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Created September 24, 2022 22:52
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import SubstrateMath
import SubstrateUtilities
public final class DebugDraw {
public struct DrawStyle {
public static let defaultStyle : DrawStyle = DrawStyle(colour: RGBAColour(1), depthEnabled: false, wireframe: false)
public var colour : RGBAColour
public var depthEnabled : Bool
public var wireframe : Bool
public init(colour: RGBAColour, depthEnabled: Bool, wireframe: Bool) {
self.colour = colour
self.depthEnabled = depthEnabled
self.wireframe = wireframe
public struct DebugVertex {
public var x : Float
public var y : Float
public var z : Float
public var colour : UInt32
public init(x: Float, y: Float, z: Float, colour: UInt32) {
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.z = z
self.colour = colour
public init(position: Vector4f, colour: UInt32) {
self.x = position.x
self.y = position.y
self.z = position.z
self.colour = colour
public init(position: Vector3f, colour: UInt32) {
self.x = position.x
self.y = position.y
self.z = position.z
self.colour = colour
// Depth enabled vs depth disabled
public struct DebugDrawData {
public let allocator : AllocatorType
public let points : ExpandingBuffer<DebugVertex>
public let pointSizes : ExpandingBuffer<Float>
public let lines : ExpandingBuffer<DebugVertex>
public let wireframeTriangles : ExpandingBuffer<DebugVertex>
public let filledTriangles : ExpandingBuffer<DebugVertex>
// line strips, triangle strips?
init(allocator: AllocatorType) {
self.allocator = allocator
self.points = ExpandingBuffer(allocator: allocator)
self.pointSizes = ExpandingBuffer(allocator: allocator)
self.lines = ExpandingBuffer(allocator: allocator)
self.wireframeTriangles = ExpandingBuffer(allocator: allocator)
self.filledTriangles = ExpandingBuffer(allocator: allocator)
func clear() {
public struct DrawData {
public let depthEnabledData : DebugDrawData
public let depthDisabledData : DebugDrawData
init(allocator: AllocatorType) {
self.depthEnabledData = DebugDrawData(allocator: allocator)
self.depthDisabledData = DebugDrawData(allocator: allocator)
func addCube(transform: AffineMatrix<Float>, style: DrawStyle) {
let colour = style.colour.packed
let transformedVertices = [
Vector4f(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 1),
Vector4f(-0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1),
Vector4f(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 1),
Vector4f(-0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1),
Vector4f(0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 1),
Vector4f(0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1),
Vector4f(0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 1),
Vector4f(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1),
].map {
transform * $0
if style.wireframe {
let list = style.depthEnabled ? self.depthEnabledData.lines : self.depthDisabledData.lines
// yz plane at negative x
list.line(from: transformedVertices[0], to: transformedVertices[1], colour: colour)
list.line(from: transformedVertices[0], to: transformedVertices[2], colour: colour)
list.line(from: transformedVertices[1], to: transformedVertices[3], colour: colour)
list.line(from: transformedVertices[2], to: transformedVertices[3], colour: colour)
// yz plane at positive x
list.line(from: transformedVertices[4], to: transformedVertices[5], colour: colour)
list.line(from: transformedVertices[4], to: transformedVertices[6], colour: colour)
list.line(from: transformedVertices[5], to: transformedVertices[7], colour: colour)
list.line(from: transformedVertices[6], to: transformedVertices[7], colour: colour)
// negative x to positive x for each.
