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Created November 19, 2016 14:24
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export abstract class Either<T, U>{
abstract isRight(): boolean;
abstract fold<X>(l: (t: T) => X, r: (u: U) => X): X;
isLeft(): boolean{
return !this.isRight();
map<B>(f: (U) => B): Either<T, B>{
return this.fold(
(l) => <Either<T, B>><any> this, (r) => new Right(f(r))
flatMap<B>(f: (U) => Either<T, B>): Either<T, B>{
return this.fold(
(l) => <Either<T, B>><any> this, (r) => f(r)
map2<B, C>(b: Either<T, B>, f: (a: U, b: B) => C): Either<T, C>{
return this.fold(
(l) => <Either<T, C>><any> this, (r) => b.flatMap((bb) => new Right(f(r, bb)))
export class Left<T, U> extends Either<T, never>{
constructor(private t: T){
isRight(): boolean{
return false;
fold<X>(l: (t: T) => X, r: (u: U) => X): X{
return l(this.t);
export class Right<T, U> extends Either<never, U>{
constructor(private u: U ){
isRight(): boolean{
return true;
fold<X>(l: (t: T) => X, r: (u: U) => X): X{
return r(this.u);
import {Either, Right, Left} from './Either'
type Name = string;
type Age = number;
type Person = {readonly name: Name, readonly age: Age };
const mkName = (name: string): Either<string, Name> => {
if(name === "" || name == null) return new Left("Name is empty")
else return new Right<string, Name>(name)
const mkAge = (age: number): Either<string, Age> => {
if(age < 0) return new Left("Age is out of range")
else return new Right<string, Age>(age)
const mkPerson = (name: string, age: number): Either<string, Person> => mkName(name).map2(mkAge(age), (a,b) => {return {name: a, age: b}})
console.log(mkPerson("knhr__", -99))
console.log(mkPerson("", 99))
console.log(mkPerson("knhr__", 27))
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