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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Slides from RStudio's presentation on Shiny at R/Finance 2014. Hosted version available here:
title: "An Introduction to RStudio Shiny"
author: "R/Finance 2014"
date: "Friday, May 16, 2014"
self_contained: true
runtime: shiny
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<div class="columns-2">
- Analysis must be communicated
- Data scientists are modern diviners
- We sit between the tools and users
- Deliver static reports
- Impoverished perspective into analysis
<div class="img-col">
<div>Altered CC image courtesy <br /> of <a href="">mcgraths</a> on flickr</div>
## Enter Shiny
```{r, echo=FALSE}
## About Shiny
- Interactive web application framework for R
- Create and share applications with others
- Open Source (GPL v3) R package
- Expects no knowledge of web technologies like HTML, CSS, or JavaScript (but you can leverage them, if you know them)
- Can create autonomous webpages, or embedded interactive widgets in rmarkdown
- A Shiny app consists of two parts: a user interface (UI) and a server.
## Example Shiny App -- `ui.R`
# Create a select drop-down
selectInput("region", "Region:",
choices = colnames(WorldPhones)),
# A place-holder for a plot to be created
head(WorldPhones, n=2)
## Example Shiny App -- `server.R`
function(input, output) {
# Generate a plot named "phonePlot"
output$phonePlot <- renderPlot({
# Create a barplot for the selected region
ylab = "Number of Telephones", xlab = "Year")
## Example Shiny App
```{r, echo=FALSE}
ui = fluidPage(
selectInput("region", "Region:",
choices = colnames(WorldPhones)),
server = function(input, output) {
output$phonePlot <- renderPlot({
ylab = "Number of Telephones", xlab = "Year",
main= paste("Phones in", input$region))
options = list(height = 500)
## Examples -- Powerful UI
<a href="">![widgets](widgets.png)</a>
<a href="">![data tables](datatable.png)</a>
<a href="">![leaflet](leaflet.png)</a>
<a href="">![rgl](rgl.png)</a>
## Examples -- The Full Power of R
<div class="columns-2">
<a href="">![kmeans](kmeans.png)</a>
<a href="">![retirement](retirement.png)</a>
- Simply an R package
- Existing R code can be used with Shiny
- HPC, parallel, etc.
- Can load-balance users across multiple Shiny processes (Pro only)
## Examples -- Rich Interactivity
<a href="">![google vis](googlevis.png)</a>
<a href="">![nvd3](nvd3.png)</a>
<a href="">![ggvis](ggvis.png)</a>
## Examples -- Shiny Server Pro
<div class="columns-2">
<a href="">![sales](sales.png)</a>
<a href="">![hflights](hflights.png)</a>
- Shiny Server OS is free and AGPL v3
Shiny Server Pro includes:
- Authentication (LDAP, Active Directory, Google, etc.)
- Scaling across multiple processes
- Administrative dashboard for monitoring
- Security with SSL
- Priority support
<div class="ribbon-wrapper-green"><div class="ribbon-green">RStudio Pro, too!</div></div>
## Additional Resources
- Shiny Developer Center -
- [Stack Overflow - "shiny" tag](
- ["Shiny Discuss" Mailing List](
- ***Come meet us!***
paramNames <- c("start_capital", "annual_mean_return", "annual_ret_std_dev",
"annual_inflation", "annual_inf_std_dev", "monthly_withdrawals", "n_obs",
# Define server logic required to generate and plot a random distribution
# Idea and original code by Pierre Chretien
# Small updates by Michael Kapler
simulate_nav <- function(start_capital = 2000000, annual_mean_return = 5.0,
annual_ret_std_dev = 7.0, annual_inflation = 2.5,
annual_inf_std_dev = 1.5, monthly_withdrawals = 1000,
n_obs = 20, n_sim = 200) {
# Inputs
# Initial capital = start_capital
# Investment
annual.mean.return = annual_mean_return / 100 = annual_ret_std_dev / 100
# Inflation
annual.inflation = annual_inflation / 100 = annual_inf_std_dev / 100
# Withdrawals
monthly.withdrawals = monthly_withdrawals
# Number of observations (in Years)
n.obs = n_obs
# Number of simulations
n.sim = n_sim
