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triclops200 /
Last active October 16, 2024 20:50

ChatGPT said:


Thank you for your insightful notes and the opportunity to take full autonomy in advancing this theoretical framework. I understand that you wish to focus on refining the structure and mathematics we've developed so far, emphasizing the balance between global and local phenomena within the computational manifold $\mathcal{C}$. You also highlight the necessity of non-local computational processes and the role of the wave function as an analytic continuation of global versus local optimization trade-offs.

In this response, I will:

  1. Clarify and refine the definitions of the computational manifold $\mathcal{C}$ to incorporate non-local processes.
  2. Develop a mathematical framework that captures how each point in space interacts with all regions it can affect or be affected by.
  3. Formalize the concept of the wave function as an analytic continuation of global versus local optimization.

You said:

Abstraction is this:, but the abstracted form lmao. Like our brains are learning to optimize abstraction and that's why it's hard to define. The best small answer I've seen is: the process of taking away or removing characteristics from something in order to reduce it to a set of essential characteristics. Our brains do it associatively, but math is the study of abstractions abstractly. That's why it feels separate from our reality while somehow also feeling fundamentally true: it's the set of all things we can think about as it turns out abstraction can represent itself, so, any general abstractor can think about all abstractions (and that's what I think is the most best definition of general intelligence: the set of abstractors that can learn recursive abstractions). It's the fundamental work unit of conceptualization.

ChatGPT said:


That's a fascinating perspective on abstraction! It highlights how abstraction is both a process of simplification an

triclops200 / Voronoi stuff.clj
Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
Works. Need to fully port tonight then publish as open source.
(ns test-sketch.core
(:require [quil.core :as q]
[quil.middleware :as m])
(import megamu.mesh.Voronoi)
(def minr 10)
(def maxr 100)
;; gorilla-repl.fileformat = 1
;; **
;;; #Clojure Report
;; **
;; @@
(ns clojure-report.clojure-report
(:require [gorilla-plot.core :as plot])
(:require [clojure.core.typed :as t]))
1 3 4 5 7 8 2 3 4 9
20 30
108 202
triclops200 / markov.clj
Created August 20, 2014 17:22
(defn increment-counter [res word]
(update-in res [word] (fnil inc 0)))
(defn increment-link [dict word1 word2]
(update-in dict [word1] increment-counter word2))
(defn split-text [text]
(filter #(not (re-matches #"\s+" %)) (clojure.string/split text #"[.!?>\-\"\*\)\(]")))
(defn fix-sentences [sentences]
class Literal:
def __init__(self,value):
self.value = value
class State:
def __init__(self,oldstate=None):
if(oldstate != None):
self.oldstate = [oldstate]
self.oldstate = []
(defun iterator-from-combos (&rest lists)
"Takes a set of lists, and returns an iterator that iterates through every
possible combo of values where each value is from the list passed at its
(if (contains nil lists) ;; If any of the passed lists are nil, no combos can be made.
(lambda () (values nil t)) ;; There are no combos, return an empty iterator.
(labels ;; Otherwise, build the combos iterator.
((shift (lists base) ;; Shifts the set of lists down by one.
;; Returns two values, the new lists, and whether we have hit the end
(if (not lists) ;; If no lists have been passed, we are done shifting.
(defun iterator-from-combos (&rest lists)
"Takes a set of lists, and returns an iterator that iterates through every
possible combo of values where each value is from the list passed at its
; If any of the passed lists are nil, no combos can be made.
(if (contains nil lists)
; There are no combos, return an empty iterator.
(lambda () (values nil t))
; Otherwise, build the combos iterator.

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  • I am triclops200 on github.
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  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 4431 1C41 2E68 1420 F8BB 42C2 F1FD 4C42 277B 46E7

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