Tailwind Config usage and snippets
Expose Theme tokens as CSS Variables
import plugin from 'tailwindcss/plugin' ;
import cssEscape from 'css.escape' ;
/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config } */
export default {
content : [ ] ,
theme : {
extend : { } ,
} ,
plugins : [
// Expose theme as CSS variables
plugin ( ( { addBase, theme } ) => {
/** @type {(obj:object, mapper: (item:[key:string,value:any]) => [string,unknown]) => {[k:string]:any} } */
const mapObject = ( obj , mapper ) => {
return Object . fromEntries (
Object . entries ( obj ) . map ( ( [ key , value ] ) => mapper ( [ key , value ] ) )
) ;
} ;
/** @type {(obj:{[k:string]: string}) => {[k:string]:string} } */
const escapeCssVariablesObject = ( obj ) => {
return mapObject (
obj ,
( ( [ key , value ] ) => [ cssEscape ( key ) , value ] )
) ;
} ;
* @type {(
* obj: {[k:string]: string},
* group: string,
* prefix: string,
* ) => {[k:string]: string}}
* */
function extractVars ( obj , group = '' , prefix ) {
return Object . keys ( obj ) . reduce ( ( vars , key ) => {
const value = obj [ key ] ;
const cssVariable = key === "DEFAULT" ? `--${ prefix } ${ group } ` : `--${ prefix } ${ group } -${ key } ` ;
const newVars =
typeof value === 'string'
? { [ cssVariable ] : value }
: extractVars ( value , `-${ key } ` , prefix ) ;
return { ...vars , ...newVars } ;
} , { } ) ;
addBase ( {
':root' : escapeCssVariablesObject ( {
...extractVars ( theme ( 'colors' ) , '' , 'color' ) ,
...extractVars ( theme ( 'fontSize' ) , '' , 'font-size' ) ,
...extractVars ( theme ( 'spacing' ) , '' , 'spacing' ) ,
...extractVars ( theme ( 'borderRadius' ) , '' , 'border-radius' ) ,
...extractVars ( theme ( 'boxShadow' ) , '' , 'box-shadow' ) ,
} )
} ) ;
} ) ,
] ,
} ;
import plugin from 'tailwindcss/plugin' ;
import cssEscape from 'css.escape' ;
/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config } */
export default {
content : [ './src/**/*.{astro,html,js,jsx,md,mdx,svelte,ts,tsx,vue}' ] ,
theme : {
extend : { } ,
} ,
plugins : [
// Expose theme as CSS variables
plugin ( ( { addBase, theme } ) => {
/** @type {(obj:object, mapper: (item:[key:string,value:any]) => [string,unknown]) => {[k:string]:any} } */
const mapObject = ( obj , mapper ) => {
return Object . fromEntries (
Object . entries ( obj ) . map ( ( [ key , value ] ) => mapper ( [ key , value ] ) )
) ;
} ;
/** @type {(obj:{[k:string]: string}) => {[k:string]:string} } */
const escapeCssVariablesObject = ( obj ) => {
return mapObject (
obj ,
( ( [ key , value ] ) => [ cssEscape ( key ) , value ] )
) ;
} ;
* @type {(
* obj: {[k:string]: string},
* group: string,
* prefix: string,
* ) => {[k:string]: string}}
* */
function extractVars ( obj , group = '' , prefix ) {
return Object . keys ( obj ) . reduce ( ( vars , key ) => {
const value = obj [ key ] ;
const cssVariable = key === "DEFAULT" ? `--${ prefix } ${ group } ` : `--${ prefix } ${ group } -${ key } ` ;
const newVars =
typeof value === 'string'
? { [ cssVariable ] : value }
: extractVars ( value , `-${ key } ` , prefix ) ;
return { ...vars , ...newVars } ;
} , { } ) ;
addBase ( {
':root' : escapeCssVariablesObject ( {
...extractVars ( theme ( 'colors' ) , '' , 'color' ) ,
...extractVars ( theme ( 'fontSize' ) , '' , 'font-size' ) ,
...extractVars ( theme ( 'spacing' ) , '' , 'spacing' ) ,
...extractVars ( theme ( 'borderRadius' ) , '' , 'border-radius' ) ,
...extractVars ( theme ( 'boxShadow' ) , '' , 'box-shadow' ) ,
} )
} ) ;
} ) ,
// Customize project framework
plugin ( ( { addBase, addComponents, theme } ) => {
// sections
addBase ( {
":root" : {
"--px-section" : theme ( 'spacing.8' ) ,
"--container--md--max-width" : "1200px" , // main container
"--container--full--max-width" : "2560px" , // do not used this directly, it here to constrain screen when the screen size is really huge
} ,
[ `@media (min-width: ${ theme ( 'screens.md' ) } )` ] : {
":root" : {
"--px-section" : theme ( 'spacing.20' ) ,
} ,
} ) ;
addComponents ( {
".section" : {
display : "grid" ,
gridTemplateColumns : "var(--px-section) minmax(0,var(--container--md--max-width)) var(--px-section)" ,
justifyContent : "space-between" ,
"& > *" : {
gridColumn : "2/-2" ,
} ,
} ,
".section__item--fw" : {
gridColumn : "1/-1" ,
} ) ;
addComponents ( {
".btn" : { "@apply inline-flex justify-center rounded-md border-0 px-4 py-2 text-base" : { } } ,
".btn--primary" : { "@apply bg-blue-500 text-white hover:bg-blue-600" : { } } ,
} ) ;
} )
] ,
} ;