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Created October 24, 2021 16:23
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Automatic and corrected translation of Paladin1991/Last-Xmonad eww config
;; Close button
(defwidget Close []
(box :orientation "h" :space-evenly "true" :halign "start" :valign "center"
(button :class "close-app" :onclick "eww close hobby & eww close weather" :tooltip "Close" " Close")))
;; Calendar
(defwidget Calendar []
(box :class "calendar" :orientation "h" :space-evenly "true"
(box :class "calendarwin" :orientation "v" :space-evenly "false"
(button :onclick "eww close calendar" :tooltip "Closer" :class "icon-calendar" date)
(calendar :show-day-names "true" :show-heading "true"))))
;; Weather
(defwidget Weather []
(box :orientation "v" :class "weather-panel" :space-evenly "false"
(label :class "city" :text city :halign "center")
(label :class "weatherstatus" :text weather-status)
(label :class "weather-icon" :text weathericons)
(label :class "weathertemp" :text weather-temp)
(box :orientation "v"
(box :orientation "h"
(label :class "weatherspeed" :text weather-speed)
(label :class "moon" :text moon)))))
;; Settings
(defwidget Settings []
(box :orientation "h" :class "user-info" :space-evenly "false"
(label :class "actual-user" :text User)
(button :onclick "eww open power & eww close settings" :class "power-button" "")))
;; Side bar settings
(defwidget Disp2 []
(box :orientation "v" :class "disp2" :space-evenly "false"
(button :onclick "eww close settings" :class "user-image")
(button :onclick "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/mode" :class "mode-settings" :tooltip "Mode" mode)
(label :text "Mode" :class "disp-description")
(button :onclick "feh -g 995x510+300+160 --zoom 30 ~/Imagens/* & eww close settings" :class "wall-button" "")
(label :text "Wallpapers" :class "disp-description")
(button :onclick "eww open calendar & eww close settings" :class "calendar-button" "")
(label :text "Calendar" :class "disp-description")
(button :onclick "eww open weather & eww close settings" :class "weather-button" "")
(label :text "Weather" :class "disp-description")
(button :onclick "eww open weather & eww close settings" :class "weather-button" "")
(label :text "Monitor" :class "disp-description")))
;; Settings Volume
(defwidget Settings-Volume []
(box :orientation "v" :halign "start" :class "settings-volume" :space-evenly "true"
(scale :orientation "h"
:flipped "false"
:min "0"
:max "100"
:value "{{volume}}"
:onchange "amixer -D pulse sset Master {}%")
(box :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false"
(label :text "${volume}%" :class "settings-label-perc" :space-evenly "false")
(label :class "separator-volume-settings")
(button :class "settings-label-vol" :onclick "amixer -q set Master toggle" Status)
(button :onclick "pavucontrol &" :class "settings-label-vol" :tooltip "Settings" ""))
;; Screenshots
(defwidget Screenshot []
(box :orientation "v" :space-evenly "false" :class "label-screenshot"
(label :text "Take a Screenshot")
(box :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :class "screenshot"
(button :onclick "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/shots now" :class "settings-shot" :tooltip "Instant" "")
(button :onclick "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/shots teen" :class "settings-shot" :tooltip "10 seconds" "")
(button :onclick "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/shots tree" :class "settings-shot" :tooltip "3 seconds" "")
(button :onclick "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/shots copy" :class "settings-shot" :tooltip "Select a window" ""))))
;; Power Manager
(defwidget Power []
(box :orientation "v" :halign "start" :valign "start" :space-evenly "false" :class "power-menu"
(button :onclick "eww close power" :class "icon_user" :halign "center" :valign "start" :style "background-image: url('Icons/user.png')")
(label :text User :class "power-user")
(label :text Time :class "power-time")
(box :orientation "h" :halign "center" :valign "center" :class "power-control" :space-evenly "false"
(button :onclick "shutdown now" :class "button_power" :halign "center" :valign "center")
(button :onclick "reboot" :class "button_reboot" :halign "center" :valign "center")
(button :onclick "pkill -u -9 $USER" :class "button_exit" :halign "center" :valign "center"))))
;; Bottom bar
