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Created July 24, 2008 03:58
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Capistrano, Ubuntu, Django
set :application, "yoursite_com"
set :user, "you"
set :scm_username, user
set :repository, "[email protected]:#{scm_username}/#{application}.git"
set :deploy_to, "/home/#{user}/public_html/#{application}"
set :scm, :git
set :django_location, "/home/#{user}/sources/django/trunk"
set :django_admin_media, "/django/contrib/admin/media"
set :domain, ""
role :app, domain
role :web, domain
role :db, domain, :primary => true
# If you use a custom SSH port (a good idea):
# ssh_options[:port] = 22
# --------
# Commands
# --------
namespace :deploy do
desc "Update project from repository"
task :default do
stream "cd #{deploy_to}; git pull"
desc "Setup a new project"
task :cold do
stream "git clone #{repository} #{deploy_to};"
end # Deploy
desc "Link Admin media to the project static/ folder"
task :admin_media do
stream "ln -s #{django_location}#{django_admin_media} #{deploy_to}/public/static/base_admin"
after "deploy:cold", "admin_media"
desc "Remove *.pyc files"
task :delpyc do
stream 'cd #{deploy_to};find . -type f -name "*.pyc" -exec rm -fv {} \;'
after "deploy", "delpyc"
desc "Restart Apache"
task :restart do
sudo "/etc/init.d/apache2 restart"
after "deploy", "restart"
# desc "Set SQLite3 permissions for Apache user"
# task :sqlite_perms do
# sudo "chgrp -R www-data #{deploy_to}/db; chmod -R 775 #{deploy_to}/db"
# end
desc "Make sure database is in sync with models"
task :syncdb do
stream "#{deploy_to}/ syncdb"
# desc "Don't use this"
# task :wipe_deployment do
# stream "rm -rf #{deploy_to}"
# end
# ----
# Misc
# ----
desc "Find the location of Python's site-packages folder"
task :site_packages do
stream "python -c 'from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()'"
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