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  • Save trivedisorabh/65a9ff8a42948d1b5dc03b3f739859a9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save trivedisorabh/65a9ff8a42948d1b5dc03b3f739859a9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Get an update on console as soon as a slot opens up in . Login to the website and then run this script on Console.
// This script will alert you whenever some slot opens up on the given date within the given pincodes
// Change the pincodes to your needs as per your city
// Change the dateArr to add your convinent set of dates
// For further update do checkout
// How To setup Video ->
// Steps to use
// 1. Update Config
// 2. Login to
// 3. Rigt Click on the website
// 4. Click on Inspect
// 5. Open the Console Tab on your Inspect window
// 6. Copy paste the contents of this entire file - cowin_schedule_v2.js
// 7. Press Enter
// It will run every 10 seconds and check for availability of slots.
// Config
// ------
var pincodes = ["560076", "560062", "560020", "560078", "560001", "560017", "560027", "560064", "560071", "560084"];
var dateArr = ["03-05-2021", "04-05-2021"];
var trialCounter = 1;
const sleepNow = (delay) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, delay))
function httpGet(theUrl)
var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); "GET", theUrl, false ); // false for synchronous request
xmlHttp.send( null );
return xmlHttp.responseText;
async function fetchByPincode() {
console.log("Check: ", trialCounter++);
for (i=0;i < pincodes.length; i++) {
for (j=0; j < dateArr.length; j++) {
url = ""+pincodes[i]+"&date="+dateArr[j];
await sleepNow(1100);
a = httpGet(url);
try {
a = JSON.parse(a)
} catch(e) {
for (c in a.centers) {
for (s in a.centers[c].sessions) {
if (a.centers[c].sessions[s].min_age_limit < 45 && a.centers[c].sessions[s].available_capacity > 0) {
console.log("Trying Booking for", a.centers[c].pincode, a.centers[c].name, a.centers[c].sessions[s].available_capacity);
var audio = new Audio('');;
await sleepNow(10000);
console.log('Script Initialising');
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