(defwidget Bottom-bar []
(box :orientation "h" :class "bottom-bar" :space-evenly "false"
(button :onclick "rofi -theme ~/.config/rofi/launcher.rasi -show drun &" :tooltip "Menu" :class "menu" "")
(button :onclick "eww open hobby" :tooltip "Social (Press Super+a to close)" :class "share-button" " Share")
(button :onclick "eww open settings" :class "settings-button" :tooltip "Settings" " Settings")
(box :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :class "playerspotify"
(label :class "separator")
(button :onclick "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/spotify ART & eww open spotify" :tooltip "Click once to view the album art!" :class "icon-spotify" :halign "center" :valign "center" :style "background-image: url('{{image}}')")
(box :class "metadata" :orientation "v" :space-evenly "true" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "spotify-meta" :tooltip spotify_artist " ${midia-playing}")))))
;; Left bar
(defwidget Disp []
(box :orientation "v" :class "disp" :space-evenly "false"
(button :onclick "eww open calendar" :class "disp-time" :tooltip "Calendar" Time-Settings)
(label :class "disp-separator")
(button :onclick "spotify &" :class "disp-app" :tooltip "Spotify music" :style "background-image: url('Icons/Panel/spotify.svg')")
(button :onclick "xfce4-terminal &" :class "disp-app" :tooltip "Terminal" :style "background-image: url('Icons/Panel/terminal.svg')")
(button :onclick "subl &" :class "disp-app" :tooltip "Editor" :style "background-image: url('Icons/Panel/sublime.svg')")
(button :onclick "firefox &" :class "disp-app" :tooltip "Web Browser" :style "background-image: url('Icons/Panel/firefox.svg')")))
;; Hobby
;; Applicatins for social panel "Facebook Instagram and Youtube"
(defwidget Hobby []
(box :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :class "hobby"
(button :onclick "xdg-open & eww close hobby" :class "face")
(button :onclick "xdg-open & eww close hobby" :class "insta")
(button :onclick "xdg-open & eww close hobby" :class "tube")))
;; Hobby2
;; Applicatins for social panel "Twitter Telegram and Discord"
(defwidget Hobby2 []
(box :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :class "hobby"
(button :onclick "xdg-open & eww close hobby" :class "twitter")
(button :onclick "telegram-desktop & eww close hobby" :class "tele")
(button :onclick "xdg-open & eww close hobby" :class "discord")))
;; Hobby3
;; Applicatins for social panel "Reddit Netiflix and Github"
(defwidget Hobby3 []
(box :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :class "hobby"
(button :onclick "xdg-open & eww close hobby" :class "red")
(button :onclick "xdg-open & eww close hobby" :class "net")
(button :onclick "xdg-open & eww close hobby" :class "git")))
;; Volume
(defwidget Volume []
<box orientation="h" halign="start" class="volume" space-evenly="false">
(button :class "label-vol" :onclick "amixer -q set Master toggle" Status)
<scale orientation="h"
onchange="amixer -D pulse sset Master {}%"/>
;; Spotify
(defwidget Spotify []
<box orientation="v" space-evenly="false" class="spot-widget">
<button onclick="eww close spotify"
style="background-image: url('{{image}}')">
;; Spotify control music
(defwidget Control []
<box orientation="h" class="spoti-control" space-evenly="true">
<button onclick="playerctl previous"
halign="center" valign="center"
style="background-image: url('Icons/Candy/previous.svg')">
<button onclick="playerctl play-pause"
halign="center" valign="center"
style="background-image: url('{{spot-status}}')">
<button onclick="playerctl next"
halign="center" valign="center"
style="background-image: url('Icons/Candy/next.svg')">
;; Highlight
(defwidget Highligh []
(box :orientation "v" :space-evenly "false" :class "highlight"
(label :text "Highligh Colors")
(box :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :class "highlight-colors"
(button :class "highlight-use1" :onclick "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/highlight red")
(button :class "highlight-use2" :onclick "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/highlight green")
(button :class "highlight-use3" :onclick "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/highlight purple")
(button :class "highlight-use4" :onclick "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/highlight orange")
(button :class "highlight-use5" :onclick "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/highlight blue")
