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Last active March 30, 2019 20:16
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Contrivance overdone artificial unnecessary adjective
Talking point a misdirected argument that does not address the main component of someone else's counterpoint adjective
Machination a plot or scheme adjective
Meta self referential or self inception adjective
Case study a particular instance of something being used as reference for thesis and study adjective
Deficit the amount by which something is too small or a failing or deficiency in the brain adjective
Vowel a letter representing a vowel sound, such as: a i e o u adjective
Consonant the sound in speech of every other letter except vowels adjective
Syllable spaces between words adjective
Tertiary third in order or level adjective
Recuse pardon self from a case due to lack of impartiality adjective
Nomenclature process of devising and choosing names for things adjective
Zeal energetic in pursuit of something adjective
Zealous having or showing zeal adjective
Fervent intense burning passion adjective
Congenial pleasant or agreeable because it's suited to ones taste or likeness adjective
Lest attempting to avoid the risk of adjective
Regicide the action of killing a king adjective
Banal boring and unoriginal adjective
Confabulation fake and fabricating (or) engage In conversation adjective
Palatable acceptable; pleasant adjective
Quandary perplexed adjective
Corporeal having a body or physical form adjective
Decadence luxurious self indulgence adjective
Neurosis loss of touch with reality; excessive irrational behavior due to mental illness or damage of the brain adjective
Perforated having a hole cut through, or a series of holes adjective
Seminal strongly influential adjective
Contentious controversial likely to cause an argument; Involving heated debate adjective
Mary Sue a character that is written with no flaws and is unrealistic adjective
Portend a sign that something momentous is about to happen adjective
Forbearance patience self control tolerance adjective
Dub give nickname to adjective
Regalia royal wear adjective
Agglomeration mass collection adjective
Folly a foolish idea adjective
Aberration a deviation from the norm something unusual typically unwelcome adjective
Apparatus technical equipment needed for a job or a complex structure within an organization adjective
Apparition a ghost or ghost like image or the appearance of something remarkable and unexpected adjective
Specter a ghost or something unwanted and possibly dangerous adjective
Pedantic a person who is excessively concerned with minor details or displaying academic achievements adjective
Pedagogy the theory and practice of education and how it relates to the growth or learners adjective
Digress leave the main subject or speech temporarily adjective
Lexicon the vocabulary of a person, language, or branch of knowledge adjective
Somniliqy talking in your sleep adjective
Renaissance a cultural rebirth (referencing 14th to 17th century Europe) adjective
Immutable unable to be changed or unchanging adjective
Immaterial unimportant under the circumstances; irrelevant or spiritual rather than physical adjective
Glyph ornamental carving or channel or a hieroglyphic/ pictograph adjective
Incendiary designed to cause fires; relating to bombs; very exciting; tending to cause conflict adjective
Ire anger adjective
Prospect a likelihood of a future event occurring; a person regarded as a good fit adjective
Ruminate think deeply about something adjective
Pontificate expressing ones opinion in a way deemed annoying or pompous adjective
Anthology a show that presents a new story and a new set of characters each episode or season adjective
Biochemical the study of chemical process within and relating to living organisms adjective
Pathological caused by or relating to mental or physical disease adjective
Conceit excessive pride in oneself or an elaborate metaphor adjective
Permutation a way in which a set or number of things can be ordered or arranged adjective
Zeitgeist a defining mood or spirit for a particular point in time marked by its ideas beliefs of the time adjective
Palatable a pleasant food or drink or satisfactory adjective
Disposition ones inherent qualities or state of mind or being or inclinations or tendency or the way in which something is arranged adjective
Affront an action or remark that causes outrage or offense adjective
Pensive involved in deep or serious thought adjective
Turbid confusing or obscure or thick and cloudy adjective
Caveat a warning of stipulation or limitation adjective
Pharmacokinetic the branch of pharmacology that deals with the fate of substances administered to living organisms adjective
Pharmacodynamic the study of the biochemical and physiological effects of drug adjective
Dissident a person who opposes official policy especially that of an authoritarian state adjective
Magnanimous very generous or forgiving especially with those in a lesser position adjective
Lackluster lacking in vitalit; force; or conviction adjective
Psionic relating to the use of psychic powers or paranormal phenomenon adjective
Platitude a remark or statement especially one with moral intent that has been used far too often to be regarded as interesting or thoughtful adjective
Perusal the act of reading or examining something adjective
Hamstring cripple adjective
Power vacuum a condition that exists when someone has lost control of something and no one has replaced them adjective
Quell subdue; silence; put an end to; suppress adjective
Espouse adopt; or support a cause; belief; way of life adjective
Sociopolitical combining social and political factors adjective
Socioeconomic relating or concerned with the interaction of social and economic factors adjective
Retroactive taking effect from a date in the past adjective
Retrospective looking back on past events adjective
Far cry large disparity adjective
Vis a vis in relation to; in regard to; explicitly about adjective
Microcosm a community, place; or situation regarded as encapsulating in miniature characteristics; qualities; or features of something much larger adjective
Paragidm a typical example or model of something adjective
Plot armor a characters inability to die due to being important to the plot adjective
