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Created September 14, 2015 22:08
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Save trayburn/df980482a5a86a7f5499 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
$excludes = @("node_modules", "packages", ".git", ".vs")
function Get-SolutionFiles() {
@(Get-ChildItem *.sln) +
@(Get-ChildItem -Directory | ? { $excludes -notcontains $_.Name } | % { Get-ChildItem $_ -Recurse -Filter *.sln })
function Analyze-Solutions() {
Get-SolutionFiles | % {
$retVal = New-Object -TypeName PSObject |
Add-Member Path $_.FullName -PassThru |
Add-Member Name $_.Name -PassThru |
Add-Member Projects @() -PassThru
$sln = Get-Content $_.FullName
$slnDir = $_.Directory
$sln |
? { $_ -match "^Project\(.*\) = \`".*\`", \`"(.*)\`", \`".*\`"" } |
% { "$slnDir\$($matches[1])" } |
% {
$info = Get-Item $_
$prj = [xml](Get-Content $info.FullName)
$prjObj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject |
Add-Member Path $info.FullName -PassThru |
Add-Member Name $info.Name -PassThru
$refs = $prj.Project.ItemGroup.Reference.Include | % {
New-Object -TypeName PSObject |
Add-Member Name $_ -PassThru |
Add-Member Project $prjObj -PassThru
$prjObj | Add-Member References $refs
$retVal.Projects += $prjObj
$analysis = Analyze-Solutions
$foo.Projects.References | Group-Object Name | Sort-Object Count | ? { $_.Count -gt 1 }
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