(button :class "highlight-use6" :onclick "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/highlight cyan"))))
;; Variables
(defpoll spotify_artist :interval "1s" "echo -e \" ARTIST: `playerctl metadata artist`\n TITLE: `playerctl metadata title`\"")
(defpoll spot-status :interval "1s" "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/spotify SPOT")
(defpoll midia-playing :interval "1s" "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/spotify PLAYING")
(defpoll spot-art :interval "1s" "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/spotify ART")
(defpoll image :interval "1s" "echo /tmp/spotify/cover.png")
;; PopUp de volume chamado no icone de volume da barra lateral
(defpoll volume :interval "1s" "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/volume VOLUME")
(defpoll Status :interval "1ms" "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/volume VOLUME_ICON")
;; Mode
(defpoll mode :interval "1h" "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/current-mode")
(defpoll User :interval "72h" "echo \"$USER@`uname -n`\"")
(defpoll Time :interval "1s" "date '+%H:%M:%S'")
(defpoll Time-Settings :interval "1s" "date '+%H:%M'")
(defpoll Date :interval "1h" "date '+%A, %d de %B de %Y'")
;; Data exibida no calendario
(defpoll date :interval "72h" "date '+%Y'")
;; Icone que representa o status do clima
(defpoll weathericons :interval "1s" "echo -e \"`curl`\"")
;; Nome da cidade de onde a previsao do clima esta sendo feita
(defpoll city :interval "24h" "curl")
;; Status do clima
(defpoll weather-status :interval "1h" "curl")
;; Temperatura
(defpoll weather-temp :interval "1h" "curl")
;; Velocidade do vento
(defpoll weather-speed :interval "1h" "curl")
;; Fazes da lua
(defpoll moon :interval "1h" "curl")
;; Windows
(defwindow bottom-bar :stacking "bg"
:geometry (geometry :x 230 :y 700 :width 0 :height 0)
;; Left bar
(defwindow disp :stacking "bg" :focusable "false"
:geometry (geometry :x 230 :y 160 :width 0 :height 0)
;; Power menu
(defwindow power :stacking "bg"
:geometry (geometry :x 300 :y 160 :width 0 :height 0)
;; Hobby
(defwindow hobby :stacking "bg"
:geometry (geometry :x 300 :y 160 :widget 0 :height 0)
(box :orientation "v" :space-evenly "false"
;; Music;; Spotify
(defwindow spotify :stacking "bg"
:geometry (geometry :x 1073 :y 310 :width 0 :height 0)
(box :orientation "v" :space-evenly "false"
(defwindow settings :stacking "bg"
:geometry (geometry :x 300 :y 160 :width 0 :height 0)
(box :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :lass "\"
(box :orientation "v" :space-evenly "false" :class "box-settings"
;; Calendar
(defwindow calendar :stacking "bg"
:geometry (geometry :x 300 :y 160 :width 0 :height 0)
(box :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :class "box-calendar"
;; Weather
(defwindow weather :stacking "bg"
:geometry (geometry :x 300 :y 160 :width 0 :height 0)
(box :orientation "v" :space-evenly "false" :class "box-weather"
;; --*- Mode: Lisp -*--
;; Close button
(defwidget Close []
(box :orientation "h" :space-evenly "true" :halign "start" :valign "center"
(button :class "close-app" :onclick "eww close hobby & eww close weather" :tooltip "Close" " Close")))
;; Calendar
(defwidget Calendar []
(box :class "calendar" :orientation "h" :space-evenly "true"
(box :class "calendarwin" :orientation "v" :space-evenly "false"
(button :onclick "eww close calendar" :tooltip "Closer" :class "icon-calendar" date)
(calendar :show-day-names "true" :show-heading "true"))))
;; Weather
(defwidget Weather []
(box :orientation "v" :class "weather-panel" :space-evenly "false"
(label :class "city" :text city :halign "center")
(label :class "weatherstatus" :text weather-status)
(label :class "weather-icon" :text weathericons)
(label :class "weathertemp" :text weather-temp)
(box :orientation "v"
(box :orientation "h"
(label :class "weatherspeed" :text weather-speed)
(label :class "moon" :text moon)))))
;; Settings
(defwidget Settings []
(box :orientation "h" :class "user-info" :space-evenly "false"
(label :class "actual-user" :text User)
(button :onclick "eww open power & eww close settings" :class "power-button" "")))
;; Side bar settings
(defwidget Disp2 []
(box :orientation "v" :class "disp2" :space-evenly "false"
(button :onclick "eww close settings" :class "user-image")
(button :onclick "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/mode" :class "mode-settings" :tooltip "Mode" mode)
