writing our report on my visit to the DC Jail & everything we learned there over 3 & half hours. I’ll be on @TuckerCarlson tonight to talk about our federal government’s communist style political war against Americans. I’m committed to stopping it.
  • 8 November 2021: 16. Covid and unvaccinated people is no excuse to deny pre-trial defendants & prisoners their basic human rights. Remember while #COVID19 was raging & people were dying, murderers, rapists, child sex offenders and more were released from prison for covid “safety.” Cont’d
  • 8 November 2021: 15. J6 defendants are denied basic needs because they are unvaccinated. Haircuts, shaving, communion, chapel and more because they aren’t vaccinated. They are given Nair to chemically burn off hair. Cont’d
  • 8 November 2021: 14. I should add the Nation of Islam newspaper was not found in the Patriot Wing with the J6 defendants. Most of them have Bibles and pray and do Bible study daily. I prayed with them while I was there. Most of them are also unvaccinated & don’t want the vaccine. Cont’d
  • 8 November 2021: 13. I call on any lawmaker to join me in protecting American’s freedom of religion by stopping vaccine mandates. These unconstitutional mandates clearly cross political party, identity, and religious lines. It’s our duty to defend all civil rights.
  • 8 November 2021: 12. Learning how opposed the Nation of Islam is to the #COVID19 vaccines, & already knowing how many Christians oppose the vaccines, we MUST ensure that Religious Exemptions are allowed for Vaccine Mandates. All vaccine mandates must end & children shouldn’t be vaxxed. Cont’d
  • 8 November 2021: 11. I’m a Christian and am wholeheartedly thankful to be one. I’m filled with overflowing praise to God for all the he has done, does, and will do. I’m strongly opposed to radical Islam. But I do believe in freedom of religion guaranteed to us by our Constitution. Cont’d
  • 8 November 2021: 10. Louis Farrakhan says that forcing the vaccine is a “declaration of war.” That is how strongly the Nation of Islam opposes @JoeBiden ’s vaccine mandates that force unvaccinated people to lose their jobs.
  • 8 November 2021: 9. Propaganda Media you have a problem. They call you out! More common ground. Read the words from the Minister of Student Ministries for the Nation of Islam. “Millions of Americans who are rejecting this vaccine. The media creates a false narrative…” They read this in jail.
  • 8 November 2021: 8.“Stop Leading Black People to #COVID19 vaccine slaughter!” This is problematic for party of identity politics. Extremely high amounts of deaths are reported on VAERS, but there are no investigations into those deaths. Just Biden EO’s that fine companies for #NoJabNoJob .
  • 8 November 2021: 7. And the Nation of Islam is very against children being given the #COVID19 vaccines. More common ground. Children should NOT be taking covid vaccines, as all data shows they are hardly at risk.
  • 8 November 2021: 6. The Nation of Islam is also strongly against the #COVID19 vaccines.
  • 8 November 2021: 5. But I also found out that the Nation of Islam sees the use and benefit of Ivermectin and is very angry that our media, Democrats, and Dr Fauci have attacked the drug and refuse to save people’s lives by not promoting it and shunning the use of it. We have common ground there.
  • 8 November 2021: 4. I don’t know any people with white hate, white fear, or white rage. We, Republicans, see and believe that all people have equal rights under the law and constitution and those rights extend to the unborn. But I do know a lot of people who don’t trust the government.
  • 8 November 2021: 3. The DC Jail offered Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam newspaper. The DC Jail also signs everywhere telling inmates to vote and also informing them that felons can vote.
  • 8 November 2021: 2. I feel it’s important to know what people read and are subjected to while in jail. After all, they can not just leave and go find whatever they want to read.
  • 8 November 2021: 1. One of the benefits as a Member of Congress is visiting different types government facilities to provide oversight. On my recent visit to the DC Jail one of the things I picked up was some religious material. They had options. Christain and Islam.
  • 7 November 2021: When the days come where the ruling regime, the propaganda media, and the elites declare that the American Patriot is the enemy and the intelligence agencies hunt Patriots because they are labeled domestic terrorists then every American should take heed bc communism will kill us.
  • 7 November 2021: A Patriot loves, supports, and defends one’s country. An American Patriot is one whose loyalty lies with our Constitution and will defend our freedoms at all cost against tyrants that rise to destroy it. American Patriots believe in God and that are all of us are equal. 4/5
  • 7 November 2021: After all, they can’t eventually use force on the people unless they fully control the enforcers. It requires weeding out those that would stop or rise up in the ranks against communist control. In other words, real Patriots. 3/5
  • 7 November 2021: The purge is a critical piece to the Communist Revolution in America. Purging their political opponents and anyone who won’t comply with their authoritarian demands are essential moves in communist countries. 2/5
  • 7 November 2021: The current purge of Patriots in the police, military, FBI, DOJ, CIA, and many government agencies is the most dangerous movement silently happening in our country. It’s happening on two fronts. Trump supporters And Un-Vaxxed 1/5
  • 7 November 2021: Conservatives in Georgia are ready to take back our state! Honored to speak at Countdown to 2022 today in Gilmer County!
  • 6 November 2021: The State of Georgia must protect employees of private companies from the tyrannical overreach of Biden’s vaccine mandates too. Stop ALL vaccine mandates. Let people choose to get jabbed or not without fear of discrimination in their workplace, school, or anywhere!
  • 6 November 2021: Those 13 Republican traitors who voted to pass Biden’s Socialist Infrastructure bill agree with Globalist Joe that America must depend on China to drive EV’s. The unlucky 13 are China-First and America-Last. 13 American job & energy killers ⬇️ 2/2
  • 6 November 2021: 13 Republicans voted with Pelosi to spend $7.5 billion to build EV charging stations all over America to force Americans to drive CCP battery driven cars. China dominates the EV battery market by over 80% & the US can’t even compete with less than 10% market share. 1/2
  • 6 November 2021: You have got to be kidding me.
  • 6 November 2021: Some would laugh & make fun of her saying, Pelosi prefers freedom over California Communism. But actually she wants to bring in the left to destroy Florida. Democrats are like kudzu. They spread, cover, and suffocate everything good & everyone in their path. #RetirementPlanning
  • 6 November 2021: . @RepJohnKatko is the leader of the Insurrection in the GOP. Voted for the Big 5. Impeachment Remove MTG off committees J6 Committee Hold Bannon in contempt Green New Deal phase 1 Katko: Ranking member on Homeland Security and T&I. Will he continue to keep his committees?
  • 6 November 2021: Katko 202-225-3701 Bacon 202-225-4155 Van Drew 202-225-6572 Young 202-225-5765 Upton 202-225-3761 Kinzinger 202-225-3635 Gonzalez (OH) 202-225-3876 Reed 202-225-3161 Smith 202-225-3765 Gabarino 202-225-7896 Malliotakis 202-225-3371 Fitzpatrick 202-225-4276 McKinley 202-225-4172
  • 6 November 2021: These are the 13 “Republicans” who handed over their voting cards to Nancy Pelosi to pass Joe Biden’s Communist takeover of America via so-called infrastructure: Katko Bacon Van Drew Young Upton Kinzinger Gonzalez (OH) Reed Smith Gabarino Malliotakis Fitzpatrick McKinley
  • 6 November 2021: On Tuesday, the American people rejected the Democrats platform and by Friday Republican traitors locked arms with Nancy Pelosi to pass Joe Biden’s communist takeover of America. Your voters will send you the same message they sent Democrats on Tuesday.
  • 6 November 2021: Katko (202) 225-3701 Bacon (202) 225-4155 Van Drew (202) 225-6572 Young (202) 225-5765 Upton (202) 225-3761 Kinzinger (202) 225-3635 Gonzales (202) 225-3876 Reed (202) 225-3161 Smith (202) 225-3765 Gabarino (202) 225-7896 Malliotakis (202) 225-3371 Fitzpatrick (202) 225-4276
  • 6 November 2021: These are the 13 “Republicans” who handed over their voting cards to Nancy Pelosi to pass Joe Biden’s Communist takeover of America via so-called infrastructure: Katko Bacon Van Drew Young Upton Kinzinger Gonzales Reed Smith Gabarino Malliotakis Fitzpatrick
  • 6 November 2021: Make it the unlucky 13. #Traitors
  • 6 November 2021: Republicans who hand over their voting card to Nancy Pelosi to pass Biden’s Communist takeover of America will feel the anger of the GOP voter.
  • 6 November 2021: When Patriots went to the Capitol, some were incited by instigators in the crowd & possibly agents within our own government who infiltrated their circles well before J6. Like provocateurs to bring down foreign governments, has the deep state done the same to our own people?
  • 6 November 2021: Our great military men and women were demoralized when Biden forced them to withdraw in failure. A plan executed with knowledge that Afghans would turn the country over immediately to the Taliban. Like the Capitol Police on J6, our military was set up for failure. 3/4
  • 6 November 2021: I always believe in the good guys. I see the Capitol Police everyday when I’m in DC. They protect me and my staff and always take pride in their jobs. But being set up for failure hurt them deeply. 2/4
  • 6 November 2021: Just finished @TuckerCarlson ’s Patriot Purge. I’m more convinced than ever Nancy Pelosi set up the Capitol Police to fail on J6. All requests for National Guard assistance were denied. Instigators in the crowd of Patriots incited violence & urged entry. Who are they? 1/4
  • 5 November 2021: I’m joining @gregkellyusa at 7PM tonight on @newsmax to tell the story of the J6 political prisoners in the DC Jail. Last night’s trip to the Patriot Wing was like visiting prisoners of war. The treatment of these men is unacceptable. Tune in:
  • 5 November 2021: 37 Republicans are not here while we are trying to stop the literal Socialist takeover of America. They are proxy voting. Some have very legitimate reasons, but most don’t. We need more than Tweets & Proxy votes in the fight to save America.
  • 5 November 2021: Last night, I was greeted by men who never thought anyone would come see them. It was like they were prisoners of war. They had lost hope and felt forgotten. The American people must tell the federal government that we will not stand for their authoritarianism & their tyranny.
  • 5 November 2021: Longest role call vote in history is a Motion to Adjourn. Pelosi leaving the vote open seems to be making the motion successful. But it also shows how little she cares about the floor staff who have to sit there while she harasses her minions to vote.
  • 5 November 2021: LIVE in the War Room with Steve Bannon! Exposing the so-called “infrastructure” and Biden’s communist takeover via the budget. Telling the story of the J6 defendants in the Deplorable Jail. WATCH NOW:
  • 5 November 2021: Abortion IS murder of the most innocent life @RepJayapal . Abortion is NOT “women’s healthcare.” Abortion is NOT #BuildBackBetter , it destroys the greatest part of women, which is motherhood. Life begins at conception and killing that life especially with a heartbeat is evil.
  • 5 November 2021: 7. I am committed to ending this political war and seeing that our justice system is never used against Americans as a political weapon ever again. I am also beginning a plan for real prison reform. Our nation is broken and our people are divided. It’s time to fix it.
  • 5 November 2021: 6. Our detailed report will outline everything we saw in every area of the jail we were allowed to see, on behalf of all inmates. Cont’d
  • 5 November 2021: 5. It was like walking into a prisoner of war camp and seeing men who eyes can’t believe someone had made it in to see them. They are suffering greatly. Virtually no medical care, very poor food quality, and being put through re-education which most of them are rejecting.
  • 5 November 2021: 4. Phone calls were made & permission was given. We then were taken to another section of the jail and entered the Patriot wing. I was greeted by men with overwhelming cheers who rushed out to meet me with tears streaming down their faces. They have felt forgotten & hopeless.
  • 5 November 2021: 3. At what seemed the end of our tour as we were being led toward the exit, we had not seen the J6 defendants yet. I asked to see them & was told it was not part of my tour. I demanded to see them and would have gone scorched earth if I was not allowed and was making it known.
  • 5 November 2021: 2. Some inmates were receiving continuing education classes, others were truly suffering from long stays in solitary confinement for “bad behavior.” I’ll never forget hearing their screams. This was in a different part of the jail, not the J6 part. Being alone surely is hell.
  • 5 November 2021: 1. Last night we toured the DC jail. My staff and I are writing a full report this morning on our 3+ hour long tour. I’ve never seen human suffering like I witnessed last night. While some were shown to us in seemingly beneficial programs, others were in tortuous lockdown.
  • 5 November 2021: I just left the Patriot wing of the the DC jail where I visited with pretrial J6 defendants in person. I asked questions and heard their stories. We must do everything we can to remain a Free America where justice is colorblind, doesn’t see political lines, and truth prevails.
  • 4 November 2021: The American people have four words for Joe Biden’s unconstitutional mandates: WE WILL NOT COMPLY!
  • 4 November 2021: Call them at 202-225-3121 & tell them to vote NO & stop helping Joe Biden pass his agenda! Not a single Republican should be voting for the Infrastructure bill which is less than 9% actual Infrastructure. These “Republicans” are going to vote for phase 1 of the Green New Deal.
  • 4 November 2021: I replaced my Let’s Go Brandon sign, since stolen, with an email from Dr. Frankenstein about his recommendation that masks don’t work. I’m fined $2,500 every time I go on the House floor without a mask, it’s important to echo the “wisdom”of the all knowing Dr. Fauci. #SignGate
  • 4 November 2021: Just like at the DC Jail, @MayorBowser ’s office refused to answer questions about the treatment of prisoners and refused to meet with sitting members of Congress. What are they hiding?
  • 4 November 2021: Any government official telling military members or veterans that they won’t receive veteran benefits for not getting Vaxxed should be removed and lose ALL of their retirement benefits immediately. Stop abusing our military and veterans! Religious exemptions must apply.
  • 3 November 2021: Update it’s actually 2,135 pages! Leaked version was shorter but the real version is longer. Their so pathetic they can’t even offer one bill that remains the same.
  • 3 November 2021: I’m reading the 2,098 pgs of text to the newest version of the Reconciliation Budget that is being debated. It’s a full Government takeover of every major sector of the American economy. After losing yesterday, Democrats are full steam ahead into Socialism, with no apologies.
  • 3 November 2021: Last night was a lesson for Democrats. Parents in Virginia and across America stood up to say: Don’t put boys in our girls’ bathrooms. Don’t put our kids in masks. Don’t force our kids to get vaccinated. Don’t teach our kids to be racist. Don’t mess with our kids!
  • 3 November 2021: I’m proud to stand with @mattgaetz and my colleagues to demand answers from @AttyGenGarland . The American people deserve to know if federal agents or informants incited the events of January 6th.
  • 3 November 2021: I love this lady!!! What a role model for ALL American women!
  • 3 November 2021: Democrat controlled America!
  • 3 November 2021: Judge Lamberth cites disgusting, punitive conditions of the DC Jail holding the J6 defendants and sends home cancer patient, refuting the U.S. Marshall’s statement that J6 defendants can stay but 400 other detainees must be transferred. The ENTIRE DC jail should be SHUT DOWN!
  • 3 November 2021: THIS IS HOW WE SAVE AMERICA!! 🇺🇸 Love this guy! Congratulations @edwarddurr1 !!!
  • 3 November 2021: Congratulations to the Atlanta @Braves !!! #LetsGoBraves #ChopOn
  • 3 November 2021: Today @replouiegohmert and myself were denied entry to visit Louie’s constituent & conduct oversight at the DC jail. I’m extremely concerned about the treatment of J6 defendants & now ALL inmates being held there. Call the jail to demand oversight & transparency: 202.673.7316
  • 3 November 2021: Congratulations to the new Lt Gov of Virginia Winsome Sears! Great message! Yes we are tired of them trying to divide us and won’t let it happen!
  • 3 November 2021: Dems should be asking themselves where they went wrong. In lots of ways, but these mattered in VA. Don’t mess with people’s kids. Keep your boys in dresses out of girls bathrooms, stop teaching racism, stop vax & masks mandates, & remember parents and tax payers are in charge.
  • 3 November 2021: The @Braves win the World Series!!! Congratulations the this great team!!!
  • 3 November 2021: Usually we would see the race called in Virginia, but hey it’s post 2020 & it’s late at night. Will there be water main breaks and suitcases of ballots pulled out from under tables? No matter what, Democrats are being sent a loud message. Your agenda converts Republican votes!
  • 3 November 2021: Virginia Governor’s race is a total referendum on the Squad. @AOC @IlhanMN @RashidaTlaib @PramilaJayapal @CoriBush Sorry girls, looks like America is rejecting your Hate-America racists agenda!!! The Democrat Party @DNC should grow some credibility and kick the Communist out!
  • 2 November 2021: Leftists, like Joe Scarborough, who want to fire the brave first responders who refuse to comply with Joe Biden’s unconstitutional mandates can go to Hell.
  • 2 November 2021: 400+ private jets and 13,000 TONS OF CARBON!!! That’s what the elites at the Climate Cult Conference did breaking their own rules. Biden & Democrats want you driving CCP made electric vehicle battery cars, but China & Russia didn’t even go to the meeting. Stop the Green lies!
  • 2 November 2021: If you think Members of Congress don’t take care of themselves, think again. 💪 Gluttony and Sedentary living will kill all of us. #COVID kills obese people more than anyone. Protect yourself by working out & eating healthy! Love yourself & others by taking care of you!
  • 2 November 2021: Vote for @GlennYoungkin today! FLOOD THE POLLS!!! #VAgov
  • 2 November 2021: I just finished watching Part 1. I hope everyone watches it. Perhaps the J6 committee ought to watch it too. I want to see the inside and outside surveillance tapes. Those videos show the truth and the people involved and those who are innocent. Why not release the tapes?
  • 2 November 2021: The most popular & loved President in U.S. history is raising $1 million+ per week! Save America PAC has $90 MILLION cash on hand. That’s $20 million more than the RNC & $28 million more than the DCCC. I’ve told them all along Trump is our leader!
  • 1 November 2021: Biden releases #COVID19 positive illegals but mandates that Americans get fired for not taking the vaccines. $450,000 for people breaking in our country but #NoJabNoJob for Americans! Biden’s America is fascism!
  • 1 November 2021: Those darn high winds only affecting one airline.. #StopVaccineMandates
  • 1 November 2021: A Global Corporate Tax will only lead to higher prices hurting the middle class & poor the most. More taxes always mean less money for corporations to re-invest in growth, hire more workers, pay dividends & command higher stock prices. Dems tax assault will crush our economy.
  • 1 November 2021: Two critical court cases begin today. Kyle Rittenhouse and Texas abortion law. I’m a big believer in American’s right to defend themselves, a staunch supporter of our GREAT Second Amendment, and I’m unapologetically PRO-LIFE. I pray that the courts uphold our Constitution.
  • 1 November 2021: . @AdamSchiff I’m thinking about a bill that makes lying members pay back tax dollars, like the $32 million your Russia hoax lies cost, when they get caught lying in witch-hunt committees. Talk about constructive. Majority will be so much fun.
  • 1 November 2021: Come on Braves!!!
  • 1 November 2021: LETS GO BRAVES!!!
  • 31 October 2021: The scariest thing you’ll see all day.
  • 31 October 2021: Go Braves!!
  • 30 October 2021: GO DAWGS!!!!!
  • 30 October 2021: This is what courage looks like. This is how our country was founded. By people who love God, love freedom, and refuse to cave to insane tyrants. When we don’t have enough nurses, no food on grocery shelves, and not enough first responders. Tell Biden thank you.
  • 30 October 2021: There are no words. I’ll be back at that jail this week.
  • 30 October 2021: ISIS activated a terror cell in NOVA to attack a shopping mall/center this weekend before Gov election. This is a credible threat for Alexandria or Woodbridge area. Biden flew over 45,000 unvetted Afghans to Dulles after #ISIS killed 13 of our military. #ImpeachBiden
  • 30 October 2021: Great time at dinner with @johncardillo 🇺🇸
  • 30 October 2021: I’m hearing from multiple people on the ground in Virginia that once again that @GOP lawyers are telling @GlennYoungkin campaign staffers and attorneys to stand down. This is egregious in light of the absentee ballot game being played in Fairfax, Co. 2020 2.0 FLOOD THE POLLS!
  • 29 October 2021: America misses my favorite President and we will elect him for a third time!! #FJB
  • 29 October 2021: Absolutely 💯 And everyone should because the story currently being told about J6 is a Big Lie.
  • 29 October 2021: People are getting fired daily & we’re on the verge of a real critical supply chain crisis. With both vaxxed & un-vaxxed just as likely to spread covid, STOP vaccine mandates & move to saving lives with treatments that work like Ivermectin & monoclonal antibodies.
  • 29 October 2021: America First policies are the only way to save our country! Democrats are leading us off the cliff with America-Last failing ideas that divide us, destroy our economy, and hand us over in defeat to our enemies. Time to reclaim our independence and our American spirit! 🇺🇸
  • 29 October 2021: The White Democrat President wants to pay Reparations of $450,000/each to illegal immigrants, but totally snubbed Democrat Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s Reparations bill for Black Americans earlier this year. Not Building Back Better Joe.
  • 29 October 2021: Biden wants to pay Reparations of $450,000 per family member to people who willfully entered our country illegally. The payoff could cost American taxpayers $1 BILLION. All while Biden keeps the border wide open so more people can illegally invade. #ImpeachBiden
  • 28 October 2021: Bad news everyone!! The Desert Fish are getting screwed in the new version of budget. Originally they were getting $25,000,000 but now they are only getting $4,850,000 million. Same for the Fresh Water Mussels, Pollinators, and Hawaiian plants. Big bummer.
  • 28 October 2021: $15,000,000 to address the emissions of wood heaters. Who lobbied for this BS? I mean really?! Those evil wood heaters that people use to stay warm. 🙄 Democrat Climate Cult members in charge of spending your money hate poor people trying to stay warm.
  • 28 October 2021: How it started vs. How it’s going @AOC , how do you feel about @SpeakerPelosi gutting your $2.25 Billion Civilian Climate Corps (aka the Antifa Jobs Program) from the reconciliation bill? Seems like Biden and the rest Dem establishment don’t care what you think after all.
  • 28 October 2021: Pelosi & Biden want to spend $1.3 BILLION to pay Big Pharma to produce as many vaccines as possible when studies are showing the covid vaccines are around 40% effective. Democrats worship at the alter of Dr Fauci and want taxpayers to fund the cult.
  • 28 October 2021: Are you calling @TuckerCarlson ’s manager, Karen?
  • 28 October 2021: It’s time for Republicans to hold the line. It’s time for Rs to stop trading back room deals with Democrats & special interest donors. Every single Republican must vote NO to the Infrastructure highway to Communism & the Budget for the Green New Deal.
  • 28 October 2021: Republicans MUST VOTE NO!
  • 28 October 2021: Biden’s America sucks. This is what Democrats want. They want you to suffer in every way so that you beg them to pass taxpayer funded socialist “solutions” like the Green New Deal. Which will be more government rules & failure paid for by you. Wake up America! Vote them out!!
  • 28 October 2021: Any Republican voting for the BIF is voting for Socialist programs and helping Biden pass his agenda. Real Republicans don’t sell out their voters or their country by helping the America-Last Democrats. It’s a good thing voting records provide job performance for the people.
  • 28 October 2021: I’m thankful for those who refuse to cower.
  • 28 October 2021: It never gets old 😂
  • 28 October 2021: #FireFauci
  • 27 October 2021: 2. @RepCohen here’s some more good guys with gun saving lives stories. That dog definitely hunts by the way.
  • 27 October 2021: 1. @RepCohen apparently your Gun control hysteria has your glasses too fogged up if you think no good man or woman with a gun has never stopped a bad guy with a gun. Here’s a good pregnant woman using an AR-15 to save her family’s life.
  • 27 October 2021: Oh look, a Communist protest in DC demanding citizenship for illegal aliens and “climate justice,” whatever the hell that is…
  • 27 October 2021: 8. It’s time for every American to wake up and realize that #BuildBackBetter really means: #DestroyDivideDemoralize It’s time to take a stand against the Democrat Communist Takeover and put #AmericaFirst !
  • 27 October 2021: 7. #BuildBackBetter means while Democrat members of Congress defund police Hamas terrorist sympathizer Democrat Congresswoman Ilhan Omar blames out of control crime and lawlessness in the streets on police, instead of the criminals actually committing the crimes.
  • 27 October 2021: 6. #BuildBackBetter means America goes from being energy independent and having an abundance of oil reserves under Trump to depending on China for our forced “green energy needs” and Biden begging OPEC to drill more oil to gouge Americans at the gas pump.
  • 27 October 2021: 5. #BuildBackBetter means America’s military wants soyboy soldiers & not masculine men, instead of wiping out an unnecessary draft they draft your daughters, and mandate unwanted vaccines for all while demoralizing our troops and arming Islamic terrorist nations.
  • 27 October 2021: 4. #BuildBackBetter is actually out of control inflation, skyrocketing crime, impending supply chain disaster, & economic conditions ripe for collapse. Build Back Better turns your boys into girls, segregates children by race, & Marxist School Boards report parents to the FBI.
  • 27 October 2021: 3. Even Democrat voters are hiding their heads in shame saying “what have we done?” In 9 short months, what a freaking disaster we are in while Democrats are now showing us all their Communist membership cards! Even worse, they are just pathetically incompetent. What a joke!
  • 27 October 2021: 2. The world is laughing at us because Biden, Kamala, and Pelosi are being controlled by the Hate-America Communists (Progressives) who are running their party. While Dem’s Trump Derangement Syndrome is still out of control, these morons are running our country in the ground.
  • 27 October 2021: 1. While Democrats are fussing with each other over how much more money they can tax you & spy on your bank account, China is testing nuclear space missiles, little rocket man is launching rockets, and our border is wide open with the biggest organized caravan in history coming.
  • 27 October 2021: It turns out that 35% of Republican, Democrat, and Independent voters all agree that voter fraud occurred in 2020 and the election should be OVERTURNED! Tell me again about “the big lie.” Blueanon talking points aren’t sticking with the People.
  • 26 October 2021: #ImpeachBiden
  • 26 October 2021: Democrats & their goons in the media are the most radical dangerous enemy to the American people. Between the Dems pathetic agenda and continuous lies from the Blueanon network, the left is leading the country off a deadly cliff. It’s time to reject their agenda and their lies!
  • 26 October 2021: While Americans are fed up with masks & vax mandates, national security crisis at the border, demoralized over Afghanistan, & worrying about rapidly rising inflation & critical supply chain impending disaster, Democrats & a few Republicans are spreading conspiracy lies about J6.
  • 26 October 2021: Oh but don’t worry. Pelosi and Biden have plans for your money. $20 billion for National Climate Bank to payoff Climate scammers. And $200 million to Pelosi’s own slush fund where San Francisco’s wealthiest people live and work. And so much more stupid waste.
  • 26 October 2021: Pelosi and Biden will weaponize the IRS by spending taxpayers money at $80 billion to hire over 85,000 new IRS agents to target taxpayers. Biden’s IRS will spy on your bank account if you spend or earn $28 per day.
  • 26 October 2021: The Dems Nightmare budget imposes $2.1 TRILLION in Tax increases on families and job creators. Raises America’s corporate rate to 26.5% - higher than China’s! Kills small businesses who barely are surviving with a higher than 39.6% income tax rate & 25% on capital gains.
  • 26 October 2021: Pelosi is running around begging her conference to pass the $5+ TRILLION package that would be the most far left Socialist death sentence legislation to cross the halls of Congress. The average American family would be the victims of this nightmare and we would never recover.
  • 26 October 2021: It’s absolutely stunning how incompetent Democrats are, actually the government as a whole. As a successful business owner my entire adult life, I have never seen failure on this level. Purely criminal what these idiots are doing to ruin the greatest country in the world.
  • 26 October 2021: You shared the MFF bail bond link to bail out criminals that committed crimes during BLM riots you supported @IlhanMN and you actually blame police for skyrocketing crime? High crime is all on you Omar. Defund the police has consequences. Supporting criminals has consequences.
  • 26 October 2021: Tonight I started the discharge petition on my Fire Fauci Act H.R. 2316. The highest paid federal employee who funds puppy torture and CCP bioweapons that has killed millions needs to go. Call your Rep! 202-224-3121 Tell them to sign the discharge petition to #FireFauci !
  • 25 October 2021: If the Democrats pass the Reconciliation budget, they will spend $80 billion to hire 87,000 IRS agents to audit Americans. If Pelosi and Biden get their way, if you spend $28 a day then the IRS will have access to your bank account and personal transactions. Pass it on!
  • 25 October 2021: 11. So while you throw pebbles, I look forward to your answer on if you are able to find the courage to debate me. Or will you continue to hide in your office making videos and instructing your ground troops to keep harassing private citizens and businesses that support me?
  • 25 October 2021: 10. But your big problem @AOC are the parents all across America who are NOT going to tolerate what you and your Fascist friends want to do to their kids in their taxpayer funded schools. And you should worry bc Mama bears cross over political lines, and they already are.
  • 25 October 2021: 9. And private businesses are going to eventually get tired of doing the Democrats dirty work-Communist tactics from the threatening fines if they don’t mandate the vaccines on their employees. Oh we haven’t even seen the lawsuits that are coming from vax injuries and deaths.
  • 25 October 2021: 8. You are failing miserably while telling Americans & their kids to wear a useless napkin across their faces strapped to their ears, and forcing vaccines that aren’t even 50% effective against the virus your precious Fauci funded with US taxpayer dollars.
  • 25 October 2021: 7. You are failing @AOC . All of you are. You see America doesn’t like out of control inflation, illegals, drugs, and child trafficking at the border you all refuse to secure, and abandoning Americans in Afghanistan while arming the Taliban, & killing our own 13.
  • 25 October 2021: 6. While your destructive Socialist fantasies are promoted in the BIF & Reconciliation budget and Biden uses communist tactics forced through private businesses with unconstitutional freedom violating vaccine mandates, the people see through you.
  • 25 October 2021: 6. Democrats like you @AOC declared, waged, funded, supported, & promoted civil war on the American people and American cities with daily and nightly Antifa/BLM riots and terrorizing violence throughout 2020. Over $1 TRILLION in damage & many killed in your war against America.
  • 25 October 2021: 5. Our country was founded by men who stood against government that over taxed them and would not protect their property rights, violated their freedoms, and stood against life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That’s exactly the type Gov tyrannical Democrats are today.
  • 25 October 2021: 4. I saw your post on your social media @AOC . The Democrat fundraising platform ActBlue funded BLM by collecting donations. Terrorist sympathizer @IlhanMN posted the MFF bail bond link to bail out criminals who burned her own city. And so did the VP @KamalaHarris . Cont’d
  • 25 October 2021: 3. properly charged yet & many were let off. And all the people like you @AOC and many of your colleagues have not been investigated yet for your role in the civil war that was waged in the streets of America during the communist revolution of 2020. You taught them. Cont’d
  • 25 October 2021: 2. You see @AOC while most of the J6 people have been arrested and charged for mostly misdemeanors, ALL of the thousands of Antifa/BLM foot soldiers of the Democrat Communist Party that attacked innocent Americans, looted & burned private businesses, & more crimes have not been…
  • 25 October 2021: 1. Again I challenge you to debate me. You have a big problem understanding our laws because you want to tear our country apart because you are a communist. You are actually guilty of much worse. You & many Democrats funded, encouraged, and participated in civil war. Cont’d
  • 24 October 2021: Amazing turnout for a town of only 16,000 in blue Connecticut! This type of energy to Save America terrifies the Communist Democrats. FLOOD THE POLLS in 2022 and elect America First Republicans who won’t back down!
  • 24 October 2021: An inspiring event with 3,000 America First Patriots in blue Connecticut! If conservatives get involved, get organized, and get to work we can Save America from the Democrats’ Communist takeover.
  • 24 October 2021: I’m starting a discharge petition of my #FireFauci Act. Holding government accountable for lies, deceit, corruption, and deaths of millions of people should be a priority and reason for every Member of Congress to sign my discharge petition. What does the NIH have to hide?
  • 24 October 2021: It’s time to pass my #FireFauci Act. Funding the creation of a bioweapon that has killed millions of people and cruel experiments that torture puppies are the things only a monster could do. What else has this psychopath done? Fauci must be fired, investigated, and arrested.
  • 24 October 2021: Thank you, Connecticut! I’ve got your back, because you have mine!
  • 24 October 2021: I support @Travistritt who is standing up against the Tyrants and Go @Braves !!! Now Let’s Go Brandon!!! And The Braves!!!
  • 23 October 2021: I think this is the real reason Nancy Pelosi kicked me off of my committees.
  • 23 October 2021: LIVE from Plainfield, CT Thousands of people fired up to SAVE AMERICA! WATCH my speech at the QCA America First Rally: YouTube: Facebook:
  • 23 October 2021: This is absolutely hilarious @Liz_Cheney since you and the Russia hoaxer are now besties!😂 This is still on your website from when you voted to censure @AdamSchiff for lying. It’s gotta suck to be a politically homeless neocon.
  • 23 October 2021: The ship is barely afloat. It’s set on the wrong course, weighted down heavy with useless cargo, taking on water, filled criminal stowaways, and enemies embedded in the bridge. But the Great Awakening has begun amongst the crew in the decks below. Time of testing & faith.
  • 23 October 2021: RT @TPostMillennial: Marjorie Taylor Greene @mtgreenee introduces articles of impeachment against Biden
  • 22 October 2021: That’s why I’m endorsing Anthony Sabatini for Congress! DEFEAT THE DEMOCRATS!
  • 22 October 2021: @AnthonySabatini already introduced legislation to crack down on Big-Tech censorship, make Florida a Second-Amendment Sanctuary, tighten election laws, prohibit mandatory vaccines during COVID-19, and to prohibit transgender surgeries on children.
  • 22 October 2021: Anthony Sabatini is exactly the type of America First Fighter I need up here to fight alongside me. Anthony has the background in the Florida statehouse to prove he fights for President Trump’s MAGA agenda.
  • 22 October 2021: Republicans must take the House back and FIRE Nancy Pelosi in 2022 to SAVE AMERICA! Weak-kneed career politicians like Liz Cheney or Mitch McConnell won’t save this country. Fighters will.
  • 22 October 2021: Get this man a beer! No way Epstein killed himself.
  • 22 October 2021: No visitors can check their coats in the Capitol because no visitors are allowed in. It’s not because of Covid, there are sports games, concerts, and mass public gatherings all the time now. It’s because they don’t want you here, and don’t care that you pay for it all.
  • 22 October 2021: These headsets remain unused everyday in the Capitol building because no tours take place anymore. No school kids. No People. It’s sad.
  • 22 October 2021: Pelosi and the Democrats won’t allow the American people to visit the Capitol. The gift shop remains closed. The People’s taxes pay for tyrants to keep them out.
  • 22 October 2021: “If my kids are going to be distressed over this, you’re going to be distressed over this.” Stop masking children!
  • 22 October 2021: These are the 9 “Republicans” that voted with the Democrats’ illegitimate J6 Committee to weaponize the DOJ to persecute their enemies: the People. @Liz_Cheney @AdamKinzinger @HerreraBeutler @RepAGonzalez @NancyMace @RepMeijer @RepJohnKatko @BrianFitzUSA @RepFredUpton
  • 21 October 2021: We were looking at this video of Feds telling people to go in the Capitol.
  • 21 October 2021: God bless these brave people standing up against tyranny! #LetsGoBrandon
  • 21 October 2021: Merrick Garland ordered the FBI to target concerned parents as domestic terrorists. The FBI is using his son-in-law’s company to survey schools to identify “threats.” The AG is enriching his family. Why won’t Garland comply with ethics requirements regarding his son-in-law?
  • 20 October 2021: . @AdamSchiff is such a CORRUPT loser that he’s putting out a book while he’s hogging up media attention on the J6 clown committee. We already had to deal with his CONSPIRACY theories about “Russian collusion.” Now we have to deal with this crap. Slimy politician making money.
  • 20 October 2021: AMERICA FIRST! 🇺🇸
  • 20 October 2021: Nobody cares about Liz Cheney’s severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome and the J6 Committee Clowns, but American taxpayers do care about Nancy Pelosi’s taxpayer funded corrupt slush fund.
  • 20 October 2021: Does anyone know if @SpeakerPelosi took out of the budget the $200,000,000 earmark for her lavish Prisidio Park in her district that sits on the San Fran Bay? It has $403 Million in the (Trust) slush fund that her donors oversee as board members. Just asking for taxpayers.
  • 20 October 2021: Biden and the America-Last Democrats are ruining our country as fast as possible and selling the climate change green energy ruin America plan. 🤦‍♀️ Meanwhile China, blows off carbon emission cuts to mine coal to create power bc green energy doesn’t.
  • 20 October 2021: Straight Christian White Males are the most attacked people in America and are ALWAYS put LAST when identity matters over character.
  • 20 October 2021: The J6 Committee is a joke.
  • 19 October 2021: He faces Tom Rice, a Swampy RINO Republican who voted to impeach President Trump. Tom Rice is too weak, too timid, and too afraid to fight back against the Democrats’ communist takeover of America. He cannot be trusted. Vote Graham Allen for Congress!
  • 19 October 2021: I am on the search for fearless America First Republicans who will help us take back the House. I’m proud to endorse @GrahamAllen_1 in South Carolina’s 7th Congressional District Race. Graham is a successful businessman, a loving husband and father, and is a true Patriot.
  • 19 October 2021: Repubs must take the House back & FIRE Nancy Pelosi in ‘22. The only way to do that is w/ America First Repubs who fight & not cower in fear like so many spineless RINOs who care more about being liked by the Fake News & their Dem counterparts than they do about America First.
  • 19 October 2021: The Dems are no longer an American Party. They’re the party of woke corporate communism. They’re party of AOCs Green New Deal which enslaves us to cheap Chinese energy. They’re the party of skyrocketing inflation, illegal invasion at the border, vaccine mandates & election fraud.
  • 19 October 2021: The Democrats are fighting for their radical communist agenda every single day. We must fight harder to stop them. President Trump taught Republicans how to fight and never back down to the radical left or the Fake News Media.
  • 19 October 2021: There’s a cat fight between the New York Times and the Washington Post. And it started with @catturd2 .
  • 19 October 2021: Good morning. Democrats need to keep their grubby little hands out of people’s bank accounts. The IRS does not need to monitor how you spend your money. It’s none of their damn business. Pass it on.
  • 19 October 2021: Democrat controlled California now bans gasoline powered small engines like lawn mowers & generators. CA will ban the sale of all gas powered cars & trucks in 2035. Read this list of Communist California’s laws to understand Dem’s plans for the US.
  • 18 October 2021: If we don’t vote, the Democrats win by default. It’s time to audit the 2020 election, prosecute the fraud, end mass mail-in ballots, and FLOOD THE POLLS in 2022.
  • 18 October 2021: That’s why it’s critical that Republican voters still vote. Voices online that are telling you not to vote are doing the Democrats’ dirty work. Stop listening to grifters telling you not to vote. We must root out the fraud, but we also have to VOTE. Cont’d
  • 18 October 2021: The mass mail-in ballots have to stop. Otherwise, Stacey Abrams & Dems will use their orgs to harvest ballots based on new rules. This is not suppressing the vote. That’s purely Democrat deception. Even people on welfare are required to have an ID. Voters can too. Cont’d
  • 18 October 2021: For example in GA’s 2018 election, Brian Kemp beat Stacey Abrams by 54,723 votes. 4% of Kemp’s total is 79,136 votes. If 4% of Republicans stayed home, Stacey Abrams would be governor. Combine that with mass absentee ballot harvesting and Rs never win again in Georgia. Cont’d
  • 18 October 2021: I recently conducted a poll on Georgia’s elections and if my constituents felt their votes would count during a teletown hall. Sadly, 4% said they won’t even vote due to voter fraud. This is WRONG. Legal votes by Rs are just as important as stopping illegal ones. Cont’d
  • 18 October 2021: There’s 3 steps to victory in 2022. #1 Audit the 2020 election and prosecute voter fraud. #2 Stop mass mail-in voting which leads to fraud. #3 VOTE! Don’t sit at home and hand over the victory to Democrats. Flood the polls! Republicans have to get serious, here’s why: Cont’d
  • 18 October 2021: The Reconciliation bill is the Green New Deal & that’s how we should refer to it. It’s climate scam socialist programs, green energy that won’t keep the lights & heat on, and CCP supplied EV batteries. It’s America-last & will hurt the poor the most & make everyone more poor.
  • 17 October 2021: I think supporting Law Enforcement should be at the top of the Republican agenda. It’s at the top of mine! Looking forward to going to this #BackTheBlue rally!
  • 17 October 2021: I’m so sorry for your loss Paul. Keeping you and your family in my prayers. 🙏
  • 17 October 2021: #FireFauci
  • 17 October 2021: Where is the documentary about your Bloomberg funded anti-gun army with the sole mission of destroying the Second Amendment so that no American can defend themself?
  • 17 October 2021: 17 American missionaries have been kidnapped in Haiti and Joe Biden has said nothing about it. Biden abandoned Americans in Taliban ruled Afghanistan and turns his back every time he’s questioned. No American is safe out of the country while Biden is POTUS. #ImpeachBiden
  • 16 October 2021: Democrats promoted violence in the streets of America and threatened President Trump’s life everyday for years. Why aren’t these people being subpoenaed for promoting violence on innocent Americans, private businesses & a duly elected President? Looking forward to majority ‘22.
  • 16 October 2021: Obesity is the biggest risk factor for hospitalizations and death for Covid. The biggest wake up call for America should be lose weight and take care of yourself instead of living like there’s no tomorrow. Not judging one another and mandating vaccines crippling our economy.
  • 16 October 2021: The abuse of the J6 defendants is completely out of control. Most of these people are charged with misdemeanors & not one of them is charged with insurrection. Yet they are being abused & are treated as political prisoners while the left pretends none of the BLM riots existed.
  • 15 October 2021: While the Democrat Activist controlled media are cheering on the theatrics of the J6 committee, your Antifa members have come out in the daytime to break in the Department of Interior. @FBI will you be rounding these people up and holding them for months on end???
  • 15 October 2021: 4. This should be the warning siren to all of us that America is on a path to irreconcilable differences. With nearly $30 Trillion in debt & more on the way, a serious border invasion, repulsive moral decline, uncontrollable inflation, & Democratic Communism, I too might agree.
  • 15 October 2021: 3. In just 9 short months, Joe Biden and the entire Democrat party has ruined so many people’s lives and destroyed our country so badly that 43% of Americans want a #NationalDivorce and want to split btw Republican and Democrat states.
  • 15 October 2021: 2. These are the final results after the outraged left shared this poll everywhere and tried to tank it. Look how high the yes votes are in spite of their efforts and allowing 3 days for people to vote. 43% actually want a National Divorce, and 9% are undecided.
  • 15 October 2021: 1. So many people tell me daily how devastated they are over the state of our union on every level, and I completely share their utter disgust & heartbreak for the condition of our country. National Divorce is talked about often privately, but not publicly, so I took a poll.
  • 15 October 2021: Biden’s Green New Deal anti-oil & gas policies are causing such big problems that his own supporters are demanding he fix it. With energy cost rising rapidly he had to grovel to oil & gas companies. Joe shouldn’t have canceled the Keystone pipeline.
  • 15 October 2021: If this is true, the #FreedomFlu is extremely contagious and the tyrannical regime is causing the spread. If you want 15 days to slow the spread, stop the mandates. Not only will pilots go back to work, but our grocery shelves will fill back up.
  • 14 October 2021: Today, I was honored to testify in Lt Col Scheller’s trial. It takes great courage to speak out against leaders who lead those under them to failure & to death. It takes even more courage to plead guilty in the face of unknown consequences. Why is Scheller the one on trial?
  • 14 October 2021: Southwest Airlines refused to allow the national spokesman for Law Enforcement Today to board an airplane leaving DC events for National Police Week wearing a “wildly offensive” shirt. He says, “people should be more offended by socialism.” I agree with that. And #BackTheBlue
  • 14 October 2021: WE WILL NOT COMPLY!
  • 14 October 2021: It’s beautiful 😂
  • 13 October 2021: I am extremely disappointed that a judge does not see that the plaintiffs of this case have been injured. Skyrocketing Inflation, illegal invasion at the border, Afghanistan, vaccine mandates, the threat of trillions in socialist spending, & election fraud is definitely injury.
  • 13 October 2021: The horrid state of our union since Biden took office has had so many people asking me about a National Divorce. ND is not civil war like Antifa/BLM incitement over the past few years, it’s a civil legal process. It’s a real issue bc Americans don’t like communism.
  • 13 October 2021: Read the full ruling:
  • 13 October 2021: Fulton County audit case dismissed on lack of standing!! 😡 We must have full forensic audits. No court will hear the actual evidence. Inflation, border invasion, failure in Afghanistan, are proof of injury of election fraud in 2020. Reprehensible that the judge dismissed it!
  • 13 October 2021: LIVE in the War Room with Steve Bannon! Tune in now:
  • 13 October 2021: It’s all Democrats, not just Biden, that are responsible for how bad America is doing right now after the CCP bio weapon Covid-19 was released on the world. Covid is never leaving. The people lying about Ivermectin have blood on their hands. Save lives, it’s not about money.
  • 13 October 2021: 👀 I love dogs, but only real dogs.
  • 12 October 2021: FYI: There are many vaccine injuries and deaths being reported with the covid vaccines. Anyone and any organization mandating vaccines that may be causing death or damage to people’s health put themselves at risk/liability of lawsuits and/or legal consequences. #NoMandates
  • 12 October 2021: Georgia must ban ALL federal over reach with vaccine mandates. Joe Biden’s totalitarian orders must be stopped. It violates people’s medical freedom and will crush Georgia’s strong economy. Georgia is a Republican controlled state government and must stop Democrat tyranny.
  • 12 October 2021: 7. Oh but the government must keep raising its debt ceiling higher & higher so they can spend more & more & then tax you for it. Again, I’ll be voting NO. I’m a believer in consequences and accountability. The swamp needs to learn a lesson & every Republican should vote NO.
  • 12 October 2021: 6. You’re supposed to “demand” we vote to raise the debt ceiling so the elites running the machine don’t default & can keep paying out the green it just keeps printing. Meanwhile no one blinked when your business you built through sweat & tears closed or when your job went away.
