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Created May 4, 2020 12:32
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make printf work (arduino)
// from
#include "fix-printf.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#if ARDUINO >= 100
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "WProgram.h"
// Function that printf and related will use to print
static int serial_putchar(char c, FILE *f)
return 1;
// Function that scanf and related will use to read
static int serial_getchar(FILE *)
// Wait until character is avilable
while(Serial.available() <= 0) {}
extern "C" {
#include <stdio.h>
void stdio_init()
static FILE serial_stdinout = { .buf = NULL, .unget = 0, .flags = _FDEV_SETUP_RW, .size = 0, .len = 0, .put = serial_putchar, .get = serial_getchar, .udata = 0 };
// Set up stdout and stdin
stdout = &serial_stdinout;
stdin = &serial_stdinout;
stderr = &serial_stdinout;
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