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Last active November 18, 2015 09:41
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Using atoms in Clojure
;A map stored in an atom
(def register (atom {}))
;An item to register
(defrecord register-item [item-name time-added])
(defn addSomethingToRegister [item-name register]
;Do the following inside a let
;create new register-item and assing to ref item
[item (->register-item item-name (Date.))]
;create a new map by adding the new item to the existing register map
;use swap to replace the map inside the register atom
(swap! register #(assoc % (:item-name item) item))
; return the created item - last expresion inside the let is always returned
;To use it
(addSomethingToRegister "1" register)
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A little example of using atoms in clojure.

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