  • 12 October 2021: 5. These “Leaders” know far more than you lowly taxpayers. How dare you complain about trillions in unending debt and massive trillion dollar budgets filled with more big government handouts that addict people to those monthly Gov checks just like crack from a street dealer.
  • 12 October 2021: 4. They wouldn’t dare bend down to speak to your cousin or uncle that became addicted to heroine or meth bc of the drugs their doctor prescribed them for PTSD, depression, or pain. No, those kind of invisibles and are beneath the elites of Washington.
  • 12 October 2021: 3. None of them cared or suffered while your Dad’s job got shipped to China, India, or Mexico. They could care less about your town reducing to rubble from loss of American made products in America’s towns.
  • 12 October 2021: 2. The absolutely pathetic and unqualified failed elected swamp creatures that have spent decades running the American people into debt and passing policies that sent Americans jobs to foreign countries are every single bit of the problem. On both sides.
  • 12 October 2021: 1. While workers are walking out everywhere with the #FreedomFlu , the media is pretending it’s not happening. Little do they know, it’s just getting started, & it’s gonna hurt. And we are headed back to vote tonight to extend the debt ceiling. I’m a solid NO by the way.
  • 12 October 2021: Very good work @MZHemingway
  • 12 October 2021: “Pandemic related issues.” Like the government forcing people to do something against their will or lose their job. But don’t say the actual words or our post don’t get seen. Hmmm. What’s the word to describe that?
  • 12 October 2021: Heroes! Not the Communist Zeroes. US Freedom Flyers, look ‘em up! Save America!!
  • 11 October 2021: Migration is big business and Joe Biden and the entire Democrat party are the biggest supporters. #ImpeachBiden
  • 11 October 2021: It’s unreal how many times the satire site Babylon Bee is practically real life. It’s time to take our country back and stop letting the deranged left ruin everyone’s lives, especially our kid’s lives. Stop masking children!
  • 11 October 2021: Hail Columbia!
  • 11 October 2021: Let’s Go Brandon! #FJB
  • 11 October 2021: Great podcast with @CletaMitchell 👍
  • 11 October 2021: All of our supply chain problems are the result of the extraordinary failures of the Democrats, who are in charge. Paying people to stay home and NOT work has consequences. Then adding on a demand that they be injected with something they don’t want will lead to even more…
  • 11 October 2021: Happy #ColumbusDay !
  • 11 October 2021: Happy #ColombusDay !
  • 11 October 2021: Military. Border Patrol Agents. Police. All saying this is the final straw. It’s hard to be a dictator with no enforcement.
  • 10 October 2021: Just wait until the pilots walk out next. And truck drivers. And more nurses, doctors, and healthcare workers. Just wait.
  • 10 October 2021: 3. Using mass information campaigns to train the public to believe that one portion of their society is deadly to the other is a psychological weapon totalitarians use on their political enemies. It’s not new. And leftists generally never have any new ideas. Just evil ones.
  • 10 October 2021: 2. It’s not new. History has tragically seen tyrants use ‘disease’ as an excuse before. Hitler led Nazi’s to do the unthinkable to millions of Jews, Blacks, & their enemies by brainwashing their people that these ‘deplorables’ were diseased & posed a deadly threat to society.
  • 10 October 2021: 1. In China, the totalitarian CCP has used the COVID-19 health crisis as pretext for rounding up political dissidents and other ‘deplorables,’ placing them in indefinite detention in ‘quarantine sites.’  The ‘diseased’ stay as long as the CCP says they are still positive.
  • 10 October 2021: The grumbling, moaning, & complaining about Trump running again in ‘24 from within the GOP conference just shows you that everything wrong inside the GOP still exist. Instead of caring about who & what policies their voters support they still remain Never Trumpers. Pathetic.
  • 9 October 2021: Watch the Trump rally! #MAGA #FJB
  • 9 October 2021: He lifts up his Bible high and lies and lies and lie. He’s not one of us. And he used a child being attacked by Marxist BLM. Read all the way to the end.
  • 9 October 2021: And you have to ask yourself. If Lin Wood has fought so hard against the election like he claims, even encouraging people to go in the Capitol on J6, why isn’t he a target of the J6 witch hunt? The J6 committee is only focused on Trump’s biggest defenders. But not Lin Wood.
  • 9 October 2021: This is where Kyle Rittenhouse’s donations should be made so this young man can afford his legal defense when jury selection starts in just a few weeks. Not Fightback Law, not a man who told people not to vote, to take back the Capitol on J6, not a liar.
  • 9 October 2021: People donated money through Fightback Law (Lin Wood) to Kyle Rittenhouse’s legal defense. Kyle fired Lin in Dec. People didn’t donate to Lin Wood, so why would he want $2M back? Only monsters hurt innocent people in their greatest time of need. Kyle’s trial starts Nov 1.
  • 8 October 2021: Democrats seeded chaos and stoked violence in cities all over the country for a year. Billions in damage, devastating communities, lawlessness & the media cheered it on. A boy stepped forward when most grown men stayed home. Remember Kyle Rittenhouse.
  • 8 October 2021: What @PressSec meant: “This is a really tough time in our country. My boss abandoned Americans in Afghanistan, armed an Islamic terrorist nation, & killed 13 young soldiers. We’re intentionally keeping the border open & inviting the world to illegally enter.” #ImpeachBiden
  • 8 October 2021: Fantastic talk with @charliekirk11 ! The Republican Party should not be working FOR communists Democrats and AGAINST America First policies. Stop selling out conservative voters!! Listen here!
  • 8 October 2021: Fantastic talk with @charliekirk11 ! The Republican Party should not be working FOR communists Democrats and AGAINST America First policies. Stop selling out conservative voters!! Listen
  • 8 October 2021: Let me inform everyone, this Republican Party is the party of America First and President Donald Trump! Thank you, #AMPFest21 !
  • 8 October 2021: Here you go Ted. Not that you care about saving lives, since you voted to kill babies up until birth, but Ivermectin is life saving against Covid as well as many other tropical diseases.
  • 7 October 2021: When the dictator tells companies to fire your unvaccinated employees, yeah the employee vax rate goes up to nearly 100%. There’s a term for that. Corporate Communism. It’s the Gov pushing communist tactics through the corporations. Another term would be: Discrimination.
  • 7 October 2021:
  • 7 October 2021:
  • 7 October 2021: I told people to call @LeaderMcConnell & tell him how they feel about his deal with Schumer. The people flooded his phone lines because they are sick and tired of spineless Republicans caving to Democrats while our country is being destroyed. Tell Mitch to man up! 202.224.3121
  • 7 October 2021: 8. It’s Republicans job to stop the Democrat’s destructive agenda. Let them own every bit of failure. Don’t help them.
  • 7 October 2021: 7. @LeaderMcConnell should talk to Representatives like me about what the people want instead of talking with Democrat leaders like Schumer. I have the people’s support. And they are beyond angry at what they see.
  • 7 October 2021: 6. McConnell is so old and has been encrusted into the walls of the swamp that he can’t even hear the screams coming from Republicans & even Democrats all over America, demanding Republicans in Washington fight with everything we have to stop the destruction of our great country.
  • 7 October 2021: 5. McConnell needs to lead Republicans in the Senate to stand firm against every single Democrat bill and request made with Democrat lying slithering tongues.
  • 7 October 2021: 4. For your information Mitch, anything you do that helps the America & Israel hating Progressives get their way betrays our country and our allies. Republican leaders should not be providing aid and comfort to likes of Omar, Jayapal, and AOC.
  • 7 October 2021: 3. Extending the debt ceiling just gives a comfy little padding and relieves the pressure off of Democrats to continue working their Socialist plans in the Green New Deal budget so they can please the Jihad Squad in the House.
  • 7 October 2021: 2. Mitch McConnell, the “Republican” leader in the Senate, needs to stop holding hands with Schumer who hates Republicans and wants to round us up with the politically weaponized DOJ & FBI.
  • 7 October 2021: 1. It’s the systemic failures of the Republican establishment who constantly compromise with the Hate America Communist Democrat Party that have led us to where we are now.
  • 7 October 2021: Because of the failures and horrors of only 8 months of Biden’s presidency and Democrat communism, the people are growing deaf to the media’s constant propaganda and lies. It’s the media who are really the liars and conspiracy theorists. The people see through you.
  • 7 October 2021: Most of America’s mainstream media are Democrat activist working for Democrat donors who own the giant media companies. The media acts like a 4th branch of government drunk with power to sway the hearts & minds of the people. Cont..
  • 7 October 2021: They report about internet conspiracy sources like Q as the biggest danger when in reality, it’s our media who are the biggest danger on the internet, tv, & airwaves bc most of them twist the facts & lie to achieve their policy goals. Cont..
  • 7 October 2021: Lastly, the American media is also to blame. Most of our media and press are nothing but America Last propaganda machines using their powerful platforms to deceive the people about what’s really happening. Cont..
  • 7 October 2021: Every Congressional Office mails their District about the legislation and work we do to support our issues. My Articles of Impeachment of Joe Biden support my district and the country. Biden is guilty, mentally unfit to serve, and must be impeached! Cont..
  • 7 October 2021: Scott maybe you are more of a Socialist spender or Pro China. I guess you like the Dems plan to blow trillions while forcing America on our knees to China for energy & supplies, while the Gov pays people to stay home, & Biden’s weaponized IRS digs in our personal bank accounts.
  • 7 October 2021: And while we are talking about wasted tax dollars, let’s discuss our hard earned money payed in taxes that Biden and Kamala, the MIA Border Czar, are wasting while our country is INVADED every single day by thousands of who the hell knows who they are! Impeach them both! Cont..
  • 7 October 2021: Oh and Scott, we could pay all of our income in taxes and not a cent would bring back our 13 beautiful young military soldiers Joe Biden is responsible for killing. Try whining to their families about my Articles of Impeachment. Cont..
  • 7 October 2021: You know what tax dollars are NOT working for Americans? The $85 BILLION of military equipment & weapons that Biden armed the Taliban terrorists with. And ALL of our tax dollars aren’t helping the countless Americans Biden abandoned in Afghanistan! Cont..
  • 7 October 2021: A poll last week of R voters in my district resulted in 88% wanting to #ImpeachBiden . It’s polled as high as 60% nationwide. My mail shows my legislation - 4 different sets of Articles of Impeachment- is perfectly working for my district & the majority of Americans. Cont..
  • 7 October 2021: What is happening? From Pfizer Whistleblower: ‘We Want to Avoid Having the Information on the Fetal Cells Floating Out There’ #PfizerLeaks
  • 6 October 2021: My message to the radical Democrats and their communist spokesmen in the media: We are taking our government back.
  • 6 October 2021: Careful @bluestein Your Antifa rioter membership card is showing. You know what’s the best endorsement for Buckhead city? All that crime in the Democrat city of Atlanta, and all the tax dollars not doing anything about it. The City of Buckhead. Safe & secure. Sounds wonderful.
  • 5 October 2021: . @mattgaetz and I are on mission to fight for #AmericaFirst 🇺🇸 We are beginning our search for a few good men and women. Selection process is beginning… #2022Team #SaveAmericaStopSocialism
  • 5 October 2021: This is why the House Republicans must hold together and vote NO against the Infrastructure bill and revised version of the Reconciliation budget bill. Do not give Biden his agenda. A YES vote is a failure to the American people & starts bad things that can’t be undone.
  • 5 October 2021: Biden’s vaccine mandates through private companies are causing thousands of healthy people to be fired from critically needed jobs like nurses, teachers, and truck drivers. It’s only been 8 months. Democrats are communist and their tactics will only grow worse. Con’d
  • 5 October 2021: Biden’s DOJ has the FBI hunting Americans for even being on Capitol grounds on J6, but ignores BLM domestic terrorism & criminal rioters Now they are going after parents who are telling their school boards to stop teaching racist CRT & stop masking their children. Con’d
  • 5 October 2021: Praise Him always. In all things. All moods. All the time. ❤️
  • 5 October 2021: Watching the story of Thomas Caldwell on @TuckerCarlson tonight. The political witch hunt targeting Americans who were simply on Capitol grounds on J6 must STOP! The J6 committee, FBI, and DOJ are using tactics that Communists use on their people. Not Americans.
  • 4 October 2021: Praying for @FLCaseyDeSantis 🙏 Breast cancer is a tough battle, but may God help her beat it.
  • 4 October 2021: Just to clarify for the couch coaches and the know nothing at all’s: Fran cough is not Covid cough. Don’t harass people that workout hard. You should join us. 💪
  • 4 October 2021: The Infrastructure bill and the Budget must be stopped. Just because the BIF didn’t pass last week doesn’t mean it’s over. Any Republican voting for the Infrastructure bill, will be selling out their voters and helping deliver Biden’s agenda on a platter. Don’t help Biden!
  • 4 October 2021: …and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place. I have chosen and consecrated this temple so that my Name may be there forever. My eyes and my heart will always be there. Says the Lord.
  • 4 October 2021: 1. When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven,
  • 4 October 2021: This hurts my heart and makes me sick. This is brainwashing & unhealthy. Children aren’t at risk from covid, but they are at risk in classrooms like this one. Stop masking children. If you want a mask wear it. If you want the vax, get it & trust it. Leave the kids alone.
  • 3 October 2021: First they sell the disease, then they sell you the cure.
  • 3 October 2021: When migrants illegally come across our border, they leave their identities behind and make up a story to get in. These ID’d were found all along the Del Rio from the Haitians that just recently invaded Texas. Who is really coming across Biden’s open border? #ImpeachBiden
  • 3 October 2021: The American people should not have to shoulder the burdens being placed on them by the government, as they are right now. It is time to secure the border before it gets worse and bigger problems arise.
  • 3 October 2021: No President and Vice President in United States history has betrayed the American people like Biden and Harris have. The border is so out of control and creating such problems that there are rumors that people are organizing to secure the border themselves. Cont’d
  • 3 October 2021: The US border towns are not able to feed, house, and care for the amount of people coming. This is a perpetual crisis. The out of control border is a failure to American citizens and taxpayers. But it’s also dangerous. Drugs, criminals, and terrorists are coming in.
  • 3 October 2021: When it comes to national security, we should all be unified in defending our country, our borders, and upholding our laws. Giving illegal aliens a free pass into our country is a slap in the face to every immigrant who became a citizen by following the immigration process.
  • 3 October 2021: The Biden admin is failing the American people by refusing to secure the border. We are on the verge of a critical supply chain crisis & being flooded with illegals. Hundreds of thousands are coming & aren’t forced to get vaxxed, but our own people are being fired for no vax.
  • 3 October 2021: There are hundreds of thousands of people headed to the border. We must close the border! The open border is a national security crisis. We should be tripling the size of CBP and funding all security measures like the wall and technology to keep our country safe. Cont’d
  • 3 October 2021: Why aren’t registered sex offenders like pedophiles required to present a pedo card when they go in restaurants, concerts, cruises, or work? But people with natural covid immunity are being treated like second class citizens, and denied and fired without a vaccine passport.
  • 2 October 2021: If they only understood that each baby killed inside the womb is a person just like them. Abortion is not birth control. Abortion does not solve problems or change your circumstances. Abortion is the murder of the most innocent vulnerable people in need of their mother’s love.
  • 2 October 2021: We are on the verge of a supply chain crisis. Ports are backlogged more than 4 weeks and jammed with ships waiting with supplies. We have a severe truck driver shortage. This issue is worldwide. Vaccine mandates are going to fire critically needed workers. #NoMandates
  • 2 October 2021: The J6 Committee, FBI, DOJ, & any other government entity involved in the political witch hunt & aggressive targeting of Trump supporters and simultaneously ignore the crimes by Antifa/BLM rioters, show the entire world that they don’t care about the people, but only themselves.
  • 2 October 2021: True justice is upholding laws regardless of who broke them, their political belief, skin color, religion, or any identity. True Justice does not see one riot different from another based on who the rioters are and who the victims are. Cont’d
  • 2 October 2021: Yet the same elected Members of Congress & other government officials give a free pass to the Antifa & BLM rioters that repeatedly broke laws for political causes. Their hypocrisy is screaming and all people see it and know it. Cont’d
  • 2 October 2021: I’m opposed to all riots but I’m appalled at the selfishness and hypocrisy of the J6 committee and treatment towards J6 defendants. J6 defendants are suffering true human rights abuse in jail, at the hands of our government, with no end in sight just bc of politics. Cont’d
  • 2 October 2021: The same elected leaders are aggressively pursuing another group, by politically targeting them with aggressive tactics, for only one riot w/ minimal damage & 1 confirmed death of an unarmed woman that occurred at the Capitol bc it affected these elected leaders. Cont’d..
  • 2 October 2021: Elected leaders are ignoring the repeated violence, crimes, & riots in cities and billions in damage to private businesses & communities committed by one political group that left cities devastated, hurting the people that live there. Cont’d
  • 2 October 2021: Last Friday ended with Democrats passing a horrific abortion bill that allows killing babies up to birth. This Friday ended with Pelosi’s failure to pass Biden’s agenda and hearing the Pro-Life speeches echoing from the Supreme Court to the Capitol steps. #ChooseLife
  • 2 October 2021: @MarcLobliner I agree! Life saving. Also it would cut down on healthcare cost tremendously. Keep teaching people how to be healthy so they can be the best version of themselves. 💪
  • 2 October 2021: Hope to see more studies on this. I take aminos nearly everyday, & other supplements like vitamin D, zinc, magnesium, etc. Along with consistent lifting and metcons. I think sleep is important as well for recovery, immune support, & overall health. Healthy lifestyle = good life.
  • 1 October 2021: DC is so fake that today it’s still September 30th bc Pelosi refused to close the House last night. Meanwhile in the real world, it’s October 1st.
  • 1 October 2021: If you are a company firing your employees bc they are not vaccinated, I would stop this discrimination immediately if I were you. There is no rule or law in place. Biden is not a dictator so don’t foolishly just do as he says. Lawsuits are coming.
  • 1 October 2021: While Pelosi is spinning her wheels in the mud, it’s giving me so much time to learn more about her very special Presidio Park and Trust. Did you know the board members are her very big and dedicated donors? All donations to politicians over $200 are public record on the FEC.
  • 1 October 2021: If I’m stuck here in the swamp sitting around waiting for the Democrats to all agree on a bill to destroy America, then I’m going to find something to do. I don’t sit around. Ever. The American people deserve better. And I’m not a fan of their silly games & smoke & mirrors.
  • 1 October 2021: Ok so everyone is making deals tonight. Here’s my offer to the Speaker. I’ll vote YES if you.. 1. Decertify election 2. Trump back in the WH 3. Fire Fauci 4. Expel Maxine 5. Investigate Ilhan 6. Build the Wall - close the border 7. End mask/vaccine mandates. Deal?
  • 30 September 2021: REMINDER: I will primary ANY Republican who votes for the $1.2 trillion so-called “infrastructure” bill or Biden’s $4.3 trillion budget. That’s a promise. Donate at to hold turncoat Rs accountable.
  • 30 September 2021: Rumor on Capitol Hill is Republicans, not Democrats, are surrendering to Nancy Pelosi’s pressure. It’s pathetic that some Republicans are going to pass Biden’s communist takeover. #SurrenderCaucus
  • 30 September 2021: Firing people for their vaccine status is discrimination. They were not hired under that job requirement. We are working on class action lawsuits. Companies being the enforcers of government over reach should think about consequences when Republicans take back the House.
  • 30 September 2021: LCpl Hunter Clark, who saved a baby in Afghanistan, is under investigation for thanking everyone for their support at a Trump rally, but the FBI’s involvement in J6 is not? Clark said nothing political nor wore his uniform. But the FBI was involved in the planning & riot on J6.
  • 30 September 2021: Lt Col Scheller should not be in prison. Joe Biden and the military leaders who abandoned Americans in Afghanistan, armed the radical Islamic terrorist Taliban, and caused 13 military members to be killed should be in prison. #FreeScheller #ImpeachBiden
  • 30 September 2021: Hold the line. #VoteNo Make Biden’s agenda fail.
  • 30 September 2021: You’re a piece of trash, and you’re doubling down. That family is the family of one of the 13 Marines killed in Afghanistan and you are playing the mask shaming game. You’re not brave. You’re not grateful for them. You’re a judgmental jerk.
  • 30 September 2021: LIVE in the War Room with Steve Bannon! Republicans must not hand over their voting card to Nancy Pelosi. Tune in:
  • 30 September 2021: 👀
  • 30 September 2021: Proud to sign this letter.
  • 30 September 2021: If Congress passes the $1.2 trillion so-called infrastructure bill and the $4.3 trillion budget, America will change forever. No Republican should hand over their voting card to Nancy Pelosi and enable her to pass this communist takeover.
  • 29 September 2021: Catholics for Choice? Do you guys meet in the same building as the Atheists for Jesus?
  • 29 September 2021: I loved it! You guys are great Americans! ❤️🇺🇸
  • 29 September 2021: This is why every single Republican better vote NO. Dems don’t have enough votes to pass the trillion dollar phase one of the Green New Deal. Why would any Republican vote yes and help Biden? Absolutely ridiculous. And their voters would be disgusted.
  • 29 September 2021: Republicans, don’t help the Democrats destroy our country. #VoteNo
  • 29 September 2021: LIVE NOW! Tune in.
  • 29 September 2021: LOVE seeing @DiamondandSilk in the Swamp!! These ladies are true American Patriots!
  • 29 September 2021: 3. While this email isn’t mine but is being sent to some of President Trump’s strongest supporters, I’ll go ahead and let you know. We won’t be playing your stupid games anymore.
  • 29 September 2021: 2. After the Russian Collusion witch-hunt, all of America knows these committees are nothing but a scam meant to feed the media with lies they can use to try to dirty up the strongest Republican fighters and try to intimidate people who refuse to back down.
  • 29 September 2021: 1. The Democrats supported, cheered, & funded violent anti-government riots all over America for a year killing people & causing billions in destruction to private businesses. Now the J6 witch-hunt is going after innocent people that had nothing to do with a random 3 hour riot.
  • 28 September 2021: Yes of course. I guess Pro-Women drafters are also Pro-Vaccine mandates. Apparently they aren’t concerned about the reports of miscarriages and blood clots. Or the real cost of both. Draft & vaccines. Instead of drafting our daughters, why aren’t we getting rid of the draft?
  • 28 September 2021: I’ll be at beautiful Trump Doral next Friday for @AMPFEST_USA !! You can get tickets here:
  • 28 September 2021: Vaccine mandates are creating a massive looming healthcare crisis. Even if half of these state hospital workers get terminated or quit, this will cause people to die.
  • 28 September 2021: Just pass the bill and then we will all find out what’s in it. Right? I mean why read 3,000 plus pages of trillions in spending? Silly Marjorie. Professional politicians don’t read the most expensive spending bills in history. That’s not how things are done in the swamp.
  • 28 September 2021: And is everyone feeling the sympathy for fresh water mussels? Their strapped for cash this time of year and they need a cool $25,000,000. Y’all good? Everybody good with that? It’s for the fresh water mussels y’all. Come on. Do it for the little guys. #FreshWaterMussels
  • 28 September 2021: $25,000,000 for butterflies in the United States? Asking for the butterflies. At least it goes to butterflies in our country. I mean half the time we pay for things like border walls in other countries.
  • 28 September 2021: How about $25,000,000 to endangered plants in Hawaii? Everybody good with that? Ok.
  • 28 September 2021: Good morning. How do you all feel about giving $25,000,000 to Desert Fish? They need the cash guys.
  • 27 September 2021: More to add about Pelosi’s taxpayer funded slush fund later. Stay tuned..
  • 27 September 2021: Here’s a list of the lavish properties inside the Presidio National Park: - Industrial Light and Magic (Star Wars) - The Walt Disney Family Museum - The Bay School ($56,000 / year private tuition) - Lodge At Presidio ($500+ night hotel) - Inn At Presidio ($500+ night hotel
  • 27 September 2021: The most amazing part to me is that the Presidio Trust is managed like an investment portfolio by a well qualified board that knows how to make a profit, while the federal government is over $28 TRILLION in debt, but continually borrows from the taxpayers. Cont’d
  • 27 September 2021: The Presidio Trust basically gives away iconic real estate, overlooking the Pacific Ocean to billionaires for peanuts. It’s a park that creates neighborhoods, business parks, private schools for the elites while homeless people defecate on the sidewalks of San Francisco. Cont’d
  • 27 September 2021: Nancy Pelosi has been lining the pockets of the richest people in California for decades through Presidio Trust. For example: $19 million in 2006. Cont’d
  • 27 September 2021: Pelosi’s Presidio Trust has $403 MILLION DOLLARS in it at the end of FY 2020. And Pelosi is STEALING $200 MILLION MORE OF TAXPAYER MONEY and putting it in this years budget! Why does she need more money??? Cont’d
  • 27 September 2021: What is the Presidio Trust you ask? Government funded SLUSH FUND filled with YOUR money, taken without YOUR permission! Nancy Pelosi created the trust fund in 1996, from a law passed called the Omnibus Parks and Public Lands Management Act of 1996. Cont’d
  • 27 September 2021: You carefully craft legislation that enriches all your friends and family, especially your biggest donors, on the backs of the taxpayers. This years budget awards $200 MILLION to Nancy Pelosi’s pet project. The Presidio Trust. Cont’d
  • 27 September 2021: . @SpeakerPelosi wants to pass the MOST EXPENSIVE BILL IN US HISTORY at $4.3 TRILLION DOLLARS. Oh but the devil is in the details. Do you want to know how you become Speaker of the House after 34 years of being in Congress? Cont’d
  • 27 September 2021: Again in recess until 6:30 pm. Steney Hoyer now warning everyone of my upcoming motion to adjourn. Imagine if private businesses ran this way. Completely inadequate and refusing to work while charging their customers ridiculous high prices while spending overhead in the red.
  • 27 September 2021: I just got in my office and looking over the Biden’s Build Back Better plan. This budget is the most expensive piece of legislation in the history of the United States. Shut down the government. These baby killers are insane.
  • 27 September 2021: We should create a real market, with real consumer choice, strengthening AND modernizing our nation. Congress should operate the government like a profitable business & that requires cutting losses. Business as usual doesn’t work, and personally I’m tired of it.
  • 27 September 2021: And to ensure our rural communities or those who rely on USPS for meds or other vital supplies get what they need at an affordable cost, it would be easy for people to have a personal account with the mail carrier of their choice. Just like for cell phone service. Cont’d
  • 27 September 2021: Instead of spying on Americans, delivering junk mail, and losing mega amounts of cash, the USPS should be sold. FedEx, UPS, even Amazon delivers to people’s homes and businesses everyday. Cont’d
  • 27 September 2021: Besides losing billions of taxpayer’s hard earned money, the USPS also runs a surveillance program that digs in your social media. Hmm.. why would the mailman be operating like a spy service on the American people you ask? Yeah, I ask the same. Cont’d
  • 27 September 2021: If Congress were serious about infrastructure they’d start by cutting USPS and giving the average American the cost savings. The USPS hasn’t made a profit since 2006, and has LOST approx $80 BILLION. Cont’d
  • 27 September 2021: Some RINOs want to help Biden pass the Green New Deal. They call it “infrastructure” but it’s really more big Gov programs that we can’t pay for. Remember, many RINOs are more interested in naming a post office after someone rather than building a stronger US economy. Cont’d
  • 27 September 2021: #ReleaseTheTapes What is there to hide?
  • 27 September 2021: Good for them!
  • 26 September 2021: Any Republican voting on the BIF, “Infrastructure” bill, deserves a primary. In ‘22, when we take back the House, Republicans can pass true Infrastructure for America, without the Green New Deal. Donate to http://SASSPAC.COM to stop Republicans who sell out America.
  • 26 September 2021: While Democrats force us to vote on their bills riddled with socialism, high taxes, amnesty for illegals, and climate justice lies sprinkled with very few good things, Republicans that vote with Democrats are only helping them achieve their maddening psychotic dreams. Cont’d
  • 26 September 2021: “They have to make sacrifices for distant threatened nations and distant future generations." Democrats who voted to slaughter full term babies last week want to hand America over to economic slavery to China who could care less about polluting or carbon output. Cont’d
  • 26 September 2021: “They must accept the reality of climate change and have faith in the extreme measures taken to combat it. They can’t dismiss news they dislike as fake. They have to set aside nationalism and class and racial resentments.” Cont’d
  • 26 September 2021: Ingrained in these beliefs, the Infrastructure & Budget reflect this: "Finally, overwhelming numbers of human beings, including millions of government-hating Americans, need to accept high taxes and severe curtailment of their familiar life styles without revolting.” Cont’d..
  • 26 September 2021: Republicans need to learn exactly who Democrats are and realize their goals don’t align with American interest or the American people. They worship the Climate religion & will burn our constitution to please their false gods. Cont’d
  • 26 September 2021: After all we are a country in nearly $30 trillion in debt and nothing to show for it but problems. We are here because the pendulum of power has swung back and forth between R’s and D’s and the ways of the swamp always fail the people. Compromise has led to failure. Cont’d
  • 26 September 2021: Why would any Republican vote yes to spending trillions of taxpayers hard earned dollars all to help Joe Biden achieve his agenda? Real Republicans wouldn’t foolishly sell out their voters just to pave a few roads or would they? But then again, I’m not so sure. Cont’d
  • 26 September 2021: It’s time for Republicans to hold the line. It’s time for Republicans to stop trading back room deals with Democrats & special interest donors. This week every single Republican must vote NO to the Infrastructure highway to Socialism & the Budget for the Green New Deal. Cont’d
  • 26 September 2021: The most needed jobs in America are truck drivers. They are the heroes delivering critically needed supplies all over America. Be a truck driver! Thank you truck drivers! God bless truck drivers! ❤️🇺🇸
  • 26 September 2021: Will @Liz_Cheney or @AdamKinzinger ask about the FBI’s role as Congressional Republicans serving on the J6 committee? How many FBI agents or informants have infiltrated Antifa or BLM domestic terrorist groups? No amount of J6 media spin will cause people to forget BLM riots.
  • 26 September 2021: because “foreign interests,” because “instability someplace else,” because “compassion demands” that our border be overrun, because “racism.” In the world run by the ruling elite, the Deep State, the globalists, and the NeoCons, YOU don’t get a say. But you will pay the price.
  • 26 September 2021: 8. Each step leads to the next - and YOU, the American people are never allowed to object, never allowed to say no. As each idea turns out to be a bad one, YOU are prevented from changing course… Cont’d
  • 26 September 2021: 7. Your neighborhood turns into a third world country, with crime that shouldn’t happen by criminals that shouldn’t be there:
  • 26 September 2021: 6. Then the Deep State and the ruling elite flip the switch and use obscure legal mechanisms to make the new illegal immigrants and “humanitarian” arrivals permanent:
  • 26 September 2021: 5. Anyone who opposes letting our borders be overrun by illegal aliens — even the brave men and women whose job is to secure our borders — is accused of being “racist”
  • 26 September 2021: 4. Deep State/globalists (i.e., the same people who told us “walls don’t work”) say it is impossible for us to stop flood of illegal aliens flowing across our borders.
  • 26 September 2021: 3. Nationals of destabilized sovereign state head for the US:
  • 26 September 2021: 2. At the same time, Deep State, NeoCons and Globalists destabilize that sovereign state for American imperial “interests”:
  • 26 September 2021: The Swamp’s standard playbook is so predictable: 1. Globalists demand US tax dollars be spent to “rebuild” another country, to enrich the themselves at your expense through their “foundations”, “charitable organizations,” and super smart “investments”:
  • 26 September 2021: The people are fired up! IMPEACH. CONVICT. REMOVE.
  • 25 September 2021: The climate has always changed. No amount of taxes or any government can stop or affect climate change. Stop giving away our freedoms bc you’ve been brainwashed by the Climate Hoax.
  • 25 September 2021: Welcome back to GA, President Trump! I’m on my way to the Trump rally and fired up about the UGA game today! Nothing better on a Saturday than a Bulldog win and a rally with my favorite President! We’re going to take back America, Defeat the Democrats and put America First!
  • 25 September 2021: I want to thank my Chief of Staff, Patrick Parsons, for helping me take the fight to the Socialist Democrats as I've transitioned into Congress. He's advised me he will be moving back into the political arena to help elect America First conservatives who can fight alongside me.
  • 24 September 2021: Angelo Codevilla, a man I never met, but his writings remind me of my father. And like my father, a great man gone too soon. A respected America First voice before Trump announced in 2015. A voice to shape and carry for the next generation.
  • 24 September 2021: DHS Sec Mayorkas makes up lies about border patrol agents on horseback defending our border, while he does nothing to defend our border. Joe Biden has never even been to the border in his entire career that anyone knows of. #ImpeachBiden #ImpeachMayorkas Close the border!
  • 24 September 2021: God will not withhold his wrath any longer against America if it becomes a federal law to kill babies up until the day of birth. There are no words.
  • 24 September 2021: For those of you who haven’t figured out how evil the Democrat party has become, today I’m voting NO on a bill to make abortion legal UP UNTIL THE DAY OF BIRTH! Proud to stand with Shelby Slawson - #TexasHeartbeatBill sponsor! Defend the unborn!!! #ChooseLife God made each one
  • 24 September 2021: The FEC error limit allowed is 0.0008%. I’d say the #ArizonaAudit is well past the legal limit. Looking forward to the full results today, and I hope to see an audit start soon in Fulton County.
  • 24 September 2021: This is racism & harassment. The school should punish the girls who did this. Racism towards any skin color is wrong & shouldn’t be tolerated ever. ALL lives matter. Supporting police mean you support police & the important job they do to keep communities safe & enforce laws.
  • 23 September 2021: The National Personnel Records Center in @CoriBush ’s district is refusing to re-open & provide records for veterans. Approx 400 members of Congress sent letters demanding them to provide essential records. These lazy incompetent government employees paid by taxpayers refuse.
  • 23 September 2021: Climate Corps and no amount of government taxes and regulations will ever affect climate change. That’s bc the climate has been changing ever since God created all things and the government is not God. The Green New Deal is a scam and the only country it helps is China.
  • 23 September 2021: America needs: Restaurant staff - wait staff to kitchen staff from family owned to chain restaurants, all are desperately hiring. These jobs are some of the best resume building jobs young people can start with & cash tips are the best! God bless those who serve others! Cont’d
  • 23 September 2021: America needs: Lineman - heroes that keep the lights on, TV streaming, and internet connected. This is a critical first responder job that only takes 7-15 weeks to train for and starting salaries are $60K ranging well into 6 figures. We love Linemen! God bless them! Cont’d
  • 23 September 2021: America needs: Truck Drivers - We are already short over 110,000 truck drivers! People can make up to $100,000/year delivering much needed supplies across the US. God bless truck drivers! We need more! Cont’d
  • 23 September 2021: We have plenty of GOOD paying jobs in America that the poor and disenfranchised can apply for. We are on the verge of real problems due to workforce shortages in critical supply chain and health care areas.
  • 23 September 2021: American businesses are desperately hiring! If Democrats cared about people getting a job then they would care about American businesses and stop creating policy that pays people to stay home. Cont’d
  • 23 September 2021: If Democrats cared about creating good paying jobs, they would not mandate vaccines through the work place creating vaccine discrimination against people who trust their immune system against covid. Cont’d
  • 23 September 2021: If Democrats cared about creating jobs, they would get the government out of the way of private business, industry, and trade. They would never consider passing Green New Deal policies forcing Americans to depend on China to drive a battery operated EV bc the US can’t compete.
  • 23 September 2021: The $3.5 T budget spends billions on another worthless big government program called the Climate Corps, claiming to “create” jobs starting at $15 min wage to go around and be climate police. Let’s address this head on. Cont’d..
  • 23 September 2021: The Green New Deal is communism. Plain and simple.
  • 23 September 2021: Congress is so dysfunctional that my special order tonight was changed three times today and cut in half from 1 hour to 30 minutes. These people would fail in the real world and be fired from a normal job. So expect part 2 of why the Green New Deal serves China, coming soon.
  • 23 September 2021: WATCH NOW!
  • 22 September 2021: We have 1.3 million active duty military. 800,000 in reserves. 17+ million young men of draftable age. There’s no reason to draft our daughters. I offered an amendment to the NDAA to stop it. The Democrats rejected it.
  • 22 September 2021: More research is needed. Glad you are ok Todd!
  • 22 September 2021: Inside this building tonight, Nancy Pelosi is defunding our ally Israel’s Iron Dome so that Ilhan Omar, AOC, & Rashida Tlaib can cheer on Hammas bombing Israel and brag to their radical Islamic donors proving they really are the Jihad Squad.
  • 21 September 2021: I’m calling for an investigation.
  • 21 September 2021: Just remember. We can pave roads anytime but we can not get off the road to destruction once we are on the highway of Socialism. Especially when they put China at the wheel. Our voters won’t take that ride to communism.
  • 21 September 2021: House R’s would be wise to heed the warning bells ringing & pay attention to the lashing Senate Republicans received from making the Socialist Infrastructure bill a reality. Otherwise, they may be in for a shock when ‘22 turns out like ‘18 bc Republicans sold out their base.
  • 21 September 2021: Republicans are over confident in taking back the House in ‘22. If you pay attention to our base, which vote in every district even the purple ones, they are very angry. Still angry over the election and fed up with Republicans that do nothing to stop the America last agenda.
  • 21 September 2021: Why in the hell is any Republican in our conference helping her? Republicans in the Problem Solvers Caucus aren’t solving problems. Voting for the Infrastructure bill of socialism might pave some roads, but it’s socialist infrastructure will also anger our base beyond repair.
  • 21 September 2021: These Republicans are trained & hardened in the failed ways of the swamp w/$30T debt & have brought us to the precipice of destruction with a communist agenda Pelosi is offering on a cold platter she’s delicately balancing, tip toeing across a high wire negotiating for votes.
  • 21 September 2021: Pelosi is accomplishing all of her conference goals in record pace with the thinnest majority in decades, and it’s only possible bc some Republicans are playing ring around the rosey with the Dems so they can bring home a little bacon to their districts. Con’d
  • 21 September 2021: Republicans entrenched in Washington thinking don’t understand how angry the base is at this time. Americans all over the country are constantly watching our country radically change & are furious bc they don’t see Republicans in Congress fighting hard enough to stop it. Con’d
  • 21 September 2021: If the @GOP would listen to our base and unite solidly as a conference to defeat BOTH Infrastructure & Budget bills that pass the Green New Deal & Bernie’s communist presidential agenda, we will solidly take back the House in ‘22 w/ a comfortable majority. Con’d
  • 21 September 2021: #ImpeachBiden
  • 21 September 2021: I’m so sorry for your loss. 🙏
  • 20 September 2021: Hey little Jimmy, The invasion at the border is spreading covid all over the country. If you cared about covid & people’s health then you & all your Democrat friends would stop the illegal invasion, make sure all Americans could get monoclonal therapeutics, & help reduce obesity.
  • 20 September 2021: We must impeach Biden!
  • 20 September 2021: Tell me again about mask hypocrisy. Nancy Pelosi is the real hypocrite. Forcing masks mandates when she’s on CSPN and when the left biased DC media is fawning. But when it’s in private settings her authoritarian rules don’t apply. Those are just for the peasants, apparently.
  • 20 September 2021: Congress is back in session today. Train hard. Train to win. Train to live your best life. #NoExcuses
  • 20 September 2021: Masking children is child abuse. Children need to see each other’s faces and their parents and teachers faces in order to develop speech, expression, and emotional connections. Wearing mask day after day is very unhealthy for kids. This has to stop.
  • 19 September 2021: How many Americans are still being held hostage in Afghanistan by the Islamic Terrorist Taliban government that you all armed with $85 billion in American military equipment & weapons? How are our American women surviving under the brutal Taliban in Afghanistan? Tweet about that.
  • 19 September 2021: Finishing this thread for now, but I have much to add. It is my belief that America is at a crossroads. We have the ability to choose which way to go. My goal is to help the American people choose the path that saves our country and our children's future. More to come...
  • 19 September 2021: China dominates the battery market at over 80% & the US is less than 10%. China is advancing so fast in batteries for EV's, one would almost think the Democrats are helping them, but then again all China has to do is read the same bills I am. Cont'd
  • 19 September 2021: The Democrats using the power of the federal government to force Americans to drive electric vehicles by law over the next decade is the worst attack on Americans by our Gov. It's an attack that comes from within, by our own, and puts our greatest enemy first in every way.
  • 19 September 2021: Democrats are forcing deadly reliance on China in the $3.5 T budget by passing the Green New Deal. Dems green energy mandates will force us to rely on China by driving EV's. China controls 80% of the critical minerals that are used to manufacture electric vehicle batteries.
  • 19 September 2021: After the painful lessons from covid shutdowns still stinging from reliance on foreign countries for supplies, one would think America would change course to never rely on a foreign country again for critical supplies. But then again, Democrats don't serve Americans. Cont'd
  • 19 September 2021: As the Biden Admin & Congressional Democrats continue their China First-America Last agenda, China barrels ahead dominating in world trade. The Democrats globalist agenda continually forces America into weakness when an America First agenda was winning.
  • 19 September 2021: America is now so dependent on a global supply chain, and to our own peril. In a US recession or worse a depression, depending on China for essential supplies would put America in a dangerous position of weakness for all negotiations.
  • 19 September 2021: With rapidly rising inflation & the Communist Democrat's authoritarian grip on America's economic rebound stunting any real economic growth, we're entering Stagflation. When prices go up & growth goes down, recessions happen, but this time it's worse.
  • 19 September 2021: While small businesses close at record pace, America seems oblivious to the looming market crash. This "Monster Allocation" of cash into the market is reminiscence of 2007 market crash, but this time we have bigger problems. Stagflation. cont'd
  • 19 September 2021: The devastating blow to individual liberties and freedoms cannot be overstated by this federal invasion & attack against Americans ability to achieve the American dream by being a small business owner. Essentially breaking the backbone of America by breaking their spirit.
  • 19 September 2021: In the budget, small businesses who pay taxes under the individual rate will now pay 39.6% + a new 3.8% tax on small business income while losing the 20% deduction on qualified business income. The death tax exemption is also being cut in half, hurting family-owned businesses.
  • 19 September 2021: Not only does the Biden admin have more federal vaccine mandates coming forced on employees and customers through federally mandated corporate communism, Democrat's assault on America will cripple businesses in new taxes from the $3.5 Trillion budget. Cont'd
  • 19 September 2021: Unemployment will only get worse bc this is stage 1. Federal vaccine mandate for companies w/ 100+ employees, requiring vaccinations or weekly covid testing, affects as many as 100 million Americans. Employers who break the rules could face fines of $14,000 per violation.
  • 19 September 2021: Yet Biden's Communist assault on businesses continue. It's hard enough to compete with the Fed Gov that has paid people to stay home, now the Vax mandates are making employees quit, closing down more businesses.
  • 19 September 2021: The staggering shutdowns forced the strongest economy in the world to a halt and has permanently closed small businesses, which are the backbone of America. The full extent of damage to dreams shattered and fortunes invested & lost are yet to be seen.
  • 19 September 2021: 📢THREAD‼️ The Communist Democrat Party, CDP, is radically transforming America so fast that most Americans have no idea what's happening & when they find out it will be too late. The US economy is already on the verge of collapse from the devastating covid shutdowns. cont'd
  • 19 September 2021: Happy Sunday, everyone! Today, let’s pray to END ABORTION in America!
  • 18 September 2021: Send them to the border. We are being invaded.
  • 18 September 2021: By the time I’m done @IlhanMN , I’ll be sitting in your seat on the Foreign Affairs Committee. It will be all America First policies. For now, Republicans can’t get anything accomplished on those useless committees while in the minority and is why our country is going to hell.
  • 18 September 2021: I believe in accountability. I will hold all of you responsible for the crimes you promoted and supported against the American people while you all waged your communist revolution. For me, it’s people over politicians. Every. Single. Time.
  • 18 September 2021: But you aren’t the only terrorist @IlhanMN We can’t leave out @KamalaHarris You see, all of you need to fully understand that I’m not your typical Republican. Nope. I’m one of the people, and that’s who I work for. And we don’t forget who the real traitors are.
  • 18 September 2021: You won’t be the only one though @IlhanMN @SpeakerPelosi will be going with you. Nancy openly supported violent BLM domestic terrorism destroying American cities while she sits like a hypocritical queen in a castle surrounded by guards.
  • 18 September 2021: You’re sick & dangerous. You promoted, financially supported, & bailed out violent domestic terrorists who literally burned down your own city, causing billions in damage to poor vulnerable communities. In ‘22, I’m going to investigate & remove you for supporting terrorism.
  • 18 September 2021: . @JoeBiden @HHSGov you are responsible for this, by limiting state orders to 70% of what GA & 6 other R states were able to order. You’re “equitable” distribution method is criminal. My home state is closing monoclonal antibody infusion sites bc of you cutting our supply.
  • 18 September 2021: When governments control who gets life saving treatment, they play God. This is your first real taste of Communist controlled healthcare. It’s purely criminal for Biden’s HHS to limit any supply. All lives matter. Or do only D states & Vax lives matter. Is that equitable?
  • 18 September 2021: The audacity of Biden & the Dems to be angry with people, who choose to trust their own immune systems against covid & reject authoritarian vaccine mandates, is glaring while the Biden admin limits supplies of monoclonal therapeutics to R states possibly killing people. Cont’d
  • 18 September 2021: War Crimes. #ImpeachBiden
  • 18 September 2021: Washington DC, or rather The District of Communism as I call it, should take the Afghans and the illegals. It’s their policies that ignore our constitution, break our laws, & abandon Americans, while putting the world first. All on the American taxpayers dime. We can stop it.
  • 17 September 2021: This is a national security crisis! The Biden Admin is trying to hide it from the public by restricting drone usage by the press. BP is completely outmanned. This is an invasion. The border is completely out of control and so is this administration. Close the border now!