(label :text "Mode" :class "disp-description")
(button :onclick "feh -g 995x510+300+160 --zoom 30 ~/Imagens/* & eww close settings" :class "wall-button" "")
(label :text "Wallpapers" :class "disp-description")
(button :onclick "eww open calendar & eww close settings" :class "calendar-button" "")
(label :text "Calendar" :class "disp-description")
(button :onclick "eww open weather & eww close settings" :class "weather-button" "")
(label :text "Weather" :class "disp-description")
(button :onclick "eww open weather & eww close settings" :class "weather-button" "")
(label :text "Monitor" :class "disp-description")))
;; Settings Volume
(defwidget Settings-Volume []
(box :orientation "v" :halign "start" :class "settings-volume" :space-evenly "true"
(scale :orientation "h"
:flipped "false"
:min "0"
:max "100"
:value "{{volume}}"
:onchange "amixer -D pulse sset Master {}%")
(box :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false"
(label :text "${volume}%" :class "settings-label-perc" :space-evenly "false")
(label :class "separator-volume-settings")
(button :class "settings-label-vol" :onclick "amixer -q set Master toggle" Status)
(button :onclick "pavucontrol &" :class "settings-label-vol" :tooltip "Settings" ""))
;; Screenshots
(defwidget Screenshot []
(box :orientation "v" :space-evenly "false" :class "label-screenshot"
(label :text "Take a Screenshot")
(box :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :class "screenshot"
(button :onclick "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/shots now" :class "settings-shot" :tooltip "Instant" "")
(button :onclick "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/shots teen" :class "settings-shot" :tooltip "10 seconds" "")
(button :onclick "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/shots tree" :class "settings-shot" :tooltip "3 seconds" "")
(button :onclick "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/shots copy" :class "settings-shot" :tooltip "Select a window" ""))))
;; Power Manager
(defwidget Power []
(box :orientation "v" :halign "start" :valign "start" :space-evenly "false" :class "power-menu"
(button :onclick "eww close power" :class "icon_user" :halign "center" :valign "start" :style "background-image: url('Icons/user.png')")
(label :text User :class "power-user")
(label :text Time :class "power-time")
(box :orientation "h" :halign "center" :valign "center" :class "power-control" :space-evenly "false"
(button :onclick "shutdown now" :class "button_power" :halign "center" :valign "center")
(button :onclick "reboot" :class "button_reboot" :halign "center" :valign "center")
(button :onclick "pkill -u -9 $USER" :class "button_exit" :halign "center" :valign "center"))))
;; Bottom bar
(defwidget Bottom-bar []
(box :orientation "h" :class "bottom-bar" :space-evenly "false"
(button :onclick "rofi -theme ~/.config/rofi/launcher.rasi -show drun &" :tooltip "Menu" :class "menu" "")
(button :onclick "eww open hobby" :tooltip "Social (Press Super+a to close)" :class "share-button" " Share")
(button :onclick "eww open settings" :class "settings-button" :tooltip "Settings" " Settings")
(box :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :class "playerspotify"
(label :class "separator")
(button :onclick "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/spotify ART & eww open spotify" :tooltip "Click once to view the album art!" :class "icon-spotify" :halign "center" :valign "center" :style "background-image: url('{{image}}')")
(box :class "metadata" :orientation "v" :space-evenly "true" :vexpand "false" :hexpand "false"
(button :class "spotify-meta" :tooltip spotify_artist " ${midia-playing}")))))
;; Left bar
(defwidget Disp []
(box :orientation "v" :class "disp" :space-evenly "false"
(button :onclick "eww open calendar" :class "disp-time" :tooltip "Calendar" Time-Settings)
(label :class "disp-separator")
(button :onclick "spotify &" :class "disp-app" :tooltip "Spotify music" :style "background-image: url('Icons/Panel/spotify.svg')")
(button :onclick "xfce4-terminal &" :class "disp-app" :tooltip "Terminal" :style "background-image: url('Icons/Panel/terminal.svg')")
(button :onclick "subl &" :class "disp-app" :tooltip "Editor" :style "background-image: url('Icons/Panel/sublime.svg')")
(button :onclick "firefox &" :class "disp-app" :tooltip "Web Browser" :style "background-image: url('Icons/Panel/firefox.svg')")))
