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Tomasz Karbownicki trojkat

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Julynx /
Last active February 27, 2025 16:06
15 Python Tips To Take Your Code To The Next Level!
raysan5 /
Last active February 16, 2025 01:13
A small state-of-the-art study on custom engines



A couple of weeks ago I played (and finished) A Plague Tale, a game by Asobo Studio. I was really captivated by the game, not only by the beautiful graphics but also by the story and the locations in the game. I decided to investigate a bit about the game tech and I was surprised to see it was developed with a custom engine by a relatively small studio. I know there are some companies using custom engines but it's very difficult to find a detailed market study with that kind of information curated and updated. So this article.

Nowadays lots of companies choose engines like Unreal or Unity for their games (or that's what lot of people think) because d

steven2358 /
Last active March 1, 2025 23:05
FFmpeg cheat sheet
chlab /
Last active April 28, 2021 09:48
vue webpack boilerplate: how to add env-specific build targets

When using the vue-webpack-boilerplate, you will have only a production build by default (besides dev and test setups). My team often has at least another environment we call "staging" where the client can test new features before we move them to production. Oftentimes, these environments will have env-specific config values, like a different API URL.

With the changes outlined below, you can create a separate config per environment. This assumes you've created a Vue.js project with vue-webpack-boilerplate.

  1. Apply the changes to the corresponding files in your project as outlined below
  2. Now, when you run npm run build staging it will build your project with the config values specific to your staging environment. You can easily add any number of other environments and build them the same way. npm run build or npm run build production will still build your production environment.
mattiaslundberg / arch-linux-install
Last active February 10, 2025 13:16
Minimal instructions for installing arch linux on an UEFI system with full system encryption using dm-crypt and luks
# Install ARCH Linux with encrypted file-system and UEFI
# The official installation guide ( contains a more verbose description.
# Download the archiso image from
# Copy to a usb-drive
dd if=archlinux.img of=/dev/sdX bs=16M && sync # on linux
# Boot from the usb. If the usb fails to boot, make sure that secure boot is disabled in the BIOS configuration.
# Set swedish keymap
jexchan /
Created April 10, 2012 15:00
Multiple SSH keys for different github accounts

Multiple SSH Keys settings for different github account

create different public key

create different ssh key according the article Mac Set-Up Git

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "[email protected]"
skyl /
Created February 1, 2012 05:03
Django Template macros with args and kwargs
# templatetags/ - Support for macros in Django templates
# Based on snippet by
# Author: Michal Ludvig <[email protected]>
# modified for args and kwargs by Skylar Saveland