  • 17 September 2021: The semi conductor chip shortage is a major problem that cannot be discussed enough. The supply chain shortage, Covid, & reliance on foreign countries for supplies should be the shot heard around the world for America to drastically turn the ship.
  • 17 September 2021: They aren’t really vetted and they are being sprinkled all over America. While Americans were left behind under Taliban terrorists rule fully armed by Joe Biden. The southern border is literally being invaded, and your paying for it all. Who does our government really serve?
  • 16 September 2021: About to go live with Steve Bannon in the War Room!! Discussing: -Court Martialing Mark Milley -Impeach Biden -Biden’s Border Crisis -Afghan measles outbreak WATCH:
  • 16 September 2021: Close the border!
  • 16 September 2021: It is criminal to restrict orders of life saving monoclonal antibody supplies. If the Biden admin wants to save lives then Regeneron should be available the same capacity as Covid vaccines. Ivermectin too. Docs & Hospitals refusing to treat Un-vaxxed should lose their license.
  • 15 September 2021: Court-martial Mark Milley.
  • 15 September 2021: Afghans are also having a measles outbreak. Are Dems going to mandate the MMR to travel, work, buy and sell? And reports of rape on military bases by Afghans. Dems don’t care about women and children’s rights or safety. #ImpeachBiden And court marshal Milley.
  • 15 September 2021: Praying for #CaliforniaRecallElection 🙏
  • 15 September 2021: Perhaps everyone needs a reminder. Congress is on record both, R’ and D’s. Because when the Dems and 11 RINO’s voted to kick me off committees, I used my time wisely for the American people. I started roll calling votes. I started the most effective strategy this year.
  • 15 September 2021: Fitzpatrick voted with the Democrats to kick me off committees without doing anything wrong. Fitzpatrick is in the top 20 Republicans receiving campaign support from the NRCC for his re-election. Fitzpatrick should vote like a Republican. Not a Communist Democrat.
  • 15 September 2021: I am purely fed up with Republicans supporting the Democrat’s Communist agenda. How can any Republican vote against your amendment to stop vaccine passports especially being used against Americans to fly or travel by any means? Why is Rep Fitzpatrick voting with the Dems? Con.
  • 15 September 2021: Issues we care about in #GA Sept 20th hearing on motion to dismiss - start the Fulton audit! Stopping Dictator Biden’s vaccine mandates! Putting the Democrat’s Green New Deal & China First Communist agenda in a paper shredder! Putting #AmericaFirst for our children’s future!
  • 14 September 2021: Democrats are #JobKillers We are not running out of hospital beds, we are running out of nurses to care for people.
  • 14 September 2021: These are beautiful Honda transmissions made in my district, employing 500 people. The Democrats are passing the Green New Deal in the $3.5 T budget forcing Americans to drive EV’s that don’t use transmissions. EV’s run on Chinese batteries. Democrats are #JobKillers .
  • 14 September 2021: Democrats are American job killers. Dems globalist policies send American jobs to foreign countries like China and Mexico, killing jobs and destroying American businesses. $15 min wage leads to companies replacing people with machines bc it’s cheaper. Dems are #JobKillers .
  • 14 September 2021: So will Jerry be lining them up along the border to make a wall?
  • 14 September 2021: For your information, an unborn baby is someone else’s body, that’s why killing an unborn child is murder. Making an informed choice about taking or not taking a vaccine for a virus roughly 99% of people survive is not a law. Congress has not passed such a law, nor should.
  • 14 September 2021: You were first 🔥 And gorgeous! Perfect embodiment of an American woman who loves her country and America First! 🇺🇸
  • 14 September 2021: Because it’s the cities that need rural America and the regular working folks that keep the cities alive. Not the other way around. Rural Americans will survive. Actually they will thrive. Don’t force people too far. Don’t cause them to get fired. Don’t be a communist.
  • 14 September 2021: Back to the part which is almost funny. Biden and the Dems seem too arrogant, perhaps stupid, or just so disconnected to understand that it’s these great critical infrastructure workers that are mostly good people and many live in rural America, really don’t care what Dems say.
  • 14 September 2021: Why would Biden and the Dems force truckers, nurses, and more critically needed workforce to take a vaccine (for a virus made in China) they don’t want and feel they don’t need? Cont’d..
  • 14 September 2021: Biden and the Democrats love to bow to Communist China. Hunter does business there. Why would the Dems pass laws to make Americans rely on Communist Chinese batteries to drive when we have perfectly good automotive workers right here at home that build perfectly good engines?
  • 14 September 2021: Yet it’s the Democrats that just handed over $1 T in rare earth mineral mines in Afghanistan to China and simultaneously are working to pass the Green New Deal in the budget that will force you all to rely on China to drive your Gov mandated EV’s. Cont’d..
  • 14 September 2021: Imagine our country, which is teetering on economic collapse, if truck drivers and nurses are fired bc they refuse to comply to the Communist regime and won’t get vaxxed. Do you know will be at fault? The Democrats. America is not Communist China. Cont’d..
  • 14 September 2021: It’s almost comical how Biden and the Dems think going full communist authoritarian with vaccine mandates will force the good working people that keep our country afloat to comply. Dems underestimate the importance of truck drivers, nurses, & more who won’t get vaxxed. Cont’d..
  • 13 September 2021: Jan 20, 2021 I introduced Articles of Impeachment on Joe Biden for abuse of power directly related to his corrupt actions for Hunter & business dealings in foreign countries. The Biden’s should be investigated for their play in China’s energy too. Blinken should just be fired.
  • 13 September 2021: This is the factual data complied in an organized manner. The media should take note. It’s time to leave each other alone about mask and covid vaccines and allow people to make their own informed decisions. Stop judging. Stop discriminating. #NoVaccineMandates
  • 13 September 2021: Joe Biden abandoned Americans to the Taliban terrorists who beat women and treat them like dogs and the Democrats want to give a guy in a dress the right to beat us in our own sports and invade our privacy in our bathrooms.
  • 13 September 2021: The Democrats always say they care about women but they don’t. Cheering on a biological man while he beats a woman is not a sport, that’s exactly what the Taliban does. Cont’d..
  • 13 September 2021: There is a lot to discuss with this @mcuban and I’m happy to talk it over in person. But sharing competing studies that are ever changing doesn’t solve the real health crises we face as a nation or help our young people and businesses in this propped up economy.
  • 13 September 2021: Obesity. When do we help people overcome the highest risk factor for being hospitalized & dying from covid? Obesity contributes to many unnecessary health conditions & debilitating cost. And we can listen to kid’s vax warnings from a hospital bed.
  • 13 September 2021: These kids are being raised RIGHT! #TrumpIsMyPresident #ImpeachBiden
  • 13 September 2021: #ImpeachBiden
  • 13 September 2021: You’re right. Healthy young people hospitalized from a vaccine for a virus that’s less likely to put them in the hospital than the vaccine meant to protect them is important to me. Families paying huge unnecessary hospital bills is devastating. Freedom is also important.
  • 12 September 2021: If the FDA approved covid vaccines work then the vaccinated are safe from the unvaccinated right? Why worry? The 40 million people in the US that survived covid can trust their own natural immunity right? Since you believe in proving who we are, you must be for voter ID right?
  • 12 September 2021: That’s exactly what happened to my husband when he went to vote in the general election of 2020 in Georgia. He had not voted nor had he requested an absentee ballot. How many other people did this happen to? Why is it happening now in CA recall?
  • 12 September 2021: Research is showing how dangerous side effects like myocarditis are putting more young people in the hospital than covid, especially boys. The UK is now reversing course on vaccine mandates. Why follow Fauci & China? They created covid.
  • 12 September 2021: Ha this hits close to home! These are so funny each week. Long way to go but we have hope! Go Dawgs!!
  • 12 September 2021: When boys and young men are at a higher risk of being hospitalized from side effects of taking the covid vaccine than actually being hospitalized from covid itself, there is every reason to stop the covid vaccine mandates. Stop the insanity.
  • 12 September 2021: We must stay vigilant in our fight to end abortion. It’s a lie sold to teenage girls & women, convincing them to kill the baby in their womb in order to solve their problems. Being a mother is the greatest gift, even when it’s unplanned. Not a problem.
  • 12 September 2021: When are Democrats going to stop being dictators and actually read and trust the science that they claim to believe?
  • 12 September 2021: They are Nazi’s. The Democrats, media, and the left called President Trump and all of us Nazi’s for 5 years and never once did Trump or any of us segregate, discriminate, or treat people this way. Trump put EVERY American first, and so will I. We need nurses, stop this NOW!
  • 11 September 2021: America is the GREATEST country on earth!! We owe it all to the fine members of our military. Watch this!
  • 11 September 2021: This is how it’s done ladies and gentlemen, My favorite President, a real leader, paying tribute to our heroes at NYPD and FDNY.
  • 11 September 2021: Stephen King is blatantly LYING and spreading severe #COVID19 misinformation @TwitterSafety The number of covid deaths in Florida per day are no where near 1,200. Stephen King has 6.5 million followers and is lying to all of them. Lies like this is why people are brainwashed.
  • 11 September 2021: May God bless the family and friends of those who were lost and God bless our first responders. This is a day we
  • 10 September 2021: #ImpeachBiden War Crimes. Proof of War Crimes. Literally proof of War Crimes. Start impeachment. I’d love to see the list of those who vote against it. I’m ready to go back to winning all the time. I never grew tired of it.
  • 10 September 2021: I’m going to continue my promise to put The People over the politicians and fight like hell to Save America!
  • 10 September 2021: Yes I am breaking the 11th commandant and believe me I love Ronald Reagan. But I refuse to sit by silent and watch our constitution burned like a sacrifice to the false gods of Marxism and our children’s future sliced up and served on a silver platter to Communist China. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: The Democrats want every Republican head on a platter and two feckless Republicans are on their witch hunt committee to make it happen and we can’t even kick those 2 traitors out of our own conference! Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: The Democrats impeached Trump for a phone call and a 3 hour riot and Biden is IMPEACHABLE for high crimes and treason. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: Prioritizing fundraising, press releases, and public messaging without organizing, communicating, and strategically planning with our conference to actually stop an extremely vulnerable and weak president is unbelievable to me. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: They are the first to throw me under the bus even though the entire base and their own voters and donors support me. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: Right now I have no confidence in the current leadership to do their job effectively to stop the Democrats unprecedented attack on our freedoms and our children’s future because they are taking no action to prove it. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: I want more than anyone to take back the House in ‘22 and take it all in ‘24, but I also want my party to save this country from these old communists who radicalized decades ago to destroy it from within. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: I’ve already submitted 4 different Articles of Impeachment on Joe Biden. I’m proud of my few colleagues who cosponsored and so are Republican voters all over America. But we are waiting on the rest of the conference to do what our voters are screaming for. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: Because in case you all weren’t paying attention, Joe Biden went full dictator yesterday and said out loud that this was just step one. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: Since I have paid all $175,000 of my conference dues, I have every single right to talk about how the money should be spent. It should be spent on electing Republicans who will act like Republicans and not just play one on TV. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: Those weak and moderate Republicans don’t reflect the values of our base or our party. Why are they the ones diluting the decisions and stopping the fight? Hence back to where I started on why I ran for Congress, Republican failures to do what they said they would do. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: While yes we as a conference have to fight harder to win and keep tight districts, we should not promote weak Republicans to chairmanships, help pass their crappy bills, and highlight them on Fox News all the time. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: The top 20 Republicans that the NRCC fights for contain 4 Republicans that voted to impeach Trump and 6 that voted to kick me off committees. And 1 did both. They call these moderate Republicans (or really some are Democrats in disguise) “majority makers.” Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: Here is what doesn’t work. GOP Conference calls & meetings that are nothing but altar calls for money. Yes we have to raise money to take the House, but I will no longer be silent about half of the 20 “Republicans” that are benefactors of all that money for reelection. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: After all that’s what the 13 American soldiers did that Joe Biden killed. They followed orders and did the job they were told to do. Why can’t Republicans in Congress do the same damn thing even if it looks hard? Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: Ever since I’ve been in Congress, I have legislated exactly the way I talk on TV and in speeches. Minority or majority should not matter. We should fight just as hard no matter what. Do what we say we are going to do and fight no matter what. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: Republicans must take action or face the devastating reality of losing the trust and confidence of Republican voters going into ‘22, and many are already on the fence bc of the election and lack of real effort to fix it by elected Rs. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: We may be short only a few votes but Biden has burned his own voters and many in his party. We start with Biden and go down the list. They are ALL responsible and ALL impeachable. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: I witnessed 10 Rs vote to impeach Trump and 11 Rs vote with Dems to kick me off committees. Those traitorous votes are exactly why we fail to achieve our goals. Mock me & be angry at me all you want, but it’s business as usual that fails. And even our enemies know it. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: For the Republicans who are rolling your eyes saying it can’t be done, that exact attitude is everything wrong with our conference and your voters hate it. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: Here is what must be done. Impeach Joe Biden. The GOP Conference must come together with Articles of Impeachment. Spend as much money as it takes to apply pressure on moderate Dems that know they will lose their seats if they vote NO on impeachment. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: If Republicans are worth their weight in salt then they better wake up and realize that they are leaving their own with no confidence and feeling like they have to take matters in their own hands. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: We won’t have a Constitution or country left to take back in ‘22 and definitely not in ‘24, if Republicans in Congress don’t get their asses in gear. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: It’s beyond me that my Conference still chooses to stay with the “messaging” and fundraising tactic to take back the House and haven’t comprehended what everyone else on the planet knows to be true. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: You all should hear what your wealthiest most successful donors are saying about you all and your lack of real action while Democrats burn our country to the ground with a dementia patient at the wheel. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: The political pendulum has swung back & forth between Rs & Ds for decades & we’re $30 trillion in debt, on the brink of communism, at risk of economic collapse, being drug into full dependence on a global economy, & the experienced Rs want to lecture me on how it’s done? Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: “But Marjorie you’re just a freshman, you don’t understand how it’s done.” Really? Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: Easy to perform when Republicans in the House apply no real pressure even though Democrat bills are so heinously un-American. The Communist Democrat agenda could be beat if my colleagues would legislate and take action the way many give interviews on TV. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: You see, Republicans have a razor thin minority in the House, only short a few votes. This puts maximum pressure on Pelosi to perform because she can’t lose any votes, she needs her full conference to pass bills. And perform she does. I respect her for that. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: I give speeches to hundreds to thousands of Republican voters every single week at home and all across the country. Our voters are fed up with Republicans in Congress doing nothing to stop Dictator Joe Biden and the outright destruction to our country. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: Along with millions of R voters, it was then that I realized that if Republicans can’t accomplish the most important and easiest of campaign promises, when they held a strong majority with a President like Trump, then they never will. So I ran for Congress and here I am. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: It can not be overstated that when Republicans don’t do what they say, they give no reason for people to support them. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: Remember that big Omnibus that Trump was so angry over, the one that made us all furious? Trump said never put another bill like this across my desk and the Republicans gave our great President no other option. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: Defunding Sanctuary cities. Rs funded cities who harbor illegal aliens. Defunding Planned Parenthood. During the first two years under Trump, Rs couldn’t even defund that disgusting abortion mill. No, they funded it. That’s the the one I really can’t get over. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: Broken campaign promises like: Repealing Obamacare. Obamacare took my families premium from $800 to over $2400 Funding and building a border wall. Rs funded all kinds of things for foreign countries but wouldn’t build a wall for Americans. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: After all, I ran for Congress because when Republicans controlled the House and Senate during the first two years of Trump’s presidency, they failed to deliver key issues that were of utmost importance to Republican voters. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: Dear Colleagues, Since Dictator Joe Biden started phase 1 of the Dems’ Communist takeover of America yesterday & I don’t have a GOP Conference call on my calendar or an email in my inbox from leadership to stop this insanity, well I’m going to be more direct than usual. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: Yes! 🙌 Also ✅Pass a Balanced Budget Amendment ✅Stop foreign aid money and fund doubling the size of Border Patrol ✅Transfer all abortion funding to take care of foster children and orphans. ✅Increase funding as needed to end child trafficking and lock up pedophiles.
  • 10 September 2021: But let’s not forget to.. ✅Kick Ilhan Omar, Eric Swalwell, Adam Schiff and more off all committees. ✅Drop all mask and metal detector fines on members ✅Start investigations into those who funded and promoted violent BLM riots across America. Just a few ideas to start with.
  • 10 September 2021: ✅Deregulate all regulations restraint American energy industry. ✅Bring American jobs back home. ✅Stop funding foreign countries ✅Promote, legislate, and restore America to America First policies benefitting Americans and American businesses. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: ✅Defund all federal funded education that teaches racist CRT. ✅Declare in the rules of Congress there are only two genders. ✅End gun free zones ✅Give tax breaks to gun owners. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: ✅Fund and finish the border wall. ✅Fund Border Patrol and Ice and restore all law enforcement policies to secure our border. ✅Deport illegal criminals and terrorists. ✅Stop the flow of drugs and human trafficking. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: ✅Defund and destroy all China First America Last Green New Deal legislation & laws. ✅Defund and destroy all Trans first legislation and laws. Restore ALL women’s rights. ✅Make Abortion illegal by passing the Life At Conception Act. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: ✅Defund and destroy all legislation and orders funding and ordering Vaccine Mandates. ✅End all mask mandates and have a nationwide mask burning ✅Stop all discrimination having to do with mask & vaccines. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: ✅Impeach Joe Biden if we haven’t impeached him already. ✅Impeach Kamala Harris, she bails out rioters that end up killing people. ✅Fire Blinken, Austin, Milley for everything to do with Afghanistan. ✅Fire Fauci for funding bio weapons made by the Communist Chinese Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: I’d like to congratulate Joe Biden for losing massive amounts of voters faster than anyone else in history. Planning action items for 2023 when Republicans take back the House simply because Democrat voters are so angry at their own party. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: All that pathetic failure is yours Democrats. TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT! I want him back! 🇺🇸 And so does everyone else!
  • 10 September 2021: You can take all the credit for Biden’s handling of Afghanistan, abandoning Americans to be killed by Islamic terrorists, murdering 13 US soldiers, and arming a terrorist nation with $83 BILLION in American weapons. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: You can have your skyrocketing murder rates, gang controlled cities, and stupid gun control laws. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: You can have your Democrat funded Antifa and BLM violent riots, government funded homeless camps, drug needles, and feces on the sidewalks in your Democrat run cities. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: You can have all of his dementia, tyrannical vaccine mandates, inflation, and illegals invading our wide open borders. Cont’d
  • 10 September 2021: President Trump is MY favorite President. All the people that voted for Joe Biden can have him. Cont’d..
  • 9 September 2021: Oh wait. I forgot Andrew. Biden doesn’t answer your questions. When the press ask, he says “I’m not supposed to answer questions.” And walks away. But your picking apart my tweet that can only be limited in characters…
  • 9 September 2021: He did not say HCQ or Ivermectin. Are those FDA approved drugs considered conspiracy theory drugs? If Hunter Biden had covid would Joe Biden deny Hunter “conspiracy theory drugs?” You should ask which drugs are “conspiracy theory drugs?” Are Americans going to be rounded up?
  • 9 September 2021: Every single American should wake up and see the true nature of Democrats. They are Communists. With safe drugs & medicines available to save lives, vaccine mandates are illegal. #NoVaccineMandates #WEWILLNOTCOMPLY
  • 9 September 2021: The left called Trump a dictator, Nazi, & even Hitler. Today, Joe Biden segregated Americans & wielded the power of the federal government to force Americans have a virus injected into our bodies against our will. But refuses to promote life saving medicine to save lives. Cont
  • 9 September 2021: Thank you @GovKemp for taking leadership to protect Georgians from Joe Biden’s aggressive tyrannical overreach and abuse of power through the federal government into people’s private medical decisions. Georgian fights for freedom! #NoVaccineMandates
  • 9 September 2021: It is time for the @HouseGOP @GOPLeader and our entire conference to stand together and REMOVE this traitor Joe Biden through impeachment. Republicans ALL over the country are demanding that Joe Biden be impeached. They are sick and tired of no accountability. #ImpeachBiden
  • 9 September 2021: Joe Biden has ripped our border wide open, tied the hands of law enforcement to uphold our laws, and created a national security crisis endangering every single American. Through Biden’s Arab Spring 2.0, he has brought radically dangerous unvetted people into our country. Cont
  • 9 September 2021: Joe Biden’s disastrous decisions needlessly cost the lives of 13 young American soldiers. SHAME ON HIM! Biden is too prideful and corrupted by power to resign for his huge failures as Commander In Chief. Cont’d
  • 9 September 2021: Joe Biden broke our great American pledge to NEVER leave a man behind leaving countless Americans in a Islamic terrorist controlled country. Biden armed the Taliban nation with over $83 BILLION of the best military weapons & equipment in the world to use against those he left.
  • 9 September 2021: IMPEACH BIDEN NOW! I was just told reports of Afghan “refugees” are raping women & children at one of our bases HERE in America where our tax dollars & Biden controlled military are housing them! Joe Biden brought child rapist into our country & left Americans behind! Cont’d
  • 9 September 2021: They will lose. We have all the people because we put the people first and America first. Plus liars never win.
  • 9 September 2021: As a matter of fact, denying unvaccinated people medical treatment is criminal. If Joe Biden, his admin, Dr Fauci or anyone else really cares about stopping covid and saving lives then they will do everything they can to make life saving meds widely available just like vaccines.
  • 9 September 2021: People should be given the right to make their own medical choices with their bodies. And we should make every effort to have Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, and Regeneron just as available as vaccines in order to save lives. Cont’d
  • 9 September 2021: Just recently my husband easily beat #covid by taking 3 safe and VERY effective medications. Hydroxychloroquine Ivermectin Regeneron He was 100% well in 3 days. We are so thankful to the doctor and nurses that were so smart and caring to prescribe him these lifesaving meds.
  • 9 September 2021: I introduced H.R. 2317 We Will Not Comply Act to stop discrimination in the work place from vaccine mandates bc I saw this coming. We don’t take orders from Fascist in my office. Remember the Nuremberg Code Joe? By law we have a right to choose to participate or not. Cont’d
  • 8 September 2021: The State Department is obeying the Taliban and allowing the Taliban to hold an unknown number of Americans hostage. The State Department is more concerned with the Taliban having women in their government than rescuing American women while they are being hunted down. Impeach!
  • 7 September 2021: Why are employees that work from home being told that must get vaccinated or they will be fired? Is not your home the safest space to social distance and not spread #COVID19 ?? That’s why I introduced the We Will Not Comply Act to stop discrimination based on Vax status.
  • 7 September 2021: Joe Biden did this. And he armed the new Taliban Terrorists nation that they are all supporting. #ImpeachBiden
  • 7 September 2021: If you would like to join my team to help elect REAL Conservative Republican Candidates, please chip in here 👇 *The action starts after qualifying. NO RINO’s and they must like my favorite President! 😉
  • 7 September 2021: Me riding the red wave in ‘22! I’m looking for Republicans who aren’t afraid to #ImpeachBiden , #FireFauci , #FinishTheWall , #StopTheGreenNewDeal , #StandUpToChina , #EndCancelCulture , #BalanceTheBudget , #FightForElectionIntegrity , #PutAmericaFirst , & SAVE AMERICA🇺🇸 STOP SOCIALISM!
  • 7 September 2021: These protest are happening everywhere, but NYC is protesting to stop the mandates because they also don’t want discrimination with the upcoming vaccine passports.
  • 7 September 2021: Is it really satire news?
  • 7 September 2021: Great article explains why HR4 is a threat to election integrity. I voted NO. We need secure elections which requires all voters to be legal citizens and show a valid ID. That’s not racist, that’s common sense. And no federalization of elections! Protect state rights!
  • 6 September 2021: The spiritual battle is real. *Spoiler alert God wins!!
  • 6 September 2021: Biden’s DOJ will use “all options” & full force of federal law enforcement to make sure babies less than 6 weeks can be killed in TX. But Biden’s admin will NOT use the full force of the federal gov to stop the illegal invasion at the TX border or save Americans in Afghanistan.
  • 6 September 2021: Will you stand with me? Chip in $15, $25, $50, $100 -- whatever you can afford -- right away. Help me beat back the Democrats, take back the House, and FIRE Nancy Pelosi in 2022!
  • 6 September 2021: That’s why I’m the #1 target of the radical left and their spokesmen in the fake news media. For me, it will always be the PEOPLE over the politicians. Democrats want to take me out and are pouring MILLIONS of dollars to defeat me in 2022. Cont’d…
  • 6 September 2021: Each day I’m fighting against the Communist agenda of Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats in Congress. But I’m only able to do it because YOU have my back. I didn’t go to Washington to go along to get along. Cont’d…
  • 6 September 2021: Well done! 👏👏👏 God bless everyone involved in getting them out!
  • 5 September 2021: No amount of fake Ivermectin stories, covid variant cases, or J6 committee lies in the fake news cycle will cover up what Joe Biden and his administration did in Afghanistan. 13 of our best dead. Americans left for dead. Biden armed a terrorist nation. #ImpeachBiden
  • 5 September 2021: While the fake news is lying about hospitals overfilled with Ivermectin overdoses, people are actually overdosing on dangerous drugs like fentanyl, meth, heroine and more. This sad video shows the tragedy of drugs & the devastating effects on people. Same scene in many cities.
  • 5 September 2021: Fewer than 1% of all abortions take place because of rape and incest. With the amazing ultrasound and 3D imaging to see the beautiful growth of a human being in the womb, we are without excuse to continue abortions. The abortion lie must end. #ChooseLife
  • 5 September 2021: The same data site gives this breakdown by age for abortions in TX. Ages 19 & under 9% Ages 20-29 58% Ages 30-39 30% Ages 40+ 4% Abortion is not birth control. Women should make good responsible decisions about sex and birth control. Cont’d
  • 5 September 2021: Abortions broken down by race in Texas. 27% are White 27% are Black 39% are Hispanic 7% Other Cont’d,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D
  • 5 September 2021: The greatest gift is being a mother. It is a lie that abortion is women’s healthcare. Abortion kills an innocent baby. Mostly wealthy white women raging over the new Texas strong abortion law should read the facts about who gets abortions in TX. Cont’d
  • 5 September 2021: Never let this discrimination happen in America! I saw this coming before I swore into Congress and introduced a bill in April to stop this madness. HR 2317 We Will Not Comply Act
  • 5 September 2021: Rachel has @Twitter @TwitterSupport @TwitterSafety sent you an email like this yet for spreading #Covid misinformation? Will you be doing a segment on your show apologizing for fake news you’re spreading? The Oklahoma hospital has put out a statement obliterating these lies.
  • 5 September 2021: Go Dawgs!!
  • 4 September 2021: Go Dawgs!
  • 4 September 2021: . @HouseGOP it’s time to #ImpeachBiden Even the Democrats agree. And Republicans all over the country are screaming for it. Dereliction of Duty. With phone call transcripts to prove it. Dems don’t even like Harris which guarantees’22 & ‘24 even bigger.
  • 4 September 2021: August 20th I introduced Articles of Impeachment on Joe Biden. With 40% of Democrats saying Biden deserves to be impeached, it’s time for the Republicans in the House to unify and begin the process. There are literally no excuses. #ImpeachBiden
  • 4 September 2021: Early voting starts today in the CA recall! Vote to recall then vote for @larryelder !
  • 4 September 2021: Thank you Steve! Everyone deserves to know the truth about how America First policies help all Americans and globalist policies of this administration are not about helping people and saving the climate like they claim. Their deals only help their business network of elites.
  • 4 September 2021: America must not let herself be swept up into the global economy. America must hold onto her freedoms. Freedoms that are for every identity and every American. #ImpeachBiden and keep going down the list. Republicans in the House must fight harder in order to stop it.
  • 4 September 2021: None of this is coincidental. They have been working for decades to shift America to Socialism without ever firing a bullet. The pandemic is now providing the perfect cover and is being used as a political weapon to control people in order to finish the shift. Cont’d
  • 4 September 2021: …which run on lithium batteries, they will start to see just how horrifically America Last these old communists politicians really are. And they did it at the same time in one week. America does not compete in the battery market. China dominates. Cont’d
  • 4 September 2021: But this just the start. When Americans fully grasp that Biden didn’t negotiate the mining rights to $1 T of rare earth minerals after we built the Infrastructure and how he left it for China while Pelosi rammed through the GND that will lawfully force every American to EV’s…
  • 4 September 2021: Now under the Democrats, we are only beginning to feel the deadly effects of an America Last agenda that serves China First. Biden’s approval numbers have tanked bc of his betrayal to America in Afghanistan withdrawal, the border national security crisis, & rising inflation.
  • 4 September 2021: So while Democrats were trained by the MSM to hate Trump, indoctrinated in Russia Collusion conspiracy lies, and think his tweets were killing people, they were blinded to how good his America First policies were for our entire country. Every single American. Cont’d
  • 4 September 2021: The Belt and Road Initiative is the centerpiece of Communist China’s economic plan. Many countries all over the world are financially invested in helping China dominate the world in manufacturing and trade. The entire world will depend on China for essential supplies. Cont’d
  • 4 September 2021: Now that the same globalist power structure is back to running the show in the swamp, the plan is very much underway. The Silk Road Initiative became the One Belt One Road Initiative. It’s now part of the Build Back Better World G7 summit agreement, and America-Last. Cont’d
  • 4 September 2021: With the recent 25 year deal made between China and Iran, a trade agreement will be made possible like never before. With Trump’s America First policies, both of these countries had suffered economically and America was finally becoming great again.
  • 4 September 2021: When Hillary first started her America-last push for the Silk Road Initiative, Russia was a key player. But in 2016, after Hillary lost, China picked up the plan. Remember she wasn’t supposed to lose. But Russia and now Iran are set as allies to China.
  • 4 September 2021: During these years, our Gov (US taxpayers) also built the roads & infrastructure to the rare earth mineral mines in Afghanistan. While you might have gotten a flat tire from those potholes in America, we were paving roads to Afghanistan’s treasures wanted for big plans. Cont’d
  • 4 September 2021: While the US military was involved in conflict in Afghanistan and Iraq, our gov (US taxpayers) also paid for the geological surveys of in Afghanistan and found over $1 T in rare earth minerals, including lithium, which is needed to make batteries that are needed for EV’s. Cont’d
  • 4 September 2021: As a matter of fact, this was a big project that our US government was involved in while they were paid by the American taxpayers. The Obama/Biden/Clinton government policies are globalism & build the world’s economy on the backs of America’s taxpayers.
  • 4 September 2021: In 2011, then Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, worked on the Silk Road Initiative. It connects China to many countries & helps them become #1 super power through trade. It also grows the economies of Afghanistan, Pakistan & more enemies to the US.
  • 4 September 2021: In order to understand what happened in the span of 1 week, when Biden pulled out of Afghanistan & Pelosi rammed through the $3.5 T budget which is the Green New Deal, you have to look back in time. *Remember the GND, forces the US on EV’s which run on lithium batteries. Cont’d
  • 4 September 2021: The Biden admin is run by all the same people as the Obama admin. Marxist for decades, finishing what they started. Turning America into a full socialist government dependent on the global economy. Using communist like tactics. Making good on those old promises. Cont’d
  • 4 September 2021: What makes the world go around? God does, but when it comes to mankind, it’s money. While the media keeps you fixated on J6, Covid, and how it’s always Trump’s fault, you might want to ask about these things. Cont’d
  • 4 September 2021: Joe Biden must be impeached!
  • 4 September 2021: Joe Biden has done so much damage so fast that Democrats in close districts are going to be wiped out plus redistricting will clean up more seats. Their only chance at keeping their seats in ‘22 is to #ImpeachBiden . Easing public rage might help them.
  • 4 September 2021: If President Trump abandoned Americans in Afghanistan, armed the Taliban w/ $83 billion in military equipment & weapons, killed 13 military soldiers, & left the service dogs, Nancy Pelosi would have impeached him and would be walking the Articles over to the Senate! #ImpeachBiden
  • 4 September 2021:
  • 3 September 2021: Today I rallied in Rome, Georgia, with nearly 300 of my constituents, many nurses and healthcare workers, whose right to medical freedom and privacy is being threatened in the workplace. We believe in freedom, not force!
  • 3 September 2021: On 8/20, I introduced articles of impeachment on Joe Biden for dereliction of duty in Afghanistan. He dishonored our military, armed the Taliban, & left Americans behind. And 13 US heroes lost their lives. Congress can’t wait. We must #ImpeachBiden !
  • 3 September 2021: Save America! Stop Socialism! Stop Communism! Defeat The Democrats! Protect Our Freedoms! Put America First! ❤️🇺🇸
  • 3 September 2021: I never believed the lies about @mattgaetz . There hasn’t been one single women come forward. Not one. Just “sources.” Now real criminals with a real conviction history of fraud are being charged in a shameful distortion scam targeting Matt’s father.
  • 3 September 2021: Joe Biden intentionally fails America over & over. Biden abandoned Americans. Most of the Afghans coming in are NOT SIV’s. They are asylum seekers w/ unknown histories. Not only does he welcome the world at the southern border, he brings them in airplanes. #ImpeachBiden
  • 3 September 2021: Already good things happening from Texas new abortion law. God bless Texas and all states working hard to end abortion.
  • 3 September 2021: Everywhere I travel, Republican voters and donors share the same top issues. Election integrity & audits. Taking back the House in ‘22. Stopping vaccine mandates & passports. Intense outrage over Dems communist like behavior. Now, utter disgust & despair over Afghanistan.
  • 3 September 2021: The Jan. 6 committee is Nancy Pelosi’s Witch Hunt 2.0. This is the same political warfare Democrats waged against Pres. Trump. This witch hunt against me is just a preview of the communist agenda they plan to unleash on you and anyone who opposes them.
  • 3 September 2021: Sign your petition and then chip in $5, $10 or even $100 because the Democrats are doing everything they can to take me out! (2/2)
  • 3 September 2021: Two weeks ago, I introduced articles of impeachment against Joe Biden. His dereliction of duty, his dishonoring of our military, and his abandonment of Americans in Afghanistan prove he is unfit to hold office. It’s time to #ImpeachBiden . (1/2)
  • 2 September 2021: This is completely out of control. That’s like sending the BLM rioters back to jail for watching CNN after Kamala and Ilhan bailed them out with MFF from their arrest for burning, looting, and rioting cities. Democrats are abusing people and they should be held accountable.
  • 2 September 2021: Thank you @alexbruesewitz ! #ImpeachBiden Let’s get it done!
  • 2 September 2021: Joe Biden dishonored our military and left Americans behind in Afghanistan. He must be impeached in the House, convicted in the Senate and removed from office. Immediately.
  • 2 September 2021: #ImpeachBiden
  • 2 September 2021: Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger must be thrown out of the GOP conference!
  • 2 September 2021: This is how we take our country back. Got involved at every level. This is how to be a Mom. Protect your children!
  • 1 September 2021: Thank you to @Miller_Congress @DrPaulGosar @DHarshbargerTN1 @RepJeffDuncan and @RepBobGood for cosponsoring my impeachment resolution against Joe Biden! He and his administration failed our military and left thousands of Americans behind in Afghanistan. Sleepy Joe must go!
  • 1 September 2021: Joe Biden armed the Taliban on the tax payers dime. #ImpeachBiden
  • 1 September 2021: “While some have talked about the I-word, Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has introduced a package to impeach Biden.” 60% of voters want to #ImpeachBiden . It’s time for Congress to do it!!
  • 1 September 2021: “Change the perception.” This phone call will definitely change the perception. It’s actually going to change everything. Impeachment for a phone call. Yep. Not just the President either. They all knew, they were told.
  • 1 September 2021: On 8/20, I introduced the resolution to impeach Joe Biden for his total failure in Afghanistan. RT if you think Congress should #ImpeachBiden now!
  • 1 September 2021: The Democrats are following the same witch hunt playbook they used on President Trump. Nancy Pelosi is now targeting her strongest opposition in Congress. But it's not just me she's after, it's you & everyone else who rejects her Communist agenda.
  • 31 August 2021: My view of this liars speech. My father’s service flag under the TV. The unbelievable irony makes me sick. Biden abandoned Americans, armed the Taliban terrorist nation, and demoralized our military. #ImpeachBiden
  • 31 August 2021: Call the White House and demand that all efforts to rescue Americans be supported AND to go back and get Americans they abandoned!! 202-456-1414 Remind them your tax dollars fund their salaries and the WH light bill. Ask about the abandoned service dogs. Tell Joe to resign!!
  • 31 August 2021: The President of the United States and his entire administration is blocking Americans from getting out. This is treason! #ImpeachBiden NOW! Call Congress 202-224-3121 Demand Impeachment!
  • 31 August 2021: Actually it’s Instagram. Same company.
  • 31 August 2021: How dare Facebook cancel the grieving words of a Gold Star Mother! Big tech needs to put their fascist politics aside and give Shana Chappell her freedom of speech and at least let her express her herself in the most painful time of her life! This makes me sick.
  • 31 August 2021: The Democrats and Biden’s admin should look for Americans they left behind to rescue in Afghanistan like the lying Pelosi J6 witch hunt committee wants to look through my cell phone data. Democrats are fascist losers only intent on political hunts instead of doing anything good.
  • 30 August 2021: Were America’s service dogs left behind? Surely not, but possible. We just left Americans behind. @PressSec Can someone clear this up? I would ask @JoeBiden but he says “they” tell him not to answer questions.
  • 30 August 2021: Joe Biden & his administration just armed a terrorist nation w/ our tax payer funded incredible military equipment and technology. He just demoralized our military by making them leave Americans behind to be hunted w/ our equipment. These people want to kill us. #IMPEACHBIDEN
  • 30 August 2021: Because he’s already taken his meds and gone to bed. I don’t know how his people can even stand this. But then again, they propped him up, ran him for President, and continue the charade. That makes them all guilty. #ImpeachBiden #ImpeachThemAll
  • 30 August 2021: No man left behind. That’s always been the rule. We just left. We left them behind. What the hell is wrong with this country? #ImpeachBiden Impeach them all.
  • 30 August 2021: What is this about @RashidaTlaib ? You’re raising money for terrorists? Again?
  • 30 August 2021: As the last American planes leave, the horrors for women have already begun. Tragically, American women are abandoned there too. I can only pray that we have not brought the monsters over here in Georgia or America. If so, those responsible will pay.
  • 30 August 2021: Terrorists and criminals on watch list have already made it out of Kabul in the chaos over the past week. Another failure by the Biden admin and US officials that created this disaster. Not our military troops fault, they just had to follow orders.
  • 30 August 2021: We want to help our good Afghan allies, but we don’t want convicted rapists brought to America. The vetting process over there allowed a convicted rapists to come here.
  • 30 August 2021: Our soldiers have seen the horrific rapes of boys in Afghanistan. Some even resigned because of this evil.
  • 30 August 2021: As ten of thousands of Afghan refugees are beginning to flood our states, it’s important to analyze what could be in store, and why strict vetting is so important. “Afghans stand out among the refugees committing crimes in Austria and elsewhere.”
  • 30 August 2021: The Biden administration is purposely demoralizing our military. Forcing them to fail, lose, and die. Not allowing them to fight back. Forcing them to leave Americans behind. Making them give military equipment to the enemy they’ve been fighting for 20 yrs. #TuckAndRun
  • 30 August 2021: To the Special Ops Teams that are literally moving heaven and earth to save Americans outside of our pathetic government: Thank you! Our nation is proud. You represent what America is. 🇺🇸 I will do everything I can to remove those people. Starting with #ImpeachBiden
  • 30 August 2021: Congratulations @EliseStefanik ! He’s adorable and a great blessing! 💕
  • 30 August 2021: My heart breaks for these families. 💔 May God be with them and ease their pain. There must be accountability for the failures that did this.
  • 29 August 2021: #NeverForgotten This is well put together @kayleighmcenany
  • 29 August 2021: 💔 Heartbroken Our great military has been disgraced. 13 beautiful soldiers killed for nothing. A gift of bounty in billions of military equipment & weapons paid to evil terrorists. Thousands of Americans left behind at the mercy of those terrorists. My words are #ImpeachBiden
  • 29 August 2021: This is treason. There are no other words to describe purposefully arming the Taliban with such a massive amount of deadly military equipment. Treason. Not the bumbling mistakes of an old senile man. The entire chain of command participated in this. #ImpeachBiden
  • 29 August 2021: Everyone must be held accountable. This is a complete failure! Americans are being abandoned!
  • 28 August 2021: I’m so sorry for your loss Ms. McCollum. 💔 You are right about Joe Biden. Every single word. Is the duty of Congress to #ImpeachBiden . @SpeakerPelosi @GOPLeader
  • 28 August 2021: We have all had a taste of what more government control is like for over a year now, and for most of us we are ready to spit that nastiness out. Don’t willingly cry for more! The next generation deserves freedom just like we have all had. It’s our duty to ensure they have it.
  • 28 August 2021: So ask yourself. Why do you continue to vote and defend the same people that keep dividing all of us, keep driving us further in debt with failing programs, keep making more laws that take away our freedoms, and make us more dependent on other countries that hate us?
  • 28 August 2021: Most of these people running the federal government can’t even balance a check book. Why do you think we are nearly $30 Trillion in debt? And the same old politicians in charge have been there for decades Why do you trust them to fix or do anything? Why trust them at all?
  • 28 August 2021: While the government promises “we will fix it,” they are selling you false hope and convincing you to hand over the one thing you didn’t earn. Your freedoms. Once you give those away, the government doesn’t hand them back. Ask Venezuela, Australia, and many more.
  • 28 August 2021: Nothing in life is free. If the government says it’s free, they are lying. There is always a cost. Whether it’s more taxes, mandates, strict laws, more forms, more requirements and more steps, it always leads to less and less freedoms. While they tell you it’s for your own good.
  • 28 August 2021: The Green New Deal won’t bring climate justice, it will create socialism, high taxes, & force you to depend on China for energy. Medicare for All is Medicare for none. The government screws everything up & provides bad service. The free market produces lower cost & better care.
  • 28 August 2021: These are your guaranteed rights as a United States citizen. Many of these rights are already being trampled. Don’t allow manipulate politicians to steal your rights away. No other country on Earth guarantees these rights to their people. Why do you think they come here?
  • 28 August 2021: We are ALL equal. When Democrats try to tell you we aren’t, they are lying. You already have every right to work and live a full life, you just have to do it. If you support bigger government then you lose your freedoms. Ask the world what government control brings. Death.
  • 28 August 2021: Today we are resting as God commands. Today we are mourning those we lost. Today we declare the evil deeds of this administration can not be allowed to stand. Tomorrow we are planning. Every lie will be revealed. The truth will win. And we will take our country back. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
  • 28 August 2021: Marine Lt Col Stuart Scheller should be re-instated and Marine Corps Commandant Gen. David H. Berger, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley should be held accountable. They are the ones who failed, Scheller just said it.
  • 28 August 2021: Thank you for getting on board, @RepJeffDuncan !
  • 28 August 2021: Thank you to the Hillsborough County GOP for having me speak tonight! #ImpeachBiden #AmericaFirst always!
  • 27 August 2021: Biden and all key decision makers are responsible for the deaths of 13 soldiers. The Taliban allowed the ISIS attacks. US officials gave them a kill list. And we have not retaliated? There should be harsh punishment against the Taliban and ISIS-K. And we must #ImpeachBiden !
  • 27 August 2021: Ask yourself how suicide bombers got past the many Taliban checkpoints if the bombers weren’t on the list of Americans, Visa holders, and Afghan allies that Joe Biden’s officials on the ground gave the Taliban? It is a failure from the top down that caused our soldiers to die.
  • 27 August 2021: I’d like to extend my deepest condolences to the families and friends of our military members who were killed yesterday in the bombing in Kabul. Our entire country is mourning your loss with you. None of this should have happened. We must do better.
  • 27 August 2021: I completely agree. I submitted Articles of Impeachment last Friday. At this time, I have 3 Republican co-sponsors. We must #ImpeachBiden
  • 27 August 2021: Our leaders are feckless failures. Our military is being demoralized and killed by the failures of everyone involved in Biden’s disaster, and we have the greatest military in the world. Americans are put last and being abandoned. Inaction is unacceptable. Real leaders lead.
  • 27 August 2021:
  • 26 August 2021: Iran has funded and trained the Taliban. US officials, military leaders, President Biden, and his administration should NOT be calling the Taliban “partners.”
  • 26 August 2021: The Biden administration and US officials gave the Taliban the list of names of Americans & Afghan allies. A kill list. They call the Taliban “our Afghan partners.” They are NOT our partners, they’re terrorists. @GOPLeader when will we impeach?
  • 26 August 2021: You have to be kidding me??? 12 American military have been killed and 15 wounded, and the Taliban and ISIS are beating and raping women and you are giving speeches about Women’s Equality??? Vacate the Chair!
  • 26 August 2021: Our military is still “NON-combative.” Non-combative. 12 of our military KILLED and more injured. Our commander in chief has our military in a NON-combative operational mode.
  • 26 August 2021: No we have NOT had a briefing today! While all of you incompetent fools are causing American military to die and other innocent people, NO Congress is NOT being briefed. @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris @SpeakerPelosi have no control. @GOPLeader is right.
  • 26 August 2021: I’ve introduced Articles of Impeachment. I’m waiting on the rest of the conference.
  • 26 August 2021: They should be suing Nancy Pelosi for refusing to bring in the National Guard to protect the Capitol and give them help. Pelosi, as Speaker of the House is the one who is responsible for all of the security failures.
  • 26 August 2021: #ImpeachBiden
  • 26 August 2021: I submitted Articles of Impeachment last Friday. Are we ready yet? Call 202-224-3121 and request your Representative to let them know. #ImpeachBiden
  • 26 August 2021: Pray for Americans trapped and about to be abandoned by Biden, left for dead under the Taliban. Pray for our great military men and women who are purposely being demoralized, it’s not their fault. Pray for our veterans who feel lost and want to commit suicide, they’re loved.
  • 26 August 2021: Explosions at Kabul airport. The Biden/Harris administration is fully to blame for ALL of this. We have no choice. We must #ImpeachBiden , and keep moving down the line. They are all complicit.