Dissolution disintegration; dissolve adjective
Begets give rise to bring about or reproduce adjective
Dolt a stupid person adjective
Subsidized having partial financial funds from a public source adjective
Realism the attitude or action of accepting a situation and being prepared to deal with it accordingly; the quality or fact of representing a person; thing or situation as it is compared to reality adjective
Palate cleanser a neutral flavored food or drink that removes food residue from the tongue allowing one to more accurately access a new flavor adjective
Beguiling beautiful or enchanting usually in a deceptive way adjective
Proletariat working class usually in reference to Marxism adjective
Copacetic in excellent order adjective
Harem a group of women centered around a particular man adjective
Doting extremely uncritical of someone, adoring adjective
Scintillating Brilliantly exciting or clever adjective
Maceration softening tissue by soaking it adjective
Masticate chew adjective
Patina appearance or presentation adjective
Contemptuous showing contempt; scornful adjective
Swath broad strip or area of something adjective
Dilletante a person with an amateur interest in the arts adjective
Cede give up power adjective
Edict proclamation of the law or any other authority adjective
Respiration the action of breathing adjective
Facsimile an exact copy of something adjective
Languish pine with love or grief; fail to be successful; lack of vitality; melancholy tone; suffer due to being in an unwanted situation adjective
Prophylactic intended to prevent disease; medication; or a condom adjective
Heresy a belief or opinion that is at odds with what is generally accepted adjective
Sate satisfy or supply adjective
Obsolescence the process of becoming useless or outdated adjective
Abject something bad to happen in the worst degree; or a persons behavior that is self abasing and without pride adjective
Palatable a feeling so intense it's almost tangible; or plain to be seen adjective
Malaise a general feeling of discomfort or uneasiness whose source is usually difficult to pinpoint adjective
Coalesce come together to form a mass or a whole adjective
Staunchly very loyal and committed manner adjective
Carnal relating to physical especially sexual needs and activities adjective
Nepotism the practice of those with power or influence favoring friends and relatives adjective
Inscrutable impossible to understand or interpret adjective
Tempestuous characterized by strong or conflicting turbulent emotion; dark and stormy adjective
Heredity the inheritance of a title; office or right; the passing on of physical or mental characteristics genetically from adjective
Pejorative expressing contempt or disapproval adjective
Permissive great or excessive freedom of behavior; allowed but not obligatory; optional adjective
latitudinarian allowing latitude in religion; showing no preference among varying creeds and forms of worship adjective
Circumvent overcome (a problem or difficulty) typically in a clever and surreptitious way; find a way around (an obstacle) adjective
Irrespective not taking something into account; regarless of adjective
Metaphysics the branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of things including abstract concepts such as being; knowing; substance; cause; identity; time; and space; abstract theory with no basis in reality adjective
Precocious a child that develops certain skills or proclivities at an age earlier than usual adjective
Proclivity a tendency to do something regularly, a predisposition adjective
Meta textual self referential text adjective
apotheosis the highest point in the development of something; culmination or climax adjective
Fallacious based on a mistaken belief adjective
Epitomize be a perfect example of adjective
Efface to remove intentionally adjective
Histrionic overly theatrical or melodramatic in character or style; exaggerated dramatic behavior designed to attract attention adjective
Pointillism technique of neo-impressionist painting using tiny dots of various pure colors which become blended in the viewer's eye adjective
Vainglorious excessively proud of oneself or one's achievements; overly vain adjective
Paradoxically in a seemingly absurd or self contradictory way adjective
Insular ignorant of or uninterested in cultures; ideas; or peoples outside one's own experience adjective
Provincial of or concerning the regions outside the capital city of a country especially when regarded as unsophisticated or narrowminded adjective
Parochial having a limited or narrow outlook or scope adjective
Meet measure out; dispense punishment adjective
Orthography the conventional spelling system of a language adjective
Signification the representation or conveying of meaning; an exact meaning or sense adjective
Non nutritive providing no substance; unhealthy adjective
Transference transferring feelings you have for one thing and transferring it onto another adjective
dishevelment to let loose; untidiness or disarray adjective
lackadaisical without interest or vigor; careless, lazy adjective
ingratiate bring oneself into favor with someone by flattering or trying to please them adjective
Adjudicate make a formal judgment or decision about a problem or disputed matter; act as a judge in a competition adjective
Tribunal a court or justice; a seat or a bench for a judge or judges adjective
Lambasting a harsh criticism adjective
manacle a metal band; chain or shackle for fastening someone's hands or ankles adjective
Craven cowardly person adjective
Apposite apt I'm the circumstances or in relation to something adjective
Astute having or showing an ability to access ones advantages adjective
Thematic relating to theme adjective
Marginal of secondary importance; very narrow margin, on the edge of something adjective
Adage a proverb or short statement expressing a general truth adjective
Incipient in an initial stage adjective
Nascent just coming into existence adjective
Alacrity bright cheerful readiness adjective
Affinity a spontaneous liking or interest in something adjective
Idiosyncrasy a mode of behavior or way of thought peculiar to an individual; a distinctive or peculiar feature or characteristic of a place or thing adjective
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