for i in 0..<4 {
list.line(from: transformedVertices[i], to: transformedVertices[4 + i], colour: colour)
} else {
let list = style.depthEnabled ? self.depthEnabledData.filledTriangles : self.depthDisabledData.filledTriangles
// at negative x
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[0], colour: colour))
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[1], colour: colour))
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[3], colour: colour))
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[0], colour: colour))
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[2], colour: colour))
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[3], colour: colour))
// at positive x
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[4], colour: colour))
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[5], colour: colour))
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[7], colour: colour))
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[4], colour: colour))
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[6], colour: colour))
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[7], colour: colour))
// at negative y
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[0], colour: colour))
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[1], colour: colour))
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[4], colour: colour))
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[1], colour: colour))
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[4], colour: colour))
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[5], colour: colour))
// at positive y
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[2], colour: colour))
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[3], colour: colour))
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[6], colour: colour))
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[3], colour: colour))
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[6], colour: colour))
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[7], colour: colour))
// at negative z
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[0], colour: colour))
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[2], colour: colour))
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[4], colour: colour))
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[2], colour: colour))
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[4], colour: colour))
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[6], colour: colour))
// at positive z
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[1], colour: colour))
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[3], colour: colour))
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[5], colour: colour))
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[3], colour: colour))
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[6], colour: colour))
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[7], colour: colour))
func addPlane(transform: AffineMatrix<Float>, style: DrawStyle) {
let colour = style.colour.packed
let transformedVertices = [
Vector4f(-0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 1),
Vector4f(-0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 1),
Vector4f( 0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 1),
Vector4f( 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 1),
].map {
transform * $0
if style.wireframe {
let list = style.depthEnabled ? self.depthEnabledData.lines : self.depthDisabledData.lines
list.line(from: transformedVertices[0], to: transformedVertices[1], colour: colour)
list.line(from: transformedVertices[0], to: transformedVertices[2], colour: colour)
list.line(from: transformedVertices[1], to: transformedVertices[3], colour: colour)
list.line(from: transformedVertices[2], to: transformedVertices[3], colour: colour)
} else {
let list = style.depthEnabled ? self.depthEnabledData.filledTriangles : self.depthDisabledData.filledTriangles
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[0], colour: colour))
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[1], colour: colour))
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[3], colour: colour))
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[0], colour: colour))
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[2], colour: colour))
list.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: transformedVertices[3], colour: colour))
func addLine(from: Vector3f, to: Vector3f, style: DrawStyle) {
let colour = style.colour.packed
let list = style.depthEnabled ? self.depthEnabledData.lines : self.depthDisabledData.lines
list.line(from: from, to: to, colour: colour)
func addPoint(at position: Vector3f, size: Float, style: DrawStyle) {
let colour = style.colour.packed
if style.depthEnabled {
self.depthEnabledData.points.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: position, colour: colour))
} else {
self.depthDisabledData.points.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(position: position, colour: colour))
@usableFromInline let drawData : DrawData
@usableFromInline var styleStack : [DrawStyle] = [DrawStyle.defaultStyle]
@usableFromInline var transformStack : [AffineMatrix<Float>] = [.identity]
var currentStyle : DrawStyle {
get {
return self.styleStack.last!
set {
var currentTransform : AffineMatrix<Float> {
get {
return self.transformStack.last!
set {
public init(allocator: AllocatorType) {
self.drawData = DrawData(allocator: allocator)
public func withStyle(style: (DrawStyle) -> DrawStyle, drawCommands: () -> ()) {
public func withStyle(_ style: DrawStyle, drawCommands: () -> ()) {
public func pushStyle() {
public func pushStyle(_ style: DrawStyle) {
public func popStyle() {
assert(self.styleStack.count > 1, "Unbalanced call to popStyle(); no matching pushStyle() call.")
public func pushTransform(_ transform: AffineMatrix<Float>) {
self.transformStack.append(self.currentTransform * transform)
public func popTransform() {
assert(self.transformStack.count > 1, "Unbalanced call to popTransform(); no matching pushTransform() call.")