  • 26 August 2021: While telling everyone to stay away from Kabul airport bc of suicide bombing threat from ISIS-K. Americans can’t leave if they can’t get to the airport. Last evacuation planes leave Friday, the 28th. Military begins leaving & is out the 31st, but the military equipment stays.
  • 26 August 2021: This looks like child abuse. Hurts my heart for these children. Parents take your precious children out of these schools and homeschool them.
  • 26 August 2021: Right now we have something precious. Freedom. Freedom only comes through the terrible price of blood, through battles won killing oppressive tyrants. Don’t throw it away for the lies that tickle your ears. You won’t get it back, bc you were too weak to begin with to keep it.
  • 26 August 2021: They are selling you a plan that is a fantasy filled with empty promises and leads our country to its own destruction. Socialism and Communism fail every time. It always starts out giving away free things, but rapidly ends in suffering and death. Cont’d
  • 26 August 2021: At what point will America wake up and see clearly what is happening? The entire Democrat leadership only cares about creating a communist agenda that will only serve the elites, and they do not care who loses or who dies in the process. Cont’d
  • 26 August 2021: They are using words like: “To take care of you” “For your safety” “We must help people” And we are literally watching them leave Americans behind under some of the most evil people in the world without care. Cont’d
  • 26 August 2021: Yet in this moment right now, our nation’s leaders are doing everything they possibly can to make massive changes to our country that will forever change the greatest country in the world into something it ran away from in 1776. Cont’d
  • 26 August 2021: America was always supposed to guarantee freedom to its people. Our constitution says we are all equal. Our federal government was always supposed to be small, limited, and not trample state rights or tread on the people’s guaranteed rights. Cont’d
  • 26 August 2021: Biden, Kamala, Pelosi, & Schumer have been in charge for decades and look at where we are now. On the verge of laws that will reward big corporations and destroy small businesses, reward identities and destroy equal rights, and grow the federal government into a monster. Cont’d
  • 26 August 2021: With threats of suicide bombings at the Kabul airport by ISIS-K, they are telling Americans it’s not safe to come to the airport, yet last evacuation flights leave tomorrow (Friday), then the military begins its evacuation. Many Americans are going to be left behind. Cont’d
  • 26 August 2021: Biden Admin & all Dems are rapidly working to pass socialism that will be enforced through communist like tactics, and claim it’s all to “help” people. These are the same “leaders” bowing to the Taliban & on the verge of leaving 1,000’s of Americans in Afghanistan. Cont’d
  • 26 August 2021: Canceled Nation.
  • 25 August 2021: J6 committee did this TODAY. 1,000’s of Americans are being held hostage under the Taliban and this is what you are doing? @SpeakerPelosi you and Biden should FOCUS ON GETTING AMERICANS OUT OF AFGHANISTAN! Pres Trump would have NEVER left anyone behind
  • 25 August 2021: This made me proud to be a Georgian! This is everything we know we are and everything we are fighting to protect, not only for Georgia but also for every single American. Faith, Family, and Freedoms. I’m thrilled to endorse @HerschelWalker for United States Senate!
  • 25 August 2021: My bill HR 2317 provides that United States citizens may not be discriminated against based on their COVID–19 vaccination status. The We Will Not Comply Act.
  • 25 August 2021: Good question.
  • 25 August 2021: The list is much longer than 13. Yes it’s escalating.
  • 24 August 2021: The political hunt and warfare against J6 defendants is the most telling thing about Democrats. They raise money for and bail out of jail violent domestic terrorists and call them “peaceful protestors” yet want to destroy the lives of anyone at the Capitol on J6. Hypocrites.
  • 24 August 2021: Republican voters all over the country are fed up with the losing strategy that has brought us to this moment. Nearly $30 TRILLION in debt and now here comes Pelosi/Biden/Harris/Obama/Clinton planned Communist agenda for America called a “budget.” The old commies are exposed.
  • 24 August 2021: Save Americans first! It is unacceptable to take Afghans out before Americans.
  • 24 August 2021: It’s clear Joe Biden is not running the country when it comes to serious issues. Neither is Kamala. She’s not even capable. #ImpeachThemBoth
  • 24 August 2021: Nancy Pelosi put it down hard on Mod Dems last night who are trying to hold to their districts values & stop the Trio bills of Democrat Communism. Even Bill Clinton was calling in. What does that tell you? Give the Mod Dems courage to stand firm! 202-224-3121 We go back at 12:00.
  • 23 August 2021: Pelosi is now going to try to pass an EMPTY $3.5 Trillion dollar Budget so the Senate can just add in the Green New Deal, $80 billion for 87,000 IRS agents, and whatever else Mitch McConnell will allow the Democrats to have.
  • 23 August 2021: The Democrats $3.5 Trillion Budget defunds the military by keeping it last years levels, the smallest percentage of total spending in 80 years. Joe Biden is dishonoring our military right now in Afghanistan, Democrats want to pass a budget that hurts them. #ImpeachBiden Cont’d
  • 23 August 2021: The “Budget” will undoubtedly weaponize the IRS against Trump voters by adding 87,000 IRS agents by spending $80 Billion of your hard earned tax dollars. They might as well hire Lois Lerner back. Audits for Republicans. Gotta pay for GND somehow. Cont’d..
  • 23 August 2021: In the Communist Manifesto called the budget, there is zero percent increase for the wide open cartel run US southern border. The gateway to America for the entire world. Might as well welcome the Taliban. They are coming in anyways. Cont’d..
  • 23 August 2021: Now that we have covered just a few outrageous things in the Infrastructure bill that’s not Infrastructure, let’s talk about the $3.5 Trillion dollar Budget. The Green New Deal. Communists Bernie Sanders and AOC’s dreams come true. And Nancy Pelosi delivers. Cont’d..
  • 23 August 2021: And because all good Republicans should never vote along with Democrats lies about equity because we all know that’s code for identity politics that really isn’t equal. The $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure bill has the word “equity” 66 times. Roads & bridges aren’t racist. Cont’d
  • 23 August 2021: In the Infrastructure bill, whether you drink or not, you will be forced to take a breathalyzer every time you crank your car. How much does that add to the sticker price? And we all know the cost is passed on to the consumer. Cont’d..
  • 23 August 2021: In the “Infrastructure” bill that 19 Rep Senators voted for and NO Republican House Members should vote for, Limousine operators and companies will be regulated and fined $10,000 if they do not comply. Why? Because Infrastructure. Duh. Cont’d..
  • 23 August 2021: With a severe shortage in a critical supply chain industry like the trucking industry, it is completely senseless to make this about woke gender identity politics. More truckers! More truckers! God bless all truckers! Stop alienating men. We are so over this crap. Cont’d..
  • 23 August 2021: Infrastructure spends MORE money to write reports about massively in debt Amtrak trains in Canada. Not even another useless report for the US. But for CANADA. Not only does the Taliban tell Biden what to do, so does Trudeau.
  • 23 August 2021: $50 Million for weeds. Surprisingly not marijuana. Cont’d..
  • 23 August 2021: $50 MILLION to kill weeds. Yes you read that correctly. How about just finish the damn wall. Cont’d..
  • 23 August 2021: Oh Amtrak, which is already in debt approx $40 BILLION, Pelosi and some dumb Republicans want to give you $66 BILLION so that Americans are forced to ride trains and NOT drive their own cars. But only for “intercity passenger rail needs.” Mo money mo problems. Cont’d
  • 23 August 2021: Infrastructure spends millions to produce another report on whether artificial intelligence can solve climate change. Can ask someone ask Greta? She might know. Meanwhile China will ramp up manufacturing and pollution to sell us batteries for our government mandated EV’s Cont’d
  • 23 August 2021: Infrastructure spends millions for useless reports like whether solar energy on mining lands would produce more energy than coal, oil, and natural gas actually mined on those same lands. Absolutely ridiculous. Btw, solar fields produce heat for all you climate experts. Cont’d
  • 23 August 2021: The China-First Infrastructure bill will spend $7.5 Billion to convert 1,000’s of school buses into electric vehicles run on COMMUNIST CHINESE BATTERIES. China dominates the battery market for EV’s at 80%. The US can’t even compete at less than 10%. Can’t rely on China! Cont’d
  • 23 August 2021: Did you know that there are “racist” highways? Well Sec of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, that Dems didn’t want for POTUS either, says they are. $1 Billion in the Infrastructure goes to ending racist highways. Cont’d
  • 23 August 2021: “Equity” and “Inclusion” aren’t Infrastructure. This is a transfer of wealth bill. There are ways to provide broadband to Americans and it shouldn’t just be for certain segments of population. Cont’d
  • 23 August 2021: In the Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program that gives $55 billion in woke broadband expansions, awards grants to support efforts to achieve digital equity, promote digital inclusion activities, and spur greater adoption of broadband among covered populations.” P 2109 Cont’d
  • 23 August 2021: Remaining $1 Trillion+ is ALL Green New Deal and woke spending projects appeasing AOC and the Squad’s temper tantrums for their communists revolution. No Republican should ever vote for this bill. Cont’d..
  • 23 August 2021: ‼️Reasons why Republicans must hold together as a conference & vote NO against BOTH the $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure and $3.5 Trillion Budget: The Infrastructure bill is not a real Infrastructure bill. Out of $1.2 Trillion only $110 Billion is for real infrastructure. Cont’d
  • 23 August 2021: Have any Americans or American military been killed in Afghanistan since Biden abandoned them? I’ve heard conflicting reports.
  • 23 August 2021: The Taliban would have NEVER said no to President Trump, but they just told Biden no to extending the August 31st deadline to pull troops. Biden abandoned Americans and dishonored our military, veterans, and allies. Biden has disgraced America! Biden must be impeached!
  • 23 August 2021: We can’t allow Biden to get away with abandoning tens of thousands of Americans & allies in #Afghanistan . Pelosi is going to pass the America-Last Green New Deal allowing China to defeat us. Kamala didn’t get 2% of vote & she’s guilty. #ImpeachBiden #ImpeachKamala #FirePelosi
  • 23 August 2021: I am so grateful for all the beautiful letters I receive everyday from great people all over America! It’s the nicest welcome back to my office in DC seeing some of them right at the front door. Thank you for your prayers and support! ❤️🇺🇸
  • 22 August 2021: Save California, Stop Communism! Vote @larryelder !
  • 22 August 2021: . @SpeakerPelosi does not care about #COVID . Democrats don’t care about covid. They only care about controlling you. Magical covid science: The virus stops spreading the minute you sit down to eat or when you speak in a microphone or if you are one of the elites. Liars.
  • 22 August 2021: Many want to impeach Biden but are hesitant bc they fear a Kamala presidency. There’s nothing to fear. She’s worse in every way than Biden & Dems don’t like her. Expose her & expose the entire Democrat party for who they are. The People need to see for themselves. Truth wins!
  • 22 August 2021: Pray for Americans trapped under radical Islamic rule in Afghanistan. The entire Biden administration abandoned them knowing their fate. They knew the intelligence & knew this would happen. Stop picking political sides like a football team, & ask yourself why did they do this?
  • 22 August 2021: President Trump rallies are the greatest show on Earth with the greatest President in American history! Thank you President Trump for never giving up on America! And thank you to all the people that work tirelessly for each rally. Let’s Save America! 🇺🇸
  • 21 August 2021: Live from the Trump Rally in Cullman, AL! It’s a Great Night to be an American!
  • 21 August 2021: I'll see y'all tonight at President Trump's Save America Rally in Cullman, Alabama! #AmericaFirst #ImpeachBiden
  • 21 August 2021: #ImpeachBiden
  • 21 August 2021: There is no leadership in the White House. And no one has any confidence in Kamala. She wasn’t even liked during the Democrat Presidential Primary. #ImpeachBiden
  • 21 August 2021: This is a complete failure from @JoeBiden but also from Milley, Blinken, and Austin. Our military is fully capable of getting our American citizens and Afghan allies out to these planes. Our military and our people deserve good capable leadership. #ImpeachBiden
  • 21 August 2021: #ImpeachBiden
  • 21 August 2021: Dereliction of duty. #ImpeachBiden
  • 21 August 2021: #ImpeachBiden
  • 21 August 2021: #AmericaFirst #ImpeachBiden
  • 21 August 2021: #AmericaFirst #ImpeachBiden
  • 21 August 2021: #AmericaFirst #ImpeachBiden
  • 21 August 2021: 2. ... and his usurping of the Constitutional balance of power by ignoring the ruling of the Supreme Court. #AmericaFirst
  • 21 August 2021: On behalf of the America people, earlier today I introduced articles of impeachment against Joe Biden for his dereliction of duty in Afghanistan, his violations of immigration law causing a national security crisis on our Southern border ...
  • 20 August 2021: #ImpeachBiden
  • 20 August 2021: #ImpeachBiden
  • 20 August 2021: And that’s a wrap. No more questions because Biden had no answers. #ImpeachBiden
  • 20 August 2021: Thanks @DrPaulGosar But I’m pretty sure you can do more pull-ups than the woke General Milley! 😉 And he can’t even pull our own people out of Afghanistan. What a shame! He has so many GREAT men and women under his command that could and would make it happen!
  • 20 August 2021: Biden left Americans & Afghan allies behind and didn’t negotiate mining the rights to $1 Trillion in rare earth minerals in Afghanistan literally the week before Pelosi tries to pass AOC’s Green New Deal in both the Infrastructure and Budget bills. He left it all for China.
  • 20 August 2021: . @SpeakerPelosi you can’t lie about #Jan6 anymore. The FBI is finally telling the truth. @Liz_Cheney and @AdamKinzinger you both knew all along this was witch hunt 2.0, you sold all of your people out. Shameful. @FBI now do all #Antifa and #BLM riots.
  • 20 August 2021: Remember that guy who offended you with “mean”tweets? He would have never left you stranded under terrorist rule. Never forced you to take a vaccine, he would always give you the choice. And he would always put your life and your family first even if you didn’t vote for him.
  • 20 August 2021: What do we have right here?
  • 20 August 2021: Biden is a propped up puppet and they can’t hide it anymore. It’s embarrassing. Tomorrow I introduce Articles of Impeachment on the pathetic puppet.
  • 20 August 2021: Thanks Lou! 💪
  • 20 August 2021: Thank you, Iowa!!! #AmericaFirst 🇺🇸
  • 20 August 2021: Thanks, Iowa! SAVE AMERICA STOP SOCIALISM! Defeat the Democrats!
  • 20 August 2021: #ImpeachBiden
  • 20 August 2021: You forgot Big Tech
  • 20 August 2021: Watch LIVE!
  • 19 August 2021: Tell everyone Republican to vote NO to BOTH the Infrastructure and Budget bills because BOTH pass the Green New Deal. It will force every single American to rely on China for your car battery by law! China dominates the battery market by over 75% & America is less than 10%!
  • 19 August 2021: This is exactly why I introduced Articles of Impeachment on Joe Biden. Abuse of Power. Biden is corrupt and is selling America out. To China.
  • 19 August 2021: Hanging out with the @USMC at the #IowaStateFair
  • 19 August 2021:
  • 19 August 2021:
  • 19 August 2021:
  • 19 August 2021: The beautiful Butter Cow!
  • 19 August 2021:
  • 19 August 2021:
  • 19 August 2021:
  • 19 August 2021:
  • 19 August 2021:
  • 19 August 2021: Great to be at the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines today! #AmericaFirst
  • 19 August 2021: America First! 🇺🇸 In everything and everywhere. #AmericaFirst
  • 19 August 2021: . @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris If this is true, you have blood on your hands. You are responsible for these people’s deaths. Get ALL Americans out now!
  • 19 August 2021: The Biden/Harris admin did everything to create a crisis in the withdrawal from Afghanistan. And are leaving thousands of Americans stranded under terrorists control. Trump would have NEVER left Americans behind.
  • 19 August 2021: Biden admin defunded OpMed that saved American lives around the world, especially in times of crisis. During early stages of the coronavirus pandemic, OpMed was integral to the evacuation and repatriation of 100,000 Americans to the US as countries began locking down. Cont’d..
  • 19 August 2021: We are hitting the trail tomorrow. Iowa we can’t wait to see you! So much to say! #AmericaFirst
  • 19 August 2021: How many thousands of Americans have been abandoned by the United States of America in Afghanistan? @JoeBiden AND @VP BOTH of you are responsible. The full force of the American military should be focused on a rescue mission for Americans in Afghanistan. NO MAN LEFT BEHIND!
  • 18 August 2021: Oh really? DO YOUR JOB!!!! BRING EVERY AMERICAN HOME!
  • 18 August 2021: Meanwhile Biden is leaving Americans to the mercy of the Taliban Terrorists. Biden has proven to the entire country he is NOT fit for office. #ImpeachBiden
  • 18 August 2021: Bush started the war the same way Biden finished it: Total disregard for American blood and treasure. Biden left Americans behind. This is now a rescue mission. #NoManLeftBehind #AmericaFirst #ImpeachBiden
  • 18 August 2021: If one single American trapped in Afghanistan is harmed by the Taliban, then the Taliban should feel the full force of the American military. The Taliban must stand down and allow every single American to leave. This should NOT be a negotiation.
  • 18 August 2021: #ImpeachBiden
  • 18 August 2021: 👇
  • 18 August 2021: #IMPEACHBIDENNOW
  • 18 August 2021: The Infrastructure bill pays China to build “infrastructure” & EV charging stations. The Budget passes the Green New Deal forcing the US to EVs. China dominates the battery market. The US is less than 10%. Republicans that vote for this help the CCP conquer America’s economy.
  • 18 August 2021: From day one, Sleepy had a plan to invade our country with hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens through our Southern border. But he had no plan to get tens of thousands of American citizens safely out of Afganistan? #ImpeachBiden
  • 18 August 2021: Americans are not being allowed to leave but Afghans are being taken to America. @JoeBiden you are a complete failure to America. Resign!
  • 17 August 2021: Thank you to the Republican Women of Forsyth County for having me come speak! Georgians are fired up to kick the commies out of office and WIN big victories in 2022 ... but we must have true America First conservatives leading the fight! #gapol
  • 17 August 2021:
  • 17 August 2021: I'm promising to support a primary opponent of ANY Republican who votes for Nancy Pelosi's $1.2 trillion "infrastructure bill" or her $3.5 trillion "budget." If you want to help me do this and hold Rs accountable, please make a generous contribution at:
  • 17 August 2021: Ilhan Omar was a refugee. She broke federal laws and married her brother to get him in the US. In Congress, Omar supports defunding police, bailing out BLM rioters, funding terrorists with her SAHRAA bill, & opposes our ally Israel. Vet all refugees outside the US!
  • 17 August 2021:
  • 17 August 2021:
  • 17 August 2021:
  • 17 August 2021:
  • 17 August 2021:
  • 17 August 2021:
  • 17 August 2021: Thank you to everyone in Cobb County for having me at your breakfast this weekend! Let's all become activists AND ... SAVE AMERICA STOP SOCIALISM. DEFEAT THE DEMOCRATS! #gapol
  • 17 August 2021: All Americans should be taken out of Afghanistan FIRST! All Afghan refugees should be held elsewhere and vetted right now, NOT given direct entry into the U.S. And we should re-instate the Remain In Mexico policy to do the same at the southern border. Prioritize #AmericaFirst
  • 10 August 2021: The FDA should not approve the covid vaccines. There are too many reports of infection & spread of #COVID19 among vaccinated people. These vaccines are failing & do not reduce the spread of the virus & neither do masks. Vaccine mandates & passports violate individual freedoms.
  • 10 August 2021: Jeffrey Epstein’s victims deserves far more money than that for what that disgusting monster did to them. Still inconceivable so many celebrities & politicians like former President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary Clinton flew on Lolita so many times to his island of evil.
  • 9 August 2021: Nancy Pelosi is fining me for not wearing a mask in the chamber, but DeSantis is going to fine superintendents and school board members if they force children to wear masks. This is how it’s done. 👍 Communism vs Freedom Save America, Stop Communism!
  • 9 August 2021: Oh my! ALL got #COVID19 AFTER getting vaccinated. Glad everyone is recovering well! Prayers for your mother-in-law in her 90’s to be out of the hospital soon and back to health! 🙏 My husband’s grandmother had covid at 97, not a day in the hospital and full recovery!
  • 9 August 2021: The Green New Deal isn’t about climate change. It’s all about money. And it will enslave America to China for all of our government forces EV battery needs. Don’t be stupid. Republicans must fight against this self destructive plan by the Democrats.
  • 9 August 2021: Biden’s monstrous $1 TRILLION Infrastructure plan which passes THE GREEN NEW DEAL & $3.5 TRILLION budget of socialism will force America to be completely dependent on Communist China for the government mandated battery operated electric vehicles you will be forced to drive.
  • 9 August 2021: Thank you @RealCandaceO for telling women the beautiful truth. ❤️
  • 9 August 2021: All Republicans should vote NO and STOP helping the Communist Democrats. The @GOP needs to learn to work for the American People and America First! Infrastructure and everything else can wait until after we take back the House in ‘22. The R Senators need to wait until then.
  • 9 August 2021: I have been warning for a long time about the Green New Deal and how dangerous it is for America. Literally will enslave us to China in many ways. Republican Senators, bragging about bipartisanship, are foolishly helping the Democrats achieve their Communist agenda. Cont’d..
  • 8 August 2021: Great to visit with these patriotic ladies who support freedom, not coercion! Thanks to everyone who came out to the Coosa Valley Fairgrounds in Rome to rally our 14th District Republicans to BIG victories in 2022! SAVE AMERICA STOP SOCIALISM! DEFEAT THE DEMOCRATS!
  • 8 August 2021: I call it Corporate Communism Large corporations embedding themselves in with government & promoting their communist-like policies on their employees & customers, in order to strengthen their market share & gain more powerful global dominance. Kills small businesses & freedoms.
  • 8 August 2021: How many Obama bday attendees have called for gov mandated vax and mask mandates? Looking forward to the Fake News Media exposes this week ...
  • 7 August 2021: Thanks to Bikers for Trump for the escort in this morning in Rome, Georgia!
  • 7 August 2021: When this starts happening in the streets of America, will Biden’s FBI & DOJ raid their homes in the middle of the night like they do to people who might have just stood on Capitol grounds on J6? Even to people who were not in DC on J6.. Is it extremism to say no to the jab?
  • 7 August 2021: Great to be back home in Floyd County, Georgia this morning! Republicans are fired up to WIN big in 2022! SAVE AMERICA 🇺🇲 STOP SOCIALISM DEFEAT THE DEMOCRATS!
  • 7 August 2021: Most of the Veterans I know have difficulty getting medical care from the VA. Yet Veterans are receiving a letter from the VA asking them to “serve again” by getting the emergency use vaccine that over 99% of people survive. Will the VA refuse benefits if Veterans say no?
  • 7 August 2021:
  • 7 August 2021:
  • 7 August 2021: Thank you to the El Paso County Colorado GOP for inviting me to speak at your Lincoln Day Dinner! Let's Save America and Stop Socialism in 2022!
  • 6 August 2021: Not only has China stolen the specs for the F-35, China has stolen the secret recipe for Coca-Cola. China steals everything. The Communist Chinese are a great enemy. Kick out every CCP loyalist in America! Protect America from our enemy CCP spies and thieves!
  • 6 August 2021: More research is needed.
  • 6 August 2021: When the truth about the election comes out from the Fulton county audit in my home state of Georgia, people will finally know what the big lie really means.
  • 6 August 2021: Yes we oppose! There should be NO Republican support of any bill that supports the Green New Deal and Socialist programs.
  • 5 August 2021: While @JoeBiden persecutes people being held without bail & treats them like prisoners of war, it’s just so ironic @KamalaHarris stands in the background. @VP raised money to bail out people who violently rioted and committed crimes during the Antifa/BLM riots. We won’t forget.
  • 5 August 2021: The men and women of the USCP deserve to know why requests for National Guard troops were denied ahead of January 6. @SpeakerPelosi is using the Capitol Police as political pawns. Read my letter exchange with the USCP and my follow up I sent today.
  • 5 August 2021: . @JoeBiden is failing America so badly that his administration cut the funding for the technology that captured this @CNN video of these two migrant children being dropped across the border. Biden has spent over $2 billion to not secure the border. Worst POTUS in US history!
  • 5 August 2021: How would the @nytimes know that my @Twitter account is about to be suspended? My account is NOT suspended. What kind of relationship does the NYT and Twitter have? Do they coordinate suspending people like me and news stories? Is someone paying for that? Why?
  • 5 August 2021: Oh yeah, I see you Cori. And so does everyone else.
  • 5 August 2021: Your policies don’t help the people you claim to care about. Your policies destroy their communities with skyrocketing crime from no police protection, destroy the economy and kill their jobs, and destroy the family unit which hurts the most vulnerable - the children. Cont’d..
  • 5 August 2021: Climbing the ladder of power by deceptively using any and every tool you can find. You are the BLM domestic terrorist Congresswoman who only represents the lawless rioters who devastated American cities in 2020 causing billions in damage resulting in deaths. Cont’d..
  • 5 August 2021: Thankfully the Governor pardoned them returning their right to bear arms, so they can defend themselves. I see you Cori. Faith healer. I don’t think so, liar. I’ve seen you lie after you attacked me, then get a bigger office. Liar. You’re a manipulator. Cont’d..
  • 5 August 2021: You led the mob into their neighborhood and they threatened to kill the McCloskeys. The McCloskeys lawfully stood their ground using their legal & constitutional #2A rights, then they were stripped of their rights as punishment for not caving to your lawless mob. Cont’d..
  • 5 August 2021: You will pay endless amounts of money for private security for yourself because your security is clearly more important than the taxpayers who pay your salary and for your private security. Look at what you did to the McCloskeys. Cont’d..
  • 5 August 2021: . @CoriBush you are a hypocrite and an elitist. You don’t care about the people, you only care about you. You want to eradicate police from existence, take away guns to leave Americans defenseless, and create lawlessness all over our country. Cont’d..
  • 5 August 2021: Save America, Stop Socialism! Stop Communism! Stop the Great Reset! Stop Globalism! SAVE AMERICA!!! ❤️🇺🇸 #AmericaFirst
  • 4 August 2021: I have talked to multiple women who say they miscarried healthy pregnancies after taking the #COVID19 vaccine. Not only miscarriages, but also reporting blood clots and heavy & irregular periods after taking the Experimental Use Covid vaccine. Stop vaccine mandates!
  • 4 August 2021: It’s the Midterm Variant that will be the most contagious and deadly coming in 2022.
  • 4 August 2021: Democrats want forced vaccine passports but no ID to vote. Next up on their Marxist wishlist is a Social Credit System in America enforced through Corporate Communism.
  • 4 August 2021: Pretending for photos isn’t setting a good example, it’s just lying. #mask
  • 4 August 2021: The CDC doesn’t have authority to make law. Congress does. This is a violation of our Constitution & recent SCOTUS ruling. Besides who would pay steep fines & go to jail when landlords go bankrupt, lose their homes, or die from this unconstitutional DOJ enforced moratorium?
  • 3 August 2021: The SC ruled Congress has the authority to extend the moratorium. 93% of the $47 billion already given in free rent for renters has NOT been distributed. Owners are being crushed by the moratorium, inflicting huge financial devastation. Bowing to the squad won’t end well in 22
  • 3 August 2021: The variants are all a set up for the Midterm variant. Covid is the ultimate political tool for the Democrats. But the People can change it when they decide to stop reacting to fear propaganda.
  • 3 August 2021: I love her beautiful and patriotic spirit! GO USA!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
  • 3 August 2021: Fully vaccinated people are getting #COVID19 and according to studies spreading covid. Stop mandating vaccines. Let people choose!
  • 3 August 2021: I believe in the one and only God that created everything. I believe in the People of America. I believe we can defeat all of our enemies and restore our great land when you grow courage. I promise you I will pour myself out to help you do it, and I have faith in God we win!
  • 3 August 2021: Look at all the capitalism!
  • 3 August 2021:
  • 3 August 2021: Communists Cori Bush and AOC have turned the East Capitol steps into a homeless camp, even leaving Dominos Pizza boxes, Cheez-Its, and Oreos strewn all over the ground. EVICT THEM!
  • 2 August 2021: Keep biological males out of women's and girl's sports! It's just common sense!
  • 2 August 2021: That seems all to convenient. Fauci lied. People died. Now he’s hiding evidence. #FireFauci
  • 1 August 2021: Democrats funded BLM on Actblue, their fundraising platform. Raised money for bail when BLM rioters got arrested. Shutdown our economy bc of covid. Want masks & non-FDA approved vaccine mandates & more shutdowns. And want the US dependent on China for EV batteries. Get it yet?
  • 1 August 2021: Good!
  • 1 August 2021: This statistic is heartbreaking! 💔 What is the same statistic in the US? NO MORE LOCKDOWNS!!!
  • 1 August 2021: In the 2020 #riots , over 2,000 police officers were injured & attacked with many weapons. I’m completely opposed to the violence on J6, but I’m disgusted at the political man hunt happening to Trump supporters, while Biden’s DOJ & FBI ignore the #Antifa & #BLM terrorism in 2020.
  • 1 August 2021: Where is the national man hunt for #Antifa and #BLM ? Where is the outrage? Why did the riots die down after Nov 3rd? Why were most charges dropped?
  • 1 August 2021: I’m beyond fed up with the overwhelming double standard in this country. Everyone knows the truth. No matter how much the Democrats and their mouthpiece, the media, lie, the entire country knows what happened.
  • 1 August 2021: Biden intentionally created this chaos on our Southern border, endangering the safety and security of our country. #ImpeachBiden
  • 31 July 2021: How was your camping trip? Good thing it didn’t rain. Stop paying people to not work and skip rent, and it will all work out well for everyone. Go over to the DC jail. It’s on lockdown. Detainees can’t see their lawyers or talk to anyone. Not a good situation for all inmates.
  • 31 July 2021: …. I now have serious concern for all inmates in this prison, not just the J6 detainees. Also, why aren’t lawyers allowed to see their clients? Why are people being held with no bail for non-violent charges? Why is the jail on lockdown? Is this punishment for our visit?
  • 31 July 2021: I have been told by multiple sources that the DC jail is on lockdown all weekend because we, myself & my colleagues @RepMattGaetz @replouiegohmert @RepGosar , went to the jail for a tour, which is normal for members of Congress. We were called trespassers & locked out. Cont’d..
  • 31 July 2021: Louder for the people in the back! This man speaks the truth that Washington DC can’t hear bc the swamp no longer understands what being an American even means. Good for him on every level! *language warning, but who cares. Sometimes it takes a few f bombs to make a point.
  • 31 July 2021: You should stop taking your lying points, I mean talking points, from your friend Stacey Abrams. 1. SOS doesn’t make laws. 2. Your mass absentee mailing deal with Stacey is the reason GA’s election went out of control. 3. Yes you’ll be in court after audits, get a defense lawyer.
  • 30 July 2021: . @SpeakerPelosi you can take that broomstick you flew to town on and shove it. There aren’t enough Democrats in DC to hold me down for a vaccine that I do NOT need. Really old people like you, yes you are in the risk group, so get your jab if you choose. #WeWillNotComply
  • 30 July 2021: Are we voting or not?
  • 30 July 2021: #ImpeachBiden
  • 30 July 2021: VACATE THE CHAIR! #HouseOfHypocrites
  • 30 July 2021: In April, I introduced the We Will Not Comply Act to stop discrimination against Americans who choose to not take the covid vaccines. I believe forced vaccines are wrong & punishing unvaxxed people with any type of segregation & discrimination is wrong.
  • 30 July 2021: Going back to lockdowns will ensure a red wave in 22, but at a terrible cost to people lives. Instead of holding Fauci & China accountable, Dems punish the American people for a virus that is evading vaccines & masks never stopped. Good things the death rate is so low.
  • 30 July 2021: We look forward to touring your facility very soon. The American people deserve answers. And we will continue to demand the truth until we get it. We have a justice system in America and people’s rights will not be violated.
  • 30 July 2021: We were told we were trespassing while conducting oversight, which is our job. 3. The “camera crews” were members of the press that have the freedom of press, which you denied. 4. We have heard horror stories of the treatment of detainees in your facility under your supervision
  • 30 July 2021: I’m glad we finally heard from the Deplorable Jail. 1. Inmates in your jail are not residents, they are being detained while awaiting trial. 2. You were notified of our intent to visit and regardless Congress has oversight of federal prisons. Cont’d..
  • 29 July 2021: In just a few minutes, I’m joining @mattgaetz and my colleagues on the House floor to talk about the treatment of the J6 accused, the refusal of officials to allow Congressional oversight, and the conditions of the Deplorable Jail. The American people deserve answers.
  • 29 July 2021: Republican lawmakers head to Senate floor to protest Pelosi's mask mandate
  • 29 July 2021: LIVE from Steve Bannon’s War Room with @mattgaetz to talk about today’s visit to the Deplorable Jail. TUNE IN NOW:
  • 29 July 2021: Crossing back into Speaker Maskhole’s land of COVID
  • 29 July 2021: Headed to the Senate floor with my colleagues to protest Nancy Pelosi’s tyrannical mask mandate
  • 29 July 2021: Here’s the moment we were accused of trespassing while conducting Congressional oversight at the Deplorable Jail. What are they hiding?? After our visit, I’m even more concerned about the treatment of the prisoners inside.
  • 29 July 2021: My colleagues and I were locked out of the Deplorable Jail! Members of Congress need to conduct oversight, yet our letters and calls get ignored. Then we get told we are trespassing. The American people deserve answers! It’s outrageous!!
  • 29 July 2021: …. The Capitol Police know that you left them like sitting ducks on J6 Nancy. They’ve told me. You refused to call in the National Guard on J6. The Cap Police don’t want to arrest people for not obeying your silly masks game! You are putting them in a bad place again Nancy
  • 29 July 2021: . @SpeakerPelosi hates our @CapitolPolice . She is abusing them! She has told the Cap Police they have to arrest staff & visitors if they aren’t wearing masks! She refused to bring in the National Guard on J6 and SHE KNEW the Intel of expected violence. Cont’d..
  • 29 July 2021: This is hysterical unprecedented abuse of power!!! VACATE THE CHAIR NOW!!! #WeWillNotComply
  • 29 July 2021: This is powerful. Military members, college athletes, pro athletes, students, and employees also should join together to send a strong message that they are opposed to #COVID19 vaccine mandates and passports. It should be a choice and segregation and discrimination is wrong!
  • 29 July 2021: For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. 🙏 #NotForgotten
  • 29 July 2021: So it’s “bad white people” when they mostly focus on bridges, roads, and broadband for infrastructure, but it’s “good white people” when they are communists that you really agree with? Your racism doesn’t work when your a hypocrite @CoriBush . Why don’t you talk about policy?
  • 29 July 2021: When we win the majority in the House in ‘22 bc the Democrats are imploding under @SpeakerPelosi ’s lame duck leadership, we are going to fire Dr. Monahan. I nominate @RonnyJacksonTX to replace him. Better yet let’s have him take over for Fauci too! He’d make more money.
  • 28 July 2021: Four out of the five Democrats who upheld my Pelosi mask fine have signed a resolution to expel me! I asked them to recuse themselves, but they refused. During the Russia hoax, all the Dems could talk about was recusal for Rs. Another example of the #HouseOfHypocrites .
  • 28 July 2021: Democrat @TimRyan is on the House floor whining about Republicans not wearing masks. He was just walking around the hallways today with NO mask on! What a hypocrite and a liar! They learn it from their Queen. #HouseOfHypocrites
  • 28 July 2021: In other words, Dr Monahan is just another Pelosi puppet and is guilty of medical malpractice. After hearing this bullshit, every single Republican should refuse to wear masks.
  • 28 July 2021: He’s only told us all to get vaccinated & wear masks. If we don’t wear masks, we would not be allowed to vote and will be fined. Dr Monahan has no authority to fine us or tell members that we can’t vote if we aren’t wearing a mask. Cont’d..
  • 28 July 2021: He also said to me that obesity is a high risk factor & people should eat well & exercise to protect themselves from covid, but has never advised us to do that in order to protect ourselves from covid. Cont’d..
  • 28 July 2021: He admitted that he thinks people have the right to choose to take the vaccine or not. Yet sent a letter to all of us threatening fines for not wearing masks but was clueless about the CDC studies he said he based his opinion on. Cont’d..
  • 28 July 2021: He also said that his guidance is based on two studies from the CDC that he hasn’t even read & they arent published yet. Dan Crenshaw let him know one is a study from India that had been rejected in peer review. Cont’d..
  • 28 July 2021: We just had a meeting with Dr Monahan, the Office of the Attending Physician. He admitted that he sent his letter to Pelosi and not McCarthy before sending to us, warning us all that we will be fined if we don’t wear masks. Cont’d..
  • 28 July 2021: The Senate isn’t parading around with paper napkins and jock straps on their faces even though they are “the oldest in American history” with the avg age being 63. @SpeakerPelosi is way older than that. She’s somewhere close to 90. Older than dirt. And destroying our country.
  • 28 July 2021: Yesterday, my colleagues & I filed our lawsuit against @SpeakerPelosi over her unconstitutional mask mandate. Today, she reinstated it. Americans are sick & tired of being political pawns. We’re fighting to stop it, that’s why we’re suing Pelosi.
  • 28 July 2021: Motion to Adjourn!! Thank you @chiproytx Every Republican should vote YES! And every Republican should refuse to to be pawns in Pelosi’s political mask theatre!
  • 28 July 2021: Look at this maskless moron not social distancing while calling someone a moron for rejecting her mask mandate. #HouseOfHypocrites
  • 28 July 2021: I believe in freedom. I support the People. They have the right to choose to wear a mask or not, and to vaccinate or not. The perpetual pandemic state is only useful to control the public through fear, not save lives. #WeWillNotComply
  • 27 July 2021: I thought about responding to @Liz_Cheney ’s pathetic attack on us, but why bother with a Pelosi puppet? I put the people FIRST over politicians, especially those who sell out like Cheney & Kinzinger. They just want more donations from Dems & a CNN contract when they lose in 22.
  • 27 July 2021: Radical communist leftists are hell-bent on silencing free speech. Just like in California, BLM / Antifa domestic terrorists formed a mob to try to shut down America First voices fighting for truth. I refuse to back down to the vile left & will continue to demand answers on J6.
  • 27 July 2021: Today, my colleagues & I went to the DOJ, who repeatedly ignored our letters & requests for info about J6. They refused to even let us in the lobby. Once again the Biden DOJ refused to answer any of our questions. The American people deserve better than Pelosi’s witch hunt.
  • 27 July 2021:
  • 27 July 2021: Watch LIVE
  • 27 July 2021: We’re suing @SpeakerPelosi .
  • 27 July 2021: I raise a HALLELUJAH! Praise HIM! There is no god greater than my GOD! HE is the Alpha and the Omega! HE will wipe out our enemies before us and bring peace to ALL who believe in HIM!
  • 26 July 2021:
  • 26 July 2021: You’re one to talk, Gavin. Your murderous ACTIONS as Governor of California literally killed people. Paying $1,000/day to nursing homes to house #COVID19 patients with the most vulnerable people. Killing people’s parents and grandparents. You’re a monster!
  • 26 July 2021: The Biden admin has spent $2 Billion to NOT secure the border. There has NEVER been a President of the United States to spend so much money in order to purposely allow our country to be invaded! #ImpeachBiden
  • 26 July 2021: I would argue that the media should get better at ‘defending’ Women’s Sports and stop biological men from canceling women in our sports. I would expect @mPinoe to agree.
  • 26 July 2021: . @GavinNewsom you know what is exhausting to the people of California? Your communist dictatorship. Shutting down businesses, closing churches, schools, and beaches is disgraceful Mandating vaccines against people’s will is unconscionable Which is why you’re being recalled.
  • 26 July 2021: I’m bringing the fight to the communist cancel culture, masks & vax mandates, and investigating political targeting & abuse. As well as supporting free & fair elections and audits. While demanding accountability from Congress & roll calling votes. They’re destroying America.
  • 26 July 2021: This is called segregation. Will you be testing everyone at the door for the flu, strep throat, stomach bugs, colds, meningitis, aids, venereal diseases, Hep A, Hep C, staff infections, athletes foot, pink eye, croup, bronchitis, ringworm, scabies, or any other contagions?
  • 25 July 2021: You’re not serious, clear eyed, or nonpartisan. Accepting a seat on a highly partisan witch hunt, assigned by an old Democrat woman who is filled with bitter hate and rage and failed to secure the Capitol, isn’t a call to duty, it means you’re a traitor.
  • 25 July 2021: Dear People, You have all the power. You always have, you just forgot. They can’t force you to take the vaccine or wear masks. You decide. Companies, schools, & institutions can’t operate without all of you. People choose natural or vax immunity for themself & families.
  • 25 July 2021: Happy Sunday, everyone! Let's work together to END ABORTION in America!
  • 25 July 2021: Stop masking children and stop mandating vaccines! Let people choose and don’t segregate or discriminate against them based on their choice.
  • 24 July 2021: Great time with teenage Republicans in Cobb County today! SAVE AMERICA STOP SOCIALISM. Defeat the Democrats!
  • 24 July 2021: You can’t stop this train. It’s already full of the people.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
  • 24 July 2021: Here comes the radical left trying to cancel me by lying about what I said. They organize their army of activists to attack conservatives & harass businesses, cities, & organizations until they give in & cancel the person they hate. Don’t give in to radical left!
  • 24 July 2021: This is @LeaderMcConnell ’s organized opposition research leak to dirty up @HerschelWalker and shared by Josh Holmes - McConnell’s former Chief of Staff and campaign manager. This is how dirty politics work. McConnell doesn’t want Herschel bc he’ll be a champion for the people.
  • 24 July 2021: So the #TokyoOlympics has terrorist, trans, and Americans who hate our flag competing. No thanks.
  • 24 July 2021:
  • 23 July 2021: Taking a few questions before speaking to the Alabama Federation of Republican Women in Dothan, Alabama! Thank you for the invite!
  • 23 July 2021: The GREATEST thing I’ve ever done in my life is being a mother and providing a GOOD home for my children. Our home, America, is morally corrupt, unsafe, & unkept. As a Mom, I’m leading with policy to clean up our house, train & straighten up our children, & restore our faith!
  • 23 July 2021: Speaker Nancy Pelosi is the one responsible for ignoring Intel about J6 & NOT securing the Capitol! She is unhinged in her political warfare against Trump & his supporters. She only plans to use her J6 committee to persecute R’s. She is mentally unfit to be Speaker!
  • 23 July 2021: Congress is failing the American people. We should be reducing spending and the national debt. We should stop the free government checks to get people back to work & help the economy. We should secure the border. We should be putting Americans First especially our children.
  • 23 July 2021: If people broke the law then they have to pay for their crimes, but political targeting and malicious prosecution is not who we are as Americans. That’s the way of communism. It’s time to stop the witch hunts. It’s gone on long enough.
  • 22 July 2021:
  • 22 July 2021: In 2019, Pelosi refused to fund the wall to protect our national security, so I wrote this WH petition & got 182K+ signatures in 30 days with no email list. Now Biden has put us all in danger! Democrats have broken their oath to uphold our laws & constitution! Secure the border!
  • 22 July 2021: I’ll go in the Octagon 💪😎
  • 22 July 2021: 8 months in prison for walking in the Capitol & taking a selfie in the senate? Did he assault anyone, steal anything, or cause damage to the Capitol? BLM rioters were let off their charges in NY & other states. During covid lockdowns, CA let murderers & rapists out of jail.
  • 22 July 2021: If the Biden admin forces everyone back to masks, there’s one person to blame. Fauci. #COVID19 would’ve never killed anyone without Fauci’s pet project, Gain of Function. #FireFauci #IndictFauci
  • 22 July 2021: STOP MASKING CHILDREN!!!
  • 22 July 2021: How to lose your voters in 4 easy steps: 1. Create skyrocketing inflation 2. Open borders & national security crisis 3. Kill small businesses by paying people $$$ to stay home 4. Tell people they can have their facial freedom back then take it away! And say masks are back!
  • 22 July 2021: The stories coming out seem to be political targeting designed for intimidation. Has there been an investigation into the BLM rioters who were bailed out from Kamala & Ilhan sharing the Minnesota Freedom Fund bail bond fundraising links? And their friends, family, & followers?
  • 22 July 2021: I just met with @RepThomasMassie about our unconstitutional and discriminatory mask fines. The American people, especially Moms and Dads, are fed up with masks mandates. More to come.
  • 21 July 2021: #ImpeachBiden
  • 21 July 2021: Liz Cheney’s press conference today was disgraceful. She should just go ahead and join the Democrat Party. I’m sure Nancy Pelosi would welcome her in with open arms. She practically already has..
  • 21 July 2021: LIVE with @SebGorka ! Tune in now:
  • 21 July 2021: Apparently Democrats hate the Republicans who they know will fight for the people and the truth! My little club of 1 has now grown to 3.
  • 21 July 2021: #IndictFauci
  • 21 July 2021: LIVE with Steve Bannon’s War Room now talking #FireFauci , vaccine mandates, and the CCP. TUNE IN!
  • 21 July 2021: I am purely disgusted & outraged at the @DailyMailUK for constantly lying about me. Yesterday I laughed at a reporter during a press conference bc of the extent of ridiculous questions she was asking, trying to trap me, & I said to HER “you crack me up.” NOT at children dying!
  • 21 July 2021: It was a great honor to meet Dick Heller tonight in DC. Mr. Heller was victorious in the monumental 2008 DC v Heller Second Amendment decision. He started his battle in 1976 and stuck with it for more than 30 years ... he's an incredible guy and great patriot!
  • 20 July 2021: Can you imagine if GA Republicans avoided their sworn duty and came to Washington DC on a private plane without masks and then spread #COVID19 ? #TexasVariant
  • 20 July 2021: Radical BLM & Antifa domestic terrorists actually did commit violence over and over and over and cause billions of dollars in damage. We never hear about them being held rotting in jail & treated like political prisoners. And yes their goal of communism will destroy Democracy.
