Google Drive dir with all files referenced as attachment
of this gist:
Start by looking at the screencast.mp4 video (in attachment
), where i explain the scenario where the bug happens.
Then when you want to reproduce follow next step.
To have the same scenario of the beginning of the video there a lot of things to do, you can do in two ways:
- A - Use Local by flywheel and import the website with everything already setup (Fast Reccomended)
- B - Do everything by hand (Slow)
Import the website with "Local by flywheel" and import the zip from attachment
Now You have the same situation I had at the beginning of the video.
- Install Wordpress
- Install Plugin =>
ACF PRO 6.2.0
(there is a copy inattachment
) - Install Plugin =>
Forminator 1.30.2
- Import ACF Fields Schema:
- create this folder:
- copy files here from
- go to WP Admin > ACF > Post Types
- click “Sync Available” and sync “Tour”
- go to WP Admin > ACF > Field Groups
- click “Sync Available” and sync “CPT Fields - Tour”
- create this folder:
- Import CPT Resources “Tour”:
- go WP Admin > Tools > Import > Wordrepss > Install Importer
- click “Run Importer”
- import the xml file from
- Import Forminator Form “Book Tour”:
- Go to WP Admin > Formintaor > Forms
- Click “Import” in top bar
- Paste file content from
and Import - Then copy the shortcode of the form in clipboard
- Import Page Template for “Single - Tour”:
- Copy
- Replace line 19 of that file with the shortcode copied in clipboard
- Copy
- Import custom code
- Copy from
“book-tour-integration.php” towp-content/mu-plugins
- Open that file and update form in in line 5
- Copy from
Now You have the same situation I had at the beginning of the video.