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Created May 11, 2018 15:45
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Prevent crash on NetBSD and OpenBSD when no swap is configured.
--- salt/grains/ 2018-05-11 13:12:38.000000000 +0000
+++ salt/grains/
@@ -450,11 +450,13 @@ def _bsd_memdata(osdata):
mem = __salt__['']('{0} -n hw.physmem64'.format(sysctl))
grains['mem_total'] = int(mem) // 1024 // 1024
- if osdata['kernel'] == 'OpenBSD':
+ if osdata['kernel'] in ['OpenBSD', 'NetBSD']:
swapctl = salt.utils.path.which('swapctl')
- swap_total = __salt__['']('{0} -sk'.format(swapctl)).split(' ')[1]
- else:
- swap_total = __salt__['']('{0} -n vm.swap_total'.format(sysctl))
+ swap_data = __salt__['']('{0} -sk'.format(swapctl))
+ if swap_data == 'no swap devices configured':
+ swap_total = 0
+ else:
+ swap_total = swap_data.split(' ')[1]
grains['swap_total'] = int(swap_total) // 1024 // 1024
return grains
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