  • 20 July 2021: Heading over to the Senate to see what Dr Fauci is saying now. It’s always something different. #FireFauci
  • 20 July 2021: #FireFauci
  • 20 July 2021: American social media company Twitter banned me for 12 hrs, censoring me, & violating my freedom of speech. You know who else silences, censors, and bans people they don’t like and want heard. Communist China 🇨🇳 Communism is not good @Twitter Save America Stop Communism!
  • 19 July 2021: This is the violent Left. Spread this far and wide.
  • 19 July 2021: Last week I visited the Otay Mesa Detention facility. Illegal aliens are treated better and provided more legal resources, outdoor rec time, video calls to family than J6 political prisoners. American citizens are being treated far worse than criminal illegals awaiting trial.
  • 19 July 2021: The California communists tried to stop us from gathering and speaking over the weekend ... we did it anyway! SAVE AMERICA STOP SOCIALISM. Defeat the Democrats!
  • 19 July 2021: Actually it’s there.
  • 19 July 2021: HBO’s documentary Kill Chain about election hacking would have been a big hit. Especially in my home state of Georgia. Funny HBO pulled the plug after Biden “won.” I’m FULLY SUPPORTING election audits & investigations in GA. Can. Not. Wait.
  • 19 July 2021: In Joe Biden’s America, inflation is soaring & hurting all Americans! Gas prices are up 45.1 percent Milk is up 5.6 percent Fruit is up 7.3 percent Washing machines are up 29.4 percent Car rentals are up 87.7 percent Hotels are up 16.9 percent And it’s only 7 months in..
  • 19 July 2021: Dems want to make the entire country like Communist California. 2 city governments in CA violated our ( @mattgaetz & myself) 1st amendment rights & declared America First the type of speech that does “not represent” their American cities. We won’t allow the US to be like CA!
  • 19 July 2021: Balance the budget.
  • 19 July 2021: The controversial #COVID19 vaccines should not be forced on our military for a virus that is not dangerous for non-obese people and those under 65. With 6,000 vax related deaths and many concerning side effects reported, the vax should be a choice not a mandate for everyone.
  • 19 July 2021: July 18th is Tisha B'Av fast, the day of the destruction of the Holy Temples. Why were Arabs throwing stones at Jews going to pray early in the morning. Eid al-Adha is July 20th. Stop lying to make Israel look bad, they are our ally.
  • 19 July 2021: History is our lessons to learn good things to do and bad things to not do. I’m grateful my friend and colleague @BurgessOwens is reminding us of great people to learn from. Don’t miss his Sunday Series!
  • 19 July 2021: This is why no entity should force NON-FDA approved vaccines or masks. Instead help people protect their health by defeating obesity, which will protect them from covid complications & death, and many other health problems. We should invest in health, not human experimentation.
  • 19 July 2021: While I support the Cuban people in defeating their communist dictators, I think all of our efforts should be on our border national security crisis. Nearly 200,000 apprehensions/month. No other country in the world would allow this. Our government is failing our people.
  • 18 July 2021: . @mattgaetz our First Amendment was gravely violated by @City_of_Anaheim as @DineshDSouza explains. On behalf of the people, we will not let this go. #FreeSpeech #StopCommunism #AmericaFirst
  • 18 July 2021: Not one of the J6 defendants have been charged with “insurrection.” Why is the Capitol breach called an insurrection if none of the people arrested are charged with it? Why is the FBI & DOJ aggressively targeting people who went to the Capitol & ignoring Antifa/BLM terrorists?
  • 18 July 2021: We cannot allow the radical left in our country to cancel our right to gather and speak freely!
  • 18 July 2021: The communist left did everything they could to cancel our speech, but @mattgaetz & I refused to be silenced. This morning I’m going to church with a pastor who was arrested for standing up against the tyrannical shutdowns. Courage is contagious! Stand in the face of tyrants!
  • 18 July 2021: . @mattgaetz and I are proud to fight for America in the halls of Congress. Thank you, Southern California for showing up even though the communists tried to cancel us!!
  • 18 July 2021: I’m working hard every day to force roll call votes and put Congress on record. So you can see who are the real conservatives and who are the liars.
  • 18 July 2021: Incredible meet and greet tonight in Huntington Beach with @mattgaetz !
  • 18 July 2021: Thank you to all the wonderful Patriots that came out today to take a stand against the radical Democrat Communist who want to cancel #AmericaFirst 🇺🇸 We have your back and we will never back down!
  • 18 July 2021: The radical communist left can’t cancel us!!! #AmericaFirst 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
  • 18 July 2021:
  • 18 July 2021: Free Speech Peaceful Protest in Riverside, California! We will not be canceled and we will not back down!
  • 18 July 2021: Hundreds of peaceful protestors standing up for our First Amendment rights in Communist California. America First Californians: we hear you. And we will always have your back!
  • 17 July 2021: We are having a peaceful protest at 5:00 pm at Riverside city hall! We refuse to be canceled by communists!
  • 17 July 2021: We are having a peaceful protest at Riverside city hall at 5:00 pm!
  • 17 July 2021: The radical left can’t cancel our freedom of speech and protest against the Democrat’s communist ways! See you there! Save America Stop Communism! #AmericaFirst 🇺🇸
  • 17 July 2021: The @City_of_Anaheim does not believe freedom represents their values, but America Last communists cancel culture does. Me and @mattgaetz are still having a rally to show all Americans how to stand up against tyrants and bullies using our great First Amendment!
  • 17 July 2021: Democrats are the party of hate. They organized to attack, threaten, & harass every venue we booked in CA to hold an America First rally, which celebrates our great country & freedoms. They think their vicious hate will stop me, but I never give up. See you at the rally tonight!
  • 16 July 2021: Pencil neck @AdamSchiff and the boy who cried @wolfblitzer who both spread Dem propaganda and conspiracy lies on @CNN for 5 years aren’t serious about Jan 6th because they can’t even discuss the real reason why J6 defendants aren’t charged with Insurrection.
  • 16 July 2021: Fascist @PressSec @jrpsaki should be fired for suggesting people be banned from corporate communist media sites like Facebook. While Cubans are fighting for freedoms out from under their communist regime, we should be seriously concerned about our own communist regime.
  • 16 July 2021: The America First agenda I push for every single day in Congress is the agenda Republicans must fight for in order to take back the Congress in 2022, and save our country from the radical, Socialist Democrats who want to tear it apart. Thank you to everyone who stands with me!
  • 16 July 2021: I'm incredibly grateful to receive over 155,000 donations totaling over $5 million from American patriots in support of my fight to Save America and Stop Socialism during my first six months in office. Cont’d..
  • 16 July 2021: SAVE AMERICA 🇺🇲 STOP SOCIALISM. DEFEAT the Democrats!
  • 15 July 2021: I’ve been saying it since Nov 4th. Trump won Georgia.
  • 15 July 2021: Thank you @TuckerCarlson for giving GA voters a voice last night and exposing Fulton county’s criminal election fraud. The big lie is Biden won GA. Time for our Republican state leaders to take action. No more excuses. I don’t care what Stacey says.
  • 14 July 2021: At the border today, I saw how Biden and Kamala are violating their oath by creating a national security crisis and destroying President Trump’s strong border policies. They should be impeached, along with every Democrat who supports annihilating our laws & endangering America.
  • 14 July 2021: So that’s all you got out of the entire event? Nothing about Suzi Voyles testimony? You don’t care that she worked 20 yrs in Fulton county elections and witnessed voter fraud & signed an affidavit at risk of perjury?
  • 13 July 2021: Election audits just double check who won and if there was any cheating. Strong election laws do not suppress or subvert the right to vote, they make our elections safe. Why worry if you got 81 million votes?
  • 13 July 2021: No! Stop masking children! #FireFauci He lied and his emails prove it.
  • 13 July 2021: President Trump’s Tax Cuts, Tariffs on China, & strong border policies were GREAT for American businesses and the American people. This is how we put America First! Biden has opened the border to the world, and will end the tariffs and raise your taxes. Biden is America Last!
  • 13 July 2021: William McSwain confirms that Bill Barr blocked him from investigating voter fraud. Barr said he hadn’t seen any fraud, but thousands signed affidavits as witnesses to it. The 4th branch of Gov (DOJ, FBI, & Intelligence) played politics AGAIN & took control to cover it up.
  • 13 July 2021: The symbol of freedom for the people fighting for freedom under Socialist/Communists regimes is our GREAT American flag. Ironically, here in America, the Stars and Stripes is burned and disrespected by FOOLS who don’t appreciate the freedom they were born with.
  • 12 July 2021: When Republicans opt for political correctness & refuse to stand up & fight for America First conservative values, they let America Last Democrats win. The GOP has been filled with these RINOs for decades, which is why we are where we are. Fight for faith, family, & freedom!🇺🇸
  • 12 July 2021: GOP support & consultants working to elect Jenner for Governor in CA are playing the left’s stupid identity politics game. A game that sells out our faith, family, and freedoms. Stop promoting this man in a dress & NEVER-Trumper. CA Patriots worked too hard & deserve better.
  • 12 July 2021: Cubans living under communism only wishing they had the freedoms Americans have. Yet we have ungrateful Americans burning and disrespecting our flag wishing they have communism here. I’ll gladly trade every ungrateful communist or socialist wannabe for a freedom loving wannabe.
  • 11 July 2021: The city of Atlanta should hire 1,000 police officers. And have a DA that will prosecute criminals and not cave to wokeness. Not just 250 officers that has been needed since 2013. Clean up crime in ALL Democrat run cities by supporting LAW AND ORDER!!!
  • 11 July 2021: Thousands of people are reporting very serious life changing vaccine side effects from taking covid vaccines. 5,946 deaths are reported on the CDC website. Social media is censoring their stories & the media is silent. Biden is going to homes to push shots. Just say NO!
  • 10 July 2021: This is absurd. @mattgaetz I’m looking forward to our trip to California.
  • 10 July 2021: . @martyrmade described perfectly how Trump supporters feel and have gone through for the past 5 years.
  • 9 July 2021: SPLC “Making hate pay.”
  • 9 July 2021: This 100% accurate. Within seconds I always receive huge amounts of vicious comments. @Twitter should stop all Astroturfing the same way they censor and ban conservatives. Protect real life #FreeSpeech not fake bots.
  • 9 July 2021: The DOJ should just release the over 14,000 hours of surveillance video that the tax payers already payed for instead of creating a controlled view of Jan 6 that cost $6.1 million taxpayer dollars. Then everyone can see what happened. What is there to hide?
  • 9 July 2021: Just one of many reasons Biden did not win Georgia. Just wait..
  • 9 July 2021: Reminder that 33,604,986 Americans have SURVIVED Covid. Without taking the experimental NON-FDA approved vaccine! The government can’t force you to take the shot and no one should discriminate against you for choosing not to. Tell them that when they knock on your door.
  • 9 July 2021: Very excited to be in Effingham, Illinois tonight to help my friend @Miller_Congress raise over $100,000 for her re-election campaign! We need more #AmericaFirst patriots like Mary in DC to help Save America and Stop Socialism!
  • 8 July 2021: . @NBCNews it appears you need a reminder for ALL the horrific name calling you lied about Trump supporters & President Trump and never apologized. Let me be clear, the nation has not forgotten. And we aren’t the National Socialists Party with the media doing our dirty work.
  • 8 July 2021: Illegal aliens cost us hundreds of billions per year. So how about you go to the border and tell all the “migrants” invading our country they can’t just come here and take stuff, K?
  • 8 July 2021: I’m in full support of the troop withdrawal in Afghanistan, but we are leaving the massive infrastructure that WE built with OUR money and NOTHING for America. China is moving in & using what WE built for rare earth mineral mines. WE should have those mining rights NOT China.
  • 8 July 2021: My Granny taught me to love the sunrise. She would get up early each day & watch the sun rise over the lake in the morning. She told me the sunrise is better than the sunset bc it brings hope and promise for the new day. God gives us the sunrise to make all things new.
  • 8 July 2021: Joe Biden is #AmericaLast He proves it every single day. President Trump was and will always be #AmericaFirst 🇺🇸
  • 8 July 2021: All of those, at the NSA, involved in the unmasking of Tucker Carlson & leaking his personal emails to a media company in Washington should be fired immediately. Our intelligence agencies are not meant to be used in political warfare by the ruling regime. We aren’t Russia.
  • 7 July 2021: 6. So when Biden's vaccine police show up at your door to ask you medical questions that invade your HIPAA rights and try to force you take a NON-FDA approved vaccine say this: I'm taking advice from MTG! I'm meal prepping and working out to protect my health from covid.
  • 7 July 2021: 5. The Democrats just want to spend trillions to create socialist programs that have crippled our economic rebound, crushed small businesses, and destroyed our children's lives, all in the name of #COVID19 . Socialism always ends the same, tragically.
  • 7 July 2021: 4. 75% of Americans are overweight and over 40% are obese. Not only does this put them at the highest risk of dying from covid, it also puts them at risk of dying from many other obesity related diseases. And don't even get me started on healthcare costs.
  • 7 July 2021: 3. With all the data right in front of your face, what a complete and pathetic failure all of you are that none of you will do anything to help people actually take the right steps to cure themselves of obesity. Cont'd..
  • 7 July 2021: 2. All the Biden admin cares about is jabbing people with vaccines that have not been FDA approved and have many reports of serious side effects and deaths. None of you care about actually helping people solve the BIGGEST risk factor that will kill them, which is OBESITY.
  • 7 July 2021: 1. Actually Jen, people should take some health advice from me. As a former gym owner, I've helped countless people lose weight, gain strength, and be healthy again. The number 1 risk factor for death from #COVID19 is OBESITY, at nearly 80%! Cont'd..
  • 6 July 2021: The Fulton county audit is going to reveal serious election fraud. The forensic auditor has already found a very big issue causing a drastic vote tally change. And they are barely getting started. Biden did not win my state.
  • 6 July 2021: Joe Biden only won Georgia by 11,779 votes, but the Fulton Co audit should overturn the election to Trump. I will say it over and over again, Georgia re-elected President Trump. The error rate alone should throw the election. I will be actively supporting the audit.
  • 6 July 2021: 15. Signed, The American People. *who pay ALL the taxes that fund the federal government.
  • 6 July 2021: 14. If you don't like America or our flag, then get the hell out of our GREAT country & go live in some other shithole Socialist or Communist country that shares your hate for America, our flag, & our God given freedoms. You don't deserve to be an American if you hate our flag.
  • 6 July 2021: 13. The persistent hate the American flag vomit coming from the radical left makes the Democrat party look really really bad. The Stars and Stripes stands for freedom all over the world and every U.S. soldier that died fell on a battlefield defending our flag and our freedoms.
  • 6 July 2021: 12. Your identity is not your sexual preference or what you like to do in the bedroom. Most Americans don't agree with the invasion of Trans biological men in girls/women's sports. Don't forget Dem voters have daughters too, and do NOT want biological men beating their girls.
  • 6 July 2021: 11. The non-stop dog whistle labeling everything racist is broken. We've had a black POTUS, VP woman of color, black members of Congress, and so many successful & wealthy black Americans. We don't care about color, we care about character. MLK's dream came true, thank God!
  • 6 July 2021: 10. Everyone hates Ilhan Omar, both sides of the aisle. She is an anti-semitic, hate-America, ungrateful refugee, who married her brother and broke the law to get him in the country. Pelosi's protection of Omar is making her look BAD, and America should send Omar back.
  • 6 July 2021: 9. Dems embrace of the Progressive Squad aka Communists are going to be their downfall. People don't want the Green New Deal & don't want to be forced into dependency on Chinese batteries in their government mandated EV's. No matter how many lies AOC tells on Chinese tik tok.
  • 6 July 2021: 8. No one likes Kamala. Not even the Democrats. She failed miserably as a Presidential candidate. Even people that work for her hate her. Big liability for Democrats in 2024.
  • 6 July 2021: 7. Americans don't care how many scoops of vanilla choc chip ice cream Biden can eat & see the media covering up his pathetic failures as POTUS. Everyone knows he's weak & puts America last. The media's kid gloves approach makes the media look corrupt, just like Hunter & Joe.
  • 6 July 2021: 6. No one cares about the Delta Variant or any other variant. They are over covid & there is no amount of fear based screaming from the media that will ever force Americans to shut down again. Forced masks and vaccines will cause Dems to lose big. All voters are over covid.
  • 6 July 2021: 5. Republicans are angry at the biggest Republican fundraising giants who are raising money to protect House members who voted to impeach Pres Trump and kick me off committees. Donors & voters want a fighting GOP, not spineless GOP, & they don't want their money going to RINOs.
  • 6 July 2021: 4. The 2020 election is still #1 to Republican voters. Many want it fixed before '22 & even democrat voters admit there was fraud with absentee ballots. Rep voters are furious at elected Republicans that won't listen or do anything about it & they are most vulnerable in '22.
  • 6 July 2021: 3. Democrats are in major trouble going into '22 for putting America in peril and danger on 2 fronts. The border & attacking the police. And Americans don't buy Democrats lies about either issue. All voters want safe communities, not drug infested, gang controlled, violence.
  • 6 July 2021: 2. People have stopped watching the news bc they are sick & tired of the fake news media, including Fox News. People feel like the mainstream media is the most destructive dividing force in our country. They know the media only reports what they want you to see. It's sad.
  • 6 July 2021: 1. Most of the people that I talk to daily are regular Americans and I like it that way because I am one of them. This is everything people are saying that DC can't even come close to understanding because Washington can't relate. Here is a message from America to the Swamp:
  • 5 July 2021:
  • 4 July 2021: Says a black woman, who is one of only 435 people in all of America currently elected to serve in Congress. You can stop with the racism now Cori and put your race card back in your pocket. 4th of July is freedom for all from a tyrannical government. Happy Independence Day!🇺🇸
  • 4 July 2021: 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 America is the greatest country on earth and American Patriots like you must never stop fighting for it! Happy Independence Day, America! God Bless! 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
  • 4 July 2021:
  • 4 July 2021: Stop Critical Race Theory. Disband dangerous teachers unions.
  • 4 July 2021: China has no respect for human life. They will literally do anything to dominate every single market. And the Chinese virus COVID-19 showed us all, they will do anything to dominate every single country as well.
  • 4 July 2021: This is what a leader looks like! While Joe Biden can’t keep his sentences straight, ruined the sovereignty of our nation by opening the border, & is rapidly passing AOC’s Communist plans for America President Donald J. Trump is fighting for all of us and putting #AmericaFirst
  • 4 July 2021: This is what a leader looks like! While Joe Biden can’t keep his sentences strait, ruined the sovereignty of our nation by opening the border, and is rapidly passing AOC’s Communist plans for America President Donald J. Trump is fighting for all of us and putting #AmericaFirst
  • 4 July 2021: Follow my official GETTR account!
  • 4 July 2021: . @DonaldJTrumpJr made a great point. Throughout all the suffering during covid lockdowns, the Democrat activists in the media made sure all the non-political people didn’t really know what happening so that they could help Joe Biden win. And now we have 7 second Joe.
  • 4 July 2021: Watch President Trump's Save America Rally LIVE from Sarasota, Florida!
  • 3 July 2021: Great volunteers in Tallapoosa today!
  • 3 July 2021: I was very impressed with the band, color guard, and cheerleaders from Haralson County High School in Tallapoosa today ... three mile long parade route! Happy Independence Day to everyone in Haralson County 🇺🇲!
  • 3 July 2021: I had the honor of meeting this gentleman who served in WWII before the Dallas Independence Day Parade 🇺🇸! We can't thank him enough for the sacrifices made for our freedoms in this country!
  • 3 July 2021: I had the honor of meeting this gentleman who served in WWII before the Dallas Independence Day Parade 🇺🇸! We can't thank him, and those he served with, for the sacrifices made for our freedoms in this country!
  • 3 July 2021: Well said @OfficialTRHL And we will keep all of our guns so we can continue not to care what anyone else thinks. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
  • 3 July 2021: Congratulations to the Democrats that Joe Biden is finally allowing you to “have a barbecue at home with your family on July 4th.” We, Republicans never stopped grillin’ 😎🇺🇸
  • 3 July 2021: Independence Day Parade in Dallas, Georgia this morning 🇺🇲! Happy 4th of July!
  • 3 July 2021: #BackTheBlue
  • 3 July 2021: What an incredible liar. Democrats ran on defunding the police. No one has forgotten even if the media refuses to call out her lies.
  • 2 July 2021: Trump Won! Twice!!
  • 2 July 2021:
  • 2 July 2021:
  • 2 July 2021:
  • 2 July 2021:
  • 2 July 2021:
  • 2 July 2021:
  • 2 July 2021: Getting ready for the Stars and Stripes Showdown at Boyd's Speedway in Ringgold, Georgia!
  • 2 July 2021: Kicking off the July 4th weekend at the City of LaFayette Freedom Festival in Walker County 🇺🇲!
  • 2 July 2021: #FlashbackFriday to Jan 21st when I filed articles of impeachment on Joe Biden. Biden is compromised and has a clear history of abusing power. Hunter’s laptop is just one source of proof. Just wait until we take back the House. #ImpeachBiden
  • 2 July 2021: Squeeze some squats in during your lunch break, & always find time to lift. Weightlifting shapes your body, keeps your bones strong, & maintains overall health. Combined with healthy eating and sleep, it’s better than plastic surgery & Botox.
  • 2 July 2021: Morning #FireFauci
  • 2 July 2021: I have to say I sure am glad that Facebook cares about me like this. I’m going to have to ask them to protect me bc I’ve been exposed to the radical Democrat’s bills this week which certainly is extremist content.
  • 1 July 2021: #AmericaFirst 🇺🇲
  • 1 July 2021: The Jan 6th committee is Pelosi making it clear to the American people that she doesn’t care about all the Antifa/BLM riots you endured all year long, she only cares about the Capitol and herself. And continuing the witch hunt on President Trump and all of us who support him.
  • 1 July 2021: …Democrats singled me out and kicked me off committees for doing nothing wrong, and the death threats haven’t stopped since. And now the witch hunt continues in an attempt to overturn my 2020 election and kick me out of Congress.
  • 1 July 2021: …The Democrat delegate from Guam harassed me by using the national guard and marched on my office. I receive constant harassment in public caused by the Democrat lies and promoted by the media. Cont’d..
  • 1 July 2021: …The truth is Cori Bush harassed me and it’s on video, then lied to get a bigger office. Marie Newperson harassed me with a taunting video about her adult son. Cont’d..
  • 1 July 2021: For the last 6 years, Democrats have called Republicans: Nazis, Fascists, White Supremacists, & Enemies of the State. It’s absurd Democrats accuse me of creating an environment of harassment for speaking at a Trump rally & defining them as who they are: Communists. Cont’d..
  • 1 July 2021: #FireFauci
  • 1 July 2021: China is responsible for killing over 600,000 Americans with the bio weapon #COVID19 and the Democrats want to give $4 billion in the Infrastructure bill for electric vehicle deployment. China should pay reparations, not the US paying China.
  • 30 June 2021: . @AOC less than 10 years left in your prediction the world will end due to climate change. Which we all know is bullshit. Nearing $30 trillion in national debt, yeah I’m asking how much in taxes are you charging millennials, Gen z, and the rest for your empty promises & lies?
  • 30 June 2021: 449 donations needed to reach my EOQ fundraising goal! Dems plotting to take me out with a handpicked DNC super delegate. TENS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in nasty attack ads… All in an effort to defeat me. Please rush an emergency $10 donation >>>
  • 30 June 2021: God bless this great patriot from Illinois! 🇺🇸❤️ More should join her! I’ll be in Illinois July 8th to support my friend @Miller_Congress
  • 30 June 2021: Pelosi and the Democrats are going to keep us in a National Covid “Emergency” all the way to January 2023! Literally taking the power away from Congress and giving it to bumbling Joe Biden. Covid is the left’s political tool against you, the American people.
  • 30 June 2021: The Democrats are literally passing the Green New Deal right now, but don’t worry about it because Bill Cosby is out of jail. #ShinyObject
  • 30 June 2021: The only thing the Democrats Infrastructure plan does is pave the Karl Marx highway for the Socialist Green New Deal and everyone knows that eventually builds a deadly bridge to Communism. Tell Republicans there is never a bipartisanship way with the GND and NO to Democrats!
  • 30 June 2021: Also, it will add 87,000 IRS agents at your expense that undoubtedly Biden and Harris will use to target Trump supporters. Remember Lois Lerner? Cont’d
  • 30 June 2021: AOC wants to force you to give up your gas/diesel powered car/truck so that you have to ride Amtrak to work in rural America. Bc forcing us on our knees to China & giving up our energy independence will save the Earth from combusting in a ball of fire in a few years.🙄 Cont’d
  • 30 June 2021: Dear Base, I need you to please focus on fighting the infrastructure plan & not get side tracked right now on issues that grab you like shiny objects. 50% of the spending is the Green New Deal - do you want to depend on China for your EV battery bc AOC said so? Cont’d
  • 29 June 2021: All the tyrants throughout history tear down statues and attempt to erase history in order to reign with an iron fist. I’m opposed to HR 3005, the latest power grab by Democrats.
  • 28 June 2021: We vote this week on the Democrat’s Infrastructure bill AKA the Green New Deal. 50% goes to the GND. Also, prohibits communities from building ANY NEW ROADS. They can pave over old roads or transition to buses & trains. But NO NEW ROADS! Only fools will vote for this.
  • 28 June 2021: With our debt nearing $30T, Congress must be held to accountability to the American tax payers and our constitution. Congress should function like a successful business with an America First focused strategy, not like cruise passengers partying on the top deck of a sinking ship.
  • 28 June 2021: Republicans should be voting no to any en bloc that contains bad Democrat bills, instead of voting yes to pass just a few good bills. Republicans should work strategically to stop the Democrats radical agenda, not help them pass it. Cont’d..
  • 28 June 2021: Congress should vote on each bill separately. All 435 members voting. Bills should never be packaged into a big group for one vote, called an en bloc. But Congress is lazy and careless and still wants to pass bills by voice or packed in one big en bloc vote. Cont’d..
  • 28 June 2021: #ImpeachBiden
  • 28 June 2021: I’m absolutely amazed and so impressed at the incredible hard work that private business owners put into surviving the past year through covid and government mandated shutdowns. I have all the faith in the world in people who put their heart and soul in serving their customers.
  • 27 June 2021: 🔥🔥🔥
  • 27 June 2021: SAVE AMERICA 🇺🇲 STOP SOCIALISM. Defeat the Democrats!
  • 27 June 2021: Let me help you with how to analyze the data and calm the hysteria @AOC . Fund the police.
  • 27 June 2021: Radical, Socialist Democrats have made me enemy #1 in the Swamp ... that's a badge of honor I'll wear all day long. Because my constituents sent me to DC to fight for the PEOPLE of this country, not the politicians.
  • 27 June 2021: Listen to this child. 💔 Every single person needs to hear her. BAN Critical Race Theory & STOP sexualizing children NOW with tax payer funded education. Teaching racism and promoting sex, homosexuality, & normalizing transgender to children is mental/emotional child abuse.
  • 27 June 2021: But you’re still a commie.
  • 27 June 2021: Thank you for having me, President Trump!
  • 27 June 2021: Donald Trump is OUR President!
  • 26 June 2021: Thank you, Ohio! And thank you, President Trump!
  • 26 June 2021: About to take the stage in Ohio! Tune in now:
  • 26 June 2021: Everybody is getting fired up to see President Trump tonight in Ohio!!
  • 26 June 2021: Everybody is getting fired to see President Trump tonight in Ohio!!
  • 26 June 2021: Bringing the muscle to put America First! 🇺🇸
  • 26 June 2021: It’s Trump Country here in Ohio!! Can’t wait to see everyone at the rally tonight!
  • 26 June 2021: See you soon!
  • 26 June 2021: America First always! See y'all at the Trump rally tonight in Ohio! Watch Here ->
  • 26 June 2021: Can’t wait to see all the #AmericaFirst Patriots tomorrow at President Trump’s rally - our favorite POTUS ever! Wait until you hear what we have to say!
  • 25 June 2021: The DOJ should be investigating Stacey Abrams role in Fulton County elections regarding Nowaccount and Happy Faces, instead of suing our great state of Georgia for passing election integrity laws. The DOJ is not Biden’s political weapon.
  • 25 June 2021: #FreeBritney
  • 25 June 2021: Democrats push their agenda by dividing Americans into some sort of political identity. The left sends the message that you are a victim to achieve their goal: socialism. Watch my interview on @TuckerCarlson Tonight!
  • 25 June 2021: 2. The US government should never mandate a massive industry change that puts us at the mercy of our greatest enemy. Forcing the US to EV’s will force us to be dependent on China who controls the battery market. Killing our US oil and gas independence is death to our freedoms.
  • 25 June 2021: Republicans that make a bi-partisan Infrastructure deal with Democrats that includes the Green New Deal will be the biggest traitors in our party. For Dems, “Infrastructure” is the Green New Deal that forces the US to electric vehicles. Fyi.. electric cars run on batteries.
  • 25 June 2021: Life starts at conception.
  • 24 June 2021: . @DonaldNorcross called my colleague, @RepBobGood , a “racist” during a hearing on the RACIST Critical Race Theory today. Bob Good is one of the most honorable men I have met during my time in Congress. Dems need to stop defending real racism, which is exactly what CRT is.
  • 24 June 2021: The chair just gave a vote to the Democrats when we voted by voice on a bill, and it was literally 2-1. Virginia Foxx and myself voted NO (by voice) and only one Democrat voted AYE (by voice). You can’t even make this up. We called for a recorded vote.
  • 24 June 2021: Fighting on the House floor against every single member of congress that is lying by calling Plan B abortion pills “contraception.” You cannot call yourself #ProLife if you vote to fund abortion pills with taxpayer money.
  • 24 June 2021: Republicans (and any sane Dems) should OPPOSE the gun-grabber David Chipman. Americans of all stripes are buying firearms and ammo in record numbers ... Chipman wants to go after the law-abiding. WE WILL NOT COMPLY!
  • 24 June 2021: Shoutout to the brave @NFL players who are standing their ground in their workplace, refusing to take the #COVID19 vaccine that is NOT FDA approved. Athletes are not in the risk group & shouldn’t be discriminated against for trusting their immune systems. #WeWillNotComplyAct
  • 23 June 2021: This Democrat (commies) bill is a blatant attempt to rig every election going forward. It must be defeated at every opportunity.
  • 23 June 2021: Business owners & gun owners are the greatest threat to the Democrat’s ultimate goal of socialism. Because of their mindset. They are independent, successful & don’t need to rely on the government. They can’t be convinced they’re a victim. Therefore they can’t be controlled.
  • 23 June 2021: …That would be recognizing the truth and Democrat failures. You see, Democrats fund BLM on their fundraising platform Actblue. Dems don’t support police or law enforcement of any kind. They want to take away your guns so you have to depend on them. We will not comply.
  • 23 June 2021: Joe Biden begins his war on the 2A today because Democrats are blaming federally licensed and law abiding firearm dealers for skyrocketing crime and murder in Democrat run cities. Biden isn’t blaming BLM domestic terrorism & violence or defund the police policies. Nope…
  • 22 June 2021: Democrats “Infrastructure” plan is mostly garbage wrapped up with the Green New Deal, with a sprinkling of actual infrastructure. As a successful female construction company owner, Democrats idea of infrastructure is a joke.
  • 22 June 2021: My construction company is Woman Owned and I am very offended to be presumed socially and economically disadvantaged!! Democrats treat women with no respect & like we are incapable second class citizens. I have succeeded through hard work & never received help bc I’m a woman!
  • 22 June 2021: Celebrating the end of slavery is always a good thing, but I will fight against reparations because not one of us owned slaves or was a slave, and we are all equal in the greatest country in the world.
  • 22 June 2021: The WHO says “children should not be vaccinated.” Schools should NOT force vaccines on children nor should they force masks. #COVID19 vaccines are not yet FDA approved, and continual mask wearing is unhealthy. Parents fight to protect your children.
  • 22 June 2021: ...Nearly 80% of homeless people setting up tents all over America already receive free government checks. Democrat Socialism doesn’t work. Free money doesn’t solve problems. Working through problems and working a job actually solves problems and leads to happiness.
  • 22 June 2021: Next month, qualifying families will receive $300/child under 6 & $250/child over 6, with no strings attached. With no required social worker visits drug abuse, & other problems cannot be uncovered & helped, which are the real cause of poverty. Cont’d..
  • 22 June 2021: . @PeterDaszak has been removed from the #COVID19 Commission because he’s the President of Eco-Health and funded the Wuhan lab with millions of US taxpayer’s dollars through grants approved by NAIAD, headed by Dr. Fauci. Eco-Health funded gain of function.
  • 22 June 2021: Businesses should not have to report how woke they are. Producing reports on if the company is minority owned, woman owned, and how many employees are LGBTQ, should not be required of companies for no reason. Businesses need to focus on their customers, not politics.
  • 22 June 2021: My “We Will Not Comply Act” bill allows people the legal right to do just this. It is discrimination to force vaccines or masks and treat people differently if they refuse.
  • 21 June 2021: Congrats, Marvin! #2A
  • 21 June 2021: Congratulations to Marvin, the winner of my Honey Badger Gun Giveaway! Enjoy! SAVE AMERICA. STOP SOCIALISM. DEFEAT THE DEMOCRATS!
  • 21 June 2021: Kick HIM out of Olympic Women’s Weightlifting! Biological males should NEVER be allowed to compete in girl’s/women’s sports. Laurel Hubbard is not a female athlete, and it’s not about being inclusive or his feelings. Why is the left all about destroying women’s rights?
  • 21 June 2021: No one believes these pathetic excuses
  • 21 June 2021: Atlanta's Keisha Bottoms is one of America's worst mayors, maybe even worse than Lightfoot & de Blasio. Lenox Mall used to attract shoppers from all over America, now it has metal detectors. BLM riots. Defund the police. Buckhead wants to leave. TOTAL DISASTER. Thanks, Keisha.
  • 20 June 2021: A couple shot during Chicago’s Puerto Rican Day parade, adding to the sky rocketing murder rate. Safe communities are the result of traditional family values, law and order, and faith in God. And fathers invested in the lives of their children. Fathers make all the difference.
  • 20 June 2021: Happy Father's Day!
  • 19 June 2021: If you're not following me yet, click the link below and join more than 151,000 of us over on Telegram!
  • 19 June 2021: . @GaSecofState why are you just now removing 100,000 “voters” off of Georgia’s voter rolls? We know that these “voters” should not have voted in the November 2020 Presidential election. Are you worried about Fulton audit? #TrumpWon
  • 19 June 2021: All eyes on Fulton County. #ElectionIntegrity
  • 18 June 2021: It was a great honor to speak at the Republican Women's Federal Forum yesterday! Thank you for the invite!
  • 18 June 2021: I'm extremely honored to be invited and pleased to accept an invitation to speak to the Republican Women of Gilmer Co and the Republican Women of Forsyth Co! Republican women across Georgia are fired up to take back our Senate seat and hold the Governor's mansion in 22! #gapol
  • 18 June 2021: Students who were unable to provide a vaccination card had a number written on their hand at prom. That’s discrimination! My bill, HR 2317, the We Will Not Comply Act, stops ALL discrimination against people for #COVID19 vaccination status.
  • 18 June 2021: Thanks for the support from Louisiana, Shane! We must protect our cherished Second Amendment rights from power-hungry bureaucrats. ELIMINATE the ATF!
  • 18 June 2021: Congratulations to the members of the Missouri Firearms Coalition, and all Missourians, for passing the nation's leading Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA)! Georgia / all red states need this legislation to stop Biden’s war on our 2A! My SAPA bill in Congress is HR 993.
  • 18 June 2021: Unbelievable. What an unprofessional embarrassment. I can’t believe my female colleagues were exposed to this. He should apologize. Congress needs to get to work. In person. In professional attire. In pants.
  • 18 June 2021: Thank you sir!
  • 17 June 2021: Yesterday, Republicans could’ve defeated a Dem bill that forces public companies to file compliance paperwork to prove how WOKE they are, but we had 1 Republican that didn’t show up to vote or proxy. Even with a close minority, we can defeat Democrats, if we are organized.
  • 17 June 2021:
  • 17 June 2021: 2. I'm introducing legislation to Eliminate the ATF to protect ALL gun owners across this country from a tyrannical, power hungry group of bureaucrats whose goal is to destroy our Second Amendment rights.
  • 17 June 2021: Joe Biden's nomination of gun-grabber David Chipman, who wants to ban the most popular self-defense and hunting rifle in America owned by millions of American patriots, is a clear indication that the ATF's war on gun owners is about to crank up.
  • 17 June 2021: Today, the Senate is moving forward with radical gun-grabber David Chipman to lead the Joe Biden’s ATF. The war on gun owners and the Second Amendment MUST END! That’s why I’m introducing legislation to #EliminateTheATF .
  • 17 June 2021: I’m proud to join @chiproytx to stop Communist China land grabs. The CCP is our enemy, they should not be our neighbors.
  • 16 June 2021: Congratulations to the people of Texas for becoming a Constitutional Carry state! Americans should not be forced to ask government for permission to exercise Second Amendment rights. We need to get this done in Georgia!
  • 16 June 2021: I tell you what. Let’s discuss the Bible, along with your support for Hamas terrorists attacking Israel, when you are finally able to act like a grown up member of Congress and debate me about your Socialist plans to destroy America.
  • 16 June 2021: Now that we know people from groups like Proud Boys and Oath Keepers have been arrested and charged for Jan 6, how many Antifa members have been arrested and charged? Are any of them being held in solitary confinement in the Deplorable jail? We want the 14,000+ hrs of video.
  • 15 June 2021: ... Our children are not born racist. Their growing and impressionable minds should never be taught that another person’s skin color automatically makes them racist. We are one nation under God. Let us be always indivisible. Together, #AmericaFirst 🇺🇸
  • 15 June 2021: Thank you to Crystal, the President and CEO of @NatChildrens museum for removing racist Critical Race Theory propaganda from their website today. Thankfully my staff rooted this out before taxpayer dollars funded it’s continued location at the Ronald Reagan Building. Cont’d..
  • 15 June 2021: THE POST MILLENNIAL: Marjorie Taylor Greene pushes 'Fire Fauci Act' in light of new email revelations @TPostMillennial
  • 15 June 2021: When the vote says “en bloc” it really means omnibus. Which means vote no. Every bill should be voted on separately! Packages of bills are just Congress rushing through irresponsibly spending your money.
  • 15 June 2021: It’s time to hold Fauci accountable for his lies and cover up of the origins of the China virus. It’s time to #FireFauci !
  • 15 June 2021: Fauci lied. People died. Press conference coming up. #FireFauci
  • 15 June 2021: Going LIVE with Steve Bannon’s War Room NOW! Tune in!
  • 15 June 2021: Going LIVE with Steve Bannon’s War Room NOW! Tune in!
  • 15 June 2021:
  • 14 June 2021: LIVE NOW in studio with @SebGorka for the whole hour! You don’t want to miss this!
  • 14 June 2021: Joining @DBrodyReports on The Water Cooler with David Brody in just a few minutes! We’ll be discussing the Socialist Squad and some big news on the 2020 Election! Tune in to @RealAmVoice at 3pm to to watch! @JustTheNews
  • 14 June 2021: Is this true?? If so, there are serious concerns for how these people are being treated in the Deplorable Jail. Political punishment is not fairness for all and not justice.
  • 14 June 2021: Happy Birthday to our favorite President, Donald Trump!! 🎂🎉
  • 14 June 2021: Sign me on @RepThomasMassie !
  • 14 June 2021: 8,500 arrests from Antifa/BLM nationwide riots and the Democrats, DOJ, and FBI is silent. Innocent people and private businesses were and still are the victims of Antifa/BLM domestic terrorism. But all they care about is Jan 6th. Let that sink in. It’s time to change that.
  • 13 June 2021: We’re waiting.
  • 13 June 2021: I'm heading back to DC this week to fight for the PEOPLE, not the politicians! We need more help in Congress to DRAIN THE SWAMP!
  • 12 June 2021: Joe Biden thinks the greatest threat to America is climate change. Joe should call Al Gore and ask him if there is still ice in the Arctic. Luckily all our 80’s hairspray didn’t kill the ozone. The Green New Deal is a scam folks!
  • 12 June 2021: Absolute truth. Confidence in 81 million votes means nothing to worry about or hide.
  • 12 June 2021: It's great to see grassroots activists forcing school boards and states like Florida to BAN the teaching of Critical Race Theory ... Let's make it happen everywhere!
  • 11 June 2021: Well I wasn’t going to wear a mask anyways. Speaker Maskhole never cared about covid, she only cares about power & control. That’s why she had the Covid Box built in the chamber 1st week in Jan & brought covid positive members in the Capitol. Check the date on the pic.
  • 11 June 2021: #ImpeachBiden
  • 11 June 2021: ... Where is money for her family? BLM raises money on Democrats fundraising platform Actblue. Why isn’t #BLM paying her family’s attorney bills and $12 million they are seeking? BLM’s domestic terrorism killed her. Is all the money spent on million $ mansions? Pay up.
  • 11 June 2021: Where is this angel’s gold casket? Where is her #BLM march? Where is media nonstop coverage? SECORIEA! SAY HER NAME!! 8 yr old innocent baby murdered in Atlanta BLM riot. Why doesn’t her black life matter? Cont’d..
  • 11 June 2021: When is the media going to report 24-7 that Hillary Clinton & the DNC paid for Christopher Steele’s dossier of lies & that Mueller’s witch hunt wasted over $30 M taxpayer dollars? The media lied and lied and lied. And addicted people to hating President Trump for nothing.
  • 10 June 2021: Listen to this woman! The Democrats are currently waging a cultural revolution in America. The end goal is Socialism.
  • 10 June 2021: There should never be racism in our military. Marxist critical race theory is an extremist hateful ideology that must be purged from our military, schools, and institutions.
  • 10 June 2021: Investment firms not only buy, they also sell. And these firms will have a ready buyer if Biden’s plans happen. Besides they need a way to make a profit for their investors after buying at the high end and 20% over the market rate. Betting on socialism?
  • 10 June 2021: My apologies for not fully explaining. I forget sometimes that most of you haven’t read the bills that I have, & I went to the goal. The Green New Deal, which is in all of Biden’s major plans, calls for mass government funded housing and he also wants federal zoning laws. Cont’d
  • 10 June 2021: Socialism. All the people excited over the fantasies of socialism that they consume from social media, “experts,” and members of Congress don’t understand that there will be very few that own and control everything and the rest of the population will be poor and under control.
  • 9 June 2021: Oxford Study: No bats or Pangolins were sold in Wuhan Wet Market anywhere around #COVID19 outbreak. #FireFauci
  • 9 June 2021: I gladly join @RepThomasMassie in making Congress go to work and doing everything possible to stop the insanity the Swamp drags the People through. Every. Single. Day.
  • 9 June 2021: UNMASK OUR CHILDREN! And do NOT force them to take an experimental vaccine for a virus that is nearly zero risk to them.
  • 8 June 2021: The Socialists want you all to believe that we need $15/min wage & companies should provide more benefits to fill the 9.3 million job openings, with businesses begging people to work. In reality, it’s the government’s fault for paying people to stay home. Ask a business owner.
  • 8 June 2021: LIVE NOW with Steve Bannon’s War Room! TUNE IN
  • 8 June 2021: Joe Biden wants to give $4 BILLION to the Northern Triangle because he’s compassionate to immigrants. How about some compassion for America and the taxpayers? Spend the $4 BILLION TO FINISH THE DAMN WALL JOE!
  • 7 June 2021: SAVE AMERICA 🇺🇲 STOP SOCIALISM! DEFEAT the Democrats!
  • 7 June 2021: Good for Guatemala! They don’t want her climate lies and socialism either. @VP hasn’t even been to our border. Absolutely pathetic, completely embarrassing. #KamalaGoHome
  • 7 June 2021: Every single day the Corporate Media sells you fear. Covid. Covid, wear a mask. Covid, get the vaccine. Covid, vaxxed people only. They make money off selling Dem Socialists propaganda convincing you to be controlled. Let me set everyone straight. Fear is nothing but a liar.
  • 7 June 2021: The #HateAmerica Left & #FailAmerica Right thinks they’ve stopped the #MAGA train. @mattgaetz and I won’t let that happen bc the train is filled with the people, not the politicians, and the destination is #AmericaFirst . Join our fight to save America!
  • 7 June 2021: . @ericswalwell your team unlawfully snuck in @MoBrooks house? You really did learn a lot from Fang Fang, your Chinese spy girlfriend. Alabama judges aren’t as forgiving as Pelosi.
  • 7 June 2021: I’m thankful to the members of the press that caught the typo in my letter to Joe Biden asking him to investigate Dr. Fauci’s lies and the origin of the Wuhan #COVID19 virus. Accountability is important. I also hope the press will focus on the importance and content of my letter.
  • 6 June 2021: Let us never forget the sacrifice and bravery of our American boys on June 6, 1944 #DDay President Reagan on the 40th Anniversary of the Normandy Invasion, June 6, 1984, at Point-du-Hoc.
  • 5 June 2021: My sole mission is to Save America and Stop Socialism for the next generation. I couldn’t be more proud of Teenage Republicans in #GA14 !
  • 5 June 2021: 💯 The world is like an all you can eat buffet of socialists countries. If you want Socialism, go pick a socialist country of your choice and move there. Leave America alone. Unlike many of you, we actually appreciate our freedoms, and we will keep defending them.
  • 5 June 2021: For over a year, the Fake News Media printed whatever Fauci said with no questions asked. They've proven once again that they can never be trusted. #FireFauci
  • 4 June 2021: It’s time to hold Fauci accountable for his lies and potential involvement in the cover up of the origins of the Chinese virus. We deserve answers, @JoeBiden ! Read my letter to the White House demanding an investigation immediately.
  • 4 June 2021: You should focus harder. I’m not seeing mental or physical health here.
