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Created September 21, 2012 09:01
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- (BOOL)isMobileNumber:(NSString *)mobileNum
* 手机号码
* 移动:134[0-8],135,136,137,138,139,150,151,157,158,159,182,187,188
* 联通:130,131,132,152,155,156,185,186
* 电信:133,1349,153,180,189
NSString * MOBILE = @"^1(3[0-9]|5[0-35-9]|8[025-9])\\d{8}$";
10 * 中国移动:China Mobile
11 * 134[0-8],135,136,137,138,139,150,151,157,158,159,182,187,188
12 */
NSString * CM = @"^1(34[0-8]|(3[5-9]|5[017-9]|8[278])\\d)\\d{7}$";
15 * 中国联通:China Unicom
16 * 130,131,132,152,155,156,185,186
17 */
NSString * CU = @"^1(3[0-2]|5[256]|8[56])\\d{8}$";
20 * 中国电信:China Telecom
21 * 133,1349,153,180,189
22 */
NSString * CT = @"^1((33|53|8[09])[0-9]|349)\\d{7}$";
25 * 大陆地区固话及小灵通
26 * 区号:010,020,021,022,023,024,025,027,028,029
27 * 号码:七位或八位
28 */
// NSString * PHS = @"^0(10|2[0-5789]|\\d{3})\\d{7,8}$";
NSPredicate *regextestmobile = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF MATCHES %@", MOBILE];
NSPredicate *regextestcm = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF MATCHES %@", CM];
NSPredicate *regextestcu = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF MATCHES %@", CU];
NSPredicate *regextestct = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF MATCHES %@", CT];
if (([regextestmobile evaluateWithObject:mobileNum] == YES)
|| ([regextestcm evaluateWithObject:mobileNum] == YES)
|| ([regextestct evaluateWithObject:mobileNum] == YES)
|| ([regextestcu evaluateWithObject:mobileNum] == YES))
return YES;
return NO;
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