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Created August 8, 2012 13:46
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Generically Persist BackboneJS Objects into MongoDB with NodeJS (coffeescript)
mongoose = require 'mongoose'
Backbone = require 'backbone'
$ = require 'jquery'
_ = require('underscore')._
Schema = mongoose.Schema
Articles = new Schema
identity: Number,
order: Number,
quick_title: String,
full_title: String,
last_edited: Number,
contributor: [String],
content: String,
video_link: String,
presentation_link: String,
question_id: [Number],
show_in_chapter: Boolean,
summary_text: String,
summary_image: String
chapters = new Schema
order: Number,
title: String,
articles: [Articles]
ArticleB = Backbone.Model.extend {}
ArticleCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend
model: ArticleB
ChapterB = Backbone.Model.extend
initialize: () ->
this.articles = new ArticleCollection()
ChapterCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend
model: ChapterB
ChapterTop = Backbone.Model.extend
initialize: () ->
this.chapters = new ChapterCollection()
Backbone.Collection.prototype.xport = (opt) ->
overall = {}
result = []
for model in this.models
result.push model.xport()
overall['models'] = result
overall['id'] = or null
overall['cid'] = this.cid or null
return overall
Backbone.Model.prototype.print = (opt) ->
result = {}
settings = _({recurse: true}).extend(opt or {})
process = (targetObj, source) -> = or null
targetObj.cid = source.cid or null
targetObj.attrs = source.toJSON()
_.each source, (value, key) ->
if settings.recurse
if key != 'collection' and source[key] instanceof Backbone.Collection
targetObj.collections = targetObj.collections or {}
targetObj.collections[key] = {}
targetObj.collections[key].models = [] or null
targetObj.collections[key].id = source[key].id or null
_.each source[key].models, (mod, index) ->
process(targetObj.collections[key].models = {}, mod)
else if source[key] instanceof Backbone.Model
targetObj.models = targetObj.models or {}
process( targetObj.models[key] = {}, value)
process result, this
return result
Backbone.Model.prototype.xport = (opt) ->
result = {}
settings = _({
recurse: true
}).extend(opt or {}) = or null
result.cid = this.cid or null
result.attrs = this
for own key, value of this
console.log "#{ key }"
if key != 'collection' and value instanceof Backbone.Collection
this.collections = this.collections or {}
result.collections = result.collections or {}
result.collections[key] = this[key].xport()
else if value instanceof Backbone.Model
result.models = result.models or {}
return result
Backbone.Collection.prototype.mport = (data, silent) -> = or null
if this.models?
for model in data
model_instance = new this.model()
model_instance.mport model, silent
this.add model_instance
return this
Backbone.Model.prototype.mport = (data, silent) -> = or null
if this.cid?
collections = {}
for own key, value of data?.toJSON?()
if value?.push?
sub_inst = this[key]
collections[key] = {}
sub_inst.mport value, silent
collections[key].models = sub_inst
this.set {attrs: data, collections: collections}, silent
return this
inserts = () ->
mongoose.connect 'mongodb://localhost/article'
chapters = mongoose.model 'chapters', chapters
Articles = mongoose.model 'Articles', Articles
instance = new chapters()
instance.order = 123
article = new Articles()
article.identity = 1
article.full_title = "Wind in the Willows"
instance.articles.push article
article = new Articles()
article.identity = 2
article.full_title = "Sleepy Hollow"
instance.articles.push article (err) ->
if err?
console.log "Errors saving with #{ err }"
retrieve = () ->
mongoose.connect 'mongodb://localhost/article'
myModel = mongoose.model 'chapters', chapters
myModel.find {}, (err, docs) ->
all_chaps = new ChapterCollection()
all_chaps.mport docs, {silent: true}
console.log "MPORTed backbone: #{ JSON.stringify all_chaps }"
console.log "XPORTed backbone: #{ JSON.stringify all_chaps.xport() }"
simple = () ->
chapter = new ChapterB {name: 'Tres', order: 123 }
coll = new ChapterCollection [chapter]
chapter = new ChapterB {name: 'ada', order: 123 }
coll.add chapter
top = new ChapterTop()
top.chapters.add chapter
console.log "xport of basic object from hand #{ JSON.stringify top.xport() }"
console.log "print of basic object from hand #{ JSON.stringify top.print() }"
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The first file uses a similar technique to Capsule JS for being able to serialize BackboneJS objects between client and server. Actually, the print method of Model is just the xport() method that andyet originally posted. This version uses different approaches for Models and Collections to store only data objects into a MongoDB collection, without the backbonejs metadata with xport() and then loads the metadata for those objects from MongoDB using mport().

The second file is incomplete. It has been all in a single file on my system, but I separated them for the sake of readability. To use this example, either paste the second file into the bottom of the first, or modify the first to share the changes of the Backbone classes, and import the necessary classes into the second file.

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