  • 4 June 2021: . @JoeBiden feels “very confident” in Dr. Fauci. Apparently his handlers haven’t let him see the Fauci emails. Fauci lied. People died. #FireFauci
  • 4 June 2021: Our current regime, the Democrat Socialists party, wants policies that destroy our freedoms. It always starts with.. Defining state enemies State controlled media, speech, & education Gov controlling industry Loss of gun rights And sadly often ends like Tiananmen Square.
  • 4 June 2021: China must be held accountable for hiding the origins of #Covid_19 and sending millions of people traveling all over the world effectively seeding the manmade virus worldwide. China lied. People died. China must pay reparations the US.
  • 4 June 2021: China must be held accountable for hiding the origins of #Covid_19 and sending millions of people traveling all over the world effectively seeding the manmade virus worldwide. China lied. People died. China must pay repetitions to the US.
  • 4 June 2021: The American people not only want Tony Fauci held accountable for his China / COVID lies, we want his DC Swamp Monster cohorts who covered them up held accountable, too!
  • 4 June 2021: . @ericswalwell I hear your attorneys can’t find @MoBrooks to serve him with your frivolous lawsuit. Perhaps you should call Fang Fang. She seems to be a professional at finding men in power. As a Chinese spy, she found you.
  • 4 June 2021: The only flag that should fly over U.S embassies is the American flag. That’s why I’m a proud cosponsor of @RepJeffDuncan ’s Old Glory Only Act!
  • 3 June 2021: Good morning, everyone. Today seems like a great day to FIRE Anthony Fauci for the damage he's done to our country. We've all seen the emails. #FireFauci
  • 3 June 2021: #FireFauci
  • 2 June 2021: This officially disqualifies those mask fines several of us have for not wearing a mask on the House floor that Speaker Maskhole is trying to take out of our salary. The highest paid employee of the Federal Gov and Covid expert says masks don’t work! #FireFauci
  • 2 June 2021: It's long past time to #FireFauci Socialist Democrats love to lecture everyone about "science," yet the Fauci email dump proves he was guided more by politics.
  • 2 June 2021:
  • 2 June 2021: After reading through Anthony Fauci's leaked emails, it's more clear than ever that our country needs to #FireFauci
  • 2 June 2021: Joe Biden is a Socialist. Dem voters don’t fully realize it yet. The Democrat party are socialists, but they are all a little different in varying degrees. They think it’s good for society as a whole, but it’s a fantasy, and all Marxism. Socialism is always Socialism.
  • 1 June 2021: American Universities and professors are so woke that they are actually rewriting the Spanish language to make masculine & feminine words non-binary. So your kids are brainwashed to believe Spanish is offensive. Your 18 yrs of good parenting is being ruined and you pay for it.
  • 1 June 2021: RT if you still support President Trump’s #AmericaFirst agenda!
  • 1 June 2021: How does the #JihadSquad support Hamas and the #LGBTQ community when Hamas kills gay people and has annihilating Israel in its charter? You can’t have it both ways girls. and supporting Hamas don’t go together. @AOC @RashidaTlaib @IlhanMN
  • 1 June 2021: I had the pleasure of meeting this WWII veteran at a Memorial Day event in Rockmart, Georgia yesterday. Thank you for your service!
  • 1 June 2021: Remember when the IRS was targeting conservatives under the Obama/Biden admin and even admitted it? And no one went to jail. Well in Joe Biden’s $6 TRILLION dollar budget, he’s hiring 87,000 IRS agents. Why? To target Trump voters and donors.
  • 1 June 2021: Babies are not racist. Babies are not born racist. The Critical Race Theory is racist.
  • 1 June 2021: Antifa riots night after night, in city after city. Antifa is not a myth. They want to overthrow our government. They partner with BLM in violence and destructive riots. They are domestic terrorists.
  • 1 June 2021: Was this called an insurrection? Did the media react with hyper outrage? Did the FBI track every person and arrest them? Was there a 9/11 style commission? Were all related riots by these domestic terrorists stopped and those participants, supporters, and funding arrested? No?
  • 31 May 2021: #RememberTheFallen
  • 31 May 2021: Memorial Day Ceremony at the Coosa Valley Fairgrounds in Rome, Georgia this morning. #RememberTheFallen
  • 31 May 2021: Join @mattgaetz and me on our #AmericaFirst Rally Tour to Save America and Stop Socialism! We are just getting started!
  • 31 May 2021: In honor of all of those who gave their lives so that we can live free. Wear a vest if you have one. #Murph
  • 31 May 2021: My bill HR 2317, Ban Vaccine Passports, would stop all vaccine mandates and allow people to sue if they are discriminated against for refusing to comply to mask and vaccine rules. People should not be treated like second class citizens!
  • 30 May 2021:
  • 30 May 2021:
  • 30 May 2021: Every year, thousands of motorcycles ride through Washington D.C on Memorial Day Weekend to remember the fallen and missing in action. It’s great to see Rolling to Remember back out in our Nation’s Capital!!
  • 30 May 2021: Will @JoeBiden and @SpeakerPelosi be receiving Communion today in Mass? Biden’s $6 TRILLION dollar budget removes the Hyde amendment and opens the floodgates for American taxpayer’s hard earned money to federally fund abortion. The #Catholic Church should refuse them Communion.
  • 30 May 2021: Congratulations to @AOC on manipulating Dementia @JoeBiden into putting the Green New Deal (plan to destroy America through socialism), in his $6 TRILLION dollar budget. No wonder he’s adding 87K IRS agents to go after tax payers to pay for it! Is he hiring Lois Lerner too?
  • 30 May 2021: Biden is coming for you Mr and Mrs Republican. Hidden in his $6 trillion dollar budget, along with AOC’s Climate Corps, is Biden’s plan to hire 87,000 IRS agents to audit and analyze every detail of your life. Why? Because you love America and hate his Socialist plans.
  • 30 May 2021:
  • 30 May 2021:
  • 30 May 2021: On this Memorial Day weekend, let's all take time to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice, and never came home.
  • 30 May 2021: You all should wake up to the FACT this is not an off tweet by @KamalaHarris . Her political consultants did this. It is a reflection of the Democrat party, who hates our freedom. And hates the Veterans who died defending it, so they purposely insult them. #HateAmericaLosers
  • 30 May 2021: Not one single Veteran gave their life to support your freedom killing Socialist BS. They served to protect our freedoms and our borders, which you clearly care nothing about since you haven’t been there once, VP Border Czar.
  • 29 May 2021: While the radicals in the Democrat party are defunding police, Joe Biden is ready to weaponize the IRS on small business owners with an $80 billion dollar budget to audit his political enemies. In other words, if you donated to Trump or the NRA, the tax man will be knocking.
  • 29 May 2021: “The Jihad Squad doesn’t just support foreign terrorist groups, Greene warned.” “The radical-left Democrat congresswomen have also actively supported domestic terrorists who are burning down U.S. cities and attacking law-abiding citizens and police”
  • 29 May 2021: The Democrats, media, & Republicans, who have failed their voters, are all lecturing US on what the GOP is supposed to be. It’s absolutely hilarious THEY think they can define the Republican Party and continue to refuse what the People want. #AmericaFirst
  • 29 May 2021: After serving in Congress for almost five months, I can tell the American people that the inhabitants of the DC Swamp hate you more than you could ever imagine!
  • 29 May 2021: . @GlennKesslerWP I can see why you are so triggered and felt compelled to defend Nazi National Socialism and Democrat National Socialism. FYI, Socialism is Socialism, and there is no defense for it. Past or present. Mask and Vax choice is never an excuse for discrimination.
  • 29 May 2021: And if we all are ever going to trust our elections & come together as Americans, then everyone should be in agreement to allow for full transparent audits of the elections in states that are in question. To see the truth & put it to rest. This is how we care for one another.
  • 29 May 2021: For we all together have suffered the past year, along with the entire world from covid, we all together should be investigating how it happened and who payed for it in order to never allow it to happen again. This is for the good of everyone. Cont’d..
  • 29 May 2021: The only way to solve problems & end disagreements is to analyze the truth openly for all to see. So why do the Democrats, media, and Republican establishment fight full transparent election audits? And why aren’t we all together investigating the origins and funding of covid?
  • 28 May 2021: This is the result of the most evil lie ever told to girls and women. “You can solve that little problem and achieve all your dreams if you just have an abortion.” We must teach the truth. Being a mother, whether planned or unplanned, is the greatest gift of your life.💕
  • 28 May 2021: The @GOP will reflect it’s voters when it gets rid of fake R’s who bask in praise from CNN, has leaders who don’t condemn their own and instead attack terrorists supporting D’s, and organizes with action as a conference to stop Socialism instead of fretting over PAC donations.
  • 28 May 2021: I’m so honored to serve with GREAT #AmericaFirst Republicans like @RepBobGood and @RepMattGaetz 🇺🇸 Don’t run over Big Foot when you’re driving your fork lift around Riggleman, and change your twitter handle. You’re no longer a member of Congress.
  • 28 May 2021: . @AdamKinzinger you owe my friend @mattgaetz an apology. You lied about him. Matt gave a history lesson on our great 2A after speaking about Big Tech’s attacks on our 1A. Republicans should agree with him, but we all know you’re really not Republican, you’re fake and old news.
  • 28 May 2021: For all you liars on the left and the Fake News who say "no one wants to take your guns," here's Biden's ATF nominee saying he wants to ban the most popular rifle in America!
  • 28 May 2021: With our Second Amendment rights under attack like never before from Washington, DC, it's long past time for Georgia to pass Constitutional Carry! #2A In 21 states you don't have to ask government for permission to exercise your 2A rights ... let's make this happen, Georgia!
  • 28 May 2021: It's absolutely vital that Republicans take back the House in the next election. And I believe we will. But we must have a Republican majority that fights for Americans First, not Americans Last, and delivers on the promises made on the campaign trail! #AmericaFirst
  • 28 May 2021: And Paul Ryan wants to tell Republicans how to be “Republican.” Well we’ve had enough of ineffective Republican leadership that doesn’t stop the Hate-America left, but just talks about it. The base will make sure it’s #AmericaFirst Republicans from here on out.
  • 28 May 2021: #ImpeachBiden
  • 28 May 2021: Stop the invasion @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris ! The irony that this huge group of people came from Venezuela escaping socialism, while the Democrats are actively turning America into a socialist country. Biden enables the cartels human trafficking. Shameful! #ImpeachBiden
  • 28 May 2021: You know what the media won’t talk about? The biggest cheerleaders of terrorism in Congress: The Jihad Squad #StandWithIsrael #BackTheBlue
  • 28 May 2021: Can someone inform @CNN that the #COVID19 vaccines are not approved by the FDA. In other words, still experimental. No one should be segregate or discriminated against in any way for choosing to not take the vaccine.
  • 28 May 2021: Thankful this morning to the wonderful people in my district that gave me these bracelets at our #AmericaFirst rally. #GA14 has the right values.
  • 28 May 2021: Thank you @mattgaetz for joining me and some of my closest friends in NW Georgia for the BEST birthday party I’ve ever had! Honored to join you to fight for the People over politicians and putting #AmericaFirst ! 🇺🇸
  • 27 May 2021: Great to be home in Northwest Georgia!!! SAVE AMERICA. STOP SOCIALISM! DEFEAT THE DEMOCRATS! #AmericaFirst
  • 27 May 2021: WATCH LIVE: #AmericaFirstRally with @mattgaetz in Dalton, GA!!
  • 27 May 2021: Fired up crowd for our picture line tonight here in Dalton! SAVE AMERICA STOP SOCIALISM! Defeat the Democrats! #AmericaFirst
  • 27 May 2021: Strong! You can do it! 🙏💪 2 yrs ago I had surgery for a complete repair to my Achilles’ tendon. Long recovery but I still trained using CrossFit Adaptive athlete’s workouts. Recover well and smart and old won’t even matter 😉
  • 27 May 2021: Print! Share! Research it! And demand this STOP! Our military is being abused & politically purged by Islamic activists in Biden’s “Countering Extremism Working Group.” Anyone that sides with terrorists has no place in our government or military.
  • 27 May 2021: Never let anyone or anything slow you down from being the best version of you. Even when it’s hard, find a way. Keep going! Keep going! Keep going! Stay strong and stay healthy!
  • 27 May 2021: One of the greatest lies told by the radical Socialist Democrats and their spokesmen in the Fake News Media is that "no one wants to take your guns away." No Republican should vote for gun-grabber David Chipman who proved again yesterday that he DOES want to take our guns away.
  • 27 May 2021: #ImpeachBiden
  • 27 May 2021: As a business owner, I’ve always demanded results for the work I pay for & the customer I serve. To the world, I want an audit of every penny the US sends you. I want to send my inspectors to check your audit for real results. Then we decide if you get a check. #AmericaFirst
  • 27 May 2021: We are in a workforce crisis caused by shutdowns and stimulus checks. Businesses are desperate for workers. There is a supply shortage in nearly every industry. And now we need 90,000 more truck drivers than this time last year, which was in big deficit. Stop Socialism!
  • 27 May 2021: Biden made us a “Sanctuary Country.” So if your daughter gets raped by a drunk illegal that just sold heroin & stole her car, ICE is not allowed to deport him. He gets out on bail and fades away with the other 11-22+ million illegals. Ask any Angel Mom or Dad how they feel.
  • 27 May 2021: Biden made us a “Sanctuary Country.” So if your daughter gets raped by a drunk illegal that just sold heroine & stole her car, ICE is not allowed to deport him. He gets out on bail and fades away with the other 11-22+ million illegals. Ask any Angel Mom or Dad how they feel.
  • 27 May 2021: Facebook just announced they won’t censor post by people saying that #COVID19 was man made and came from the Wuhan lab. Likely won’t matter for the Facebook users that FB banned for telling the truth.
  • 26 May 2021: Castrating masculinity is one of the left’s favorite tactics. No one picked their skin color before they were born so stop with the racism. And stop attacking men, we need their strong masculinity in marriage and fatherhood. #MakeMenGreatAgain
  • 26 May 2021: China lied and people died. Then Fauci covered it up. #FireFauci
  • 26 May 2021: Yes! Everyone is fired up for our Dalton #AmericaFirst rally!
  • 26 May 2021: I’m proud to join my colleagues and sign my name to this letter. Woke left-wing ideology, especially Marxism disguised as ‘critical race theory,’ has no place in our military or our country.
  • 26 May 2021: The Squad supports BDS, defunding Israel and stopping the Iron Dome, Antifa/BLM terrorists who march with pro-Palestinian mobs who attack innocent American Jewish people, re-entering Iran deal & Iran funds Hamas $30M/month to attack Israel, but my bold pro-Israel stance is bad?
  • 26 May 2021: Does the Squad get a pass bc they are Democrats? Even though they are openly hating Israel and stoking the flames of antisemitism. If you were attacked for being Jewish, I would defend you, but the Squad would turn the other way. Cont’d
  • 26 May 2021: Unvaxxed people to the early awful discriminatory practices of showing papers to completely causes you and the left leaning media to tear me to pieces? None of my pro Israel support matters at all to you? Is it bc I’m Republican? Cont’d
  • 26 May 2021: Real question Jake. I’m one of the most pro Israel members, outspoken against the Squads support of Hamas terrorism w/ a bill to fight it & I’ve called out the Squad’s rhetoric sparking recent violence on American Jews, but comparing discriminatory practices against.. Cont’d.
  • 26 May 2021: @GOPLeader @EliseStefanik @SteveScalise Would you like to cosponsor or comment on my bill? I never received any calls or text messages before your comments about me yesterday.
  • 26 May 2021: The woke media is attacking me for being outspoken against vax discrimination & smearing me as antisemitic to cover the truth that the #JihadSquad openly supports Hamas terrorists. I wonder if GOP leadership would cosponsor my bill to defund terrorists?
  • 26 May 2021: At least she didn’t share news stories about unvaxxed college students being discriminated against & not being allowed to return to class like vaxxed students. That would have prompted the media to demand a comment from her BLM leader denouncing her. She just wants to kill cops
  • 26 May 2021: The woke media barely reports non stop riots and attacks on police in Portland but they made sure their top headlines this morning are that MTG said making people show vax papers and discriminating against unvaxxed is similar to segregation by tyrants of the past. #journalism
  • 25 May 2021: Congratulations to the people of Texas, soon to be America's 21st Constitutional Carry state! Americans should not be forced to ask government for permission to exercise our #2A rights! Let's get this done in Georgia!
  • 25 May 2021: RT @MikeBrestDC: “The media and Democrats and everyone feeding into it is allowing them to hide the truth, which is the disgusting antisemi…
  • 25 May 2021: RT @TheRightMelissa: Notice the people who are fake outraged about MTG’s Holocaust comparison are the same people who are perfectly ok with…
  • 25 May 2021: Thank you for seeing the truth and how much I support Israel and stand against the left’s support for Hamas terrorists. 🇺🇸
  • 25 May 2021: The Fake News has my permission to use this video from last week in your news reports.
  • 25 May 2021: 7. I'm sorry some of my words make people uncomfortable, but this is what the American left is all about.  And they are America last in every single way.
  • 25 May 2021: 6. The Democrats are the party of division, hate, critical race theory (pure racism), discrimination, totalitarianism, socialism, globalism, gender destruction, BDS, defunding our police, and ANTIFA / BLM terrorists.
  • 25 May 2021: 5. And everyone feeding into it is allowing them to hide the truth, which is the disgusting anti-semitism within the Democrat Party.
  • 25 May 2021: 4. Their attempts to shame, ostracize, and brand Americans who choose not to get vaccinated or wear a mask are reminiscent of the great tyrants of history who did the same to those who would not comply.
  • 25 May 2021: 3. it's never been more important than now to stand up against forced vaccinations and mask mandates that the left is using to discriminate against Americans who refuse to comply.
  • 25 May 2021: 2. At a time when the Socialist Democrats and the Jihad Squad are supporting terrorists Hamas, and their supporters are attacking Jewish people on the streets of America,
  • 25 May 2021: The media and Democrats and everyone feeding into it is allowing them to hide the truth, which is the digusting anti-semitism within the Democrat Party.
  • 25 May 2021: I never compared it to the Holocaust, only the discrimination against Jews in early Nazi years. Stop feeding into the left wing media attacks on me. Everyone should be concerned about the squads support for terrorists and discrimination against unvaxxed people. Why aren’t they?
  • 25 May 2021: Pretty soon it will be.. “We only hire vaccinated people, show your vax papers.” “We only admit vaccinated students, show your vax papers.” “These bathrooms are only for vaccinated people, show your vax papers.” Then.. ...scan your bar code or swipe your chip on your arm.
  • 25 May 2021: Vaccinated employees get a vaccination logo just like the Nazi’s forced Jewish people to wear a gold star. Vaccine passports & mask mandates create discrimination against unvaxxed people who trust their immune systems to a virus that is 99% survivable.
  • 25 May 2021: Every single day the conspiracy news network and Democrat run media lies about me because I’m on the front lines telling the Dems & RINO’s exactly what real Americans say at their kitchen table. I won’t stop bc millions are with me. I’m fed up with losers ruining our country.
  • 24 May 2021: No one is taking @AOC serious as a member of Congress. She’s a fake and a fraud. She harassed Nancy Pelosi as a freshman and caused kids to be arrested. She supports terrorists at home and abroad, and caused Jewish Americans to be attacked in the streets. #ExpelAOC
  • 24 May 2021: I’m thankful for honest journalism from @DavidBrodyCBN @CNN and the left wing media has always lied about me to push their narrative. Thank you David for clearing the air!
  • 24 May 2021: Do you remember what winning was like? We do and we are winning the fight against the radical Democrats, the fake news media, & the RINO’s with our #AmericaFirst rallies! Join @RepMattGaetz and myself in Dalton, GA this Thursday, May 27th at 6:30 pm!
  • 24 May 2021: Absolutely!
  • 24 May 2021: Absolutely you should go!
  • 24 May 2021: The Earth’s climate has always changed, and there is NO amount of taxes or government that can change it. Government is not God. The Green New Deal by @AOC is just another communist manifesto. It should be burned along with all these masks we are forced to wear.
  • 24 May 2021: Are these the same people telling us to eat synthetic beef?
  • 24 May 2021: This is @JoeBiden 's America
  • 24 May 2021: #FireFauci
  • 23 May 2021: That’s ok, we’re not mad at you. Biden and the Democrats scammed a lot of people. Let’s throw all these Democrat Socialists out in ‘22 & Biden out in ‘24 & Save America! Then let’s not let them divide us anymore & we will pass #AmericaFirst policies & we will ALL make money!
  • 23 May 2021: 5. I'm sorry some of my words make people uncomfortable, but this is what the American left is all about. Hate. Division. And destruction.
  • 23 May 2021: 4. Her attempts to shame, ostracize, and brand Members of Congress (representing millions of Americans combined) who choose not to get vaccinated or wear a mask are reminiscent of the great tyrants of history who did the same to those who would not comply.
  • 23 May 2021: 3. Just last week, the Speaker of the House brought up the subject of segregating Members of Congress who choose not to get vaccinated or wear a mask when just next door in Congressional office buildings thousands of staffers and Members of Congress work without doing either.
  • 23 May 2021: 2. In the last few months, radical socialists have appeared on numerous American Fake News channels talking up the subjects of forced vaccinations for adults and children, reeducation camps and permanent mask mandates.
  • 23 May 2021: Socialists throughout history have tried to divide and dehumanize people in an effort to expand government power over the individual. I believe in freedom, not socialism.
  • 23 May 2021: #FireFauci
  • 23 May 2021: See yall in Dalton, Georgia next week!
  • 23 May 2021: Happening in Democrat-run cities across America
  • 23 May 2021: #StandWithIsrael
  • 23 May 2021: Happening in @JoeBiden 's America
  • 23 May 2021: Here are the numbers you need to read to prove to you what we already know. Trump is the leader of the Republicans and Biden is failing so fast that his own voters are ready to vote for Trump in ‘24. Hint to you leftists, the #JihadSquad & socialism is destroying your party.
  • 23 May 2021: Beautiful night for minor league baseball in Rome, Georgia! Go Braves!
  • 22 May 2021: Great to watch baseball again in person tonight at the Rome Braves game!
  • 22 May 2021: . @mattgaetz has me dying laughing on stage with @andybiggs4az and @DrPaulGosar telling hilarious stories on our #AmericaFirst tour! I couldn’t ask for anyone better to take America by storm with me to make sure the future of our party is not led by RINO’s, but by Donald J Trump!
  • 22 May 2021: Thank you @andybiggs4az We had an absolute blast with you and @DrPaulGosar visiting the great state of Arizona!
  • 22 May 2021: Amen!
  • 22 May 2021: Poor Fake Jake, it must be getting really hard to defend your girls in the #JihadSquad and their Hate-Israel support for terrorists Hamas. So you deflect & lie about me. Again. Stop defending terrorists Jake. Democrats hate against Israel is causing Jewish people to be attacked.
  • 22 May 2021: I agree!
  • 22 May 2021: . @AOC you’re responsible for attacks on Jewish people bc of your hate-Israel stance against Israel’s right to defend itself from from terrorists Hamas, calling Israel an apartheid state, & supporting terrorists groups. Aligning yourself with terrorists means your a terrorist.
  • 22 May 2021: Thank you, Arizona! SAVE AMERICA STOP SOCIALISM! #AmericaFirst
  • 22 May 2021: Thank you for the welcome, Arizona! #AmericaFirstRally
  • 22 May 2021: WATCH LIVE from Mesa, AZ Text RALLY to 89477!! #AmericaFirstRally
  • 22 May 2021: Great picture line before our #AmericaFirstRally in Mesa, Arizona tonight! Watch Here ->
  • 22 May 2021: Firing up the overflow crowd before our rally in Mesa, Arizona tonight!
  • 22 May 2021: Getting ready to take the stage for our America First Rally in Mesa, Arizona! Text RALLY to 89477 to help take back the House, FIRE Nancy Pelosi, and take back our country! AMERICA FIRST! Watch Here ->
  • 21 May 2021: I guess Democrats don’t trust the vaccines or the science. 🤷‍♀️ Speaker Maskhole doesn’t seem to respect our HIPAA rights or the constitution that says our compensation can’t be changed.
  • 21 May 2021: Hello Arizona 😎 I can’t wait to see all the #AmericaFirst Patriots and people who care about election integrity tonight!! 🇺🇸 @mattgaetz and I will see you all soon! #ArizonaAudit
  • 21 May 2021: Great news! The taxpayers pay for the ballots and they have every right to audit the elections.
  • 21 May 2021: I now have 2 letters for not wearing a mask on the House floor. This discriminatory unconstitutional act of hypocrisy says: 1st fine - $500 2nd fine - $2,500 Meanwhile, Speaker Maskhole enjoys the mask free super spreader events at the White House. #HouseofHypocrites
  • 21 May 2021: Taxpayers arrested for not wearing a mask to a school board meeting to demand their children not have to wear mask to school. Who pays for the school? Who pays for the police? Who pays for the CDC that lifted mask mandates? The very taxpayers arrested. Do you get it yet?
  • 20 May 2021: . @SpeakerPelosi enjoys going mask free at the White House but enforces discriminatory masks rules in the House and fines for not wearing a masks. #HouseOfHypocrites
  • 20 May 2021: I’m off the House floor and about to go live with @DavidBrodyCBN on @RealAmVoice ! Tune in now:
  • 20 May 2021: I’m still on the House floor exposing the Democrat Party’s support of Black Lives Matter / Antifa domestic terror in 2020. WATCH NOW:
  • 20 May 2021: Black Lives Matter & Antifa are domestic terrorist organizations. WATCH my speech live:
  • 20 May 2021: I’m about to deliver a speech on the House floor you don’t want to miss. TUNE IN NOW:
  • 20 May 2021: The Democrats just voted against the Iron Dome. The #JihadSquad just held up the vote because they were harassing @SpeakerPelosi . Democrats support Hamas.
  • 20 May 2021: Fauci sent money to the Wuhan lab in China. It is strongly believed the Chinese virus came from the Wuhan lab. Fauci is the highest paid employee in the federal government, more than the President. #FireFauci
  • 20 May 2021: After cyber terrorists Darkside (in Eastern Europe/Russia) extorted $90+ million from the Colonial pipeline, the Biden admin waived sanctions on company behind Russia’s Nord Stream 2, gas pipe to Germany. Biden killed 11,000+ jobs on the Keystone pipeline and is Putin’s puppet.
  • 20 May 2021: Jewish people are being targeted and attacked right here in US cities and the NYT’s is calling them extremists. And Members of Congress are supporting terrorists Hamas and terrorists BLM riots. Jewish people are not the extremist. The #JihadSquad are.
  • 20 May 2021: Good for them!
  • 20 May 2021: In the Swamp, no one is ever held accountable and no one ever goes to jail.
  • 19 May 2021: Listening to John Katco claim that the Jan 6 commission is not political is a joke. He voted to impeach Trump and to kick me off committees. We KNOW it’s purely political. And he got a resounding applause from the Democrats.
  • 19 May 2021: How can Congress spend taxpayer money & create a Jan 6 commission to investigate the riot at the Capitol and refuse to acknowledge, investigate, & stop the Antifa/BLM riots that the PEOPLE have been victims of? Congress only cares about itself and cares NOTHING about the People!
  • 19 May 2021: If Democrats care about the Capitol and all who work there like they claim, then they would demand to know who refused Pres Trump’s request on Jan 5th for 10,000 National Guard troops to guard the Capitol on Jan 6th. Who controls the House?
  • 19 May 2021: Masks are child abuse! @SpeakerPelosi , I’m maskless on the House floor right now to stand up for this little girl and every child in America subjected to this abuse. Kids shouldn’t be forced to wear masks!!
  • 19 May 2021: The Constitution says you cannot alter the compensation of a Member of Congress. @SpeakerPelosi you took an oath to uphold the Constitution. I’m taking a stand against your tyrannical aggression on behalf of ALL the children who are being abused by masks rules. #NoMoreMasks
  • 19 May 2021: Masks are child abuse, @SpeakerPelosi ! “It doesn’t make sense! I miss seeing people’s face. I miss the way things used to be. I’m scared they’ll never go to normal.” This breaks my heart!! God bless this boy!
  • 19 May 2021: Save America Stop Socialism!
  • 19 May 2021: I stand with all Americans especially the children who are being forced against their will to wear masks or take an experimental vaccine. If we don’t stand now against these tyrannical aggressions, then we will be forced to our knees and unable to stand later. Cont’d..
  • 19 May 2021: Speaker Pelosi is running an unethical oppressive work environment in the House of Representatives. Forcing masks compliance and demanding vaccine records in order for me to represent the people of #GA14 , is tyrannical. Cont’d..
  • 19 May 2021: . @SpeakerPelosi cannot force any member of congress or staff or any citizen or child of the U.S. to take a vaccine. Especially vaccines that are NOT even FDA approved, which #Covid Vax are NOT. Vax records, along with ALL medical records are private due to HIPPA rights. Cont’d
  • 19 May 2021: If they cared about the truth and justice, they would stop Antifa/BLM domestic terrorists, they would allow election audits, they would tell us who killed Ashley Babbitt, and they would tell us why & who denied Pres Trump’s order for 10K NG troops for the Capitol on Jan 6th.
  • 19 May 2021: There are already investigations ongoing in the Senate, Homeland Sec, Gov Affairs, and Sen Com on Rules & Admin. DOJ has arrested over 445 with 100 more to come, & reports of people being held 23 hrs in solitary confinement, and they never had a gun and killed no one. Cont’d
  • 19 May 2021: The media doesn’t care about the truth. That’s why they call domestic terrorists Antifa/BLM “peaceful protestors.” It will give the media another giant scandal to talk about for 4 years, and shape the story they want the public to believe. Cont’d..
  • 19 May 2021: The #January6Commission will be Witch Hunt 2.0 led by Trump hating Dems and Reps, only this time Dems have full control. The media will cover it 24/7 and only report anything that they can use to kill off Trump forever, shame ALL Trump supporters, and smear Republicans. Cont’d
  • 19 May 2021: I would never pay a dime to read your Communists Post, so I only read your opinionated headline. Which by the way, my district and I could care less about. Good news for you, I’ll keep defending your freedom of press even though those commies you support will take it away.
  • 18 May 2021: Proud to join these Patriots for a peaceful protest on the House floor against mask mandates! #FreeYourFace 😁
  • 18 May 2021: . @SpeakerPelosi installs a covid positive box inside the House chamber so she could bring covid positive members inside to vote for her for Speaker on Jan 3, but she refuses to follow the science, the @CDCgov and President Biden’s advice. #HouseOfHypocrites #FreeYourFaceProtest
  • 18 May 2021: The Jan 6th Commission is just another big smoke screen and witch hunt on Trump and his supporters to fuel the hate, while ignoring Antifa/BLM nonstop violence. It will be used by the media to distract people away from the real damage Biden and Dems are doing to our country.
  • 18 May 2021: Specifically on the Qanon Shaman; Did he physically assault anyone? Did he do any damage to federal property? Did he burn anything? Did he loot or steal anything? Where are the videos?
  • 18 May 2021: Being woke is a religious cult. Bowing to the false god of social, racial, and climate justice in the freest country in the world is a fools pursuit. It leads to devastating socialism and communism, or some awful form of both. George Soros is the father of it and he funds it.
  • 18 May 2021: ❤️
  • 18 May 2021: Democrats are the party of: Supporting terrorists Hamas Domestic terrorists Antifa/BLM riots Forced Masks/Vaccine violating freedom Rapid rising inflation & supply shortage Economy wrecking shutdowns Defunding police & high crime Socialism And it’s only been 4 months.
  • 18 May 2021: People over politicians and America First! 🇺🇸 It’s really that simple.
  • 17 May 2021: Jewish lives matter. So tell your terrorists buddies in Hamas to stop bombing them. #JihadSquad
  • 17 May 2021: #AmericaFirst 🇺🇸
  • 17 May 2021: ALL of these videos need to be made public. What is there to hide? Transparency is the only way.
  • 17 May 2021: . @CNN had an “HR expert” to attack me about workplace relationships. Funny they forgot about @AOC storming @SpeakerPelosi office and leading youth to be arrested! What kind of role model leads kids to get arrested?? Looking forward to your segment on this CNN.
  • 17 May 2021: Taxpayer funded, government created, socialist climate justice jobs corps and housing is not infrastructure. Neither is taxpayer funded Gov childcare and healthcare. That’s more socialism. These are all @AOC destructive Green New Deal ideas that she refuses to debate about.
  • 17 May 2021: The #COVID19 vaccines are not approved by the FDA. The tyrannical leaders can’t force anyone to take them. Whether approved or not. Democrats are bullies.
  • 17 May 2021: The #JihadSquad supporting terrorists at home and abroad should be investigated. Members of Congress should NEVER support terrorists. And Members of Congress should be brave enough to debate their own policies in front of the American people, who pay our salaries. @AOC
  • 17 May 2021: This is how people really feel despite what the fake news media and socialist social media platforms want you to believe. I NEED TRUMP BACK!
  • 17 May 2021: Thank you for sending them @GregAbbott_TX and I’m proud of our Georgia NG being there. @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris don’t care about our border, our laws, our people, and their hard earned tax dollars. But I know you do. Rep Governors like you can really help bc Biden won’t.
  • 17 May 2021: . @GregAbbott_TX would be a national hero if he would send the Texas National Guard to the border and stop the illegal invasion. Not only would he save the border counties suffering with crime and so many illegals, but he would also save the country.
  • 16 May 2021: This is outrageous. So-called "critical race theory" has no place in our military or our country. Period.
  • 16 May 2021: No entity can force American citizens to take the #COVID19 vaccine. It is still experimental and not approved by the FDA yet. Masks mandates are and always were government overreach. Masking children is child abuse and schools must stop this abuse immediately.
  • 16 May 2021: Israel was not targeting media, they were targeting the terrorist organization Hamas that is funded $30M/month by Iran, and has been firing over 1,000 rockets into Israel this past week. @RashidaTlaib do you support Hamas Jihad and Iran funding terrorism? If so, resign now.
  • 16 May 2021: Never forget that Obama/Biden sent $1.7B pallets of cash to Iran. Iran funds Hamas jihad $30M/month against our ally Israel. The #JihadSquad supports re-entering the Iran deal & Hamas terrorism against Israel. Members of Congress supporting terrorism must be expelled.
  • 16 May 2021: God sees every abortion. Every little one ripped apart limb by limb, dissolved, and sucked away. Abortion is the most evil lie ever sold to women. Let us be the generation that ends it. Let’s take care of women and orphans. Let’s defund the evil and end the lie.
  • 16 May 2021: These violent protesters are the same as Antifa/BLM domestic terrorists here in America. The #JihadSquad loves and supports terrorists abroad and at home. US Members of Congress should not support terrorism. @AOC @IlhanMN @RashidaTlaib @AyannaPressley @CoriBush
  • 16 May 2021: I stand with #Israel The Iron Dome is amazing and saving lives. Shame on the #JihadSquad for supporting terrorists Hamas. No US Member of Congress should ever support terrorists! @AOC @IlhanMN @RashidaTlaib @AyannaPressley @CoriBush
  • 15 May 2021: I’m so honored and thankful to #GA14 for passing this resolution today at our district convention with overwhelming support! This resolution is to keep all counties currently in GA14 during redistricting this year and shows the amazing support I have at home. I ❤️ GA14! #gapol
  • 15 May 2021: Thank you everyone for the warm welcome this morning at the Georgia 14th CD convention in Dalton! SAVE AMERICA. STOP SOCIALISM. DEFEAT THE DEMOCRATS! #gapol
  • 15 May 2021: Arizona Patriots, back up is on the way! Your audit is on our minds and in our hearts! ❤️🇺🇸 We can’t let the hate America gang stop the America First movement, it’s our future. That’s why we are taking #AmericaFirst on tour! Let’s go @mattgaetz !
  • 15 May 2021: . @SpeakerPelosi doesn’t trust the vaccines. She doesn’t trust the @CDCgov . She doesn’t trust @JoeBiden . She doesn’t even trust the science. She only trust her white knuckled grip on power.
  • 14 May 2021: WATCH: Marjorie Taylor Greene turns tables on media, reveals she's been 'attacked and assaulted' by Democrats
  • 14 May 2021: The fact that you are openly supporting terrorists Hamas firing rockets into our ally Israel and supporting Antifa/BLM Violent riots against Americans should disqualify you from being a member of Congress. You keeping lists of Trump admin and supporters is terrifying. #JihadSquad
  • 14 May 2021: That was a very serious and grave action taken to ignore the President’s request for NG troops at the Capitol. Ignoring a clear threat to the Capitol and all the lives involved. There needs to be accountability for that.
  • 14 May 2021: We need to investigate why @SpeakerPelosi did not have 10K National Guard at the Capitol on Jan 6th like Pres Trump requested on Jan 5th since it was warned ahead of time by intelligence there was something planned and pipe bombs were found at the RNC and DNC on Jan 5th. Cont’d.
  • 14 May 2021: . @AOC if you want to be a role model for young women then stop acting like a hate America communist supporting terrorists that want to kill people and destroy our freedoms. Stop supporting policies that kill jobs, destroy their future, and encourage women to kill their babies.
  • 13 May 2021: Actually, @SpeakerPelosi the Ethics Commitee should look into @AOC for putting Trump admin staff and supporters on lists to destroy their lives and prevent future employment. She threatened the livelihoods of Americans for simply being Republicans. BTW, there was no screaming.
  • 13 May 2021: And any US Member of Congress supporting terrorists Hamas should be expelled. Any member supporting and fundraising for criminals in Antifa/BLM riots in American cities should be expelled. That’s the #JihadSquad and the VP.
  • 13 May 2021: . @AOC “Ms. Defund The Police” wants to call the police for security bc she’s afraid of debating with me about her socialist GND. AOC is a fraud & a hypocrite. That’s fine Sandy. Since you lack the courage & intelligence to debate me, I’ll debate the person who really wrote it.
  • 13 May 2021:
  • 12 May 2021: Trump was right #BuildTheWall
  • 12 May 2021: Just talked to @AOC again. You chickened out bc you are too scared to debate me about your Socialist Green New Deal. You are also a hate-America terrorist sympathizer. #JihadSquad Members of Congress do NOT support terrorism & shouldn’t be afraid to debate their legislation.
  • 12 May 2021: #FireFauci
  • 12 May 2021: While the media on the Hill is obsessed with GOP conference gossip, they should report on crises caused by the Dems. Labor crisis, exploding gas and food prices. And... Our alphabet agencies need to be more concerned with hackers & Chinese spies than Trump supporters.
  • 12 May 2021: Congress is broken! The Jihad Squad! And America First Rallies!! LIVE on FB:
  • 12 May 2021: TUNE IN NOW to @RealAmVoice ! I’m on LIVE.
  • 12 May 2021: . @joebiden has already announced he's sending hundreds of millions of our dollars to the Palestinians to restore "trust and goodwill."  In return they launch thousands of bombs at Israel? I introduced (HR 2445) to stop $235 mil of US taxpayer dollars from going to terrorists!
  • 12 May 2021: I voted a second time to remove Liz Cheney as the chair of the GOP. And I stand alongside 74 million+ Trump supporters in opposing Cheney’s Trump derangement syndrome. I’ve also asked @GOPLeader to delay the replacement vote. There should be choices not predetermination.
  • 12 May 2021: This is what @IlhanMN @RashidaTlaib and @AOC are for. The #JihadSquad support terrorists. Members of Congress should be expelled for supporting terrorists like Hamas and Antifa/BLM. Stop using our tax dollars to bomb our ally Israel!
  • 12 May 2021: Not only does the #JihadSquad support terrorism at home and abroad, they also hate our great law enforcement. America should not have members of Congress like this.
  • 11 May 2021: Members who support terrorism don’t belong in Congress. #JihadSquad
  • 11 May 2021:
  • 11 May 2021: Once again, @SpeakerPelosi changed the rules & put all the bills together in one big fat en bloc after we asked for roll call votes today. So that the people can’t see their Rep’s individual votes on each separate bill. Dems are lazy & hiding the truth about what Congress does.
  • 11 May 2021: . @SpeakerPelosi when will you open the Capitol to the American people, who pay for it?
  • 11 May 2021: There are currently 5-6 members of Congress in the chamber “voting” by voice to pass bills and spend money. 430 other members not voting & that’s why @chiproytx and I are calling for recorded votes. We get a mask break at the microphone now bc covid science rules.
  • 11 May 2021: Back to work in the Swamp. Fighting for the People, not the politicians!
  • 11 May 2021: If you want to cancel the Second Amendment, you should just go ahead and cancel your citizenship. There’s a whole plethora of countries without gun rights. Go find one. We will be protecting our great 2A!
  • 11 May 2021: Pass my bill The Defund Fauci Act! #FireFauci
  • 11 May 2021: LIVE on Steve Bannon’s War Room! LISTEN NOW
  • 11 May 2021: If you are a Republican Governor and you want to be a hero to your state, STOP the checks paying people to stay home and not work. Small businesses can’t compete with the government and SHOULDN’T EVER HAVE TO! Save small businesses! Save America Stop Socialism!
  • 11 May 2021: Thank you for coming forward Patricia. However the problem with the @ajc and @bluestein is that you all have constantly lied about me. With a very obvious political agenda. That’s not journalism. That’s called political activism and hiding behind the freedom of press to do it.
  • 11 May 2021: The @ajc & @bluestein you just lied AGAIN about me. 👎 I’m not tapping brakes to remove Cheney, I already voted once to remove her, and will be voting to again I said we need to take a break after removing Cheney before we vote for a new chair. And have more options. #gapol
  • 11 May 2021: Let them dance! As a matter of fact, dance anyway! These ridiculous tyrannical rules will stop when the people of this country stop obeying them. The Dems just keep moving the imaginary goal line to keep you under control. Free people don’t behave like sheep. Wake up!
  • 11 May 2021: We must pass my bill, The Fire Fauci Act. No one elected Dr Fauci. He is the highest paid federal employee. At his direction, shutdowns & masks are ruining our country, for what appears to be a man made virus that Fauci paid for with our money.
  • 10 May 2021: On Wednesday, our GOP Conference will be voting to remove Liz Cheney from the chair. A vote some of us already took. Currently, we only have one member running for chair. I want a break before we vote on a replacement. Options are good and so are conservative votes.
  • 10 May 2021: *paid. Gotta love autocorrect.
  • 10 May 2021: Let’s go to Arizona @mattgaetz ! Election integrity should matter to everyone. I can’t imagine anyone at the DOJ trying to interfere with what the people of Arizona want. After all, the people payed for those ballots and everything to do with the AZ elections.
  • 10 May 2021: Darkside uses ransomware & has hacked over 80 other companies just since August 2020, making millions in blackmail and extortion. Gas prices today are already up in GA: 87- $2.99 and 93- $3.79. Also, if the FBI takes this serious, how about elections?
  • 10 May 2021: Heading back to the Swamp this week ... will be fighting for the people, not the politicians! SAVE AMERICA, STOP SOCIALISM.
  • 10 May 2021: Do you know what leads to depreciation of the US dollar? Inflation and weak economic growth. The dollar is the top reserve currency in the world. But it won’t be, if the dollar depreciates. Do you know what is happening right now? Inflation and weak economic growth.
  • 10 May 2021: ... Small businesses should not be forced to compete with the government handouts that are on average $640/week. The government needs to stop its job killing socialism and STOP hurting its own taxpayers ability to EARN a living. Save America Stop Socialism!
  • 10 May 2021: 99.9% of all businesses in the US are small businesses. Paying people to not work is killing these businesses, who already barely survived the Government forced covid shutdowns. They are now told to “pay more” to incentivize people to come get a job. Cont’d...
  • 10 May 2021: States that voted for Biden have suffered the highest unemployment. Democrat socialists policies kill jobs and destroy our economy. State’s who valued freedom vs tyranny have benefited the most. Let this be a lesson. Let freedom ring!
  • 10 May 2021: Keisha Lance Bottoms' Democrat-run Atlanta setting records for violence
  • 9 May 2021: RT @catturd2: Does someone want to tell Dr. Fauci that we’ve been fully open in Florida for a long time - and none of his ridiculous predic…
  • 9 May 2021: The Democrats putting the Green New Deal carbon requirements will force the US to be dependent on China. This would be the worst decision ever made.
  • 9 May 2021: Happy Mother’s Day! What a beautiful blessing it is to be a mother and to have a mother. ❤️ My prayer is for each child to truly know a mother’s love.
  • 9 May 2021: I'm gonna sing, in the middle of the storm Louder and louder, you're gonna hear my praises roar Up from the ashes, hope will arise Death is defeated, the King is alive!
  • 9 May 2021: I raise a hallelujah, in the presence of my enemies ..louder than the unbelief weapon is a melody ..heaven comes to fight for me!
  • 9 May 2021: Great seeing members of our law enforcement community in Cave Spring today! Thank you for your service! #BackTheBlue
  • 8 May 2021: Our country needs leaders that will actually do the hard work of solving problems vs doing nothing but political messaging. Like raising kids right with tough love vs spoiled brats. Like men being Alpha males vs weak beta males. Weakness is why America is failing.
  • 8 May 2021: At the 2021 Bacon Fest and Car Show in historic Cave Spring, Georgia!
  • 8 May 2021: The Federal government is paying $300 a week of unemployment and add that on the state’s unemployment insurance, which in GA is $365. That’s a lovely $665/week! Businesses in my district are struggling to find workers bc people don’t need to work.
  • 8 May 2021: Companies big and small are on the verge of closing because @JoeBiden and the stupid Democrat Socialists are paying people to stay home and NOT work. These “leaders” are absolute fools. They aren’t qualified to work on @SpeakerPelosi ’s SF poop patrol.
  • 8 May 2021: Awesome rally tonight! We'll see y'all at the next one! #AmericaFirstRally
  • 7 May 2021: #ExpelMaxine
  • 7 May 2021: Thank you for the welcome, Florida! #AmericaFirstRally
  • 7 May 2021: Crowd fired up outside! We ran out of space inside ... so we came out to see them! #AmericaFirstRally
  • 7 May 2021: Crowd getting fired up for tonight's #AmericaFirstRally !