public var colour : RGBAColour {
get {
return self.currentStyle.colour
set {
self.styleStack[self.styleStack.endIndex - 1].colour = newValue
public var depthEnabled : Bool {
get {
return self.currentStyle.depthEnabled
set {
self.styleStack[self.styleStack.endIndex - 1].depthEnabled = newValue
public var wireframe : Bool {
get {
return self.currentStyle.wireframe
set {
self.styleStack[self.styleStack.endIndex - 1].wireframe = newValue
public func point(position: Vector3f, size: Float = 1.0) {
let transformedPosition = self.currentTransform * Vector4f(position, 1)
self.drawData.addPoint(at:, size: size, style: self.currentStyle)
public func point(position: Vector3f, size: Float = 1.0, style: DrawStyle) {
withStyle(style) {
self.point(position: position, size: size)
public func line(from: Vector3f, to: Vector3f) {
let transformedFrom = (self.currentTransform * Vector4f(from, 1)).xyz
let transformedTo = (self.currentTransform * Vector4f(to, 1)).xyz
self.drawData.addLine(from: transformedFrom, to: transformedTo, style: self.currentStyle)
public func line(from: Vector3f, to: Vector3f, style: DrawStyle) {
withStyle(style) {
self.line(from: from, to: to)
func cone(centre: Vector3f, forward: Vector3f, radius: Float, angle: Angle<Float>, sphereCapped: Bool) {
self.pushTransform(AffineMatrix.lookAtInv(eye: centre, at: centre + forward))
defer { self.popTransform() }
let angleStep = 15 // degrees
let endCapRadius = radius * Angle.sin(angle)
let endCapDistance = radius * Angle.cos(angle)
let flatCapCentre = Vector3f(0, 0, endCapDistance)
let sphereCapCentre = Vector3f(0, 0, radius)
var startCapPoint : Vector3f? = nil
var previousCapPoint : Vector3f? = nil
var i = angleStep
while i <= 360 {
defer { i += angleStep }
let currentAngle = deg(Float(i))
let c = Angle.cos(currentAngle)
let s = Angle.sin(currentAngle)
let edgePoint = flatCapCentre + endCapRadius * Vector3f(c, s, 0.0)
if startCapPoint == nil {
startCapPoint = edgePoint
self.line(from:, to: edgePoint)
if let previousCapPoint = previousCapPoint {
self.line(from: edgePoint, to: previousCapPoint)
previousCapPoint = edgePoint
if sphereCapped {
var previousPoint = edgePoint
for j in (1...3).reversed() {
let sliceAngle = angle * Float(j)/4.0
let sliceRadius = radius * Angle.sin(sliceAngle)
let nextPoint = Vector3f(sliceRadius * c, sliceRadius * s, radius * Angle.cos(sliceAngle))
self.line(from: previousPoint, to: nextPoint)
previousPoint = nextPoint
self.line(from: previousPoint, to: sphereCapCentre)
} else {
self.line(from: edgePoint, to: flatCapCentre)
self.line(from: startCapPoint!, to: previousCapPoint!)
public func sphereCappedCone(sphere: Sphere<Float>, forward: Vector3f, angle: Angle<Float>) {
self.cone(centre: sphere.centre, forward: forward, radius: sphere.radius, angle: angle, sphereCapped: true)
public func sphereCappedCone(sphere: Sphere<Float>, forward: Vector3f, angle: Angle<Float>, style: DrawStyle) {
withStyle(style) {
self.sphereCappedCone(sphere: sphere, forward: forward, angle: angle)
public func cone(centre: Vector3f, forward: Vector3f, length: Float, angle: Angle<Float>) {
let radius = length / Angle.cos(angle)
self.cone(centre: centre, forward: forward, radius: radius, angle: angle, sphereCapped: false)
public func cone(centre: Vector3f, forward: Vector3f, length: Float, angle: Angle<Float>, style: DrawStyle) {
withStyle(style) {
self.cone(centre: centre, forward: forward, length: length, angle: angle)
public func sphere(_ sphere: Sphere<Float>) {
assert(self.currentStyle.wireframe == true, "Filled spheres are currently unsupported.")
let stepSize = 15
let radiusVec = Vector3f(0, 0, sphere.radius)
var cache = [Vector3f](repeating: sphere.centre + radiusVec, count: 360/stepSize)
var lastPoint = Vector3f(repeating: 0)
var temp = Vector3f(repeating: 0)
for i in stride(from: stepSize, through: 360, by: stepSize) {
let angle = Float(i) * Float.pi / 180.0
let s = sin(angle)
let c = cos(angle)
lastPoint.x = sphere.centre.x
lastPoint.y = sphere.centre.y + sphere.radius * s
lastPoint.z = sphere.centre.z + sphere.radius * c
for (n, j) in stride(from: stepSize, through: 360, by: stepSize).enumerated() {
let jAngle = Float(j) * Float.pi / 180.0
temp.x = sphere.centre.x + sin(jAngle) * sphere.radius * s
temp.y = sphere.centre.y + cos(jAngle) * sphere.radius * s
temp.z = lastPoint.z
