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A short tutorial on how to use Vault in your Ansible workflow. Ansible-vault allows you to more safely store sensitive information in a source code repository or on disk.

Working with ansible-vault

I've been using a lot of Ansible lately and while almost everything has been great, finding a clean way to implement ansible-vault wasn't immediately apparent.

What I decided on was the following: put your secret information into a vars file, reference that vars file from your task, and encrypt the whole vars file using ansible-vault encrypt.

Let's use an example: You're writing an Ansible role and want to encrypt the spoiler for the movie Aliens.

Your Ansible role should have the following structure similar to the following:

	├── tasks
	│   └── main.yml
	└── vars
		    └── spoilers.yml

First, put your spoiler text in a roles/aliens/vars/spoilers.yml:

spoiler_text: | 
  people run into some space aliens
  and they end up fighting them

(Note the pipe, followed by the new line with text indented by two spaces. This allows you to easily put multi-line text into a variable.)

Then, reference your spoiler_text variable in your task:

- include_vars: spoilers.yml

- name: Put the spoiler text in the tmp directory on the remote server.

Encrypt your spoilers file using your vault password file on the command line:

$ ansible-vault encrypt roles/aliens/vars/spoilers.yml --vault-password-file ~/.vault_pass.txt
Encryption successful

You can now safely put this file in your source control without spoiling the movie for everyone.

$ head -n3 aliens/vars/spoilers.yml

Then, given a playbook that looks like:

# file: movies.yml
- hosts: all

    - { role: aliens }

You can now run this against your server:

$ ansible-playbook -i inventory/development.hosts playbooks/movies.yml --vault-password-file ~/.vault_pass.txt

That's it! Hop on the server and you can see that the decrypted content is there on disk:

remote_server$ cat /tmp/spoiler_text.txt 
people run into some space aliens
and they end up fighting them

This is useful for more than just movie spoilers -- I use this approach to copy over my deploy-keys to make continuous integration and simple deployments a reality.

26-April-2016 edit: There's now a "best practice" document that may be interesting to you if you're reading this tutorial:

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dgolja commented Dec 1, 2015

hmmm but how can you reuse the same role on a different group of hosts with a different secret ?

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depend commented Dec 21, 2015

I wish all Ansible official documents were written like this...

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I am using ansible v we encrypt the file using ansible-vault. When we run the playbook as below, the file on the server is showing encrypted as well. Is this expected behaviour? or the file is supposed to be in decrypted plain text format?

ansible-playbook -i inventory/ jenkins_mesos_master.yml --vault-password-file vault_pass.txt


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Just thought I'd chime into a really nice post...


I like to put my vault files in either ./group_vars/all/vault.yml or ./host_vars/ This way I avoid any include_vars for my playbooks. I actually put all my variables in those paths. Just another way of doing things (heart ansible).

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For real thanks! This should be in Ansible's documentation for vault. I'm glad you took care of it for them ;)

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xamox commented Jun 2, 2016


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zx1986 commented Aug 21, 2016

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therealmarv commented Jan 28, 2017

There is something important missing: no_log: true. For vault encrypted stuff it is useful to hide log output (because it's a secret) ;) otherwise it can be made visible with -vvvv in the deployment logs or maybe in error messages.

This would be better:

- include_vars: spoilers.yml
  no_log: true

- name: Put the spoiler text in the tmp directory on the remote server.
  no_log: true

I've also written a blog post about this topic 2015:

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Thanks, nice explanation

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TumTum commented Feb 28, 2017


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Hey, you just spoiled Aliens ;-) Thanks for those explanations !

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There's also ansible-vault encrypt_string available now. You may inline encrypted values by injecting them into your yaml files with !vault tag.
N.B. Use v2.3.1.0+ for this.

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Damn nice document. And great follow up comments like encrypt_string features.

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This is a fantastic little tutorial. Thank you so much!

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luisffc commented Sep 11, 2017

Awesome! Helped a lot

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This little tutorial was incredible helpful thanks!!

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Thanks for sharing! Great post to help get started and understand how vault works!

  • cheers!

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Thanks ! Great post

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sgnl commented Apr 26, 2018

Very nice Thanks

(someone update the header markdown code plz lol)

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thanks for sharing!

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@sgnl Sorry, fixed the cosmetic typo in the markdown.

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yungezz commented Jun 4, 2018

thanks for sharing, very useful!

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siseko commented Aug 18, 2018

@tristanfisher Great write up thank you! What's best practice for managing vault passwords if you're in a team? My teammates would need to know the vault password to run playbooks.

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queglay commented Feb 23, 2019

This is great! my only question as someone new to this would be including an example of the ~/ansible_pass.txt file too.

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@queglay its simply a file with an encrypted password in it
@siseko maybe a shared pwd manager with a decent enterprise solution ... lastpass ?

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Still helpful in 2020, thanks!

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petrmalkov commented Oct 27, 2020

how to create empty encrypted vault file from playbook?

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mrchief commented Nov 7, 2020

You can also use a tool like groupsecret to share vault password between team members

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ztnel commented Apr 22, 2021


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