  • 7 May 2021: Oh, this is gonna be fun!! 🔥🔥🔥 I literally can’t wait! See you at 7PM! #AmericaFirstRally 🇺🇸
  • 7 May 2021: . @JoeBiden lying to you about all of the Democrat Socialist policies that are burning our great country to the ground.
  • 7 May 2021: Construction materials like windows are on 3+ months back order & the cost of lumber is up over 400%. Forget getting appliances anytime soon. @JoeBiden paying people to stay home is killing our recovery. But this is what Dems want. Socialism. Systematically tearing it down.
  • 7 May 2021: Inflation is rapidly rising. Biden is raising taxes big. And businesses everywhere of all sizes can’t find workers because people would rather stay home collecting Government checks. Democrat Socialism is already FAILING America and it’s only been a little over 4 months. 👎
  • 7 May 2021: Paying people to stay home and NOT work has big bad consequences! Jobs report is a HUGE FAIL! Expected to be close to 1M but only a disappointing 266,000 jobs added and over 6% unemployment rate is the government’s bail out socialist fault! Save America Stop Socialism!
  • 7 May 2021: Headed to Florida today for the first stop on the #AmericaFirst Rally tour! I’m hearing it’s going to be a party! 🤩🇺🇸 @mattgaetz see you there! Save America Stop Socialism!
  • 6 May 2021: And I do not want to see any Republicans or Conservatives saying anything awful about AOC’s parents having her. I’ve seen some of those type of horrible comments today and I will not tolerate that. I receive some of the most vile hate here & I do not condone it towards anyone.
  • 6 May 2021: If @AOC is so grateful to be a “Planned Parenthood baby” then she should defund the abortion mill, so all the other babies can live instead of die there. Abortion doesn’t solve problems or help women achieve, it’s the worst lie ever told to women. DEFUND @PPFA and END ABORTION!
  • 6 May 2021: What a disgrace. Mansplaining in women’s divisions in the Olympics should be stopped. Biological men need to GET OUT of girls and woman’s sports!
  • 6 May 2021: Get this done, Texas! We need to make Georgia a "Constitutional Carry" state!
  • 6 May 2021: There is nothing funnier than watching the #Resist crowd, the women marchers who dressed up in female genitalia, and the oh so woke Russian conspiracy theorists in the media get triggered when I say the tax payers/voters, who pay for elections, deserve an audit if they want one.
  • 6 May 2021: If election integrity matters to everyone, which I hope it does, then why is there a constant fight & refusal to do a full audit of GA’s election? @GovKemp we need everyone in GA to trust our elections so we can save Georgia in ‘22. It’s time to give the people what they want.
  • 6 May 2021: A full audit of the Nov 3rd election is needed in GA and the people deserve it. Both Democrats and Republicans should not be concerned or worried about this. A full audit will put the whole issue to rest and if the people who pay for it all want it, they deserve it. Cont’d..
  • 6 May 2021: Passing the new election law is great and all, but refusing to show transparency to the very people who vote for you and pay for it all is very bad customer service. And has left many GA Republicans upset and angry. Cont’d..
  • 6 May 2021: The GA tax payers and voters are the customers. And all I hear over and over is that no one listens to them. GA Republican voters who voted for all the Republicans in power want a full audit. Why are elected GA Republican leaders refusing to do what their voters ask? Cont’d..
  • 6 May 2021: The GA tax payers and voters pay for the ballots, envelopes, voting machines, election workers, and the salaries of elected leaders. If the GA tax payers and voters want a full audit, why have they been denied?? Cont’d..
  • 6 May 2021: ...and since Arizona is doing such a great job with the Arizona audit, when will Georgia do the same for ALL of the Republicans in Georgia who have been screaming and demanding a full audit? @GaSecofState GA tax payers pay for our elections not you. #gapol Cont’d...
  • 6 May 2021: I agree 100%! If @JoeBiden won the election then there is no need to worry. Besides it’s the people, who are the tax payers, who PAY for the elections. And PAY for the ballots, voting machines, and salaries. So why be afraid of transparency??? Election integrity matters.
  • 6 May 2021: I'm encouraged by the hundreds of calls, emails, and messages I receive every single day telling me to keep fighting for the American people. I ran for Congress to represent the people, not the politicians. And that's exactly what I'm doing. SAVE AMERICA STOP SOCIALISM!
  • 6 May 2021: Stop killing babies. Stop cutting them to pieces and experimenting with their body parts. Stop using the people’s hard earned tax dollars to do these Dr. Frankenstein experiments. All of this continues and we are beyond excuse. It’s all evil. #FireFauci
  • 5 May 2021: My interview with @TuckerCarlson is now LIVE on @foxnation ! WATCH NOW:
  • 5 May 2021: It's great to see Constitutional Carry legislation moving in Texas and South Carolina! Americans should not have to ask government for permission to exercise our Second Amendment rights! #2A
  • 5 May 2021: 💯
  • 5 May 2021: Hey @ChrisCuomo , If your party is so “righteous,” then why is your brother still Governor of NY? With 9+ women accusing @NYGovCuomo and zero women accusing @mattgaetz the only accountability to be held is on you and the left. Or is that too conspiratorial for you?
  • 5 May 2021: Tune in to @foxnation today at 4PM ET to watch my conversation with @TuckerCarlson !
  • 5 May 2021: We, in the @freedomcaucus already made the motion and VOTED to remove Liz Cheney from GOP conference chair earlier this year. HFC members represent the strong conservative values of most Republican voters. And that’s how we legislate and vote. I’m a very proud member. 🇺🇸
  • 4 May 2021: Congratulations Marvin H. of Millbrook, Alabama, the winner of my "Honey Badger" Gun Giveaway! I look forward to presenting it to him in person soon!!
  • 4 May 2021: Great to be on with @TuckerCarlson today! Looking forward to seeing the entire interview!
  • 4 May 2021: If there is a change in leadership in the @GOP Conference, we need leadership that is committed to #AmericaFirst policies and willing to fight for them. Not just take back the majority. This is what Rep voters want and the GOP must deliver. Actions speak louder than words.
  • 4 May 2021: I didn’t even know about your dumb tweet until @Newsweek ’s fake news piece but I guess this is how you get attention. While you were hiding with your little pen, brave Republican MEN were helping police hold the door, so that ALL of us could get out safely. Coward.
  • 4 May 2021: . @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris you guys are really blowing it. Your own voters are starting to tell ME they aren’t happy. Dem voters don’t like NOT being able to find workers and having to close their restaurants bc of NOT enough staff. Very bad. SAVE AMERICA STOP SOCIALISM!
  • 4 May 2021: #ImpeachBiden
  • 4 May 2021: Well how about that...
  • 4 May 2021: I will announce the winner of my "Honey Badger" Gun Giveaway tomorrow! Over 118k Americans entered to win! #2A
  • 3 May 2021: Why am I not surprised?
  • 3 May 2021: Back to back meetings in my district with business owners, hospitals, schools, and the number one problem I am told over and over: LABOR CRISIS! When you pay people to stay home with “stimulus checks,” for over a year, they don’t need to work. Save America, Stop Socialism!
  • 3 May 2021: I get told every single day how many enemies I have in the DC Swamp. That's ok: I represent the people, not the politicians!
  • 2 May 2021: Democrat policies are destructive and #AmericaLast . Dem shutdowns killed 100’s of thousands of small businesses. Dem open borders grow cartel business to $400 million per month. And Democrat funded BLM/Antifa riots have cost BILLIONS in damage. Democrats are the enemy within.
  • 2 May 2021: I’m glad you posted a selfie. Pathetic you walk around in that state everyday. It’s probably because your head is so big from all the praise and donations you get from Dems and Democrat activists in the media. You and I only see eye to eye when you are standing in front of me.
  • 2 May 2021: I’ve been very outspoken in my strong stance against biological males in ALL girls/women’s sports, bathrooms, & programs. We must also outlaw ALL pediatric gender clinics, hormone therapies, drugs, & gender reassignment surgeries in minors. Protect children, let them grow up!
  • 2 May 2021: Joe Biden destroyed President Trump’s strong border policies and now the cartel’s are making $400 million a month, while trafficking hundreds of thousands illegally into our country. Biden and the Dems put #AmericaLast . We have to stop this and put #AmericaFirst !
  • 2 May 2021: Your guy got 9th @AdamKinzinger & Trump endorsed Susan Wright took 1st in #TX06 . You aren’t fighting for the soul of the GOP, you sold your soul & sold out the GOP bc you are clueless about what Republican voters think and feel, which is #AmericaFirst and loyalty to Trump. 🇺🇸
  • 2 May 2021: Love this lady! 🔥🔥🔥 She says exactly what most Americans really think. It’s largely the Democrats, media, and white celebs like @Alyssa_Milano that keep making race the issue. Treat people by the content of their character and not the color of their skin. Remember?
  • 1 May 2021: At the McLemore today on Lookout Mountain in Rising Fawn, Georgia! Come and visit Northwest Georgia!
  • 1 May 2021: Don't listen to Fauci, India! He's been wrong about virtually everything. #FireFauci
  • 1 May 2021: Right. All the Democrat policies that tell black people they are victims and can’t because of race are using black people for one thing. They need them dependent on the government for their needs so that they can keep them as a voting block. It’s insulting and racist.
  • 1 May 2021: Just for the record. I’ve never hired Frank Luntz. Nor do I participate in any of his sessions. Nothing against the guy, I just don’t think moderate Democrats should be advising the GOP. I know what real people care about because I talk to them everyday. #AmericaFirst
  • 1 May 2021: Everyone all over the country loves Governor @RonDeSantisFL and how he is leading in Florida. It’s because of his decisive and strong conservative fight for the people and businesses of Florida. Governor DeSantis came out of the House Freedom Caucus, and I’m a proud member.😎🇺🇸
  • 1 May 2021: We have a tremendous labor shortage that is crushing small businesses and manufacturing. Paying people to stay home for a year has very bad consequences. No more government handouts, it makes you lazy! Get back to work, it makes you happy! Save America Stop Socialism!
  • 30 April 2021: Wow the response is amazing and people are fired up to join @mattgaetz and I at our first stop for America First Rallies! Biden is destroying our country and we know #AmericaFirst policies will save America! Let’s do this!
  • 30 April 2021: Does the media even support law enforcement? Or do they just only report the very few bad stories on police? Does the media ever report the COUNTLESS good things the police do every single day? When the media’s life is in danger who do they call? Police? Or BLM & Antifa?
  • 30 April 2021: That’s your comment? I’ve read your work for years. No journalistic interest in why the set up where pro-police attendees & police would be attacked by BLM/Antifa? Or do you just do stories afterwards that make police look bad? Does the media even support the police? Do you?
  • 30 April 2021: Me either. Apparently, the legal counsel who advised all former security protocols in regards to security fencing be thrown out, wanted BLM/Antifa violent terrorists in the rally so innocent people would be attacked. And all the violence caught on camera. Why the set up?
  • 30 April 2021: Why would attorneys for Capitol Square Review and Advisory Board demand no security fencing and make this change less than 48 hours before the event? Allowing radical violent BLM/Antifa in with Pro-Police peaceful attendees? It’s a set up for violence! Who would do that???
  • 30 April 2021: My statement on the Back The Blue Rally in Columbus, Ohio scheduled for tomorrow, May 1, 2021:
  • 29 April 2021: This is what red solo cups are for @FultonGOP . Not voting.
  • 29 April 2021: Just announced on Steve Bannon’s War Room! Join @mattgaetz and me in Florida on Friday, May 7 for our #AmericaFirst Rally!! Sign up below!
  • 29 April 2021: . @laurenboebert took out the same blanket given to the tens of thousands of children trafficked illegally across our border that are locked in Biden cages. Biden did not even acknowledge the border he is sworn to protect as POTUS. *there I fixed it for you @thehill
  • 29 April 2021: ...Or that they keep the same old good ‘ole boys in charge that just organize a monthly breakfast? No wonder Stacey Abrams is whipping GA Republicans ass. #gapol
  • 29 April 2021: What matters to these Republicans? The people’s vote? Election integrity? Cont’d...
  • 29 April 2021: But somehow the party of election integrity has now awarded the old chairman, Trey Kelly his chairmanship back on appeal of a supposed technicality of words “point of order” or “objection.” Cont’d...
  • 29 April 2021: ...In the second vote, each delegate formed a single file line and put their vote into 1 glass bowl themselves. A new chair was elected, Susan Opraseuth, won 172-148, beating the old chairman. Imagine that. Cont’d...
  • 29 April 2021: On April 17, Fulton Co GOP held an election for chairman. The party of election integrity collected votes in 9 red solo cups. The outcome was more votes than voters & existing chair Trey Kelly “won.” But new people had joined. The people in outrage demanded a second vote...
  • 29 April 2021: And they don’t understand why we call them the fake news. They lie and lie and lie. But ALL the people I know really don’t care what the media says anymore.
  • 29 April 2021: They turned over a 172-148 vote for the new chair. I thought we cared about election integrity?
  • 29 April 2021: Fulton county @GOP word of the day. Cronyism. No wonder our state is turning blue...
  • 29 April 2021: Save America Stop Socialism!
  • 29 April 2021: Well done @TimScottSC 👏
  • 29 April 2021: . @JoeBiden and the Democrats just ended ALL covid rules tonight by breaking their own rules. No social distancing and Biden put his hands on everyone. And Biden broke @SpeakerPelosi ’s mask rule by giving a speech without a mask in the House floor. House of Hypocrites!
  • 29 April 2021: Joe Biden just said white supremacy is the biggest threat of terrorism. I’m against all racism. But the white people in Antifa/BLM who burn cities, loot businesses, attack police officers, attack federal buildings, and tear down monuments are in the biggest terrorist group.
  • 29 April 2021: Joe Biden is lying to America by saying passing the #ChinaFirst Green New Deal in the #AmericanJobsPlan and the Infrastructure plan is going to create jobs. All he destroying small businesses and making China great.
  • 29 April 2021: Democrats don’t social distance in Congress like they are tonight for this so called . They all sit by each other, stand close together, and talk like normal. This 200 person attended address is nothing but virtue signaling and makes America look weak.
  • 29 April 2021: 5. I will be voting against his plans to destroy American blue collar jobs and energy independence. I encourage all Republicans in the House and Senate to do the same. We must stand for Americans First, not the Communist Chinese.
  • 29 April 2021: This is how it’s done. Good for them!! Parents pay the taxes. Taxes pay for the schools and pay the staff and teachers. And parents are the parents. Stop masking children!
  • 29 April 2021: 4. These are good, high paying jobs for Americans. Biden's "green new deal" plans would crush that independence, leading to higher energy costs (gas and electric prices) for American families and further loss of blue collar and manufacturing.
  • 29 April 2021: 3. Biden's "infrastructure" bill will empower and enrich Communist China, making our country permanent economic slaves to them, as they control 80% of the raw materials to make EVs. Our country has the resources it needs to be energy independent.
  • 29 April 2021: 2. Millions of blue collar American workers out of jobs, small towns and communities destroyed, and Communist China stealing our private sector and military technologies to grow their military and economy using slave labor.
  • 29 April 2021: 20 years ago @JoeBiden predicted that granting Communist China most favored nation status wouldn't lead to the loss of American manufacturing.  He was wrong.  20 year later, over 60,000 American factories have closed.
  • 28 April 2021: #FireFauci
  • 28 April 2021: Biden’s address to Congress tonight to only 200 out of 535 members demonstrates the extreme partisanship of his presidency. Biden & the Democrats only care about passing their radical progressive agenda and making you pay for it. #100DaysWithBiden has proven “unity” was a lie.
  • 28 April 2021: There are not enough words to describe the depth of evil this is. And it comes from our government and is paid for by our tax dollars. We MUST end abortion! We are without excuse.
  • 27 April 2021:
  • 27 April 2021: Riots are criminal behavior and destroy communities. Anyone condoning riots, looting, and violence as a means of protest cares nothing about the people of the community and even the cause itself. They only care about their political goal.
  • 27 April 2021: I’ll be in Columbus, Ohio to #BackTheBlue on Saturday! The rally will be streaming LIVE on @RSBNetwork at 9:30 AM ET! TUNE IN:
  • 27 April 2021: #BackTheBlue
  • 27 April 2021: I believe we need law and order in our country. I believe we need less gun control laws. I believe we need to #BackTheBlue and stop gun control.
  • 27 April 2021: We must stop giving billions in foreign aid to countries who’s people are illegally invading our country. After decades of trillions in foreign aid, these countries shouldn’t have any problems. We should demand an audit of how our money has been spent and they stop invading us.
  • 27 April 2021: Tucker Carlson is absolutely right about the masks myth. Stop masking children! End masks mandates. Let people choose to wear a masks or not and don’t be hateful. We should be addressing obesity as the highest risk factor, not punishing healthy people and kids.
  • 27 April 2021: I have been invited to speak at the #BackTheBlue & Freedom Rally at the Ohio State House this Saturday in Columbus. As we all saw on video, Officer Reardon saved the young woman's life and should be treated like a hero. See y'all there!
  • 26 April 2021: ...But the disconnect between Republican voters and the old guard can’t be repaired. They are more aligned with Biden, the progressive communist, the globalists,the deep state, and the media than they are with the people. So about that silence from Republicans. Very telling...
  • 26 April 2021: ...It’s also interesting that George Bush has entered the scene. Cheney, Bush, Neocons, and many never trumpers all on the move to take over the Republican Party. And Cheney says she might run for President in ‘24. It’s not hard to see what’s going on. Cont’d...
  • 26 April 2021: Not one woman has accused @mattgaetz . But the silence from Republicans is even more deafening. This is a coordinated attack from the deep state and the media, which also has an interesting timing bc it came after he stood with the people against Liz Cheney. Cont’d..
  • 26 April 2021: If this is true, John Kerry is a traitor, not only to our great friend and ally Israel, but to America as well.
  • 26 April 2021: Remember when Republicans lost the House in 2018 because a bunch of them distanced themselves from President Trump? Not inviting President Trump to the GOP retreat is the same stupid behavior. Funny how they don’t understand a record # of votes and support of any R President.
  • 26 April 2021: Democrats who plan to vote on Green New Deal policies must lead by example! Dems must immediately stop flying on airplanes, convert all your electricity needs to wind & solar, buy an EV, stop using any product that is made with oil, and stop eating beef! @JoeBiden you go 1st!
  • 26 April 2021: We must stop paying people not to work in our country. The real goal of extended shutdowns by the Dems is to make people permanently dependent on government.
  • 25 April 2021: . @KamalaHarris hasn’t gone to the border to look at the invasion happening or see the kids in Biden cages, but she is going to talk with Mexico about us paying for their landscaping project in MX, and giving work visas and citizenship to the illegals we hire to do it. Morons.
  • 25 April 2021: Blue Anon is far more dangerous than Qanon. A very real, powerful, and dangerous threat to our free Republic.
  • 25 April 2021: The Hamburglar. “No burgers for thee, but just for me.”
  • 25 April 2021: . @IlhanMN wants police investigated by a federally funded board appointed by the President I say we investigate her involvement with BLM and riots in MN that caused $1-2 billion in damage to 1,500+ properties. Omar shared the MFF bail bond link that let rioters out of jail.
  • 24 April 2021: #BackTheBlue
  • 24 April 2021: It’s time to put #AmericaFirst again. Stay tuned!!
  • 24 April 2021: THANK YOU FLORIDA! #AmericaFirst 🇺🇸
  • 24 April 2021: LIVE FROM FLORIDA! TUNE IN:
  • 24 April 2021: The Green New Deal convicts the US of “climate sins.” And then forces us to kill our economy, change our social structure for “equity” when we are already equal, and become dependent on China through a complete shift to a global economy. Stop the Green New Deal!
  • 24 April 2021: Stop masking children!
  • 24 April 2021: RT @HeshmatAlavi: THREAD 1) This is no joke or satire. @UN Elects Iran to Commission on Women’s Rights - -https:/…
  • 23 April 2021: What a lovely message this BLM leader sent to her. Sounds a lot like the kind of messages and comments I get from the loving and tolerant left.
  • 23 April 2021: What happened in Columbus, Ohio is a tragedy. The police officer is a hero.
  • 23 April 2021: I’m more than ready. (H. Res. 57) #ImpeachBiden
  • 23 April 2021: ...Apocalyptic climate predictions have been around for a long time. The deranged Democrats are obsessed with using these conspiracy theories to pass radical changes to the US. The people will suffer from high taxes, high energy cost, massive inflation, and more. Say no!
  • 23 April 2021: . @AOC is nothing but a climate conspiracy theorists spreading fear that we will all be in peril if we don’t heed her demands. Democrats are on the verge of destroying America’s economy, future, and enslaving us to China with the Green New Deal. Cont’d...
  • 23 April 2021: When will LeBron James apologize for using slave labor in Communist China?
  • 22 April 2021: YES!!! 👏👏👏 I SUPPORT THIS MOM!!! Stop masking children!!! End it NOW!!!
  • 22 April 2021: ...President Trump made America GREAT by setting policy that made us energy independent and strong. @AOC , @JoeBiden , and the Dems are making America weak and reliant on Communist China. That’s why I’m fighting everyday for #AmericaFirst . And the American people. 🇺🇸
  • 22 April 2021: ...If America, goes to all EV’s and relies on all battery operated vehicles then we will be completely reliant on China. While China grows into a world economic powerhouse through oil, natural gas, and coal. Cont’d...
  • 22 April 2021: ...Because China is not going to stick to their promise of reducing emissions to net zero. They always lie. China wants world domination. China controls the battery market and most of the rare Earth mineral rights to make batteries for EV’s. Cont’d...
  • 22 April 2021: Communist China has been lying, cheating, and stealing from the US for decades mainly because our politicians are stupid and sell us out every time. Now @JoeBiden and the Dems are forcing America into slavery to China with @AOC ’s Green New Deal. Cont’d..
  • 22 April 2021: Let's do it!
  • 22 April 2021:
  • 22 April 2021: Here's a fact about "Earth Day" ... The co-founder, Ira Einhorn, killed and composted his girlfriend inside of a trunk in 1977. Article below.
  • 22 April 2021: Thank you, @DavidJHarrisJr ! Watch below!
  • 21 April 2021: I’m glad I ran into you today @AOC to plan our debate about the Green New Deal. After I finish reading all 14 pages, like we agreed, I’ll schedule time for our debate. #MTGvsAOC
  • 21 April 2021: #ExpelMaxineWaters
  • 21 April 2021: . @AOC ’s Green New Deal will destroy the US’s oil and gas industry just after we became energy independent from President Trump’s #AmericaFirst policies. Our ability to export oil and gas gives the US great negotiating power in the world. China and Russia love the GND.
  • 21 April 2021:
  • 21 April 2021: DC is completely dead tonight. People stayed in and were scared to go out because of fear of riots. Police are everywhere and have riot gear. #BLM is the strongest terrorist threat in our county.
  • 21 April 2021: Thank you, Steve!
  • 20 April 2021: #BackTheBlue
  • 20 April 2021: Fauci is the highest paid dictator in the federal government. #FireFauci
  • 20 April 2021: #ExpelMaxineWaters
  • 20 April 2021: Every single person, whether you are Democrat or Republican, should be furious that Democrats just took away the ability of any member to request a roll call vote! Every bill should be considered separately and voted on by every member of Congress with full transparency!
  • 20 April 2021: Democrats just changed the rules so that they can force Republicans to vote for their communists agenda in order to get Republican suspension bills passed too. Congress is one party only and does NOT work for the people. I’m still calling for recorded votes.
  • 20 April 2021: Democrats are combining all suspension bills into one package that the House will vote on. Suspension bills are the ones they love to sneak by with voice votes, but we demand recorded votes to put Congress on record for the people. Cont’d...
  • 20 April 2021: #ExpelMaxineWaters
  • 20 April 2021: I’m still waiting for you to accept my challenge to debate about The Green New Deal economic policy. The American people deserve to hear the pro’s and con’s. That is if there are any pro’s...
  • 20 April 2021: Going LIVE on Steve Bannon’s War Room! It’s time to #ExpelMaxineWaters ! TUNE IN NOW:
  • 20 April 2021:
  • 20 April 2021: What are you a gossip blogger? Let me introduce you to big boy journalism. Do this: @AOC ’s Green New Deal will force us to depend on China bc they make all the batteries for EVs. @RepMaxineWaters is trying to create a race war and @SpeakerPelosi agrees with her. Bye 👋
  • 20 April 2021: . @RepMaxineWaters when you were firing up BLM rioters in MN, you told them to get “more confrontational.” What’s “more confrontational” than burning cities, looting businesses, attacking police, damaging federal buildings, and killing innocent people like David Dorn? War?
  • 20 April 2021: I have dealt with the staff that had discussions that took place without me or my approval, during the time I was home for my father’s funeral. People own their own words. Those were not mine. So let’s talk about Maxine Waters words Jake.
  • 20 April 2021: #ExpelMaxineWaters
  • 20 April 2021: Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life. Psalms 143:8 I only follow ONE.
  • 20 April 2021: This stupid story that the media keeps pushing is also another attack on President Trump’s GREAT #AmericaFirst policies. And I’ll NEVER stop promoting America First policies because they will save our country! Thank you President Trump for leading the way! Let’s go 🇺🇸!
  • 20 April 2021: ...we won’t allow the media or anyone else control us or our dedication to our founding principles and our God given freedoms. And the media won’t divide us at HFC. Other Republicans should wise up to the media’s tactics before they react and end up looking weak. Cont’d...
  • 20 April 2021: The media continues to lie about a fake story. They do this all the time to smear people like me and divide the @GOP . I am one of the proudest members of the @freedomcaucus ! I don’t need another caucus & this is an attack on HFC, and... Cont’d...
  • 20 April 2021: #ImpeachBiden
  • 20 April 2021: #ExpelMaxineWaters
  • 19 April 2021: #ExpelMaxineWaters
  • 19 April 2021: LIVE IN STUDIO with @SebGorka ! I’m filing a resolution TODAY to #ExpelMaxineWaters . Tune in now:
  • 19 April 2021: . @SpeakerPelosi just endorsed @MaxineWaters ’ orders to her BLM terrorist troops that directly led to a shooting at the National Guard. She endorsed inciting violence, rioting, mayhem in the streets, and Americans being murdered like David Dorn #RetirePelosi #ExpelMaxineWaters
  • 19 April 2021: . @MaxineWaters is Commander of the BLM domestic terror army. A year of burning down cities, looting businesses, & murdering Americans like David Dorn. When you tell them to “stay in the streets,” how much “more confrontational” can it get, @RepMaxineWaters ? #ExpelMaxineWaters
  • 19 April 2021: It’s time to #ExpelMaxineWaters for her history of inciting violence! Text EXPEL to 89477!
  • 19 April 2021: Someone should be arrested and charged! #SaveTheChildren
  • 19 April 2021: . @RepMaxineWaters is a danger to society. She has a history of supporting criminals and inciting violence. #ExpelMaxineWaters
  • 19 April 2021: So don’t give up hope. We will prevail. We will Save America and Stop Socialism! America First! Always!
  • 19 April 2021: It’s time to #ImpeachBiden ! It’s time to #FireFauci ! It’s time to #ExpelMaxineWaters ! These politicians have ruled our lives for decades. The American people are FED UP! It’s time for them to go! Cont’d...
  • 19 April 2021: Democrats and their spokesmen in the Fake News Media can’t stand Patriots who want to put #AmericaFirst . So on this Patriots Day, I want everyone to know I will not back down. I will not give up. In fact, it’s time to go on the offense. Cont’d...
  • 19 April 2021: I came to Congress with the mission to put #PeopleOverPoliticians . And since Jan. 3, I’ve become the DC Swamp’s number one target. Do you know why? Because I represent you, the American people. They hate me, because they hate you. Cont’d...
  • 19 April 2021: #ExpelMaxineWaters Sign your petition:
  • 19 April 2021: The radical Democrats have no respect for freedom. They are rabid in their pursuit of totalitarian control and ending our Republic as we know it. There are tens of millions that refuse to let that happen. We don’t need to fire a bullet, we already have our freedom!
  • 19 April 2021: The brave #Patriots fought a tyrannical king who was over taxing them and sent his army to take their guns away. And they gave their lives and fortunes so we could be free. And have our guns and free speech, and hold our government accountable and under control. Cont’d..
  • 19 April 2021: The Great Americans who bravely fought the Revolutionary War, that began at Lexington and Concord, did not fight the most powerful King on Earth to see our country turned into Socialism or worst Communism at the hands of the Democrats. #PatriotsDay Cont’d...
  • 19 April 2021: #ExpelMaxineWaters
  • 19 April 2021: #ExpelMaxineWaters for inciting violence and riots for years ... and it's all on video. RT if you agree!
  • 18 April 2021: . @SpeakerPelosi
  • 18 April 2021: . @SpeakerPelosi you impeached President Trump after you said he incited violence by saying “march peacefully” to the Capitol. So I can expect a yes vote from you on my resolution to expel @RepMaxineWaters for inciting violence, riots, and abusing power threatening a jury, right?
  • 18 April 2021: #ExpelMaxineWaters
  • 18 April 2021: America First policies are the way to save America from self-destruction. The #HateAmerica media and #AmericaLast Democrats don’t get to define what America First means. They don’t even get it. But the people do. I’ll never stop fighting for the people and #AmericaFirst 🇺🇸
  • 18 April 2021: #ExpelMaxineWaters
  • 18 April 2021: As a sitting United States Congresswoman @MaxineWaters threatened a jury demanding a guilty verdict and threatened violence if Chauvin is found not guilty. This is also an abuse of power. #ExpelMaxineWaters
  • 18 April 2021: After traveling across state lines to incite riots, her orders recorded on video last night at the Brooklyn Center, directly led to more violence and a drive by shooting on National Guardsmen in Minnesota early this morning. Cont’d..
  • 18 April 2021: Very soon I'll be introducing a resolution to expel @RepMaxineWaters from Congress for her continual incitement of violence on innocent American people. Rep Waters is a danger to our society.
  • 18 April 2021: . @RepMaxineWaters told BLM terrorists to "stay on the streets" and "get more confrontational." BLM terrorists took her orders and took action. She should be expelled from Congress.
  • 18 April 2021: Why hasn’t the person who placed the pipe bombs at the RNC & DNC been found? Why hasn’t Antifa/BLM domestic terrorists that riot every single week all over the country been tracked with this Gestapo technology?? Are they so arrogant they think people don’t notice?
  • 18 April 2021: It’s 1984 and back then we didn’t have cell phones. Remember?
  • 17 April 2021: Go Dawgs!
  • 17 April 2021: I have plans to drive President Trump’s America First agenda with my Congressional colleagues but we won’t let the media or anyone else push the narrative. America First policies will save this country for all of us, our children, and ultimately the world.
  • 17 April 2021: We are side by side. People over politicians. The hyenas in the media are terrified. So are the Democrats. And so are the weak politicos that float around whichever the wind blows.
  • 17 April 2021: I believe in America First with all my heart and that means every American, of every race, creed, and color. I will never back down and I will never stop fighting for America First. There are tens of millions of Americans who agree.
  • 17 April 2021: This is just a repeat of Jewish Space Lasers. Another term I never used & the media made up. It’s more proof so-called journalists lie and create false narratives. The media are the ones focused on race & use it to divide the American people with hate through identity politics.
  • 17 April 2021: On Friday, sick and evil POS in the media attacked me with phrases I never said or wrote. They released a staff level draft proposal from an outside group that I hadn’t read. The scum and liars in the media are calling me a racist by taking something out of context.
  • 17 April 2021: Do you know who really runs this country? The liars & psychotic left wing communists in the media who only care about self-awarded Pulitzers, clicks for cash, and pushing weak politicians around. On Thursday, I buried my father and held my mother’s hand as we said goodbye.
  • 16 April 2021: Did you miss me this week Fake @JakeSherman ? Taking #AngloSaxon out of context to mean racist is the same as the idiots that lied about me and #JewishSpaceLasers . Jake, how about you tell your favorite communist @AOC to debate me and I’ll teach her about #AmericaFirst . K?
  • 16 April 2021: #FireFauci
  • 16 April 2021: Three officers were attacked a few days ago just one county south of my district. LEOs put their lives on the line in service to our communities every day. This is why I #BackTheBlue
  • 16 April 2021: We need to stop paying Americans to stay at home.
  • 16 April 2021: No taxpayer dollars should be used to buy aborted baby body parts. In fact, this practice (which the Biden admin would love to spend big on) should be ended immediately. The American people would be outraged if they knew this was happening with their hard earned dollars.
  • 16 April 2021: The American people need to know that the federal government is using taxpayer dollars to buy body parts of babies up to 24 weeks old. These taxpayer-funded purchases should be investigated further, and ended immediately.
  • 16 April 2021: #FireFauci
  • 16 April 2021: #FireFauci
  • 16 April 2021: We must end abortion.
  • 16 April 2021: Another made up and Media driven conspiracy theory proven a lie. “Alleged” does not mean true.
  • 16 April 2021: It is all a lie. There is only male and female. You can’t play God and make up whatever you want.
  • 15 April 2021: #FireFauci
  • 15 April 2021: Two weeks ago the Fake News lost whats left of their minds when I suggested exercise to protect against COVID. I was right ... Yet very few in government besides me encourage exercise and healthy eating to protect against COVID.
  • 15 April 2021: Well we all know how you serve on Intel, Judiciary, and Homeland Security Committees. With your pants around your ankles, giving it to China. I serve on the Committee of the Whole, and hold all of Congress accountable by demanding recorded votes, so the People know our record.
  • 15 April 2021: Thank you @BrianKempGA for your thoughtful words. I had the best Dad in the world and he was a small business owner in Georgia. He loved our home state. ❤️
  • 14 April 2021: Green New Deal Economic Debate #MTGvsAOC Let’s do it for the People! They deserve to know the pro’s and con’s and the policy from both side explained through debate.
  • 14 April 2021: . @AOC people are excited about our debate about the Green New Deal economic policy! People are saying they would pay money to see it. We could debate pay per view style? And the money raised could be split between us for our choosing of where it goes. What do you think?
  • 14 April 2021: . @freedomcaucus roll calling those votes 🔥💪🇺🇸 Every member of Congress should be on record for every bill that is voted on. Nothing should ever pass by voice with a handful of members mumbling their vote. Everything is for the People.
  • 14 April 2021: MORE COVID!!!! CNN thrives off disease, suffering, and death. That’s what @CNN wants to drive their ratings. They want you sick and dying. Because in the media industry ratings bring the power and the power brings the money. Sick. Disgusting. Horrible. #ShameOnCNN
  • 14 April 2021: . @AOC you can choose one moderator and I choose a moderator. Then we can negotiate a major news network to host the debate. Let’s do this for The People. What do you say?
  • 14 April 2021: I just have a degree in Business Admin and have owned a construction company for 20 years. A debate between AOC and I on the Green New Deal economic policy would be informative for the American People. They deserve to hear the two sides with pro’s and cons. Cont’d...
  • 14 April 2021: . @AOC I’d like to challenge you to a debate on the Green New Deal economic policy. Since you sponsored the Green New Deal and have a degree in Economics, I’m sure you are more than qualified. Cont’d..
  • 14 April 2021: In Biden’s America, hundreds of thousands of illegals pour across our wide open border every month, and you have you have to pay for it. And domestic terrorists riot in the streets nightly and you are a racist if you want law and order. #chaos
  • 13 April 2021: The message for the People who seek the truth is this. You have a few of us on the inside, more than you know, that will never relent, never back down, and never be stopped by the enemies of the People and their minions in the media. We are forever Patriots. #AmericaFirst
  • 13 April 2021: The People don’t fall for the lies and many no longer watch the “news,” which has become nothing more than Democrat biased gossip used to kill off the truest conservative Republicans that dare defy them. Cont’d...
  • 13 April 2021: You see the truth is that the leftist in the media have abused the great freedom of press and turned it into the freedom to lie, all in order to destroy any politician that bravely and boldly serves the people, defends our freedoms, and puts #AmericaFirst . Now...
  • 13 April 2021: For 4 years, they attacked President Trump & perfected their playbook. They lie, smear us, attack us with “allegations” & unnamed sources, then repeat and link the stories and play the lies over and over until it completely saturates the public so that people believe it’s true.
  • 13 April 2021: This is why Pres Trump received a record number of votes, love, and devotion of any Republican President. He fought for the People and we trusted him to continue. And this is also why the media set out to destroy him. Cont’d...
  • 13 April 2021: There are millions of conservative Americans that would register to vote Republican if they actually believed in Republicans to stand up to the radical Democrats and do what they claim they will do. Cont’d...
  • 13 April 2021: This nasty lukewarm water approach is a continually failing and weak path for Republicans, who are always trying to figure out how to add new Republican voters to the party. Cont’d...
  • 13 April 2021: But most important of all, don’t politicians reach their height of the political pyramid when they sell out their convictions and speak to left with one side of their mouth and to the right out of the other side, just to please the ever sought after “middle” to swing the vote?
  • 13 April 2021: Isn’t true to be a good little politician you have to fight lots of foreign wars, spend trillions to sacrifice American soldiers lives and leave them maimed, in order to protect other countries borders from their enemies, while we rip ours wide open and pay for them to be here?
  • 13 April 2021: And aren’t all politicians supposed to behave and spend trillions of the hard working people’s money to serve the globalists agenda and socialist programs that enslave people into the victimhood mentality and create generational welfare programs to secure Dem votes? And...
  • 13 April 2021: Aren’t all politicians supposed to be perfect shiny people that live perfect flawless lives in order to shake hands, kiss babies, rub elbows, make those back room deals, please the ruling class, go along, get along and just get re-elected? Cont’d..
  • 13 April 2021: The leftist controlled media is so offended when we stand proudly and become even more determined to fight for the forgotten people of America, the country we love, and make #AmericaFirst our battle cry. How dare we defy their power? After all,
  • 13 April 2021: Oh, the audacity of the Donald J Trump’s, the Marjorie Taylor Greene’s, and the Matt Gaetz’s and other Republicans who refuse to fall into a heap of pity and shame when the court jesters, the town gossips, and liars launch scalding public smear campaigns of lies on us. Cont’d..
  • 13 April 2021: ‼️Thread‼️ I have proudly defended @mattgaetz from the beginning because I know he’s done nothing wrong and I recognized this playbook right from the start. I’ve been a victim of it as well. I’m not controlled and refuse to be. Neither is Matt. Neither is President Trump.
  • 13 April 2021: Democrats claim (LIE) they don't want to register firearms. Yet @JoeBiden nominates an anti-gun lobbyist for ATF who wants to register the most popular self-defense firearm in America. Republican Senators should OPPOSE Chipman!
  • 12 April 2021: Thank you all of you who support me. Soon I will be back. And this time, I’ll be all in because my heart is no longer broken now that my Daddy has been set free. ❤️
  • 12 April 2021: Last night, the Mighty Hands that formed and created my Dad’s hands, and the wonderful man that my father is, lifted him up and took him home to heaven. Today we rejoice that his pain is gone and he has been set free!
  • 12 April 2021: They took care of my mother and held her tight and loved her so.. But the greatest thing my father’s hands ever did was they taught me how to pray.. My Dad’s big strong hands put my tiny hands together when I was young and introduced me to God..
  • 12 April 2021: I watched his hands write, calculate, and carefully bid projects on all the many blueprints.. They typed, wrote, and published books.. They created inventions and that even got nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize..
  • 12 April 2021: They taught me how to drive a car, drive a boat, and sail a sailboat.. I watched his hands build amazing things with his tools.. Measure, snap a chalk line, cut, hammer all the nails in with one swing, climb the ladders, load the trucks..
  • 12 April 2021: My Dad had the strongest hands I’ve ever known. They held me as a baby, carried me, swung me, threw me in the air, lifted me to ride on his shoulders.. They taught me to tie my shoes, ride a bike, throw, catch, and hit a ball, and fish..
  • 12 April 2021: He couldn’t finish school, but proudly went to work to support his family. With only a truck and a ladder, he tirelessly worked and eventually built a thriving construction company that put a roof over our heads, fed us, clothed us, and Dad provided our families every need.
  • 12 April 2021: He was drafted at age 20 to go to war in Vietnam and served our country in the Navy. He lost friends there just like many did. He met a girl after his service, when he went back to college, married my Mom, and had a little girl named Marjorie.
  • 12 April 2021: My Dad grew up with very little, but with a faith in God and dreamed the Great American Dream. He worked every job from riding a bike delivering newspapers, to factory work, to construction work, and all in between, while trying to go to school.
  • 12 April 2021: We don’t win every battle we fight, but my amazing father won the war, and he taught me how to withstand the greatest enemy. My Dad was the forgotten American man that President Trump worked so hard for.
  • 12 April 2021: While I have endured the flaming arrows fired daily at me while I have been fighting against the left’s war on our freedoms in Congress, my soul was torn apart watching my Daddy suffer and slowly die with cancer.
  • 12 April 2021: My father passed away last night after a hard fought battle over the past 3 months with Melanoma. Most people don’t know how tremendously difficult my first three months of Congress have been.
  • 12 April 2021: 🙏
  • 12 April 2021: The highest paid government employee in America is completely detached from the reality of the lives of Americans. He's CLUELESS. He's done enough damage to our country ... #FireFauci
  • 12 April 2021: “One thing is certain: the US will never again be able to fund itself using taxation alone, which is now to fund just 50% of the total US budget deficit.” We are a sinking ship. If I were President one day, I would stop this treacherous path that leads to destruction.
  • 12 April 2021: #BackTheBlue
  • 11 April 2021: No U.S. taxpayer dollars should be going to terrorists!
  • 11 April 2021: Happy Sunday, everyone! Let's work together to END ABORTION IN America! #ProLife
  • 11 April 2021: Congratulations to the great people of Tennessee for passing Constitutional Carry! No longer will you have to ask the government for permission to exercise your #2A rights. Every state needs Constitutional Carry ... let's do it in Georgia in '22!
  • 10 April 2021: Congratulations to the grassroots #2A organization, Iowa Gun Owners, for passing Constitutional Carry in Iowa, winning a 12-year battle over the billionaire funded anti-gun lobby. Americans should not have to ask government for permission to exercise their #2A rights!
  • 10 April 2021: I’m sorry to hear about this. We are all indebted and grateful for your service to our country. May God heal you and restore your sight. 🙏
  • 10 April 2021: While we all agree, that we never want anyone to die, facts show who are in the highest risk groups. It’s not kids and healthy working age people. This is a good thread with articles to help ease fears. We need to be fully reopen and masks and vaccines optional, not forced.
  • 9 April 2021: . @ericswalwell
  • 9 April 2021: Such a beautifully crafted firearm ... Made in America, by Americans.
  • 9 April 2021: #ShallNotBeInfringed
  • 9 April 2021: #FireFauci
  • 9 April 2021: Abortion is the worst lie ever told to women. Killing that baby in your womb doesn’t solve the problem that put it there, and having the baby will never hold you back. As a matter of fact, being a mother will make you stronger than you ever thought you could be. ❤️
  • 9 April 2021: All the “Republican” consultants who have been running their mouths telling elected Republicans and candidates to distance themselves from Trump are the poison in our party. They can’t relate to real Americans and are too stupid to comprehend that #AmericaFirst is the future.
  • 9 April 2021: We will not comply! #ShallNotBeInfringed
  • 8 April 2021: Actually it would be far more than that, Peter. But I'm still OPPOSED TO HR 1!
  • 8 April 2021: Dems always scream "we don't want to register your guns!" LIES ... and we know it. #ShallNotBeInfringed
  • 8 April 2021: Hunter- “If you don’t run I’ll never have a chance at redemption.” Joe Biden- “I’ll run but I need you.” Redemption for Hunter is not what Biden should be focused on as President. Biden is compromised. #ImpeachBiden
  • 8 April 2021: Real results of Joe Biden’s job killing $1.9 trillion dollar bailout that payed people to stay home. Why work when the government just puts money in your back account? Unemployment and stimulus checks pay more.
  • 8 April 2021: ...The Democrats need to focus on actually solving problems instead of creating lying narratives in order to radically transform America. Bumbling Joe Biden again has forgotten some very important facts and words. Shall Not Be Infringed.
  • 8 April 2021: ...After 2 recent murderous attacks by Muslims, Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, and Noah Green a black nationalist & member of the Nation of Islam, the DOJ should be investigating radical Islamic terrorists threats inside the US and not making rulings about pistol stabilizers. Cont’d...
  • 8 April 2021: ...Colorado already had strict gun control laws such as red flag laws, and those overbearing laws did nothing to stop this terrorist attack. Cont’d...
  • 8 April 2021: ...Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, a Muslim man who emigrated to the US from Syria, is the one responsible for killing 10 white people in a Colorado grocery store. Cont’d...
  • 8 April 2021: ...Mental illness is a crippling and dangerous disease that has ravaged the lives of many people and sadly been increased over the past year due to government mandated shut downs. We should address mental illness and rid the internet of porn, not blame guns. Cont’d...
  • 8 April 2021: ...The recent tragic Georgia shootings by self admitted sex addict, Robert Aaron Long, are not Asian hate crimes like the media and Dems have repeatedly claimed, these murders are the result of mental illness. Long had been treated for sex addiction before he killed. Cont’d...
  • 8 April 2021: ..If Biden & Dems cared about ending “gun violence” & helping save lives in black/brown communities as they say, then they would heavily fund and support police instead of continuing down the hateful defund the police road that has led to drastic spikes in murder rates. Cont’d...
  • 8 April 2021: The Biden/Harris admin’s rabid power grab and aggressive gun control is misdirected and an infringement on the people’s 2A rights. Cont’d...
  • 8 April 2021: The right of the people to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT be infringed!
  • 8 April 2021: . @JoeBiden nor any other has no power to infringe on Americans 2nd Amendment rights. That phrase about “security of a free state” and “right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” is there just for times as these. And the people know it.