self.line(from: lastPoint, to: temp)
self.line(from: lastPoint, to: cache[n])
cache[n] = lastPoint
lastPoint = temp
public func sphere(_ sphere: Sphere<Float>, style: DrawStyle) {
withStyle(style) {
public func box(position: Vector3f, scale: Vector3f, style: DrawStyle? = nil) {
let transform = self.currentTransform * AffineMatrix.scaleRotateTranslate(scale: scale, rotation: Quaternion.identity, translation: position) transform, style: style)
public func box(transform: AffineMatrix<Float>, style: DrawStyle? = nil) {
self.drawData.addCube(transform: transform, style: style ?? self.currentStyle)
public func orientedBox(_ oobb: OrientedBoundingBox<Float>, style: DrawStyle? = nil) { oobb.transform, style: style)
public func projectedBox(_ oobb: ProjectedBoundingBox<Float>, style: DrawStyle? = nil) {
let projectedVertices = [
Vector3f(-1, -1, -1),
Vector3f(-1, -1, 1),
Vector3f(-1, 1, -1),
Vector3f(-1, 1, 1),
Vector3f(1, -1, -1),
Vector3f(1, -1, 1),
Vector3f(1, 1, -1),
Vector3f(1, 1, 1),
].map { oobb.transform.multiplyAndProject($0) }
// yz plane at negative x
self.line(from: projectedVertices[0], to: projectedVertices[1], style: style ?? self.currentStyle)
self.line(from: projectedVertices[0], to: projectedVertices[2], style: style ?? self.currentStyle)
self.line(from: projectedVertices[1], to: projectedVertices[3], style: style ?? self.currentStyle)
self.line(from: projectedVertices[2], to: projectedVertices[3], style: style ?? self.currentStyle)
// yz plane at positive x
self.line(from: projectedVertices[4], to: projectedVertices[5], style: style ?? self.currentStyle)
self.line(from: projectedVertices[4], to: projectedVertices[6], style: style ?? self.currentStyle)
self.line(from: projectedVertices[5], to: projectedVertices[7], style: style ?? self.currentStyle)
self.line(from: projectedVertices[6], to: projectedVertices[7], style: style ?? self.currentStyle)
// negative x to positive x for each.
for i in 0..<4 {
self.line(from: projectedVertices[i], to: projectedVertices[4 + i], style: style ?? self.currentStyle)
public func axisAlignedBox(_ aabb: AxisAlignedBoundingBox<Float>, style: DrawStyle? = nil) {
let transform = self.currentTransform * AffineMatrix.scaleRotateTranslate(scale: aabb.size, rotation: Quaternion.identity, translation: aabb.centre) transform, style: style)
public func plane(transform: AffineMatrix<Float>, style: DrawStyle? = nil) {
let transform = self.currentTransform * transform
self.drawData.addPlane(transform: transform, style: style ?? self.currentStyle)
public func grid(position: Vector3f, xDir: Vector3f, yDir: Vector3f, size: Vector2f, step: Vector2f = Vector2f(repeating: 1.0), style: DrawStyle) {
withStyle(style) {
self.grid(position: position, xDir: xDir, yDir: yDir, size: size, step: step)
public func grid(position: Vector3f, xDir: Vector3f, yDir: Vector3f, size: Vector2f, step: Vector2f = Vector2f(repeating: 1.0)) {
let xSteps = Int(round(size.x / step.x))
let ySteps = Int(round(size.y / step.y))
var start = position //FIXME: Should be a single expression, but 'expression too complex'
start -= (size.x * 0.5 * xDir)
start -= (size.y * 0.5 * yDir)
let yEndOffset = size.x * xDir
let xEndOffset = size.y * yDir
for x in 0...xSteps {
let startOffset = step.x * Float(x) * xDir
let startPoint = start + startOffset
let endPoint = startPoint + xEndOffset
self.line(from: startPoint, to: endPoint)
for y in 0...ySteps {
let startOffset = step.y * Float(y) * yDir
let startPoint = start + startOffset
let endPoint = startPoint + yEndOffset
self.line(from: startPoint, to: endPoint)
public func flush() -> DrawData {
assert(self.styleStack.count == 1, "pushStyle() without corresponding popStyle()")
return self.drawData
extension ExpandingBuffer where Element == DebugDraw.DebugVertex {
public func line(from: Vector4f, to: Vector4f, colour: UInt32) {
self.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(x: from.x, y: from.y, z: from.z, colour: colour))
self.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(x: to.x, y: to.y, z: to.z, colour: colour))
public func line(from: Vector3f, to: Vector3f, colour: UInt32) {
self.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(x: from.x, y: from.y, z: from.z, colour: colour))
self.append(DebugDraw.DebugVertex(x: to.x, y: to.y, z: to.z, colour: colour))
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