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Created September 24, 2022 22:54
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struct DebugVertex {
float3 position : POSITION;
float4 colour : COLOR;
struct DebugVertexUniforms {
float4x4 worldToProjection;
[[vk::push_constant]] DebugVertexUniforms uniforms;
struct DebugVertexInOut {
float4 position : SV_Position;
float4 colour : COLOR0;
DebugVertexInOut DebugDrawPass_Vertex(DebugVertex debugVertex) {
DebugVertexInOut output;
output.position = mul(uniforms.worldToProjection, float4(debugVertex.position, 1));
output.colour = debugVertex.colour; // inverseToneMap(debugVertex.colour);
return output;
float4 DebugDrawPass_Fragment(DebugVertexInOut input) : SV_Target {
return input.colour;
struct DebugPointVertex {
float3 position : POSITION;
float4 colour : COLOR;
float size : PSIZE;
struct DebugPointVertexInOut {
float4 position : SV_Position;
float4 colour : COLOR0;
[[vk::builtin("PointSize")]] float size : PSIZE;
DebugPointVertexInOut DebugDrawPass_VertexPoint(DebugPointVertex debugVertex) {
DebugPointVertexInOut output;
output.position = mul(uniforms.worldToProjection, float4(debugVertex.position, 1));
output.colour = debugVertex.colour; // inverseToneMap(debugVertex.colour);
output.size = debugVertex.size;
return output;
float4 DebugDrawPass_FragmentPoint(DebugPointVertexInOut input) : SV_Target {
return input.colour;
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