  • 7 April 2021: #BidenBorderCrisis
  • 7 April 2021: Liberalism is a mental disorder. Pelosi just proved it again with this statement. #BidenBorderCrisis
  • 7 April 2021: ...I am one of the people and the people are with me, and I will always be with them. WE are just getting started! In the words of my favorite President Trump, “the best is yet to come.” Thank you to all! 🙏❤️🇺🇸
  • 7 April 2021: ...The political ruling class fears the people because it’s the people that can take away what they love most. Power. Because it’s power that brings them everything else. Cont’d...
  • 7 April 2021: ...For too long, the political ruling class that looks down on the rest of us, have been been selling out America to the world, by whipping the backs of the hardworking American worker and taxpayer. But they fear one thing. Cont’d...
  • 7 April 2021: ...Accumulating $3.2 million with small dollar donations is the absolute BEST support I could possibly ask for! The $5 to $50, coming from you, God fearing, America loving, wonderful hardworking people, you and our children are who I’m fighting for everyday! Cont’d...
  • 7 April 2021: ...I stood my ground and never wavered in my belief in #AmericaFirst policies and putting #PeopleOverPolitics ! And I will NEVER backdown! As a matter of fact, I’m just getting started. Cont’d...
  • 7 April 2021: I am humbled, overjoyed, and so excited to announce what happened over the past few months as I have been the most attacked freshman member of Congress in history. Over 100,000 donors poured in over $3,200,000 to support me, averaging $30 per donation. You know why? Cont’d...
  • 7 April 2021: #BidenBorderCrisis
  • 7 April 2021: #SocialismSucks
  • 7 April 2021: How many women have publicly come out accusing @mattgaetz today? Anyone? Hello? Ladies? Oh, is it still just the media, with “allegations?” What’s not allegations is that the Biden’s have always gotten rich off of energy deals in foreign countries, like Ukraine & China. 🧐
  • 7 April 2021: That’s called Corporate Communism.
  • 7 April 2021: Women do have that choice BEFORE they have sex. Stop selling that big lie to women.
  • 7 April 2021: Any “Republican” that supports pediatric transgender hormone treatment or surgery is supporting child abuse.
  • 7 April 2021: China is the world’s biggest polluter, with 30% of the worlds emissions. More than the US and Europe combined. Why is Joe Biden going to force the US to be nearly solely dependent on China for batteries with his federally mandated EV requirements in his $2T Infrastructure plan?
  • 7 April 2021: Chinese chemical companies control 80% of the worlds total output of the raw materials used to make advanced batteries. Like the batteries that will be required for ALL vehicles by 2035, according to Biden’s Infrastructure plan. Biden will force the US to be dependent on China.
  • 6 April 2021: Through an election that many consider stolen, if Biden’s Infrastructure plan passes, the US will soon be forced from being free and energy independent to completely government controlled and dependent on China for one very specific federally mandated requirement. Batteries.
  • 6 April 2021: I’m joining @gregkellyusa on @newsmax at 7:00pm! Tune in!
  • 6 April 2021: Has anyone been suspended in “error” on @Twitter today? Or does that just happen to me on a platform that has spent hundreds of millions development?
  • 6 April 2021: Oh how about that! Will money be allocated for finishing Trump’s border wall in the Infrastructure package? A border wall makes a lot more sense in an “Infrastructure” plan than the Green New Deal.
  • 6 April 2021:
  • 6 April 2021: When will Dr Fauci, Democrats, and the media wake up to the truth that 78% of hospitalizations and deaths from #COVID19 are OBESE people?? This is why the rates are nearly the same in open and closed states. $2 trillion in spending and NONE of it helped people overcome obesity.
  • 6 April 2021: Don’t be fooled by all the virtue signaling. It’s all about passing HR1. When @MLB hands out tickets at Will Call without requiring ID and @Delta let’s people fly on their airline without ID, then these woke CEO’s won’t sound so stupid about Georgia requiring ID to vote.
  • 6 April 2021: #FireFauci
  • 5 April 2021:
  • 5 April 2021: Every single black voter should be outraged by the Democrats treating them like they are incapable of getting an ID to vote. And then the rich CEO’s chime in with the same lie. All they are is a bunch of woke racists.
  • 5 April 2021: Show me 1 woman who has spoken out against @mattgaetz ! @andrewcuomo has been accused by 9 women of sexual misconduct. Gaetz - 0. This is nothing but a deep state attack and media smear fest to take him down. @gop needs to stand up.
  • 5 April 2021: RT @DHarshbargerTN1: This is unbelievable on so many levels. @mtgreenee is a member of Congress elected by the people of Georgia.
  • 5 April 2021: The “error” occurred right after I celebrated our Savior’s resurrection. 🤔🤔🤔
  • 5 April 2021: #FireFauci
  • 5 April 2021: . @Twitter suspended me again by “mistake” yesterday after I tweeted, ‘He is risen.” Everyone knows that’s a LIE, and it was no mistake. Curious if Twitter has ever suspended @LouisFarrakhan by mistake? Or any of his followers that want to kill police?
  • 5 April 2021: . @Twitter suspended me again today by “mistake,” after I tweeted, He is risen. I had a wonderful day with family at the beach in the #FloridaFreedomZone . 😎 I didn’t miss the hate on Twitter at all, and I’m looking forward to President Trump’s social media platform. ✌️🇺🇸
  • 4 April 2021: Happy Easter, everyone! He is risen!
  • 3 April 2021: What is happening here? Is this true?
  • 3 April 2021: This @MLB issue brought together all of the factions within the Republican Party last night. We now have an issue we can all get behind and fight together ... Corporate Communism.
  • 3 April 2021: ...Now back to those #pull -ups. For all of you that had so much criticism of my #CrossFit style butterfly pull-ups, I challenge you to tweet your pull-up video and tag me. Rules- any style with full extension and chin over like this and no cheating!
  • 3 April 2021: ...This week I introduced the Fire Fauci Act because Dr. Fauci isn’t addressing health and saving lives, he’s helping Big Pharma and destroying freedom. Cont’d...
  • 3 April 2021: ...With all of this scientific data known about obesity and covid, Dr. Fauci and the Democrats are pushing the covid vaccines to be mandated for our survival, instead of addressing obesity to help people. Cont’d...
  • 3 April 2021: ... As a matter of fact, a recent survey reported the average weight gain being 29 pounds and even 10% reporting gaining 50 or more pounds over this past covid year. Cont’d...
  • 3 April 2021: ...This closed gyms, sports, activity outlets, schools, and increased depression and suicide. AND added more weight gain. Cont’d...
  • 3 April 2021: ...Dr. Fauci is the highest paid federal employee in the US and his answer to save lives has been masks, social distancing, and shutdowns that forced people indoors and alone. Cont’d...
  • 3 April 2021: ...With over 42% of our population being obese, why isn’t the biggest effort to save people’s lives seriously tackling the critical health risk of obesity? Cont’d...
  • 3 April 2021: ...According to the CDC, the highest risk factor for covid hospitalization, ventilation, and death is OBESITY. As a matter of FACT, 78% of those who were ventilated or died from covid were obese. Cont’d...
  • 3 April 2021: ...That’s why I introduced the We Will Not Comply Act to outlaw Vaccine Passports and allow people who are discriminated against for refusing masks and vaccines to be able to sue. Cont’d...
  • 3 April 2021: ..I’m not against the vaccine, I’m actually FOR anyone getting it that wants it, like my parents, but I’m against any and all forced vaccine mandates. Cont’d...
  • 3 April 2021: ...My husband’s 97 year old grandmother, my father in law, my sister and brother in law all survived covid. And thankfully, 30 million Americans have SURVIVED covid without the covid vaccines. Cont’d...
  • 3 April 2021: ...Yes, I fully trust my healthy immune system to defeat covid because I exercise, eat right most of the time, and do not fall in the high risk groups for covid complications. Yes, I am aware I can still get sick, as can anyone. Cont’d...
  • 3 April 2021: ‼️Thread‼️ For all my haters, professional couch keyboard warriors, and exercise critics who can’t do a single pull-up, yet lost your minds recently over my CrossFit style butterfly pull-ups, here is the conversation we need to have. Cont’d...
  • 3 April 2021: How many early voting days are there in Communist China, @MLB ?
  • 2 April 2021: This is our new Georgia Senator @ReverendWarnock praising Islam.
  • 2 April 2021: An Islamic terrorist did something (your words) to a Capitol Police Officer on Good Friday. Stop trying to use an Islamic terrorist attack to destroy our Second Amendment rights. And if you support police, then don’t defund them.
  • 2 April 2021: Are they disappointed that the man who killed one of our great Capitol Police doesn’t fit the identity they claimed without knowing? It turns out to be someone who just did something on Good Friday. Can we discuss that? Or how about how awful murder is regardless of race?
  • 2 April 2021: Not a white supremacist Trump supporter. I guess somebody just did something...
  • 2 April 2021: The @MLB needs to stop listening to their corporate communist sponsors and remember the little guys who buy their tickets. The same people who are now saying they are done with professional sports. Keep the politics off the field and stop ruining everything!
  • 2 April 2021: Good. Now take the rest of woke progressive Democrat bullies like Hollywood and Stacey Abrams with you. Georgia will NOT apologize for passing strong election reform laws that require ID to vote, just like @Delta requires ID to fly. @MLB just stick to baseball.
  • 2 April 2021: We are praying for the two USCP officers involved and the safety of all of our great men and women in blue that keep us all safe everyday. #BackTheBlue 💙🙏
  • 2 April 2021: How many pallets of cash will Biden offer them this time?
  • 2 April 2021: This is blatantly racist.
  • 2 April 2021: Have a blessed Good Friday, everyone! #GoodFriday
  • 2 April 2021: . @staceyabrams it’s time for you to stop bullying GA corporations and GA lawmakers by calling everyone a “racist” when you don’t get your way. Voter ID is NOT voter suppression, it STOPS VOTER FRAUD. Corporations need to focus on their businesses, not politics or your demands.
  • 2 April 2021: #FireFauci
  • 2 April 2021: #FireFauci
  • 1 April 2021: This is how the Fake News Media operates. Spreading lies without confirmation on what legislation actually says. Bills are intended to become laws. Read the bill, Andrew. My #FireFauci Act would require the NIAID Director to be subject to Senate confirmation.
  • 1 April 2021:
  • 1 April 2021: ...If we want to protect people, then we also want to discuss health solutions that move people from being in the risk group to no longer being in the risk group. Healthy eating and exercise is good for our minds, body, and spirit. And it brings good health for all.
  • 1 April 2021: Since this is trending: 1. Yes being healthy through training and lifestyle, I trust my immune system as my Covid protection. 2. For those confused on my pull-ups, these are called butterfly pull-ups. Sometimes I do strict and sometimes I do butterfly.
  • 1 April 2021: #FireFauci
  • 1 April 2021: #FireFauci
  • 1 April 2021: TUNE IN NOW!!
  • 1 April 2021: #WeWillNotComply with Biden’s Chinese-style vaccine “passports”! RT!
  • 1 April 2021: This is my Covid protection 💪 #MakeAmericaHealthyAgain It’s time to #FireFauci
  • 1 April 2021: I’ll be on Steve Bannon’s War Room for the whole first hour at 10AM ET. You don’t want to miss this. TUNE IN! #FireFauci #WeWillNotComply
  • 1 April 2021: Joe Biden should have released his “Infrastructure” plan today on #AprilFoolsDay . Less than 6% of the massive $2 Trillion dollar so called Infrastructure plan actually goes to roads, bridges, and highways. The joke is on the American People.
  • 1 April 2021: Close the border now and stop all the child trafficking! Pass my Protect America First Act to end the #BidenBorderCrisis .
  • 1 April 2021: America, we need to #FireFauci
  • 31 March 2021: Remember all the conspiracy theories and lies like Trump/Russia collusion and propaganda that the media has spread around. Take it from me rumors and headlines don’t equal truth. I stand with @mattgaetz
  • 31 March 2021: The DOJ needs to release the tapes instead of allowing another witch hunt to take place.
  • 31 March 2021: Joe Biden is telling you to keep wearing masks, wants to force #VaccinePassports , and won’t allow America to fully reopen bc of #COVID , but Biden and the Democrats have opened our border to the world and ALL diseases. Now YOU have to pay for all the illegals & their covid is ok.
  • 31 March 2021: . @AOC is lying and being a racist blaming “white supremacist.” If she cared about children of all races, then she would be down at the border crying about the very real surge of children being trafficked in our country and stuffed in “cages” due to the policies she loves.
  • 31 March 2021:
  • 31 March 2021: Great to spend time with the greatest (& my President), Donald J. Trump at Mar a Lago today! He is the leader of the R Party & his America First policies will lead our party to victory in '22 AND in '24. Thank you President Trump for always fighting so hard for Americans First!
  • 30 March 2021: NO VACCINE "PASSPORTS'! We need this in Georgia
  • 30 March 2021: We WILL NOT COMPLY with Biden's vaccine "passports"!
  • 30 March 2021: I OPPOSE Joe Biden's Chinese style tracking of Americans
  • 30 March 2021: San Diego teachers, who have refused to reopen school for 130,000 American taxpayer’s children for over 1 year bc of #COVID19 , are now teaching illegal kids IN PERSON. SDUSD took in millions to reopen & has not reopened. It’s not about covid. #BidenBorderCrisis #ImpeachBiden
  • 30 March 2021: Georgia should also ban #VaccinePassports . #gapol
  • 30 March 2021:
  • 29 March 2021: What is this? “To provide for vaccine information to third parties under certain public health conditions.” Who are the third parties? Does this pave the way for #VaccinePassports destroying people’s HIPAA rights?
  • 29 March 2021: The same people that support killing other people in the womb claiming, “my body my choice” are the same people demanding you must have #VaccinePassports and it’s not your body or your choice.
  • 29 March 2021: They are actually talking about people’s ability to buy and sell linked to the vaccine passport. They might as well call it Biden’s Mark of the Beast.
  • 29 March 2021: It’s all politics. End mask mandates! Biden wants as much control as possible in order to finish off what Obama started. The radical transformation of America.
  • 29 March 2021:
  • 29 March 2021: It was an honor to be on your first episode, Ryan! Listen below!
  • 29 March 2021: OPPOSE!
  • 29 March 2021: #ImpeachBiden
  • 28 March 2021: #BidenBorderCrisis #ImpeachBiden My bill -- the Protect America First Act (H.R. 1883) -- would end Biden's crisis at the border, and most importantly, protect our country.
  • 28 March 2021: Since Nov 3rd, our nation has been handed over to depravity because our ways have been evil. The church has been asleep & it seems we are lost. But seeing the evil before our eyes, believers are gathering on their own to save America. I’ve seen it. It’s real. It’s happening.
  • 28 March 2021: Fauci making it up as he goes along.
  • 28 March 2021: #BidenBorderCrisis #ImpeachBiden
  • 28 March 2021: A mileage tax would hurt lower income workers especially and those who have to travel significant distances every day for work. We all knew Biden was LYING when he said he wasn't going to raise taxes on anyone making less than $400k. I OPPOSE!
  • 27 March 2021: . @JoeBiden did this #BidenBorderCrisis
  • 27 March 2021: My Protect America First Act will save America. And as for committees, I am now the Chairwoman of the Committee of the Whole.
  • 27 March 2021: All the proof you ever need that Democrats don’t care about Covid or children in cages. Or your business. Or your church. Or your children going to school. They are too busy importing future voters.
  • 27 March 2021: . @JoeBiden did this. #ImpeachBiden
  • 27 March 2021: . @JoeBiden intentionally and purposefully implemented policies that allowed this to happen. There's a reason he won't even allow the Fake News Media in. #ImpeachBiden
  • 27 March 2021: This is the #EqualityAct . The Democrats want men in girls/women’s bathrooms, locker rooms, sports, and our daughter’s private spaces! Imagine your little girl going to the bathroom in a public restroom, and any man can come in. Protect our children!
  • 26 March 2021: Democrats have declared me Public Enemy Number One. 72+ radical Socialists introduced a resolution to EXPEL me from Congress. And it’s all because I stand for the PEOPLE over politicians. Text MTG to 89477 to #StandWithMTG
  • 26 March 2021: Message from the American Red Cross of NW Georgia for families affected by yesterday’s storm: We are asking that families who have significant impact to their homes to call 855-891-7325 to report their need and their call will be directed to those who can assist in our region.
  • 26 March 2021: Build the wall!
  • 26 March 2021: Not offended at all. 😎 Well said.
  • 26 March 2021: If you are able and willing to help with clean up from yesterday's storm, please meet at the Polk County Georgia Sheriff’s Office at 9:30 AM! Special request for large tarps! Thank you!
  • 26 March 2021: I raise a hallelujah, in the presence of my enemies I raise a hallelujah, louder than the unbelief I raise a hallelujah, my weapon is a melody I raise a hallelujah, heaven comes to fight for me I'm gonna sing, in the middle of the storm... Death is defeated, the King is alive!
  • 26 March 2021: We have the 2A for good reasons and one of them is to be able to prevent horrors like this. We don’t need overbearing government laws to protect ourselves. We need a gun with as much ammo as we want.
  • 26 March 2021: I couldn’t defend myself and my children, when people show up to murder us like they threaten. This PAC is celebrating that a woman (me) can’t block people that want to kill me and my kids. What an accomplishment for them.
  • 26 March 2021: Because of this PAC’s frivolous lawsuit against me, I’m not allowed to block people that threaten my life and my children’s lives every single day on social media. And they are bragging about donating the money to organizations that want to take away my guns, Cont’d...
  • 25 March 2021: One mask, two masks, three masks, four. Mask your nose so you can eat! Everyone knows the rules. Covid spreads when you walk in restaurants, but not when sitting and eating at the table. It’s science.🤦‍♀️ The insanity stops when we go back to caring about individual freedoms.
  • 25 March 2021: This is who is going up against China. God help us.
  • 25 March 2021: Joe Biden is stumbling so badly that he can’t even answer questions in a manner that makes sense. Not only did he lie about President Trump, Biden doesn’t have a clue what is going on. He is not fit to serve. It’s obvious to everyone.
  • 25 March 2021: Biden thinks he came to the US Senate 120 years ago?!?
  • 25 March 2021: Number one issue at my town hall tonight was Georgia election integrity. Biggest demands are STOP no excuse absentee voting and require mandatory ID.
  • 24 March 2021:
  • 24 March 2021: Reports are that Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa was previously known by the FBI. What did they know and when did they know it? America demands answers.
  • 24 March 2021: For every girl who dreams of competing in her sport, I will never stop fighting to keep the biological boys pretending to be girls out of girls sports! The left needs to stop supporting mansplaining and oppression of women by trans biological men. That’s not equality.
  • 24 March 2021: If @KamalaHarris cared about empowering women she would put the #EqualityAct in a paper shredder and keep the biological men out of girls bathrooms and sports. And the conversation with Bill Clinton about empowering women, well that’s a whole different issue.
  • 23 March 2021: The Government created welfare state is why we have a labor crisis in America. Stop paying people to stay home and we solve our labor shortage.
  • 23 March 2021: . @JoeBiden wants to destroy the Second Amendment. We won’t let him. Sign your petition to #StopBidensGunBan !
  • 23 March 2021: Molon labe.
  • 23 March 2021: Colorado has everything the left has asked for... • Universal Background Checks • Red Flag gun seizure laws • "Hi-capacity" magazine bans • A passing gun-control grade from @GiffordsCourage And it still didn't stop a thug like Ahmad Al-Issa from murdering Americans.
  • 23 March 2021: The Democrat attempt to expel me is pure projection. @VP & @IlhanMN encouraged BLM / Antifa riots by helping bail domestic terrorist out of jail. @ericswalwell slept with a Chinese spy. All of this while they were in Congress.
  • 23 March 2021: Joe Biden created this disaster on the border.
  • 22 March 2021: TUNE IN NOW!!
  • 22 March 2021: We are being invaded and @JoeBiden invited them all. Some DHS officials are predicting that the U.S. is on track for 200,000 illegal immigrants entering each month. CBP is projecting that 13,000 unaccompanied children will be crossing the border per month beginning in May.
  • 22 March 2021: I have to correct myself. It’s only been 2 months since Biden has been inaugurated. So much bad has happened it seems longer! 🤦‍♀️ It’s amazing how fast Democrats are ruining everything. That’s what happens when their policies are #AmericaLast
  • 22 March 2021: Price of gas in Georgia was $1.77 on November 3, 2020. Today it’s $2.89. It’s been a little over 3 months since Biden’s inauguration. Remember when America became a net exporter of oil in 2019? Hard to believe that will be in the past. #AmericaFirst should have stayed.
  • 22 March 2021: Yes they are going to raise taxes. It’s coming in the Infrastructure bill which will be $3 trillion+ & will be a “redistribution of wealth.” This will further hurt businesses and weaken our economy. It will also contain the Green New Deal, the final devastating blow to the US.
  • 22 March 2021: Lumber is way over 100% higher than last year. Appliances, windows, siding, and all building supplies are in major shortage & cost are high. This is what happens when the government pays people to stay home & not work for a year. Not enough manufacturing. Socialism sucks.
  • 22 March 2021: This plant closing (and job losses) is on the Dems and so-called "blue collar" @JoeBiden ... "inevitable climate change demands from the Biden administration would have forced Appvion to make costly upgrades"
  • 22 March 2021: Dems love "whistleblowers" unless they're Border Patrol agents telling the American people about the disaster @JoeBiden has created on our Southern border.
  • 22 March 2021:
  • 22 March 2021: . @JoeBiden and the Democrats filling the pockets of the cartels.
  • 22 March 2021: . @JoeBiden did this
  • 22 March 2021: The border is out of control only 3 months into Biden’s Admin. “become so dire that BP [Border Patrol] has no choice but to release people nearly immediately after apprehension because there is no space to hold people even to do necessary NTA paperwork."
  • 22 March 2021: Thank you to the 10,017 great American patriots from all 50 states who contributed $359,344 to my re-election campaign over the last 96 hours. I will forever be grateful for your generous support. And I will always represent the PEOPLE, not the politicians! Text MTG to 89477
  • 21 March 2021: Joe Biden purposefully and intentionally implemented policies that led to this disaster on our Southern border. #ImpeachBiden
  • 21 March 2021: Everyone was outraged that I had the audacity to call for a motion to adjourn to do anything I could to stop the disastrous $1.9T Biden spending spree. Now some on the left agree how bad it is. Next time I make a MTA, ALL R’s should vote with me.
  • 21 March 2021: Thank you for the words of encouragement, Pam!
  • 20 March 2021: Thank you, Kathy!
  • 20 March 2021: I’m on LIVE with Steve Bannon’s War Room for the entire hour. TUNE IN NOW:
  • 20 March 2021: I’m LIVE with Steve Bannon’s War Room! TUNE IN NOW:
  • 20 March 2021: America was built by the People. I will not stop until we return it to the People. We live in the greatest country in the world. I intend to keep it that way for all of our children. #AmericaFirst
  • 20 March 2021: Watch LIVE:
  • 20 March 2021:
  • 19 March 2021: Thank you to the 6,474 great American patriots from all 50 states who've contributed over $210,000 to my re-election campaign in the last 24 hours. I'll never stop fighting for the People and #AmericaFirst policies. Can we reach $225,000 by midnight? Text MTG to 89477!
  • 19 March 2021: Democrats in Congress are trying to EXPEL me because I’ll always have your back. But I will never back down because I know you have mine. It will always be PEOPLE over politicians. Text MTG to 89744 to #StandWithMTG !
  • 19 March 2021: Uh oh and so did this US Congresswoman. @IlhanMN Giving aid and comfort to enemies. Definitely grounds for expulsion. Right??
  • 19 March 2021: Today Democrats introduced a resolution to have me expelled from Congress for nothing. But @VP Kamala Harris, as a US Senator, raised money to bail out BLM/Antifa domestic terrorists from jail after they literally committed violent crimes and riots. Who should be expelled?
  • 19 March 2021: I was just told @Twitter suspended me for 12 hrs in “error,” on the same day Dems introduced a resolution to expel me from Congress. What a coincidence? Twitter’s little error wasn’t resolved until after 12 hrs. @jack which employee made the “error?” Reply to my email, Jack
  • 18 March 2021: Democrats have declared me Public Enemy Number One. Tomorrow, 72+ radical Socialists are introducing a resolution to EXPEL me from Congress. And it’s all because I stand for the PEOPLE over politicians. Text MTG to 89477 to #StandWithMTG
  • 18 March 2021: LISTEN LIVE!
  • 18 March 2021: Democrats “Build Back Better” plan is a political weapon to radically transform America into a socialist nation. Dems are pushing climate justice, $15 min wage, wealth redistribution, government run healthcare, “family infrastructure?”, and MORE taxes into Infrastructure plan.
  • 17 March 2021: Two weeks ago, Democrats voted to defund the police, take away qualified immunity, and put police on Biden’s hit lists, but now they want to make up for it by giving Capitol police a “ceremonial” award. You can’t fool the police. I cosponsored @replouiegohmert ’s PRO police bill
  • 17 March 2021:
  • 17 March 2021: ...This bill did not go through the Judiciary committee that it was assigned just like VOCA. Dems want to ram everything through to achieve the passage of their woke progressive agenda with a simple voice vote. Roll Call for 435 members! And then a NO vote!
  • 17 March 2021: Again Democrats want to violate girls and women’s rights by destroying God’s creation, male and female. Putting biological men in women’s prisons, abuse shelters and extending them rights does NOT help biological women and girls who have been through hell. Cont’d...
  • 17 March 2021: Proud to stand with my @freedomcaucus colleagues to address @JoeBiden ’s crisis on our Southern border. My Protect America First Act (HR 1883) will END this crisis and secure our border!
  • 17 March 2021: I will be LIVE with Steve Bannon’s War Room at 10AM ET. Tune in:
  • 17 March 2021: Weighted 💪 Nice! I gotta step up my game!
  • 17 March 2021: For me, it’s people over politicians, and the people deserve to see the truth.
  • 17 March 2021: Right now, working very hard on the Committee of the Whole, holding Congress accountable and forcing transparency, during this radical Dem controlled Congress, is far more important to the people than any powerless committee assignment. Cont’d...
  • 17 March 2021: Being kicked off committee assignments by Dems (+11 foolish Republicans) has allowed me to learn and use the rules that hold Congress accountable. Cont’d...
  • 17 March 2021: So, I won’t be taking the forcefully given advice on how to join the swamp and to stop calling for recorded votes and using other rules on the floor. Cont’d...
  • 17 March 2021: I call that mind numbing behavior being an effective member of the swamp which has disgustingly enslaved Americans in $30 trillion of debt and has eroded our freedoms. Cont’d...
  • 17 March 2021: I fully disagree that sneaking bills into passage in the dark with a tiny fraction of Congress only saying “yay” is being an effective member of Congress. Cont’d...
  • 17 March 2021: I was told “this is how freshman get a bill passed and that helps them when it’s time for re-election. And this is how you become an effective member of Congress.” Cont’d...
  • 17 March 2021: Both parties do this and ironically it was a R member who argued with me not to call recorded votes so that bills would easily pass and members could avoid “embarrassment” of their vote not being on record to their voters. Cont’d...
  • 17 March 2021: People, on both sides of the aisle, should be outraged that Congress can spend billions with only a handful of members present and saying “yay.” Cont’d...
  • 17 March 2021: By my action on the floor, all 435 members of Congress now have to vote on record for the bill in order for it to either pass or fail. Cont’d...
  • 17 March 2021: ... If I had not been present in the chamber, and stood to request a roll call, this bill would have passed with roughly only 12 members (R and D) simply saying “yay.” Cont’d...
  • 17 March 2021: ... HR 1652 has no text on the Congressional website, never went through committee, and will cost American taxpayers $7.5 billion. By the way, Nadler is chairman of the committee this bill skipped and went strait to the floor for a voice vote. Cont’d...
  • 17 March 2021: Floor procedure is far more important and effective than wasting time, powerless in the minority, on committee assignments. Here’s why.. Yesterday, I called for a recorded vote on Jerry Nadler’s bill that never went through Judiciary Com even though it was referred. Cont’d...
  • 16 March 2021: . @SpeakerPelosi condemns Americans for demanding election fraud to be investigated, yet she is about to overturn the lawful election of a member of congress. Bottom line, Pelosi and the Democrats have decided they control the outcome of elections. Not the people.
  • 16 March 2021:
  • 16 March 2021: How should Republicans respond? Certainly not the way the GOP normally does. Both parties have been in charge for decades that have over taxed hard working Americans and raised our debt to $30 trillion dollars. We need a new playbook. The same old strategy is a loser.
  • 16 March 2021: It’s time for our great men and women of the National Guard to go home and be with their families. The Democrats need to stop using them as political theatre and drama on Capitol Hill. Shame on Democrats for disrespecting our military.
  • 15 March 2021: Coming up with @gregkellyusa on @newsmax at 7:00pm! Tune in now:
  • 15 March 2021: Be sure to tune in to @GregKellyUSA on @Newsmax tonight!
  • 15 March 2021: President Trump deserves all the big headlines from this little tiny correction that the original story got. But we all know that won’t happen.
  • 15 March 2021: BUILD THE WALL!
  • 15 March 2021: Even The NY Times is reporting the truth about Joe Biden creating the severe border disaster. By inviting these people to illegally enter our country he is stuffing the coffers of the coyotes and the cartel human traffickers. Time to #ImpeachBiden
  • 15 March 2021: Pelosi can’t lie big enough trying to blame Trump to cover up the border crisis Biden created. Biden opened the flood gates. Backlog of unaccompanied migrant children grows as FEMA deployed to border. And we only send FEMA for emergencies.
  • 15 March 2021: My Protect America First Act will END @JoeBiden ’s crisis at the border. Sign on as a Citizen Cosponsor today!
  • 15 March 2021: Biden created the border crisis and no matter how many times @SpeakerPelosi LIES to the press and tries to blame President Trump, she can’t hide the truth. This is why I introduced my Protect America First Act, which is the strongest border security legislation on the books.
  • 15 March 2021: The American people deserve to see a record of our votes on everything that passes. As you can see they agree. Nothing should pass by voice votes in secret, which happens all the time. Business as usual in the swamp is why we are losing our country.
  • 14 March 2021: It’s been a year now that most of you have spent your days afraid of dying. In reality, all that has done has been to train most of you to be afraid to live.
  • 14 March 2021: Prayers for Officer Wittstruck
  • 13 March 2021: Biden’s border. Children say they have to take turns sleeping on the floor and haven’t showered in a week. Many of the children were emotional saying how they aren’t allowed to go outside and never see the sun. 1,800 people held in a facility for 250.
  • 13 March 2021: This is child abuse. Open, flagrant, and deeply disturbing. It’s morally wrong. There should be no such thing as a pediatric gender clinic. Children need to grow up physically, mentally, and psychologically before they make life altering decisions to their bodies.
  • 13 March 2021: 2. ... pour across our southern border every single day and the Biden Admin, Dems, and Fake News are silent. The intended result of Biden's open borders policy was the intentional flooding of our country with illegal aliens. #ImpeachBiden
  • 13 March 2021: For over a year Joe Biden, the Dems, and Fake News Media demanded we close our schools, churches, businesses, gyms, sports leagues, stay home from work, and not see our family for birthdays, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Yet thousands of illegal aliens from all over the world ...
  • 13 March 2021: This is why I introduced the Protect America First Act. 🇺🇸
  • 12 March 2021: #ImpeachBiden
  • 12 March 2021: It’s time to take border security seriously and END the crisis created by @JoeBiden and the Democrats.
  • 12 March 2021: Democrats can’t allow Cuomo to be taken down by killing people in nursing homes by his policies of putting #COVID19 patients in with the most vulnerable people. Democrats would rather take him down with sexual misconduct scandals. Dems need covid as THEIR political weapon.
  • 12 March 2021: There’s a monumental crisis because of the radical Open Border policies of @JoeBiden and the Democrats. Today, I’m introducing the Protect America First Act to protect our nation’s sovereignty and SECURE our Southern border!
  • 12 March 2021: #AmericaFirst 🇺🇸🦅💪
  • 12 March 2021: Hey @JoeBiden , all those illegals you are welcoming in our country are having big barbacoas right now at our border. They aren’t waiting until July 4th like you want legal American taxpayers to do, if they get the vaccine. You also forgot to thank President Trump for the shot!
  • 12 March 2021: - Allows & encourages local authorities to enforce immigration law - Cuts off foreign aid to countries who allow their citizens to illegally enter the US - Repeals Biden’s open border executive orders - Reinstates Trump’s zero tolerance immigration policy - Rescinds DACA & DAPA
  • 12 March 2021: Tomorrow, I’m introducing the Protect America First Act to secure our Southern Border: - 4 year immigration moratorium (all immigration) during Biden’s admin - Funds & Builds the Wall - Defunds Sanctuary Cities - Expedites deportation of illegal aliens (Cont’d)
  • 12 March 2021: Biden has our border wide open and we are literally being invaded and he has the audacity to say if we don’t behave like good little boys and girls that he will reinstate covid restrictions. All to keep the crisis for the excuse to finish off the radical transformation.
  • 12 March 2021: That was the most bizarre speech from any US President I’ve ever seen. Does Biden know about all the open states? He says everyone must get the vaccine & we might get to have a BBQ with our families on July 4th. Should we tell him most of us have been doing that the past year?
  • 11 March 2021: The Democrats have complete meltdowns over kids in cages. But next week the Democrats want to pass a law that would allow children to be raised in PRISON! The so called Violence Against Women Act is actually violent against children! Stop the insanity! Democrats hate kids.
  • 11 March 2021: The crisis on the Southern border is unacceptable. @JoeBiden is unfit for office. It’s time to #ImpeachBiden .
  • 11 March 2021: Existential Threat to the Uniparty: Marjorie Taylor Greene Gives Explosive Interview to War Room - Steve Bannon's War Room: Pandemic
  • 11 March 2021: This is the video I just mentioned on the House floor.
  • 11 March 2021: WATCH: Rep. Taylor Greene: Democrats 'ramming through woke, strict gun control' legislation
  • 11 March 2021: I'm LIVE NOW with Steve Bannon's War Room. LISTEN:
  • 11 March 2021: LIVE NOW!
  • 11 March 2021: I’ll be joining Steve Brannon’s War Room in just a few minutes! Tune in on 1690AM in Georgia or live stream with the link below!
  • 11 March 2021: Reminder for everyone who thinks Joe Biden (who takes a nap everyday and has never held a press conference) has done anything to help people get the “beautiful shot” against the Chinese virus.
  • 10 March 2021: Yes President Trump @HerschelWalker would be a GREAT Georgia Senator! 🇺🇸 And would win big!
  • 10 March 2021: There appears to be the start of a mask revolt on Capitol Hill. It’s great! About time!
  • 10 March 2021: Marjorie Taylor Greene rips 'pathetic whining' of GOP ‘Surrender Caucus’ via ⁦ @SecretsBedard ⁩
  • 10 March 2021: This is from the @ajc newspaper on September 25, 1906, supporting the military going door-to-door disarming black Georgians. 115 years later, Democrats in Congress are taking the first step today toward disarming ALL Americans. I OPPOSE both of HR 8 and HR 1446.
  • 10 March 2021: Thank you, Clint and Mary!
  • 10 March 2021: Thank you, Shawn!
  • 10 March 2021: Thank you, Suzanne!
  • 10 March 2021: 40 Republicans voted with Democrats to move forward with the $1.9 Trillion woke progressive Blue State Bailout.
  • 10 March 2021: 41 Republicans voted with Democrats to move forward with the $1.9 Trillion woke progressive Blue State Bailout.
  • 10 March 2021: I just called for a Motion To Adjourn to stop Congress from passing the $1.9 trillion spending bill. The GOP should be fighting to stop it. Unfortunately some Republicans are voting with Democrats to continue business as usual. WATCH me live on FB:
  • 10 March 2021: I just made a motion to adjourn to stop Congress from passing the $1.9 trillion dollar massive woke progressive Democrat wish list. The GOP has messaged against this ridiculous bill. We should do everything to stop it. Pay attention if Rs vote to adjourn. Or with the Dems.
  • 10 March 2021: Proud to fight for our #2A rights in Congress alongside @Rep_Clyde & @RepTedBudd , two members of Congress who sell firearms for a living. They know that government gun controls are an infringement on our God-given right to keep and bear arms.
  • 10 March 2021: Guns Save Lives!
  • 10 March 2021: The Democrats are about to pass $1.9 trillion in woke progressive spending that does nothing for covid gov forced shutdowns. If you think that’s bad, wait until you see the Dems Infrastructure bill. OVER $3 TRILLION DOLLAR plan coming soon! It’s all about the Green New Deal.
  • 9 March 2021: Thank you to the ladies in Macomb County, Michigan for sending in this picture! Love the cutout! Yall are the type of women who will save America -- hope to join yall in person one day!
  • 9 March 2021: Our American media is obsessed with the royals. I thought we were over the royals in 1776.
  • 9 March 2021: Incompetent House Democrats couldn’t even tell us this morning what time we have to vote today on their #AmericaLast policies. I bet all you working tax paying folks know what time you are showing up to work and getting the job done.
  • 9 March 2021: Members of Congress throw a hissy fit for simply having to do their job. I joined @gregkellyusa on @newsmax to talk about my procedural moves that are slowing down the Democrats’ radical agenda.
  • 8 March 2021: And just like that @SpeakerPelosi and the Democrats change the rules that we voted on Jan 4th for the 117th Congress affecting suspension bills. The Democrats do whatever they want. This is why Republican members need to be actively working to stop the radical Dems.
  • 8 March 2021: Simply by showing up on the House floor, saying we request roll call votes on 13 bills that were supposed to pass in the dark, with no recorded vote, now all 13 bills have been pulled from the floor today. Why? What’s wrong with Congress having a recorded vote on every bill?
  • 8 March 2021: RT @RepMTG: We should do everything we can to protect children from every form of abuse. But opening the door to the LGBTQ (Trans) agenda…
  • 8 March 2021: 🚨GUN CONTROL VOTES THIS WEEK IN CONGRESS🚨 Call your Congressman TODAY - tell them to OPPOSE HR 8 (National Gun Registry) & HR 1446 (Permanent Firearm Wait List) CALL - 202.224.3121
  • 8 March 2021: Pelosi’s military takeover of the Capitol has more border security than Americans at our southern border. Biden’s Border Crisis is allowing over 2,000 people a day with no knowledge of who they are and where they come from and what diseases they are bringing in. #BuildTheWall
  • 8 March 2021: 6 years ago, Carol Bowne was stabbed to death while waiting for government to grant her permission to exercise her #2A rights I OPPOSE H.R. 1446 because women (and men) shouldn't have to wait for a bureaucrat in DC to decide if they can defend themselves
  • 8 March 2021: 13 shootings over All-Star weekend in Atlanta. No amount of new laws or gun controls will stop criminals, gangsters, or thugs from committing crimes. Criminals don't follow laws and they certainly don't ask permission to commit crimes!
  • 7 March 2021: I called a roll call vote specifically on this and we defeated it handily 328-97. Now Biden serves the radical squad and signs an executive order allowing felons to vote in jail?! Is it not clear to people yet that Biden and the Democrats are radically transforming everything?
  • 7 March 2021: Woke corporations praising @SenatorWarnock and themselves over support of 120% farmers payoffs paid to Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, Pacific Islanders, American Indians, and Hawaiian Natives, & Non-U.S. citizens only care about 1 thing. No whites allowed. Even if #covid hurt them.
  • 7 March 2021: Happy Sunday, everyone! Let's work together to END ABORTION IN AMERICA!
  • 7 March 2021: So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27 Some people have identity confusion, but no amount of hormones or body mutilation will change their gender. Learn to love yourself, as you are created.
  • 6 March 2021: Here is a little reminder for you. Trump is not on the ticket in 2022. So you better think hard about how your whining sounds to your voters, who really don’t care about how far you have to walk to vote. Instead, let’s change the playbook so we can win!
  • 6 March 2021: ...AND zoom calls with your Chambers of Commerces and constituents where you are spouting off about how you are “doing everything you can” to stop the radical insane policies of the Dems, yet you are whining about walking to go vote for a motion to adjourn. Cont’d...
  • 6 March 2021: ...So for some of my GOP colleagues who think sitting on your ass on zoom committee meeting where you are powerless and Democrats could care less about your ideas, is actually important. AND that calendars and schedules matter so much, when Pelosi changes it every week. Cont’d
  • 6 March 2021: ..The House took back seats in 2020 and nearly won the majority BECAUSE OF PRESIDENT TRUMP AND AMERICA FIRST POLICIES! Why do you think Republican voters love Trump? Because HE FOUGHT FOR THE PEOPLE! He didn’t join the swamp to do business as usual that doesn’t work! Cont’d
  • 6 March 2021: ...In spite of having President Trump who wanted to sign into law so many good things that R voters desperately wanted, our Republican Congress failed and that’s why they lost the House in 2018. But so many of these Republicans still don’t seem to get it. Cont’d...
  • 6 March 2021: stop the ridiculous mind numbing Russian collusion conspiracy theory witch hunt on President Trump. I along with MOST Republican voters lost full confidence in MANY of the Republicans we elect. How dare I say this out loud right? Cont’d...
  • 6 March 2021: You know what made me run for Congress? In 2016-2018, when the GOP controlled House and Senate couldn’t manage to repeal Obamacare, fund our border wall, did NOT end abortion (even though they all say they are pro-life), and did nothing... Cont’d...
  • 6 March 2021: You know the type of person that is supposed to just donate, vote, keep your mouth shut, and “support” the elected Republicans that know way more than us little folks that run businesses, employ people and pay taxes. Cont’d...
  • 6 March 2021: But I should remind everyone I wasn’t recruited by “those in charge” to run for Congress. I ran because I’m very much one of those Neanderthal Deplorable Invisible Taxpaying Regular People. Cont’d...
  • 6 March 2021: Sure I understand that the swamp operates a certain way and everyone is frustrated with me that I just don’t dive right off the high dive and plunge right into the murky disgusting slime and just do as I’m told. Cont’d...
  • 6 March 2021: ...for trying to do anything I possibly can to disrupt and stop the Democrats from destroying our country. They’re annoyed because it was a little inconvenient and I didn’t tell them ahead of time, so they could just complain to me and try to convince me not to do it. Cont’d...
  • 6 March 2021: ...I call for motions to adjourn so that the Democrats can have at least another hour to come to their senses before they vote for this kind of crap. Oddly, some of my GOP colleagues don’t share my outrage and are annoyed with me, Cont’d...
  • 6 March 2021: ...doesn’t seem to be enough to make some of my GOP colleagues feel like they can actually stand up out of a chair and walk to go vote for a motion to adjourn. They’d rather sit on committee zoom meetings where they are mute and their hands are tied doing nothing. Cont’d..
  • 6 March 2021: As if a $1.9 trillion dollar woke progressive spending spree with only 9% to covid isn’t enough. Dems destroying women’s rights and sports, wiping out religious freedoms, defunding the police, HR1, and erasing gender completely, Cont’d...
  • 6 March 2021: It’s unfortunate that some of my GOP colleagues, who have been in Congress a lot longer than me, don’t share the outrage that Republican voters feel about the Democrat’s radical agenda! Cont’d...
  • 6 March 2021: I dedicate this thread to my GOP Colleagues: The headline of this article should read, “Marjorie Cares About The People Not The Politicians And Refuses To Join The Swamp.” I didn’t get voted into office by politicians, I serve The People. Cont’d...
  • 6 March 2021: Tell me again why American tax payer funded schools for our American children can’t be 100% open. And why do we need to spend another $2 trillion for “covid?” This right here tells you everything you need to know. Covid is Democrats greatest political scam.
  • 6 March 2021: Biden’s open border policy has already created a human trafficking crisis and big business for the cartels. In less than 2 months, we are right back to rewarding illegal immigration. If you care about people, the best way to keep them safe is by having a secure border.
  • 6 March 2021: This type of look concealing one’s identity was once considered criminal or possibly terrorists. Now if you walk around with your face uncovered, you’re considered the criminal.
  • 5 March 2021: The American people don’t know MANY terrible bills and amendments get passed by a “voice vote.” With only 20 or so members of Congress saying “Yay” or “Nay.” Not all 435 members actually voting. If we call for a roll call vote, we all go on record. I like roll call votes.
  • 5 March 2021: Just wanted to remind everyone how much Democrats hate Law Enforcement Officers. They voted to create public hit lists of police officers this week.
  • 4 March 2021: #BidenCrimeFamily #QuidProJoe #ImpeachBiden
  • 4 March 2021: I don’t know a single Trump supporter that took this hoax seriously. Because it’s stupid. Only the Qanon conspiracy media & the insane Democrats that are desperate for any distraction away from their disgusting policies & an excuse for their military occupation of the Capitol.
  • 4 March 2021: The District of Communism.
  • 4 March 2021: Our kids have no lives or freedoms anymore. This is is insanity.
  • 4 March 2021:
  • 4 March 2021: #ImpeachBiden
  • 4 March 2021: Tonight Democrats in the House voted to #DefundThePolice , get rid of their qualified immunity, put officers on a public hit list, and much more. What is our country coming to?
  • 4 March 2021:
  • 4 March 2021: This is what happens when radical #BLM @CoriBush goes to Congress. Not only do they want to #DefundThePolice , they state “if we are going to have police at all.” STOP H.R.1280
  • 3 March 2021: An Interview With Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene – RedState
  • 3 March 2021: I called for a motion to adjourn to give Democrats time to think before they pass horrible HR1 & the Hate Police Act. Some GOP members complained to me that I messed up their schedule. I’m not sorry for interrupting fundraising calls & breakfast. GOP voters are tired weak Rs
  • 3 March 2021:
  • 3 March 2021: . @JoeBiden is treating America just like @andrewcuomo treated nursing homes. #ImpeachBiden
  • 2 March 2021: It’s time to end the oppression! No more masks mandates! Masks should be optional! #FreeYourFace
  • 2 March 2021: Some National Guardsmen from New York stopped by my office this afternoon. Thank you for everything you do!
  • 2 March 2021: REJECTED: Marjorie Taylor Greene Stops Cori Bush’s Amendment to Allow Violent Convicted Felons to Vote - Big League Politics
  • [ 2 March 2021](
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