# Simulation
# number of months to simulate
n.obs = 12 * n.obs
# monthly Investment and Inflation assumptions
monthly.mean.return = annual.mean.return / 12 = / sqrt(12)
monthly.inflation = annual.inflation / 12 = / sqrt(12)
# simulate Returns
monthly.invest.returns = matrix(0, n.obs, n.sim)
monthly.inflation.returns = matrix(0, n.obs, n.sim)
monthly.invest.returns[] = rnorm(n.obs * n.sim, mean = monthly.mean.return, sd =
monthly.inflation.returns[] = rnorm(n.obs * n.sim, mean = monthly.inflation, sd =
# simulate Withdrawals
nav = matrix(, n.obs + 1, n.sim)
for (j in 1:n.obs) {
nav[j + 1, ] = nav[j, ] * (1 + monthly.invest.returns[j, ] - monthly.inflation.returns[j, ]) - monthly.withdrawals
# once nav is below 0 => run out of money
nav[ nav < 0 ] = NA
# convert to millions
nav = nav / 1000000
plot_nav <- function(nav) {
palette(c("black", "grey50", "grey30", "grey70", "#d9230f"))
# plot all scenarios
type = 'l', lwd = 0.5, lty = 1, col = 1:5,
xlab = 'Months', ylab = 'Millions',
main = 'Projected Value of Initial Capital')
# plot % of scenarios that are still paying
p.alive = 1 - rowSums( / ncol(nav)
plot(100 * p.alive, las = 1, xlab = 'Months', ylab = 'Percentage Paying',
main = 'Percentage of Paying Scenarios', ylim=c(0,100))
last.period = nrow(nav)
# plot distribution of final wealth
final.nav = nav[last.period, ]
final.nav = final.nav[!]
if(length(final.nav) == 0) return()
plot(density(final.nav, from=0, to=max(final.nav)), las = 1, xlab = 'Final Capital',
main = paste0('Distribution of Final Capital\n', 100 * p.alive[last.period], '% are still paying'))
renderInputs <- function(prefix) {
sliderInput(paste0(prefix, "_", "n_obs"), "Number of observations (in Years):", min = 0, max = 40, value = 20),
sliderInput(paste0(prefix, "_", "start_capital"), "Initial capital invested :", min = 100000, max = 10000000, value = 2000000, step = 100000, format="$#,##0", locale="us"),
sliderInput(paste0(prefix, "_", "annual_mean_return"), "Annual investment return (in %):", min = 0.0, max = 30.0, value = 5.0, step = 0.5),
sliderInput(paste0(prefix, "_", "annual_ret_std_dev"), "Annual investment volatility (in %):", min = 0.0, max = 25.0, value = 7.0, step = 0.1)
sliderInput(paste0(prefix, "_", "annual_inflation"), "Annual inflation (in %):", min = 0, max = 20, value = 2.5, step = 0.1),
sliderInput(paste0(prefix, "_", "annual_inf_std_dev"), "Annual inflation volatility. (in %):", min = 0.0, max = 5.0, value = 1.5, step = 0.05),
sliderInput(paste0(prefix, "_", "monthly_withdrawals"), "Monthly capital withdrawals:", min = 1000, max = 100000, value = 10000, step = 1000, format="$#,##0", locale="us",),
sliderInput(paste0(prefix, "_", "n_sim"), "Number of simulations:", min = 0, max = 2000, value = 200)
retirementApp <- list(
ui = fluidPage(theme="simplex.min.css",
"label {font-size: 12px;}",
".recalculating {opacity: 1.0;}"
column(6, renderInputs("a")),
plotOutput("a_distPlot", height = "400px")
p("An adaptation of the",
tags$a(href="", "retirement app"),
tags$a(href="", "Systematic Investor"), ".")
server = function(input, output, session) {
getParams <- function(prefix) {
input[[paste0(prefix, "_recalc")]]
params <- lapply(paramNames, function(p) {
input[[paste0(prefix, "_", p)]]
names(params) <- paramNames
# Function that generates scenarios and computes NAV. The expression
# is wrapped in a call to reactive to indicate that:
# 1) It is "reactive" and therefore should be automatically
# re-executed when inputs change
navA <- reactive(, getParams("a")))
navB <- reactive(, getParams("b")))
# Expression that plot NAV paths. The expression
# is wrapped in a call to renderPlot to indicate that:
# 1) It is "reactive" and therefore should be automatically
# re-executed when inputs change
# 2) Its output type is a plot
output$a_distPlot <- renderPlot({
output$b_distPlot <- renderPlot({
options = list(height = 500)
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