;; Hobby
;; Applicatins for social panel "Facebook Instagram and Youtube"
(defwidget Hobby []
(box :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :class "hobby"
(button :onclick "xdg-open & eww close hobby" :class "face")
(button :onclick "xdg-open & eww close hobby" :class "insta")
(button :onclick "xdg-open & eww close hobby" :class "tube")))
;; Hobby2
;; Applicatins for social panel "Twitter Telegram and Discord"
(defwidget Hobby2 []
(box :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :class "hobby"
(button :onclick "xdg-open & eww close hobby" :class "twitter")
(button :onclick "telegram-desktop & eww close hobby" :class "tele")
(button :onclick "xdg-open & eww close hobby" :class "discord")))
;; Hobby3
;; Applicatins for social panel "Reddit Netiflix and Github"
(defwidget Hobby3 []
(box :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :class "hobby"
(button :onclick "xdg-open & eww close hobby" :class "red")
(button :onclick "xdg-open & eww close hobby" :class "net")
(button :onclick "xdg-open & eww close hobby" :class "git")))
;; Volume
(defwidget Volume []
(box :orientation "h" :halign "start" :class "volume" :space-evenly "false"
(button :class "label-vol" :onclick "amixer -q set Master toggle" Status)
(scale :orientation "h"
:flipped "false"
:min "0"
:max "100"
:value "{{volume}}"
:onchange "amixer -D pulse sset Master {}%")
;; Spotify
(defwidget Spotify []
(box :orientation "v" :space-evenly "false" :class "spot-widget"
(button :onclick "eww close spotify"
:class "art-album"
:halign "center"
:valign "center"
:style "background-image: url('{{image}}')")
;; Spotify control music
(defwidget Control []
(box :orientation "h" :class "spoti-control" :space-evenly "true"
(button :onclick "playerctl previous"
:class "spoti-control-music"
:halign "center" :valign "center"
:style "background-image: url('Icons/Candy/previous.svg')")
(button :onclick "playerctl play-pause"
:class "spoti-control-music"
:halign "center" :valign "center"
:style "background-image: url('{{spot-status}}')")
(button :onclick "playerctl next"
:class "spoti-control-music"
:halign "center" :valign "center"
:style "background-image: url('Icons/Candy/next.svg')"
;; Highlight
(defwidget Highligh []
(box :orientation "v" :space-evenly "false" :class "highlight"
(label :text "Highligh Colors")
(box :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :class "highlight-colors"
(button :class "highlight-use1" :onclick "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/highlight red")
(button :class "highlight-use2" :onclick "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/highlight green")
(button :class "highlight-use3" :onclick "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/highlight purple")
(button :class "highlight-use4" :onclick "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/highlight orange")
(button :class "highlight-use5" :onclick "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/highlight blue")
(button :class "highlight-use6" :onclick "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/highlight cyan"))))
;; Variables
(defpoll spotify_artist :interval "1s" "echo -e \" ARTIST: `playerctl metadata artist`\n TITLE: `playerctl metadata title`\"")
(defpoll spot-status :interval "1s" "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/spotify SPOT")
(defpoll midia-playing :interval "1s" "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/spotify PLAYING")
(defpoll spot-art :interval "1s" "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/spotify ART")
(defpoll image :interval "1s" "echo /tmp/spotify/cover.png")
;; PopUp de volume chamado no icone de volume da barra lateral
(defpoll volume :interval "1s" "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/volume VOLUME")
(defpoll Status :interval "1ms" "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/volume VOLUME_ICON")
;; Mode
(defpoll mode :interval "1h" "sh ~/.config/eww/scripts/current-mode")
(defpoll User :interval "72h" "echo \"$USER@`uname -n`\"")
(defpoll Time :interval "1s" "date '+%H:%M:%S'")
(defpoll Time-Settings :interval "1s" "date '+%H:%M'")
(defpoll Date :interval "1h" "date '+%A, %d de %B de %Y'")
;; Data exibida no calendario
(defpoll date :interval "72h" "date '+%Y'")
;; Icone que representa o status do clima
(defpoll weathericons :interval "1s" "echo -e \"`curl`\"")
