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Created October 28, 2009 15:57
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Appendix A of Crush It! by Gary Vaynerchuk
1. Identify your passion.
2. Make sure you can think of at least fifty awesome blog topics to ensure stickiness.
3. Answer the following questions:
- Am I sure my passion is what I think it is?
- Can I talk about it better than anyone else?
4. Name your personal brand. You don't have to refer to it anywhere in your content, but you should have a clear idea of what it is. For example, "The no-bs real-estate agent," "The connoisseur of cookware," "The cool guide to young-adult books boys will love to read."
5. Buy your and .tv, if possible--at
6. Choose your medium: video, audio, written word.
7. Start a Wordpress[sic] or Tumblr account.
8. Hire a designer.
9. Include a Facebook Connect link, Call-to-Action buttons, Share Functions, and a button that invites people to do business with you in a prominent place on your blog.
10. Create a Facebook fan page.
11. Sign up for or TubeMogul and select all of the platforms to which you want to distribute your content. Choosing Twitter and Facebook is imperative; the others you can select according to your needs and preference.
12. Post your content.
13. Start creating community by leaving comments on other people's blogs and forums and replying to comments to your own comment.
14. Use Twitter Search (or Search.Twitter) to find as many people as possible talking about your topic, and communicate with them.
15. Use to find more blogs that are relevant to your subject.
16. Join as many active Facbook fan pages and groups relating to your blog topic as possible.
17. Repeat steps 12 through 16 over and over and over and over and over.
18. Do it again.
19. And again.
20. When you feel your personal brand has gained sufficient attention and stickiness, start reaching out to advertisers and begin monetizing.
21. Enjoy the ride.
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