;; Nome da cidade de onde a previsao do clima esta sendo feita
(defpoll city :interval "24h" "curl")
;; Status do clima
(defpoll weather-status :interval "1h" "curl")
;; Temperatura
(defpoll weather-temp :interval "1h" "curl")
;; Velocidade do vento
(defpoll weather-speed :interval "1h" "curl")
;; Fazes da lua
(defpoll moon :interval "1h" "curl")
;; Windows
(defwindow bottom-bar :stacking "bg"
:geometry (geometry :x 230 :y 700 :width 0 :height 0)
;; Left bar
(defwindow disp :stacking "bg" :focusable "false"
:geometry (geometry :x 230 :y 160 :width 0 :height 0)
;; Power menu
(defwindow power :stacking "bg"
:geometry (geometry :x 300 :y 160 :width 0 :height 0)
;; Hobby
(defwindow hobby :stacking "bg"
:geometry (geometry :x 300 :y 160 :widget 0 :height 0)
(box :orientation "v" :space-evenly "false"
;; Music;; Spotify
(defwindow spotify :stacking "bg"
:geometry (geometry :x 1073 :y 310 :width 0 :height 0)
(box :orientation "v" :space-evenly "false"
(defwindow settings :stacking "bg"
:geometry (geometry :x 300 :y 160 :width 0 :height 0)
(box :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :lass "\\"
(box :orientation "v" :space-evenly "false" :class "box-settings"
;; Calendar
(defwindow calendar :stacking "bg"
:geometry (geometry :x 300 :y 160 :width 0 :height 0)
(box :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :class "box-calendar"
;; Weather
(defwindow weather :stacking "bg"
:geometry (geometry :x 300 :y 160 :width 0 :height 0)
(box :orientation "v" :space-evenly "false" :class "box-weather"
--- automatic.yuck 2021-10-21 13:13:39.958320601 -0400
+++ corrected.yuck 2021-10-23 13:24:42.259279831 -0400
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+;; --*- Mode: Lisp -*--
;; Close button
@@ -131,48 +131,43 @@
;; Volume
(defwidget Volume []
- <box orientation="h" halign="start" class="volume" space-evenly="false">
+ (box :orientation "h" :halign "start" :class "volume" :space-evenly "false"
(button :class "label-vol" :onclick "amixer -q set Master toggle" Status)
- <scale orientation="h"
- flipped="false"
- min="0"
- max="100"
- value="{{volume}}"
- onchange="amixer -D pulse sset Master {}%"/>
- </box>)
+ (scale :orientation "h"
+ :flipped "false"
+ :min "0"
+ :max "100"
+ :value "{{volume}}"
+ :onchange "amixer -D pulse sset Master {}%")
+ ))
;; Spotify
(defwidget Spotify []
- <box orientation="v" space-evenly="false" class="spot-widget">
- <button onclick="eww close spotify"
- class="art-album"
- halign="center"
- valign="center"
- style="background-image: url('{{image}}')">
- </button>
- </box>)
+ (box :orientation "v" :space-evenly "false" :class "spot-widget"
+ (button :onclick "eww close spotify"
+ :class "art-album"
+ :halign "center"
+ :valign "center"
+ :style "background-image: url('{{image}}')")
+ ))
;; Spotify control music
(defwidget Control []
- <box orientation="h" class="spoti-control" space-evenly="true">
- <button onclick="playerctl previous"
- class="spoti-control-music"
- halign="center" valign="center"
- style="background-image: url('Icons/Candy/previous.svg')">
- </button>
- <button onclick="playerctl play-pause"
- class="spoti-control-music"
- halign="center" valign="center"
- style="background-image: url('{{spot-status}}')">
- </button>
- <button onclick="playerctl next"
- class="spoti-control-music"
- halign="center" valign="center"
- style="background-image: url('Icons/Candy/next.svg')">
- </button>
- </box>)
+ (box :orientation "h" :class "spoti-control" :space-evenly "true"
+ (button :onclick "playerctl previous"
+ :class "spoti-control-music"
+ :halign "center" :valign "center"
+ :style "background-image: url('Icons/Candy/previous.svg')")
+ (button :onclick "playerctl play-pause"
+ :class "spoti-control-music"
+ :halign "center" :valign "center"
+ :style "background-image: url('{{spot-status}}')")
+ (button :onclick "playerctl next"
+ :class "spoti-control-music"
+ :halign "center" :valign "center"
+ :style "background-image: url('Icons/Candy/next.svg')"
+ )))
;; Highlight
(defwidget Highligh []
@@ -260,7 +255,7 @@
(defwindow settings :stacking "bg"
:geometry (geometry :x 300 :y 160 :width 0 :height 0)
- (box :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :lass "\"
+ (box :orientation "h" :space-evenly "false" :lass "\\"
(box :orientation "v" :space-evenly "false" :class "box-settings"
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